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Loose Change Final cut now available. Download?

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posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by dionysius9
Pepe, I'm with you on your replies.

I remember reading a Harvard study about the behavior of the public in regard to the news. What they found was an interesting little piece of information:

People decide what they believe, then go looking for news sources to confirm that belief.

You would think that it would be the other way around. But it ISN'T.

I did this for five years. I spent all my time trying to find websites which could explain away all the anomalies people were talking about. And for a while, I was comforted by them. But how many anomalies can there be in the official story before you just say to yourself "I'm tired of this... why won't these weird things just all go away".

Then it dawns on you. The "conspiracy theorists" MIGHT be right. Just acknowledging this possibility is the most critical step to knowing what happened that day, and is also the 1st step people are most unwilling to make.

Actually, I did it pretty much the same way as you did. I was trying to prove to a friend that 9/11 could not have been an inside job. And the more I researched the debunker sites the more I started to realize that the crap I was reading made no sense whatsoever. For me it's not the "conspiracy kooks" that convinced me, it's the debunkers that convinced me with their ridiculous claims. I mean, you just look at WTC-7 and how could you possibly believe that this building came down due to fire?
And why does the media refuse consistently to show us the numerous clips of WTC-7's collapse?

Acknowledge.... the fact... that the possibility... exists. Our government MIGHT have done it. THEN! look for evidence and let the chips fall where they may.

Sounds easy, doesn't it? But it's not all that easy to put our entire belief system into question and come to realize that our media, our TV, our newspapers and our government have been lying so much. It got me deeply depressed and sleepless for almost a month.

Most people decide first, then filter all available information, editing out anything that contradicts what they already believe.

Yup! It's just too difficult for the average person to realize thay have been lied to for so long and on such a large scale that they would do anything to dismiss some things that jump in their faces.

Cheers and keep up the fight my friend,

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:27 PM
Seriously, if you want to talk about people profiting from 9/11, look at the people these videos are trying to expose.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:08 AM
Loose Change Final Cut - Link

Nicely shrunk down and embedded

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:26 AM
Thanks for the google video link

I've bought a coy of the film as I agree with PepeLapew on the issue of funding the films that are trying to inform the public of the true events of September 11th, I don't agree with his statement about Loose Change being garbage as they like the makers of Mysteries are singing off the same song sheet if you will, they tell the same story.

Loose change was one of the first films to really grab everyone and make them understand what was going on, Mysteries is a brilliant film that continues the hard work of so many people. we should support the work of the people that are helping this movement.
Like ive said have just bought a copy of LC and ill be donating money to the makers of 911 Mysteries, they are not making money out of this I really wish people could see that, The only party making money is the very system they are trying to expose. Its important that if you belive like so many of us do now that this was a set up and an inside job to spare just £10 to the makers of the films so that the work can continue...

Donate to 911 Mysteries:

Donate to Loose Change:

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Loose Change FINAL CUT FULL;

Google Video Link

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Solarskye
reply to post by PepeLapew

Good, now she knows that you can't use copyrighted material to use as her own. 3000 people died on September 11th and it shouldn't be used to make a profit.

but exploiting the tragedy for political motives and spiting people is kosher? Sweet double standard

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver
Go look up those old 96 tapes of his pandering butt saying we are getting the MARK of the Beast with this newfangled technology..bwhahah that was what 11 years ago..just dumb. What happened? Nuthin'

wow, what world are you living in? He said we were getting what? Mark of the beast in new technology? Guess what... Verichip was founded less than 2 years after he made that statement.

P.S. stop speaking for all of texas, you are humiliating yourself.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Matthew5012

Just my opinion:

If you want to donate money. Do to a worthy cause. Not a pack of liars and theives.

The 4th try at the "truth" is as far away as the previous three.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver
Go look up those old 96 tapes of his pandering butt saying we are getting the MARK of the Beast with this newfangled technology..bwhahah that was what 11 years ago..just dumb. What happened? Nuthin'

wow, what world are you living in? He said we were getting what? Mark of the beast in new technology? Guess what... Verichip was founded less than 2 years after he made that statement.

P.S. stop speaking for all of texas, you are humiliating yourself.

Ok I will talk for 98.5% of Texas then... I will let you talk for the 1.5% of Texas truthers "keepin' Austin weird." Freakin' Barney on Ice is a better draw than a truther rally. Humiliating? Bwahaha, You bet.

And exactly what world are YOU living in? What are you afraid of? The TDHS sticking a vchip under your skin? In your wallet? How long are you going to "fear" this? Is there a statute of limitations on fear? It has been a freaking DECADE now. At least the y2k scare had an expiration date.

Gov Perry tried to mandate HPV inoculations for our 12 year old daughters. How long did THAT last? Hmmm? I can guarantee you it wasn't overturned because of some "shock jock" radio dude. Perry still has egg on his face for that debacle. ( although I believe his intentions were good, ya know, for the welfare of Texan girls, and the urgency to quell this dangerous disease-- Not some maniacal conspiracy)

To sum up:

There are plenty of people "awake" and living in a sane world. (relatively speaking) *Life is too short to live in fear of your own country, state, or town.* One shouldn't blindly accept everything our legislatures or elected officials try to do..they should be scrutinized and often are ..intensely.

Why should Alex Jones get a free pass on scrutiny? He is a charlatan selling videos and shocking people for radio ratings...that's his business, his livelyhood. If it were boring it wouldn't sell.. He has a vested interest in taking a kernel of fact and spinning it into a giant ball 'o' paranoia.

[edit on 13-11-2007 by Taxi-Driver]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:28 PM
i agree he has an extremist attitude. I also agree he uses that attitude as a gimmick. I do not agree that you should dismiss everything he says, because of his chosen method of delivery. Truth is, if he was talking about losing freedoms, but said it all monotone, and without any passion, nobody would listen to him, not even his current fans.

I see you are familiar with logical fallacies, most specifically Ad Hominem attacks and False Comparisons. Let's try moving forward and using critical thinking, as opposed to these character attacks.

Why should Alex Jones get a free pass on scrutiny?

well, it seems you are more opposed to AJ listeners, not AJ himself. AJ is like the reading rainbow kids, always telling you "Don't take my word for it..." SO he advocates scrutiny, even against his own statements. Much more than I've seen you do in this thread so far

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:30 PM
DId anyone here Alex Jones say that if Loose Change is not a hit, he is claiming bankruptsy?

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:40 PM
nope, didnt hear that. Until a source is provided, I don't believe it either.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by scientist

I didnt ask you to believe it..... wondering if anyone heard him say it.

He was the executive producer. And it showed!!

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:10 PM
It was a questionable purchase when it only cost a little bandwidth.

My question is this, When ScrewLooseChange shows the entire video
to be garbage, will they charge money for that video?

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by PriapismJoe

Screwloose Change didn't charge for the first one.... i don't see any reason why they would for this one.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:26 AM
I've seen the entire version of loose change final cut, and there isn't anything you can say about it. not like the first two where they put there own conclusion on each event... this time they haven't and they only go off the facts. I thought I was very good and hope its get the credit it deserves.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Matthew5012
I've seen the entire version of loose change final cut, and there isn't anything you can say about it. not like the first two where they put there own conclusion on each event... this time they haven't and they only go off the facts. I thought I was very good and hope its get the credit it deserves.

Please tell me what NEW "facts" that are presented in this video.

Thank you

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:29 PM

I see this movie as more of a refinement of the perponderence of evidence that the official 9/11 "conspiracy" story as presented by the US Govt. is provably false.

However, of the new material included, I am particularly interested in the testimony of a top security official who was stationed in WTC 7 who witnessed bombs take out the lobby of the building.

That seems to be quite a bombshell in itself even if one were to ignore much of the other, obvious, problems with the "official" explanation on the WTC 7 collapse.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

However, of the new material included, I am particularly interested in the testimony of a top security official who was stationed in WTC 7 who witnessed bombs take out the lobby of the building.

He "saw bombs take out the lobby of the building?"

Tell me, how does one SEE bombs?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 02:12 PM
Well apparently the Loose Change guys don't want this video up on google for free just yet, so any copies posted here are technically unauthorized.

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