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Loose Change Final cut now available. Download?

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posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 04:34 PM
im guessing it will be online for free (with permission) before the year is up.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by scientist

Dylan's faithful are torrenting the sucker as we speak. I hope he isn't counting on making anything on the video itself; it's been commodified.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:53 PM
well if it's any good (meaning, i'm still going to wait until it's posted for free), i'll get a few dvd copies for my friends and family that aren't computer savvy - or that arent into the torrent/newsgroup/p2p scene.

i would get Alex Jones dvds for the family, but he's just too out of control, ha. I mean, if it's a quality production, I will most certainly buy a few copies for the sake of supporting. Plus, I kinda know one of the directors... heh, so I am a bit biased as well.

[edit on 14-11-2007 by scientist]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:14 PM
Alex Jones did claim on his Monday show that he will declare bankruptsy if Loose Change does not succeed. I'm not sure how to get a transcript from his show... but i know the guy is just saying that so his donations from his minions will increase.

[edit on 14-11-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by scientist


I took the same cautious approach - due to my dislike of their previous two releases - and I must say I am quite pleased.

I have seen it twice (in full) now and I have to say it is an excellent production - one that can easily be viewed by skeptics and scholars alike.

I don't always feel that AJ films can be presented quite so easily - because his documentaries are often sensationalistic - although his research and investigative journalism are top tier imho...

I especially like his Documentary on the History of State Sponsered terrorism - Terror Storm: Final Cut: Special Edition - as it is firmly based on recently declassified documents that are truly hair raising to see.

(and it really shows the criminal complicity of the CIA in world wide terrorism)

Two other excellent must see documentaries imho are:

The Secret Government (w/Bill Moyers)


Secrets Of The CIA

as well as many of the other 9/11 films out there.

As a primer tho - especially for the uninitiated - I really believe this Loose Change - Final Cut is finally the definitve 9/11 work the American public deserves to see.

I will absolutely be ordering copies for many of my friends and family.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 06:20 PM
This video of "Loose Change:Final Cut" seems to be up and running smoothly.

Google Video Link

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 03:42 AM
It never fails that when something is more dead on it generates little to no discussion. The debatability of the former LC releases was the source of its 'success'. I've criticized those releases numerous times. I support their current product. I'm guessing that many of the true CT'ers out there will soon be labeling them sellouts

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

An interesting and unfortunately true obeservation...

However I would rather have a quality investigation like this be ignored then some ludicrous speculation being incredibly popular.

I think, over time, this version of Loose Change will help wake up a large section of People to the substantial and unanswered questions surrounding the events of 9/11.

However I fear that the LC team is still pretty weak at debating the issue in person - so I hope people like D. Griffin, Paul Watson, and Alex Jones do most of the public discussions and PR on this latest film.

Either way - the more evidence that is released, the harder it is for the corrupt elitest to maintain homogenous control of the citenzenry.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:37 PM
just finished watching this, and have to say, it's amazing.

towards the end, the audio levels are all #ed up (they get really loud, then really quiet) - but other than that the production is on point.

The case they lay out is very concise, and reasonable. I'm interested to hear what the critics and naysayers will respond with.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by scientist called it "amazing"... can you share with us what you thought was so amazing about it ? Can you point out some new ideas or theories they produced? or some new evidence they came forward with that backs there theories from the 3 other LC videos?

Thanks, CO

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by scientist

I agree with you. It was a fine piece of work. The thing that I liked about it was it made the whole 9/11 narrative easy to follow for people coming on for the first time and it presented a rather strong circumstantial case.

They way it was structured was very well thought out.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by talisman]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 11:49 PM
My compliments to the chef on this one !!!
Exquisite !!! The Final Cut gets 2 thumbs up

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
can you share with us what you thought was so amazing about it ?

for the most part, it's just more polished, and has many more interviews with firemen and eye witnesses. The amount of news clips are uncanny. The editing must have taken forever, but well worth the effort. The biggest thing that stood out were the 3d animations. They have all been redone with very impressive special effects. Some of these animations were very important at illustrating official reports, or other theories. Sometimes they get so abstract it's hard to get the whole picture.

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
new ideas or theories they produced? or some new evidence they came forward with that backs there theories from the 3 other LC videos?

Not really. They do more than hint at controlled demolition, however nothing really new other than the interviews and news clips. I was actually pretty shocked to see some things left out - namely, the fact that the "crater" in shanksville was already there before the "plane" crashed (and vaporized). That's a pretty big deal to me, that the plane would crash in that specific spot, out of coincidence - and that all news reports implied the crater was caused by the crash.

Not sure if this was discovered after the final cut, or if they left it out on purpose. They also left out the clip of Larry Silverstein saying "pull it." Lots of other clips were left out, and I was wondering why. Still a quality production, and worth watching regardless of your own perspective.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by scientist

Interesting.... As you know I am not a fan of Dylan Avery or Jason Bermas. Why make a "final cut" when there is nothing new to share? "polished?" Sorry, all three of the video's were pieces of crap...and as the ol saying goes... you can polish a turd all you wan't, it's still gonna smell like one.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 09:05 AM
well thanks for the overwhelming insight.

You asked me why I thought it was amazing, and I explained. Then you just call it crap. I won't bother asking you to explain, it's apparent you have shut your brain off at this point, just for the sake of naysaying.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by scientist

I havent shut my brain off. Dylan and Jason have. You are one of VERY few at ATS that enjoy LC. Most of the members in here see them for what they are . Lying Crooks.

You actually said yourself that the only difference with the vidoe was visual and not any substance or new evidence.

They were supposed to bring up Barry Jennings with his interview.. I posted a time line on the LC Forum that showed him wrong ...I was banned and not allowed back. Thats what you get for critical thinking at LCF.

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