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Loose Change Final cut now available. Download?

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posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Seems from the infowars website it is only available for purchase. Whats the deal with that? This should be on google video, right????????

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:53 PM
They won't release that for a while. They hope to make some profits with sales before releasing the free video on Google. Never the less, in less then a month we should be able to download it from BitTorrent or eMule.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 06:36 PM
That makes no sense. How the heck can people who are willing to entertain the idea possible get the story if they are forced to pay for it.

The whole point of these videos is to expose people to the idea. People who are asked to pay for something they don't yet have an opinion on will just simply not pay and be turned off to the subject.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by robwerden

While I think Loose Change is pure garbage I can say that making these videos cost a lot of money. I know this because I am trying to make my own and it's not as cheap and easy as people think.

The maker of 9/11 Mysteries is having a lot of troubles making ends meet because everyone goes for the freebees on Google and YouTube while nobody makes donations or even tried to buy the DVD from her.

While I agree that we should make the truth as accessible as possible just tell me this: How would you justify the enormous cost of making the movie (in the case of 9/11 Mysteries it's $60,000) if you can't even recuperate your costs or make a profit from it?

Now stop bitching and go to and make a donation, anything you can afford will help.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:02 PM
I don't think profiting from 9-11 is moral.

If you want to show the world something that they have the right to know, and it costs you money you should take donations to help pay for it. Charging money for this subject matter is just as bad as Guiliani taking money for speaking about 9-11.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by robwerden
I don't think profiting from 9-11 is moral.

And I don't think you requesting that others make movies and pay out of their own pockets all for free is reasonable nor is it moral.

If you don't like that others are charging for their hard labor then I suggest you try and make your own movie, finance it by yourself and see how far the "Make A Donation" button is going to get you.

If you want to show the world something that they have the right to know, and it costs you money you should take donations to help pay for it.

Well, guess what? Donations don't work because everyone takes the information for granted, everyone thinks we can just crank out documentaries eternally without any help from anyone. The fact and the matter is if everyone who saw "9/11 Mysteries" on Google would send in just a single red penny, then there would be enough money to finance the next movie. But that isn't happening. Nobody is trying to help. The mainstream gets billions and billions in advertising and government funds not to mention the cable users who help pay for it all. The truth movement doesn't have such an elaborated financing system. All we have is you and your willingness to help and donate. How much have you donated lately?

Charging money for this subject matter is just as bad as Guiliani taking money for speaking about 9-11.

I work as a contractor every day and I charge money for it. This should not be viewed as a disrespect to my trade or to my fellow tradesmen. In fact I provide a service and so I charge a fee. You don't like it, don't pay for my services. Same goes with movies such as 9/11 Mysteries and the likes. These people have tried for a long time to offer their movies for free on the net while allowing some to help by donating or buying but nobody is helping.

But all this is not relevant because Loose Change is all nothing but garbage.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:57 PM
We should all make a point to buy films we see on Google. Especially on the films that you feel are genuine.

I know I am now going to purchase End Game, I already purchased America Freedom to Facism and will do the same with Loose Change the Final Cut.

In fact we need to remind ourselves to support the causes more then just with our fingers typing on the Keyboards.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by talisman]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:35 PM
Sorry but when it comes to 911 I disagree. I call it profiteering. Those like yourself who spend money on these films im sure feel like they are due some return on their investment. I feel the investment into finding the truth should be the payoff.
I also think people who were directly involved in 911 or who had family die in the attacks should be compensated for their loss. If selling movies is done and the profits are given to them, then I feel differently about that. I can accept that type of sale.

Im sure you have a counter point, and you are entitled to it, however im not changing the way I feel as it is a morality issue and not a business issue to me.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by robwerden

The best way to compensate the family's is to support these film makers, how else are they going to make a return? How will the family's get closure or a proper investigation when no-one can fund anymore films because everyone got lazy and watched Google or Youtube? Or make another film? Besides they could push for the legality of something like this being on Google etc.

So it is also a legal question that they have not pursued.

Everyone who takes this seriously should support these people, put our money where our mouths are. Goodness they let it out for free, giving them money for it is to help them recover that lost.

How many film makers put out there stuff for free like that?

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by robwerden
Sorry but when it comes to 911 I disagree. I call it profiteering.

Hardly profiteering my friend. Call the maker of 9/11 Mysteries and ask her how much profiting she has been doing lately from her movie. She has not been able to recuperate the cost of making the movie, much less make money from it.

The only movie from the truth movement which has been able to get somewhat of a profit is Loose Change and that is most likely due to the very large amount of publicity they get from the mainstream media every time the truth movement is discussed in the mainstream.

Those like yourself who spend money on these films im sure feel like they are due some return on their investment.

Not really a "return on my investment'. But at least some money to enable the financing of such movies. Take 9/11 Mysteries again, that movie cost $60,000 and she paid it from mortgaging her house and maxing out her credit cards. Now she can't make the second of the three parts. Not because she isn't turning out a large amount of money, but just because she isn't making enough money to survive, pay off her first movie and finance her second one.

Why is it that she can't find the money to make her second movie? Because people like you think that "information is free" .... that's why.
Information might very well be free, but making movies isn't free, and making good movies sure as hell isn't free.

I feel the investment into finding the truth should be the payoff.

Sure, but we still have to pay the bills and buy food .... truth doesn't buy food.

I also think people who were directly involved in 911 or who had family die in the attacks should be compensated for their loss.

They HAVE been compensated. The average victim's family got $1.8 million from the gubment in the form of victim's compensation funds.

If selling movies is done and the profits are given to them, then I feel differently about that. I can accept that type of sale.

Hell, dude, we can't make a living with our movies, we can't even finance the cost of making those movies. Still we publish them on the net for free for everyone to see and you don't think that's enough? You think that on top of not being able to finance these movies, we should also send money to people who are already millionaires?

Im sure you have a counter point, and you are entitled to it, however im not changing the way I feel as it is a morality issue and not a business issue to me.

Well, for me it's not so much a business issue as it is more an issue of putting food on the table and paying the bills.

But don't worry. your dear Loose Crap Final Delusion will eventually be released on the net for free. Just not yet.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:08 PM
A lot of time and effort has gone into the films, not to mention expense. You have things like gas, phone bills, web site expenses, video production expenses, etc. Giving money to genuine "truth-seeking" sources helps them in their fight for "truth." It gives them the fuel to continue.

I have my doubts about Loose Change, since I found "doctored" images from their site. I feel perhaps they may just be there to discredit the real truth movement, even though they say they are there to help. See, I think they could have put that doctored evidence there, knowing it "would" be discovered, and "debunked," bringing disrepute to conspiracy theories surrounding 911. Kind of tricky, eh?


[edit on 9-11-2007 by cybertroy]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by robwerden

"Profit" is a gain in excess of time and money invested. If they put a year's effort into making a video, then I say they deserve about $50,000 in compensation. Beyond that, it's profit.

Honestly, we don't know how much these people might or might not be making, but charging a little when possible doesn't seem immoral to me. This is just an exchange of effort for monetary compensation, and I believe it's fair to ask a little from those who can afford it.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by dionysius9
If they put a year's effort into making a video, then I say they deserve about $50,000 in compensation. Beyond that, it's profit.

heh, i find it amusing you seem to be setting a salary for someone else's job. What a world

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:09 AM
Well, really, the video prices aren't really that much. Most of us spend extra money here and there on non-important things anyway, no matter our income level. Many of us could fairly easilly buy the DVD.

I mean, I currently don't make a lot of money, but I could probably figure out how to get the DVD.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by robwerden
I don't think profiting from 9-11 is moral.

What about making a small donation to those who work so hard at exposing
the lies of 9/11? Would that be immoral too? Saying we are "profiting from
is a misnomer. We are merely attempting (and failing) to generate
sufficient finances to keep exposing the lies of 9/11. Nothing is free my friend,
and if it's free I would think twice about it's motive.

Now I may have been a bit harsh on you but it's just that people all want to
see free movies on YouTube and they all think it's great that these movies can
be seen for free. But those movies cost money my friend. Why should those
who make the movies bare the cost of making them all by themselves?

Sure, exposing the lies of 9/11 is a great cause. Sure it's great that we can
see those movies on YouTube and Google for free. But no matter how you see
it, they cost money to make and if you don't help support them then you are
not being a part of the solution.

I admire and respect all those who have taken the time and money to make
those genuine documentaries. But I really question the fundings of those who
can crank out movies after movies without any financial help from us ..... who
is financing them?


[edit on 10-11-2007 by PepeLapew]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:10 AM
OK...let's focus on a central fact-the LOOSE CHANGE PEOPLE ARE NO-PLANERS. Do you really want to support disinfo? If so, buy this movie.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:16 AM
c'mon folks, "researchers" in the alternative history, forbidden archeology, 9/11, aliens, have been profiting for decades

think of how much money the davinci code made

there's a lot of money to be made by preying on the believers.

you can go to for free

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:22 AM
Yeah, if you went to your job, and sweated all day, but didn't get paid I would think you would see things differently.

Your boss tells you that you did a great job, pats you on the back, but tells you he isn't going to give you anything in return. How would you live? You couldn't even drive to work without pay.

Some people who are dedicated to their causes do spend lots of time on their causes. I guess some people make it their life. No money may mean they maybe don't eat, it may mean they can't produce the videos anymore. So, they end up not continuing because they no longer can, and their cause could die without funding.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by mentalempire
OK...let's focus on a central fact-the LOOSE CHANGE PEOPLE ARE NO-PLANERS. Do you really want to support disinfo? If so, buy this movie.

The Loose Change crew does not promote the 'no-planer' crap and in fact they ban you on their forum if you mention any 'no-planer' stuff. But never the less, they are total disinfo and full of distortions, this is why the mainstream media gives it so much publicity every freaking time the 9/11 truth movement is mentioned in the media. Loose Change is just a straw man for the media to present the public with while much better movies like 9/11 Mysteries are largely and completely ignored by the media.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:29 AM
Well good at least people will have to pay for the video instead of stumbling on the crap. Go on waste your money and get your feel. Hell it's a conspiracy that we're alive and living on this planet called earth. Like I've always said before, if you have to pay for the truth then it isn't the truth. If it was the truth thenwhy do you need a second addition final cut? Go watch screw loose change, it's free.

[edit on 11/10/2007 by Solarskye]

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