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My Professor is a Freemason

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Redge777I did not claim to be a mason, nor have I ever asked to be one, nor care to be one. I do not believe I lied, I consider a group of secret societies to be the same, they each have rituals, and operate in secrecy. I may have projected my beliefs, but

I also quickly acknowledge it was not Masons when you asked for clarification. But if you need to belittle me, that's fine.

You haven't lied per se but you have dissembled which is spitting-distance to the same thing.

You also claim....

Originally posted by Redge777No I use to belong to a society that used the same secrecy, and similiar rituals of the masons.

So, as has been pointed out by others, you don't know what you're talking about. You're making assumptions based on whatever your experience was and tagging that with information of questionable accuracy gleaned from the internet and expecting others to accept you as being informed on the subject of Freemasonry.

Can you see where the casual reader'd have a problem with this?

Originally posted by Redge777But very breifly and do not consider any of my time in membership to be a bases for any knowledge or opinions I have.

Beg your pardon? By your own admission, it's the PRIMARY basis for your opinion.

And about that 'not-being-a-mason' thing?

Originally posted by Redge777I am not a mason as I stated above, I left after not agreeing with rituals.

You just claimed to have been at one point a Mason but chose to leave. So which is it?

Originally posted by Redge777And it was a different secret order, note that because it was secret I had no idea I what the ritual would entail before going there.

Ah! So I'm putting on my guessing cap here but I'll guess that it was some sort of unrecognised form of 'masonry' that's unrecognised for good reason. Yet you feel that this experience gives you accurate knowledge and perspective of what real Freemasonry is that entitles you to slag it to the world. Does this "secret" group have a name?

Originally posted by Redge777Well my views are not just ignorance they come from a couple books from masonary, coincidental they call Christians Ignorant just like most Masons that insult me do.

Here's a newsflash for you: most Masons on this continent ARE Christians.
That there's a couple of Christian sects that are vociferously anti-Mason (without the benefit of actual knowledge) brings them in for special criticism. They'd be dubbed "Ignorant" no matter what their creed. They'd be dubbed "Ignorant" if their defining characteristic was being orange with blue polka-dots.

Originally posted by Redge777The books come from
and are suppose to be masonic text, I do not know if they are credible, but they do match many things I hear here also.

So one hand scratches the other and you buy it? Sheesh! The thing that gets me is that you appear quite happy and willing to slag Freemasonry based on your non-masonic 'Masonic' 'experience' and yet completely dismiss the replies from admitted Masons on ATS because......because......what? They're Masons? Give yer head a shake. Would you not get your car fixed based on a professional's advice because you read in one book and then found it confirmed online somewhere that rubbing a Pomeranian on the engine block should solve the problem? Because you're in the same league with your anti-Masonic tripe.

Originally posted by Redge777I have opinions on Mason's form of worship, [snipped]

And here we go with this canard again! Repeating lies doesn't make them truth, Redge. Masons (as Masons) don't worship anything. Period. Full stop. As individuals, they have their own faiths which form the basis from which Freemasonry hopes to take these good men and make them better.

End of story. The reality just isn't as much fun as the lie repeated by non-Masons with an agenda.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by RACER X
reply to post by Rockpuck

"Rock Puck" No Mason would call anyone a bible thumping fool!!! It is part of the requirments to be a mason "No Athiest" must beleave in a God. You do not talk as if you respect a faith. If the world did not have any faith we would have already "destroyed" ourselfs. Talks of ignorance???Hmmm

Ah, and a true Mason would know that we are not Christian, but secular.
I will call out Bible Thumping fools when I see em.
And your right, I have little respect for any organized religion.

When it might offend another persons faith, its in the obligations to be kind to all!

Racer X, are you a mason? I doubt it, since there is just so much wrong with your request at so many levels...

I agree Saurus. But you never know, it is the internet .. you have to just assume to take peoples word without any "evidence"

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by DazedDave
I'm in class, right now, and what I always suspected has just been confirmed. I'm sitting near the front row and I can see his giant Freemason ring from here.

Are you one of my students?

He is smart

Oooops! I guess not!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by DazedDave

Maybe I'm misinterpreting your OP, but it seems to me you are implying that this guy was keeping some great secret about his membership in the Freemasons, and you discoverd his secret. Maybe this particular guy was being secretive about his membership (although the fact he wore a big ring would indicate otherwise), but I'm pretty sure most Masons are average guys who are not secretive about their involvement in Freemasonry.

The Masons I know (my mechanic, plus another average joe) are pretty open about their membership, and in fact the entire local lodge marches in our town's annual Memorial Day parade.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Damocles

Ha, that too. Which is interesting because that's one of the primary tenets of Skull and Bones.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Redge777

It is not the elite who picks, it is the whole Lodge who gets to vote.
Always has been and always will be that way.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by RWPBR]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:43 AM
You guys are off topic here.

Are you so bored with the thread topic that your now focusing just on each other?

Ill admit the thread topic itself doesn't really have too many places to go but I'll add what I feel to get this back on track:

It doesn't sound like he was keeping a secret he just wasn't making his personal business public knowledge. He isn't required to announce his membership to the class or if he chooses to mention it to you then that's up to him. After he admits his membership...then what? A secret handshake lesson?

He's a member of the Masons.
He's an intelligent teacher.

It's no big deal...unless he shows the secret pictures of the Reptilian members.
Now that would be something.

- Lee

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

Are you a marketing teacher? If so, why did I only get 7/10 on the last assignment???

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Well like I said, I had asked him about it in another conversation but never got an answer...I just thought it was interesting, I'm sure if I asked him face to face he'd tell me.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by DazedDave
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Well like I said, I had asked him about it in another conversation but never got an answer...I just thought it was interesting, I'm sure if I asked him face to face he'd tell me.

If your really interested honestly just ask him after class. Be like "Hey, saw your ring and was wondering ......."

Not like he would get mad you asked about his noticeable ring, its why he wears it.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:12 PM
Psychopaths make the best hosts and actors and people like Hitler and Bush have the reputation of having treated all their gusts with the utmost respect. The type of people who are attracted to Freemasonry are almost always psychopaths because they flock to the temples because they know they will recieve unmerited favors because of their association, they recieve promotions over more qualified individuals, their brothers are obligated to frequent their businesses over those of nonfreemasons, they swear to defend each other if one is accused of an unlawful act, and they get slaps on the wrist for things that would send us to prison for life.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by preid2

Wow! You must just love freemasonrywatch to have cobbled together such an unmitigated bunch of shyte.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by preid2
Psychopaths make the best hosts and actors and people like Hitler and Bush have the reputation of having treated all their gusts with the utmost respect. The type of people who are attracted to Freemasonry are almost always psychopaths because they flock to the temples because they know they will recieve unmerited favors because of their association, they recieve promotions over more qualified individuals, their brothers are obligated to frequent their businesses over those of nonfreemasons, they swear to defend each other if one is accused of an unlawful act, and they get slaps on the wrist for things that would send us to prison for life.

Please keep posting more unfounded BS,it makes you look intelligent.First of all to compare Freemasonry to Hitler is ridiculous.You know who was attracted to Freemasonry? A large chunk of the founding fathers of the United States,so I guess you are comparing them to Hitler and Bush.Also we have a large amount of veterans of World War II in my lodge.By the way Hitler outlawed Freemasonry in Germany, so it must not have been too much like Hitler.Also every Freemason takes oaths to uphold the laws of his country,and we even say the pledge of allegiance to the Flag (the United States flag before some wackjob asks what flag) at every meeting.

You should be thanking Freemasonry for the foundation of this country and the civil liberties that you take for granted.Parts of the Colonial Revolution were planned in Masonic Lodges.Freemasonry and your freedom go hand in hand.I suppose you think that many of the Masonic founding fathers of our country set up this one of a kind democracy with its liberties and freedoms just to take them away 200 some odd years later,for no reason.Start to think with your head and stop thinking with what you sit on.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:53 AM
What in the world would be so cool about a Mason? I will tell you who's cool, JESUS!

Higher standard? What gives the right to that man to hold anyone to a higher standard?! Incredibe, yet I read on! LOL

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:56 AM
"You should be thanking Freemasonry for the foundation of this country and the civil liberties that you take for granted.Parts of the Colonial Revolution were planned in Masonic Lodges.Freemasonry and your freedom go hand in hand.I suppose you think that many of the Masonic founding fathers of our country set up this one of a kind democracy with its liberties and freedoms just to take them away 200 some odd years later,for no reason.Start to think with your head and stop thinking with what you sit on."

You couldn't be any further then Christ then you already are! LOL

Do you know what? I support our troops 1000 percent but I don't support the government contracts that Masons are getting rich from innocent souls that are losing their lives for. Eisenhower warned us of it in his farewell speech.

By the way, I am in no way opposed to my government and what it stands for, I just think it needs a lot less Masons in government positions. Less corruption that way.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by spirit7]

[edit on 4-11-2007 by spirit7]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:14 AM
LOL! This website's theme is to deny ignorance, yet as Fitzgibbon keeps on using it as body armor.

And I always love that phrase "By your own admission". Um sorry, but it don't work that way. Everything that you do should be done with Jesus. You guys think that sounds crazy, don't you! LOL

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:20 AM
You know, Peter was once so full of pride and felt that he was better then everyone else too. But Jesus had to ask him over and over again, "Peter, do you love me"?

All that you need is Jesus. You don't need "the craft"! From what I can see is that it makes you feel powerful and you're afraid to give it up though. That's ok, just let it go.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by spirit7
Higher standard? What gives the right to that man to hold anyone to a higher standard?!

Well uh.......'cuz he's a teacher? And the response you're taking exception to was made at least partly in jest. However, Masons do expect a higher degree of morality to be displayed by other Masons than they would of the average person.

I guess that's a bad thing in your book.

Originally posted by spirit7
Do you know what? I support our troops 1000 percent but I don't support the government contracts that Masons are getting rich from innocent souls that are losing their lives for.

You've really swallowed the blue pill, haven't you? You want to cite some examples of these "government contracts that Masons are getting rich from" with some conclusive evidence that backs your assertion up?

Originally posted by spirit7
Eisenhower warned us of it in his farewell speech.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but Eisenhower was speaking about the "military/industrial complex". If you'd ever been to a Lodge, I think you'd soon realise how ridiculous your point actually is.

Originally posted by spirit7
By the way, I am in no way opposed to my government and what it stands for, I just think it needs a lot less Masons in government positions. Less corruption that way.


Wanna provide some evidence as opposed to baseless assertion?

Originally posted by spirit7
LOL! This website's theme is to deny ignorance, yet as Fitzgibbon keeps on using it as body armor.

Uh huh!

I think where you and I seem to diverge is that I can speak with some authority about Freemasonry inasmuch as I'm a Mason. You? From your posts so far, I think it's pretty safe to say you aren't. So you still want to argue about ignorance?

Originally posted by spirit7
And I always love that phrase "By your own admission". Um sorry, but it don't work that way.

Actually it does. That's one of the ways that reasonable individuals debate. If you make an assertion that's in opposition to statements you made earlier to the contrary, expect to be called on it.

Originally posted by spirit7
Everything that you do should be done with Jesus. You guys think that sounds crazy, don't you! LOL

No, I don't. And that's how I live my life and how I expect to be judged on it. A Sikh, Jewish, Islamic, etc. Lodge member is going to be acting according to the dictates of his faith. Is anything served getting into a 'my-religion's-better-than-your-religion' pissing match? At the end of the day, I believe I will be judged favourably for having been a Mason and everything that membership expects of me.

Originally posted by spirit7
You know, Peter was once so full of pride and felt that he was better then everyone else too.

And again, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that Christian Masons deny Jesus. I'm sure you aren't going to take my word when I say that it just ain't so. However, Hope springs eternal.

Originally posted by spirit7
All that you need is Jesus. You don't need "the craft"! From what I can see is that it makes you feel powerful and you're afraid to give it up though. That's ok, just let it go.

Freemasonry allows me to be part of a group of men of goodwill of different faiths, creeds and backgrounds. I didn't join to "feel powerful" and if anything, I've learned a bit of humility along the way.

Freemasonry is about finding the good that men of different creeds share as a way to jointly improve the world, our communities and ourselves. The mere presence of other faiths doesn't seem to so easily shake my faith as it seems to do yours.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Fitzgibbon]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:15 AM
I'm going to be honest with this thread.

I'll release some of the details.

When I was in high school, there was this nice principal I liked, (She was an old woman, by the way) and when I got called in her office for some discussion, I noticed on her wall, saying "Yale University", it kind of gave me chills when I noticed that.

Well, I don't know, she seemed like to be a one well-connected person with illuminati or freemasonry, stuff like that. Maybe she was actually a mason, who knows. Oh yeah, smart, too, of course.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:25 AM
I really don't know what the big deal is about masons. My grandad was one, he wore the ring quite openly too. And I remember some nice embroidered 'aprons' trimmed with gold fringe that were used for ceremonies of some kind that he'd had for an eternity too. He wasn't loaded or powerful or bad. (didn't tell me anything about the masons though, lol) In fact he was the nicest man around and the only time he got mad was when I asked him "what do you do in the masons?" But he had a right, I was very persistent and annoying. What is the big deal?

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