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Where is Alex Collier now?

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posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:05 PM
His overall message is positive Ill give him that. But im still skeptical of his stories and claims.

I believe in backing up claims with proof. I do believe that we are not the only beings in the universe.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:46 PM
well after watching his latest videos, he has kinda lost me a bit. The thing that bugs me is when he talks about the Earth being hollow and the forces of gravity. It defies all that ive learnt. Ive just recently graduated university in the subject of geophysics, and we have conclusive evidence from seismic surveying that the earth is NOT hollow. we use large seismic events like earthquakes so that the waves can penetrate very deep within the earth to carry out such surveys.
so the question is, if he is incorrect about that, then what else is also??? shouldn't a more advance alien race know what is correct? i really really want to believe what he is saying, but this fact has got me thinking maybe he isnt all what he says he is.
just my 2 cents

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:04 AM
Alex does not make any money from the information he gives. Alex is in hiding from the people who dont want him to speak out the truth. Alex is not the only one that holds this great information, there are 3 other CONTACTEES.

I have been researching these claims since i first seen the interviews back in 97 and have to say, they coincide with the information i have been gathering for the best part of 30 years. YES, he is indeed telling the truth!!!

The problem i see is that the American Goverment have been and continue to control each and every one of us. ALL other Goverments are the same. Why do intelligent and rational human beings VOTE for these mindless, murdering thugs.

We ALL need to wake up to the fact that the lives we live is not the way forward, its not are purpose here on the planet to HATE each other, which is the way the White House has been and continue's to do so. Do you all not think its time to catch a grip on our lives and stand up to these A**holes or, would you rather continue in your daily routing and be led like a sheep? WAKE UP!!!!

Personally i am looking forward to December 2013 to see what exactly happens to us all.I just hope we dont get the Second Coming via a Hologram, as Alex has explained. The world would go into a frenzy!!!!

Take good care out there, and if i may leave you with a quote my Grandfather used and i continue to use >>

" i am who i am, my life is my own "

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:01 PM
I am still a bit confuse. Are Andromedan from 5th dimension? Aren't they the descended of Lyran, whome all the human race originated from? Shouldn't they be in 3rd dimension as well?

Are 3rd, 4th, 5th up to 12th dimensions all exists in the same universe (this universe)?

If our universe is moving up to 4th or 5th dimension on December in 2013, then there will be no more 3rd dimension? And every negative energy will be suck into black hole and cast out to form another 3rd dimension universe? Does that mean all other universe before this one exists only in higher dimensions?

Is earth human being the creation of Reptilian? Then modified by 22 difference races. Are these 22 races all human?

Has anyone else ever in contact with higher conscious beings (ET)? I mean other people not as well known as Alex Collier, Billy Meier, Philip Gilliand etc. I mean people who are reading and writing the posts here.

I still have so many questions about everything. Things like how to wake up to remember all past life and remember we are spirits, from the moment being created by Creator till now. How to activate our lost strands of DNA (12 strands or maybe even more)? How can we make contact with higher conscious beings to find out the truth for ourselves?

Too many questions, don't know how to get answers.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:05 AM
Awesome video! If he is lying, he would be one of the best lyers I've ever seen. He's too real and emotional to be fake.

He said we needed to change at around 2001 and since other posters have said his mood is despairing, I believe we haven't. Alex said we will either transcend or be wiped out. Maybe this will happen in 2012? Seems it's all fitiing together.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:02 AM
No offence, but have you ever read a book. You have heard of imagination. Anyone can invent a story, there's plenty of con artists in this world. Funny how none of them offer any proof.

It's truly disturbing when someone comes out saying that this guy must be speaking the truth, simply because he's too emotianal and too real to be a con artist. When it comes to conspiracies, it's safe to say, there's a naive person born every minute.
Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof.

[edit on 22-8-2008 by kindred]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 09:28 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by kindred
No offence, but have you ever read a book. You have heard of imagination. Anyone can invent a story, there's plenty of con artists in this world. Funny how none of them offer any proof.

It's truly disturbing when someone comes out saying that this guy must be speaking the truth, simply because he's too emotianal and too real to be a con artist. When it comes to conspiracies, it's safe to say, there's a naive person born every minute.
Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof.

[edit on 22-8-2008 by kindred]

agreed..hes either an amazing actor..or hes telling the truth...i dont get why..if they want him to spread his message..why they dont let him take photos or films of his meetings..

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 10:04 AM
I was rather disappointed that in his new video, he did not make any mention ( at least not that I saw) of the things that had not happened as he said they would in the old videos.....?

Did the aliens leave in 2004 as they were supposed to?? ( Remember, the Andromedians were going to 'tow the moon out of it's orbit' if the greys et al did not comply??)

The government didn't disclose the presence of the 'ET's' and their contracts, did they? Wasn't that supposed to happen by 2007 or so??

I do feel for Mr. C, he looked rather old and worn in the newer vids......if his tale is true, it would seem to be rather a burden.....

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Zionide

if these beings were indeed REAL, and we are such an important race ourselves then why arent they intervening on our behalfs to protect us from maleovonent forces with hidden agendas.

If there was a vote taken by all the people on this planet who for arguements sake could be considered spiritually minded ergo GOOD people, you can bet your ass they would want protecting/saving so if it's a case of letting us have our free will to change our situation then that decision/vote would be our will, so why isn't anything happening, just evil acts and incredible suffering!

It's easy to think we are alone in this mess.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by seentoomuch

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 06:32 PM

agreed..hes either an amazing actor..or hes telling the truth...i dont get why..if they want him to spread his message..why they dont let him take photos or films of his meetings..

. Makes no sense whatsoever. Some of these con artists have no conscience. Can't think of anything worse than playing on someones, hopes and fears and stringing naive people along, just to make a quick buck.
Is Alex Collier a con artist? It looks that way if he can't provide proof or at least some evidence to backup his claims.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by kindred

Don't con artists usually demand a fee?

Can you show me how any body with his obvious intellect and love can fake that?

Can you show me how by doing these talks he can gain anything but ridicule, disbelief, HUGE EGOs attacking him, and no money?

One day guys like Alex Collier, and David Icke will be looked upon as serious and informative historians. I always thought, if a skeptic is willing to constantly affirm their positions (over and over), they have some hope, as by simply not being able to 'leave the issue alone' they are subconciously returning to the scene of the 'crime' and re-investigating. So there is hope!

Love all especially those that "know it all" and DEMAND proof!


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by frayed1

Very interesting points you make.

1st I would withouyt a doubt ask Alex what happened to his other predictions? I mean he got the "ashen sacrifice" in circa 2000 on the East Coast done by a "terrorist act" no doubt. But yeah I too want to know what happened with the alien contact he was so sincere about.

2nd How stupid (or honest) would you be to come back with full knowledge most of these predictions made did not happen? I mean does this guy seriously want to be the face of public ridicule? I can't imagine so.

which leads me to this conclusion, either he is completely bonkers (I think the opposite) and has no idea about reality.


he does not give a flying duck what anyone thinks about him (which is a beautiful state to be in) and sees this as the most important issue in his life time to HELP, that's right HELP humanity.

Alex rocks, and has made more sense to me in his talks than any of the skeptics or believers of anything of this nature. Period. I don't care what you think about my thoughts skeptics, and I'm sure there are a lot of others in the same boat!

So if none of you believe Mr Alex Collier, why do you stay on these threads?

Btw the original post is "Where is Alex Collier now?". This thread should be renamed "FOUND!"

Love it!


posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Don't con artists usually demand a fee?

Can you show me how any body with his obvious intellect and love can fake that?

Can you show me how by doing these talks he can gain anything but ridicule, disbelief, HUGE EGOs attacking him, and no money?

One day guys like Alex Collier, and David Icke will be looked upon as serious and informative historians. I always thought, if a skeptic is willing to constantly affirm their positions (over and over), they have some hope, as by simply not being able to 'leave the issue alone' they are subconciously returning to the scene of the 'crime' and re-investigating. So there is hope!

Love all especially those that "know it all" and DEMAND proof!

I'm sorry but Alex Collier does demand a fee for his work. You're right, he's definitely not stupid. He makes free videos, simply to sucker people into buying his merchandise, and as for the love he preaches about in his speeches, well Hitler did exactly the same thing and look at the nut job he turned out to be.

Anyone can invent a similar story, myself included. There's nothing believable about it until he backs it up with evidence and proof. I've read many sci-fi books that are more imaginative than anything Alex Collier has come out with. To believe something at face value without proof and evidence, just makes you naive and gullible and you're leaving yourself wide open to manipulation and deception. At the end of the day, if you want to believe in something without proof, then that's your prerogative, but I demand extraordinary proof when confronted by extraordinary claims.

One thing that makes me laugh about all these so called contactees or anyone else selling conspiracies, is that they always charge you a fee for the truth. If I was in their position and in possession of such important information that was detrimental to humanities survival, I sure as hell wouldn't be charging people for it. I would be giving it away for free and shouting out the truth from every street corner.
Humanity is on the verge of being conquered by Intergalactic Aliens and these people are charging us for the truth, that will supposedly save us. The cheek.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:27 AM
just garbage.
dont waste your time by watching these vids.
This man is telling just sci-fi stories.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

why are people so surprised by this? Disinformation and misinformation is everywhere, there are so many forces not wanting people to be aware of all of this...

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:55 AM
Well, how about we wait and see on 14 of October, 2008.

Galactic Federation of Light will appears in Southern hemsphere on 10/14/2008

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by umbracode

We need to act soon, not discuss... anyway, for whom who think it is a fake... He?s just asking the best mankind can get of its own as a specie! If you dont believe him, at least do yourself a favor and believe yourselves, you daysleepers!!!
He asks for the evolution of ourselves, for peace. He doesnt sell a manual saying how you gonna do it!

something happened on 2001! our leash got the allegadilly spooky terrorism that haunts every country!!! so now you are controlled till your bones! new world order is part of it and facts are everywhere! Meditate, evolute, LOVE!

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Here's another Alex Collier thread:

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