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Where is Alex Collier now?

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:40 AM
For those that are interested. Here is the newest Alex Collier video. It was filed on 5/18/08. This is the first video:

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:34 PM
The most important question to be raised seems to m: Is the interview actually recorded in 1994?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:30 PM
ok so he went on a hiadus in 2003
He has another viedo that he did at a confrence in May 2008
good stuff as well
google his name 2008
It will come up.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

The truth is depressing, no doubt about that but we should face and fight our destiny against the Orion group. We should be aware of these or we will lose our identity our race. We do not have to realize the Apocalypse/Revelation.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:35 PM
by a Little Worker

It's very easy to just dismiss what Alex Collier is saying simply because it's so incredible. I have had my share of incredible experiences in my life and now I know I was being prepared for this, as many of us have been, inlcuding Alex and many others.

The point of the message is very simple and everything else is just irrelevant; Love.

The problem is almost noone really understands what "love" means. Love is not a feeling, love is so much more than that. You can feel love just like you feel many things but it's not a feeling. That's why Alex quotes "the pain you feel is the love you withhold"... Love means doing...

Now for people that don't believe or just dismiss what alex is saying I suggest you look up Dr. Deagle, who in a 2006 interview practically confirms everything Alex Collier is saying, and so much more.

I think debating whether there exist other life forms out there or within us is irrelevant, it's pretty obvious if you just pay attention, the point is... What are we going to do?...

We cannot wait for someone from the government or some religious cult to stand up and say the truth. We have to understand the WE are the power not them. They have that power because we allow it, but it's all nearing a very decisive moment where each of us must decide where we stand.

I have access to some very interesting messages that were recieved from 1890s to 1950s, messages that were recieved by a group of very poor and humble people in mexico. This messages I believe come from very high places, maybe some of our friends from andromeda and elsewhere were involved, but I've been amazed at the accuracy of the profecies and just the sole essence of the messages which in all come to one point... love towards all creation, respect for free will and the search for perfection.

At the end we have to realize it's not weapons that will save us, it's love and forgiveness... And that my friends, though simple as it may be, is ther most difficult task as it involves sacrifice and thinking about more than just ourselves. At the end we have to realize that these monsters that are doing so much evil are alse God's children, just like us, and they are going to need our love and forgiveness to be able to change their course and the course of humanity and we have to help eventually.

Like master yoda said
... Always in motion the future is

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:34 AM
Hug a reptilian? I'm all for love and respect, but I draw a line at self sacrifice, especially if it means I'm going to end up as nothing more than a tasty snack on some reptilians plate.

Alex Collier talks about love and respect, but what about all the other planets that were conquered or wiped out by these reptilians. They were apparently more spiritually evolved than us humans and it didn't do them any good.

Anyway, no one is going to take any of this seriously, myself included until Alex Collier or anyone else provides at least one shred of evidence to back up these wild claims. I could so easily claim that humanity is under attack from garden gnomes. At least I have proof, they're everywhere.

[edit on 15-8-2008 by kindred]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:31 PM
by a Little Worker

Noone is a very big word, and the truth is there are some of us who don't need PROOF to believe what is simply logic and truth. I understand that many people may need proof like you, but that's simply because you don't understand the way of things, the way of creation and the meaning of life, which is love... We are us, these and the same... meaning, you have to consider the possibility that maybe at some point in you spiritual life you MAY have been one of these reptilians or any other race for that matter, we don't know that, but the possibility is there...

And once you grow enough to see past your prejudices and bad judgement you will realize that eventually, reptilians, greys, humans and else will have to unite and understand that we are the same, we are SPIRIT, not crude matter we are all brothers and sisters whether you want to believe it or not, it's simply a matter of time, and what seems an eternity when chained to time, in spirit's true form it's only an instant.

A time will come when we will help this other races no matter how evil or wrong they are, simply because you realize they need love and help and they are our brothers too, In the end it will only be about love, the sad thing is that until you and other understand this you will not make that leap to a new dimension. That... is your choice of course.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:46 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:00 AM
He mention that one of the alien race will come to earth in the year 1997 its 2008 where are they?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by seentoomuch

Hi can you please forward any information Alex has noted down in the way of books e.t.c in regards to his meetings or messages given to him for individuals or does it just pertain to informing the population of the earth. I hope is family has started that he spoke of in is videos. If you see him wish him the best from every one here in Australia my email [email protected]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:14 PM
I watched his films, even most recent 2008 exopolitics one, and I don't believe he said to hug a reptilian. Too dangerous. The thing about a hollow earth, a different concept of gravity, the destiny of the missing children (because I had heard alot of them end up in Montauk, in experiments, in occult sacrifices, in the sex slave business run by the cia, along with their drugs, and in underground base), and the predictions would all be easy ways for the cia to force him to discredit himself. But unless he is a cia agent himself, his actual experiences are very noteworthy.
He takes the human experience back to Mars, to the planet that used to be in the astroid belt, then to Lyra, where human life originated. This is actually an old concept. The Andromedans interested me enormously. I had already read accounts of the human visitors from Andromeda healing villagers in South America. The enemy to the human experience, all the way from Lyra seems to be more repitillian, or the negative people of the universe. He says one such group was just dumped here on us, because no else wanted them from another universe, through a black hole.
. Hugging these aggressive, dangerous bullies may not be conducive to our health. Praying for them, yes, if one has faith. Hugging, no.

That being said, not every race is negative and positive. There are humans, some conquered perhaps, some in their own nazi style regimes, that are negative, and there are positive, enlightened groups amongst the reptilian and grey groups as well. One thing he talks about is the 22 races that contributed to our dna. We have 22 parent groups amongst the ets, some positive and some negative. But that means the intergalactic laws of 22 groups, including laws developed by advanced positive races should be ours to claim for protection, the right to truth and disclosure. I wish contactees could ask for a full explanation of our intergalactic rights. I would like to have full possession and knowledge of these laws as they pertain to us, and the means to ask for remedy.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 10:19 PM
If Alex collier had been in contact with those people he wouldnt say in one of his lectures that he believes that BUSH is a good choice check it out : ...this is just before 9/11 so if he was speaking to the andromedans he would of known what bush was about to do...start a war....

In my opinion the question is are we alone???

Answer : NO

For the real facts go see

over 350 credibale military witnesses say that we are not alone.

Forget about the reptilians, paleidans and all this crap who controls who.

We need to save the earth period.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 05:57 AM
What I find truly amazing is, Alex Colliers personal claims of his close association of ETs and their explanation of the "true story" in regards to ET (the Greys) experimentation on humans and animals, the secret government cover up, joint US/Russian/ET bases on the moon and Mars and underground on Earth, the US/ET treaty (or sell out) closely match what the late M.William Cooper claimed about Majestic 12 icluding Roswell incident, Harry Trumans "treaty" and so much more before his "death" in 1991.
If we look at the M.William Coopers claim that MJ12 instigated funding outside of Congress through the import and sale of hard drugs to the American youth, this would mean millions of dollars to "free" cash to fund the coverup program. Apparently in his claim, President John F Kennedy discovered this and made an ultimatum to the group to reveal the truth to the American public, which may one day prove to be reason why he was allegedly murdered by his driver. (look on you tube)

Henceforth, the die hard "War On Drugs" campaign so hard pushed by following Presidents only served to gain their own popularity, to fund the program ( I am unsue as to whether they were aware of it or not, if true) and to unneccessarily punish millions of people and label them convicts for smoking a stupid weed!!

This interesting theory this leads me to think that the unwinnable "war on terror" and 9/11 (watch Loose Change) are both scams of huge proportions to fund (think about the insurance claims and also over inflating military budgets and also the rebuilding of Iraq program) to pitch into the coffers for the benefit of the unpatriotic secret government agencies and their programs. All completly unprovable and totally based on a hunch, but I didn't come down in the last rain shower.
God Bless To All Of Humanity, Bless Our Future!

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by mystiq

He's my issue with the whole "we won't come save you" situation from the A's point of view. If one race has the key to help another, I would have thought in the name of say universal karma, it would be a benefit to all to pass on that help, whatever it may be.

Now he says the A's won't do that because that would be meddling with our true potential. But if that is the equation, then if say the Draconians were "dumped here" beyond our Terran control, is that not already interference, thus their Law of Non-help has already been broken.

Math teaches 2 negatives equal a positive, so I don't see the problem on moral ground. That's my biggest thought about contact, and yeah why has that not happened by now?

Perhaps they are worried we will all worship them as god's, and they don't want that. They must think we are very primative as a collective if that is the case.


posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:40 AM
Alex Collier is back - latest clips dated 12/08/08 on you tube

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Anon you are right I believe in that "love" is the answer in much if not all of this and that to make that forthcoming leap in consciousness, we need to all find that love within us.

We have seen anger, fighting, hatred, war and none of this is good so why not let's try it the other way?

However - arms companies and others who profit from war would never allow it to happen I guess!


posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Just liken it to the "prime directive" in Star Trek New Generation.


posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Anonymous ATS
Noone is a very big word, and the truth is there are some of us who don't need PROOF to believe what is simply logic and truth. I understand that many people may need proof like you, but that's simply because you don't understand the way of things, the way of creation and the meaning of life, which is love... We are us, these and the same... meaning, you have to consider the possibility that maybe at some point in you spiritual life you MAY have been one of these reptilians or any other race for that matter, we don't know that, but the possibility is there...

And once you grow enough to see past your prejudices and bad judgement you will realize that eventually, reptilians, greys, humans and else will have to unite and understand that we are the same, we are SPIRIT, not crude matter we are all brothers and sisters whether you want to believe it or not, it's simply a matter of time, and what seems an eternity when chained to time, in spirit's true form it's only an instant.

A time will come when we will help this other races no matter how evil or wrong they are, simply because you realize they need love and help and they are our brothers too, In the end it will only be about love, the sad thing is that until you and other understand this you will not make that leap to a new dimension. That... is your choice of course.

I applaud your outlook on life and I agree with most of what you said. I'm a very spiritual person and I've had plenty of spirtual experiences that have opened my mind to the bigger picture. I know only too well the power of love and like you, I also believe that in spirit we are all the same. My own NDE and OBE experiences showed me this. However there's nothing wrong with demanding proof as anyone can invent a story and make it sound believable. It's important that one uses their own reasoning and common sense in these situations or you are just leaving yourself wide open to manipulation and deception. Let's face it, there's plenty of con artists about.

mystiq - I was only joking and being humorous. I know exactly what he said. He said,"run like hell". I personally don't know what to make of Alex Collier. I've read literally hundreds of conspiracy books and most of what he says has been covered in many other books and he's simply taking bits and pieces from other authors and putting them together to form his own story. Well that's how it appears to me, as he offers no proof except his word. Have you read - Boriska the Person from Mars, he claims you should hug your ememies, but it doesn't hurt to show some common sense when confronted by a 7ft reptile that only has lunch on it's mind. A bit like hugging a T-Rex. Obviously not a good idea.

Anonymous ATS
This interesting theory this leads me to think that the unwinnable "war on terror" and 9/11 (watch Loose Change) are both scams of huge proportions to fund (think about the insurance claims and also over inflating military budgets and also the rebuilding of Iraq program) to pitch into the coffers for the benefit of the unpatriotic secret government agencies and their programs. All completly unprovable and totally based on a hunch, but I didn't come down in the last rain shower.

You may possibly be right. Then again there are other possibilities. What if we were confronted by an Alien race that was extremely powerful and technologically more advanced than us. Maybe they threatened the governments to comply or suffer the complete destruction of Earth. What else could they do, but go along with their plans. Maybe they are accumulating wealth in secrecy for use in their black projects to help create and develop new technologies, that will hopefully someday put us on an equal footing with the malevolent Aliens who are threatening us. We will then soon have the technology to tell these Aliens where to get off.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by kindred]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Guess what guys. He's back. Here's an interview in may of this year.

After 6 years of taking a rest. Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawaii at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008.

The Andromedan message Alex Collier has presented over the years has connected with me profoundly on soul level. I was disappointed when he took his leave of absence six years ago - though I understood well his need for some R & R time.

It is wonderful Alex has now returned to continue his lectures and spiritually inspiring messages.

The Andromedans believe the human race is unique because we have the ability to create amazing things out of thin air. Things perceived as abstract creations. I think the Andromedans see us as sort of magicians. They also believe we carry royal DNA.

I agree with the Andromedans, I feel humanity does have amazing potential. Now, we need to discern our true purpose as we solve the dilemma of how to create a world in harmony and balance.

Here is Alex Collier's return lecture. He speaks about the Andromedans and how humanity fits into all of creation.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:32 PM
The support is amazing here guys ! we need to keep the believer forces going and work against the disinfo/nwo skeptics here. We CAN do this , we CAN believe if we turn to the forces of spirituality, love, understanding and oneness with the sky. Alex Colliers second text was very illuminating about all of this.

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