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Loose Change Final cut now available. Download?

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posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:45 AM
I can’t believe some people are getting upset because someone else made a DVD and you think that they are profiting from the dead of 9-11. Well excuse me Mr. Give A. Damn, why don’t you go speak to a representative of Halliburton or Raytheon, are they not profiting from 9-11?


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Solarskye
Well good at least people will have to pay for the video instead of stumbling on the crap.

I agree with you that Loose Change is all crap. I know 9/11 was an inside job but I agree with you- Loose Change is crap.

Like I've always said before, if you have to pay for the truth then it isn't the truth.

Well, that's not true. It costs money, skills and time to make a documentary, be it an accurate documentary or a false documentary. Those who tell the truth need our support or they will not be able to keep telling the truth.

Would you be willing to make a documentary, spending plenty of your own money, skills and time to create something you end up offering for free at your cost, financed by you alone? With no hope of getting compensated? ..... I didn't think so either.

BTW, go here and learn something: 9/11 Mysteries XXX rated


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by PepeLapew
If you want to see 9/11 Mysteries for free, here it is:


[edit on 10-11-2007 by PepeLapew]

Pepe, you cannot be seriously promoting '911 Mysteries' as anything other than the lying, propagandizing, poorly researched piece of trash which it so blatantly is.

To examine just some of the contradictions, deliberate misinformation and blatant ignorance which fill this truly appalling piece of junk, please see

for starters.

Since the original '911 Mysteries' trash is 90 minutes long, this expose is even longer at 2 hours 35 mins. But if you believe even one single claim in the '911 Mysteries' garbage-video, you really should see it.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by bovarcher

OK, I will not discuss the whole movie because that would take too long. But how about this, how about you show me just one claim of 9/11 Mysteries which you feel is a lie and we can elaborate on that. OK?

Surely you can find me one big lie about that movie, correct?

I've already seen your debunker movie and it is crap. For most of it they argue over ridiculous semantics and idiotic ideas.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by PepeLapew

Hi Pepe.

If you really believe the propagandizing trash in '9/11 Mysteries' then we must simply agree to differ.

Maybe we can debate it some other time. Sorry but I don't have time right now.

Your passionate beliefs, and care and attention in trying to convince me, are genuinely appreciated. I look forward to our next exchange.

Best wishes.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by bovarcher

Originally posted by PepeLapew
If you want to see 9/11 Mysteries for free, here it is:


[edit on 10-11-2007 by PepeLapew]

Pepe, you cannot be seriously promoting '911 Mysteries' as anything other than the lying, propagandizing, poorly researched piece of trash which it so blatantly is.

To examine just some of the contradictions, deliberate misinformation and blatant ignorance which fill this truly appalling piece of junk, please see

for starters.

Since the original '911 Mysteries' trash is 90 minutes long, this expose is even longer at 2 hours 35 mins. But if you believe even one single claim in the '911 Mysteries' garbage-video, you really should see it.

Just from the begging of that film i can tell that it is garbage! Are you really supposed to believe those NIST Reports ! AHAHHA What a Joke. And for the record i did watch both 9/11 mysterious (2 times) and Loose Change 1st, 2nd UNCUT and i just recently order Loose Change Final Cut. If you dont want to pay for it i am sure the video will be out in a the next few days seen as the DVD has been out in the public for while because they has been screening of the movies and Korey has been handing out free DVDs. So its just a matter of time before the video gets on the net.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Robert Rowden you obviously have no clue whatsoever as to how a business runs. There is no pile of money to keep digging from to make free movies. They cost money. Just because someone is trying to make money off of a 9/11 film does not mean they are profiteering. Most of them never see a profit. They are lucky to break even.
Secondly, if you liked the movie, wouldn't you want to contribute to the maker so that they can continue to make better movies?

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:36 PM
I see nothing wrong in charging for something that costs $50,000+ to produce.

If they make a profit, so be it. I don't see it as them makeing money off people who died.

These are people trying to get the truth out there, you should think of the price your paying for the film as a 'donation' to the "truth movement" really.

If they didn't charge for these movies, these movies wouldn't get made, or they'd be made so poorly, nobody would give them any recognition.

Then all we would have to base our opinions on what happened on 9/11 would be Micheal Moores- Fahrenheit 911 garbage, and "Bowling for Columbine?" Now that right there is blatantly makeing money of other peoples death, imo.

Loose change, 9/11 Mysteries, are in a totally different category. I'm sure if either of these filmakers made a good amount of profit, they in turn would donate some of it to the families of 9/11 fund. At least I would hope so.

As long as the price for this movie isn't too high, I'll be buying a copy. Gonna look into it later.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:59 PM
You can watch loose change on YouTube, whether it is the Final Cut or not.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by mentalempire
OK...let's focus on a central fact-the LOOSE CHANGE PEOPLE ARE NO-PLANERS. Do you really want to support disinfo? If so, buy this movie.

This is complete b*sh*t. The Loose Change believers are only no-planers when it comes to the Pentagon and possibly Shanksville. The evidence supports these theories, and also that two remote control planes were flown into the WTC towers.

There are theories I have heard that are absolutely absurd, and the reason is because they would be some of the most difficult methods to accomplish the same things that a much simpler method would accomplish. The simplest solution is usually the correct one. And by this I mean it would be much easier to fly remote control planes into a building, technology that has been around for decades, and along the guidelines of Operation Northwoods, planned in the 60s, than to create technology far more advanced of holography and choreograph an explosion from side to side of the building, for example.

There is alot of disinformation out there, this is not read and believe, you have to be smart enough to weed out the BS from the probable evidence, and integrate new information as best as possible. Not every theory is correct. From all that I have learned, two planes did hit the WTC towers, WTC 7 was demolished, the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile, and I think if Shanksville was a plane, it was shot down. All of this is supported by Loose Change, and I would not for a second call this a NO-PLANE theory

It is important that we SUPPORT the makers of these videos, it is an evidentiary necessity for the disemanation of this information especially to people that are not used to being free thinkers, that are caught up in the daily distractions of naivety. They understand the material when it is presented to them in this way. It is a MOST VALUABLE tool for spreading the word, opening up peoples eyes and their minds, and bringing about action that can save us from the Illuminati.

We are not helping them profit from death on 9/11. We are supporting their work. We must have it, their work must go on. They are the brave few that questioned the official story first. They opened my eyes. And they will open others. Supporting them is supporting justice and freedom for people who were hypnotised on 9/11 by a mastermind Illuminati plot to control the masses, and allow them to make power plays like never before, already half of our liberties are gone, it wont be long before its 1984 again.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by thatblissguy]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by PepeLapew
how about you show me just one claim of 9/11 Mysteries which you feel is a lie and we can elaborate on that. OK?

Surely you can find me one big lie about that movie, correct?

This is pretty simple...i think not even 3 minutes they lie:

2:38 A myth developed, fed by official sources through the media to a bewildered audience.
Elements of the myth: the impact of the airplanes, gallons of burning jet fuel, steel melting, the buildings failing and suddenly imploding. In a mere 10 seconds, 110 stories hurtled earthward -- pulverizing into dust.

Steel Melting? What official sources stated that steel melted?

NOt a lie but a misinterpetation to lead the audience:

5:13 As for the heat of the fires, listen to the radio communications of these New York City firemen:
5:20 Firefighter: “Ladder One-Five, we’ve got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able
to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor -- we’ve got two isolated pockets
of fire…”
5:32 Isolated pockets of fire. “Two water lines” to knock them down.

A lie:

21:15 Here, a 600,000-pound chunk of steel (twice the weight of a Boeing airliner) was flung
400 feet, wedging itself deep into Three World Financial Center on Vesey Street.

Explosion heard in New Jersey?:

33:46 This video was shot from New Jersey. An explosion is heard as white smoke rises at the base of the building.

Watch the video and tell me if in fact that was an explosion.

Here is something else:

34:20 Watch the camera shake on its tripod as a large energy source rocks the ground. Nine seconds later, the North Tower falls.

If someone can point out the original version of this will see that it does not shake as much as the edited version of 911 Mysteries does. The link I had was removed.

A lie:

52:03 Some people appear to have known the imminent future on that fateful day. FEMA had
arrived in New York on Monday night, ready for a bio-terror drill. Spokesman Tom
Kenney to Dan Rather:
52:22 Tom Kenney: “To be honest with you, we arrived on late Monday night and went into
action on Tuesday morning, and not until today did we get a full opportunity to work the
entire site -- other than this part of Church and Day to which we were deployed.”

Tom Kenney did NOT know about 911 before hand. That is a fact. Mr. Kenney who is a firefighter on cape cod simply got his days confused. PERIOD

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:45 PM
Yes Jersey
If you are in Hoboken or in JC or other parts you have a clear view
heck sometimes you can hear sirens from police cars firetrucks
from across the river
I remember when the towers had the rider truck go off
you could hear it in jersey

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:49 PM

Look at the order pages for LC:FC. They offer quotes from Time Magazine and others. Although they don't state that the are for LC:FC .... one would beleive this. This quotes are taken I believe from the 2nd Loose Change video and quotes were clipped:

Loose Change is a... blizzard of statistics, photographs, documents, eyewitness accounts and expert testimony set to a trippy hip-hop backbeat.

Let look at what else Time Magazine had to say in the same article they got their quote from:

But there's a big problem with Loose Change and with most other conspiracy theories. The more you think about them, the more you realize how much they depend on circumstantial evidence, facts without analysis or documentation, quotes taken out of context and the scattered testimony of traumatized eyewitnesses.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by EvilBat

Evil.... i agree... but there were hundreds of other cameras in New York. I would think THEY would have picked up up.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Supposedly this Loose Change is completely different from the first two, mainly because it largely consists of interviews with first responders, firemen, WTC security, and so on. Dylan Avery said in an interview that they took out everything that wasn't smoking gun evidence, so hopefully you "debunkers" will finally just shut up.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
A lie:

52:03 Some people appear to have known the imminent future on that fateful day. FEMA had
arrived in New York on Monday night, ready for a bio-terror drill. Spokesman Tom
Kenney to Dan Rather:
52:22 Tom Kenney: “To be honest with you, we arrived on late Monday night and went into
action on Tuesday morning, and not until today did we get a full opportunity to work the
entire site -- other than this part of Church and Day to which we were deployed.”

Tom Kenney did NOT know about 911 before hand. That is a fact.

9/11 Mysteries did not claim that Kenney himself knew. Only that some must have known. In order for Kenney and his crew to have been dispatched there a day early someone must have known. Either Kenney and his crew or most likely those who dispatched them there.

Mr. Kenney who is a firefighter on cape cod simply got his days confused. PERIOD

The maker of 9/11 Mysteries inserted this section in hopes that you would get curious and research it yourself. What I find amusing is that you refuse to take Kenney's video recollection at face value and simply accept the claim that he was mistaken without any further research into this. The fact is, after this Kenney was never re-interviewed about his comments. So you just hear "he made a mistake" and you decide to accept that claim at face value.

But let's analyze Kenney's claim. He claimed he was there on Monday night, (that would be the day before 9/11). Then he mentions that he went into action on the day of 9/11 (that would be the day before the interview) but only got full opportunity to work the entire site on the next day (the day of the interview itself). I count 3 days in his recollection. Where did he make a mistake?

In fact FEMA was at Ground Zero a day early for an operation called "Project Tripod". Guliani's testimony to the 9/11 Commission corroborates the existence of this operation but for some obscure reasons Guliani's testimony was removed from the report. More information on this here: Long Debunked 'Rumor' Validated By Giuliani

So yes, there was am operation called "Project Tripod" which started the day before 9/11 and intended to simulate a bio-terror attack. So if this is tru and if this only a coincidence, why did everyone try to claim that Kenney made a mistake and why did everyone try to tell us that no such operation took place? Why remove Giuliani's testimony from the 9/11 Commission's transcript?


[edit on 10-11-2007 by PepeLapew]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:18 PM
OK CaptainObvious, I can not provide a rebuttal to every single claim you made because some rebuttals would require that I edit and upload some videos and I can't do that right now as my video card is out for repair but I will address the points I can answer right now.

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

Originally posted by PepeLapew
how about you show me just one claim of 9/11 Mysteries which you feel is a lie and we can elaborate on that. OK?

Surely you can find me one big lie about that movie, correct?

This is pretty simple...i think not even 3 minutes they lie:

2:38 A myth developed, fed by official sources through the media to a bewildered audience.
Elements of the myth: the impact of the airplanes, gallons of burning jet fuel, steel melting, the buildings failing and suddenly imploding. In a mere 10 seconds, 110 stories hurtled earthward -- pulverizing into dust.

Steel Melting? What official sources stated that steel melted?

Actually I have several videos of journalists and so-called experts which were paraded in front of the media during and after 9/11 which stated that the steel melted. A study was commissioned by WTC leaseholder Silverstein Properties Inc. to support a $7 billion insurance claim, and conducted by a team of engineers from several leading firms, including Weidlinger Associates. In a NOVA TV program "Why the towers fell" the Weidlinger chairman Matthys Levy said "As the steel began to soften and melt" in speaking of the WTC towers collapse. In fact the media was instrumantal in feeding the public with the idea that the jet fuel melted the steel, which is a total lie.

NOt a lie but a misinterpetation to lead the audience:

5:13 As for the heat of the fires, listen to the radio communications of these New York City firemen:
5:20 Firefighter: “Ladder One-Five, we’ve got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able
to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor -- we’ve got two isolated pockets
of fire…”
5:32 Isolated pockets of fire. “Two water lines” to knock them down.

Agreed, the fireman was not yet at the height of the impact, however 9/11 Mysteries continued and presented the picture of a lady standing in the impact hole. Now if the official story is that the fire either melted or weakened the steel with high temperature fires, how is it that this lady was able to stand in the middle of that blaze? Behind the lady, no large blaze can be seen, at least nothing that would cause steel to weaken.

I also have a video of that lady standing on the edge but i can't edit and upload it at this time.

But what's interesting is that NIST claims that the fires were hot enough to weaken the steel and make it buckle after it had been stripped off it's fire insulation. But they contracted UL to test steel beams to verify this, however UL tested fire protected steel beams in a furnace and found that the steel held up perfectly. They did not attempt to test any unprotected steel beams. Now since NIST's theory is that the steel which buckled was unprotected, it would seem reasonable to try and test unprotected steel to corroborate their theory. But no unprotected steel was tested because they knew very well that steel beams like the ones at the WTC towers do not buckle in any fire situations, it was never done because they knew it would disprove their lame theory.

A lie:

21:15 Here, a 600,000-pound chunk of steel (twice the weight of a Boeing airliner) was flung
400 feet, wedging itself deep into Three World Financial Center on Vesey Street.

If this is a lie then you really should talk to FEMA which is the source of this so-called lie: FEMA's claim of a 600.000 pound steel beam with picture
Are you saying that FEMA is lying about that steel beam? Or are you saying that 9/11 Mysteries is lying about that beam?

Explosion heard in New Jersey?:

33:46 This video was shot from New Jersey. An explosion is heard as white smoke rises at the base of the building.

Watch the video and tell me if in fact that was an explosion.

Yes indeed, please do watch the original video here and tell me, if that's not an explosion then what is it?
911 Eyewitness 1 of 3
911 Eyewitness 2 of 3
911 Eyewitness 3 of 3
The analysis makes it clear that the explosion sound occurred BEFORE the tower's collapse.

Here is something else:

34:20 Watch the camera shake on its tripod as a large energy source rocks the ground. Nine seconds later, the North Tower falls.

If someone can point out the original version of this will see that it does not shake as much as the edited version of 911 Mysteries does. The link I had was removed.

So you are saying it did move, but not as much as 9/11 Mysteries claims? I really would like to see this original source. I am sorry but I can't provide a rebuttal if you don't supply a source.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:42 PM
Pepe, I'm with you on your replies.

I remember reading a Harvard study about the behavior of the public in regard to the news. What they found was an interesting little piece of information:

People decide what they believe, then go looking for news sources to confirm that belief.

You would think that it would be the other way around. But it ISN'T.

I did this for five years. I spent all my time trying to find websites which could explain away all the anomalies people were talking about. And for a while, I was comforted by them. But how many anomalies can there be in the official story before you just say to yourself "I'm tired of this... why won't these weird things just all go away".

Then it dawns on you. The "conspiracy theorists" MIGHT be right. Just acknowledging this possibility is the most critical step to knowing what happened that day, and is also the 1st step people are most unwilling to make.

Acknowledge.... the fact... that the possibility... exists. Our government MIGHT have done it. THEN! look for evidence and let the chips fall where they may.

Most people decide first, then filter all available information, editing out anything that contradicts what they already believe.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:42 PM

The simplest solution is usually the correct one. And by this I mean it would be much easier to fly remote control planes into a building

Pursuing your logic, the 'simplest solution' is that the 4 planes were hijacked by 5, 5, 5 & 4 individuals respectively, and that 3/4 were successfully piloted into their planned targets by direct control from the cockpit. This is 100% consistent with the evidence, and the millions of Al Qaida supporters and sympathizers the world over not only know this is what happened, but they idolize and lionize the memory of these 19 great martyrs who dealt a blow to the Infidels, the Great Satan America. You will never convince them that what they know to be true is not true, unless you produce irrefutable evidence which contradicts what they see and believe.

There is alot of disinformation out there...Not every theory is correct

Err...yes, we can agree on that one, I think.

From all that I have learned, two planes did hit the WTC towers, WTC 7 was demolished, the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile, and I think if Shanksville was a plane, it was shot down...

... It is a MOST VALUABLE tool for spreading the word, opening up peoples eyes and their minds, and bringing about action that can save us from the Illuminati... a mastermind Illuminati plot to control the masses...

[edit on 10-11-2007 by thatblissguy]

now you're inventing stuff to support your Belief System. This is not, with all due respect, 'denying ignorance'. Stick to the facts and you'll get there sooner...

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
A lie:

52:03 Some people appear to have known the imminent future on that fateful day. FEMA had
arrived in New York on Monday night, ready for a bio-terror drill. Spokesman Tom
Kenney to Dan Rather:
52:22 Tom Kenney: “To be honest with you, we arrived on late Monday night and went into
action on Tuesday morning, and not until today did we get a full opportunity to work the
entire site -- other than this part of Church and Day to which we were deployed.”

Tom Kenney did NOT know about 911 before hand. That is a fact.

9/11 Mysteries did not claim that Kenney himself knew. Only that some must have known. In order for Kenney and his crew to have been dispatched there a day early someone must have known. Either Kenney and his crew or most likely those who dispatched them there.

Mr. Kenney who is a firefighter on cape cod simply got his days confused. PERIOD

The maker of 9/11 Mysteries inserted this section in hopes that you would get curious and research it yourself. What I find amusing is that you refuse to take Kenney's video recollection at face value and simply accept the claim that he was mistaken without any further research into this. The fact is, after this Kenney was never re-interviewed about his comments. So you just hear "he made a mistake" and you decide to accept that claim at face value.

But let's analyze Kenney's claim. He claimed he was there on Monday night, (that would be the day before 9/11). Then he mentions that he went into action on the day of 9/11 (that would be the day before the interview) but only got full opportunity to work the entire site on the next day (the day of the interview itself). I count 3 days in his recollection. Where did he make a mistake?

In fact FEMA was at Ground Zero a day early for an operation called "Project Tripod". Guliani's testimony to the 9/11 Commission corroborates the existence of this operation but for some obscure reasons Guliani's testimony was removed from the report. More information on this here: Long Debunked 'Rumor' Validated By Giuliani

So yes, there was am operation called "Project Tripod" which started the day before 9/11 and intended to simulate a bio-terror attack. So if this is tru and if this only a coincidence, why did everyone try to claim that Kenney made a mistake and why did everyone try to tell us that no such operation took place? Why remove Giuliani's testimony from the 9/11 Commission's transcript?


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