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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by SpadeofAces
I thought disclosed information was going to be available on the 30th. Why has nobody cited passages from this book, or anything related to the information it contains in the past 3 days?

Good question, can anyone elaborate on "datas head" and how it supposedly is giving NASA information? I'm on board with about 99.9% of most Moon structure stuff, but the head thing poses some questions. So, if someone that has bought the book and doesnt mind sharing the details, it'd be greatly appreciated, and when its time to reciprocate and I have info to share with you my brothers and sisters. you can bet I'll be there be there for you.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:30 PM
I firmly believe that this will turn out to be nothing, and fade away (from obvious lack of realistic and verifiable facts)

Just wait a few months...a year...the only people that will be keeping this whole bunch of nonesense alive are those that are blind to reason, logic and common sense.

And John, I know the rules state you can't knowling post false information, but is also says "innacurate" information. Concerning your ludicrous statements about a breathable atmosphere on the moon (which is laughable, I mean laughable) this is innacurate. There is thousands of real scientis (not controled by your evil NASA or the evil US government) that would smash your allegations apart using scientificlly verifiable data and process. You are basing your asumptions on but a few loonies and thier ideas. So, your version of acurate in this case would be the very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very small majority of "scientists" and woo woo conspiracy nutjobs that push thier stupid agenda. That means, to go with them your allegations could be considered inaccurate (I mean, your flying your flag against 50+ years of accurate scientific data, come on.......) But that's as accurate and misleading as me saying "everyone, take out your ruler or calculator. And inch is not an inch and 2+2 does not equal 4. You all have been mislead and don't know what I know. An inch is really 1.00004 inches and 2+2 really equals 4.0153. I can't reveal my sources on this, but don't trut your measuring devices or mathematics any more"

But I would not expect you to be called on this. All you have to dao is say your posting what you believe, and then suddenly the T&C dose not apply to you.

So I can say, without hesitate, that THERE IS an invisible elf in my back yard. I have seen it, and my neighbors daughter has seen it. Saying that does not violate anything on this board because I am foolish enough to state that I believe it.

So basically, anybody is free to post any sort of utter rubbish they want around here as long as they use that loophole. And you sir, got that down pat. I consider you to be an embarrassment to this board and the motto "DENY IGNORANCE" for obvious reasons. You should be ashamed of yourself. And ATS should feel like fools for allowing you to contribute to thier shame of propelling someone like you into the limelight. do deliver some hits to the site, so I guess they overlook YOUR foolishness (as opposed to anyone elses) for that reason. Sad, sad.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:56 PM
It does have the same feel as Von Daniken's 'Chariots of the Gods' - I might just wait for the mini-series to hit TV.

I would really like to see some startling revelations of unseen truth but this just doesn't feel right. Viral marketing ploy ? - certainly has people talking and clawing each other to get hold of the works.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

I agree with you. Instead of "Denying Ignorance" the ATS presents itself as promoting ludicrous fantasies of John Lear and ignorance that he embodies.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Completely true. Unfortunately every single "smoking gun" style of "break" tends to fade away and gets forgotten by everyone but a few.

Look at the Isaac/Drone issue. People stopped talking about it en masse and only recently was it found to be a viral campaign run by Alienware. The "true believers" deny that reality even though it's such a "doh, oh yeah!" sort of thing.

I'm still so completely underwhelmed. What's it going to take? What are these folks waiting for? For somebody to scan pictures and post them on these boards so they can file a lawsuit for more $$? Oh boy! Now that's a plausible conspiracy theory!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Donoso
Look at the Isaac/Drone issue. People stopped talking about it en masse and only recently was it found to be a viral campaign run by Alienware. The "true believers" deny that reality even though it's such a "doh, oh yeah!" sort of thing.

Just to be accurate, one of the designers over at Alienware simply "borrowed" the Issac/CARET graphics for an ad campaign of their own. They didn't originate it. The Issac/CARET stuff remains open for debate, although, as you note, the information stream on that has pretty much dried up.

I'm not ancient, but this "excitement ultimately leading to nothing" scenario has happened so many times in my short life that I've lost count. As a result, I've adopted a cynical, "show me" attitude that holds me in good stead about 99.99 percent of the time. I didn't start out that way, but have been driven to it by consistent disappointment.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by zorgon

cross some secret goveernments and there is nothing to lose but life and family and everything of value to self-------having myself worked for government almost 35 years and having met mafia type crime bosses that ignore the rules and set their own standards and myself having been threatend by the same i can honestly tell you secret governments are the norm, not the exception and murder is just part of their buisness although aquiring vast sums of wealth for a retirement package is the main aim of the crooks i was made to work for.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:16 PM
Do you have any actual proof of this?
Or are you too following the suit of John Lear?
As someone stated, posts like this violate the terms and conditions of this website. No one ever presents proof of such claims, it's always "My sources" or some other story covering why they can't present any of us with the REAL facts.

With posts like this, would it be fair for me to start posting about the five story, purple giraffe living in my back yard? Y'know- He's behind the fake moon landing.
His name is Michael F. Hamburglington, and he also runs almost all of America.
Excluding the rogue factions assisting Space Ant overlords.

I'm for disclosure as much as everyone else on this board- But, where are the facts?

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Dewm0nster]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

well, that is what many of the readers here think of the claims of John.
perhaps somethings simply can´t be proven and are true.

for example that any human has 3 bodies, physical, life- and astralbody, (and the self of course).
can you touch it? no.

another could be just another gov hoax to get us in the mood for ´their endgame´.
really, just imagine, it would look right like this..

if its not true, of course..

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:23 PM
That's not a fact.
It is not a fact that we have three bodies, or that we have an astralbody- It's a belief of yours, and others, but that alone does not make it a fact
So, I don't see why you used it as an example of something that can not be proven, but is true.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:31 PM
same crap, different flies. actually, its probably the same flies running out to buy this book and telling everyone else to do the same. i was king fly. ive spent thousands of dollars and countless hours at libraries over my lifetime only to be left flat. to me-this is like a religion-i want to believe. these guys/gals take advantage of this "want" to fleece us.

ive read 2 threads here about this and everyone says the pics are old and the new one(s) is not very good. im so tired of this bs. thats why i posted mikes phone# in the other thread. if everyone would call and tell him how you feel and ask about this new proof the bs would stop. it is bs by the way. they have another "commercial" on the 4th. from what i got out of my conversation with mike, they dont want to release too much info until people come(pay) for this. i brought up the dvd venture with the russians and he sounded very excited. early? '08. i asked if they would sit on the info to pimp the dvd and he just laughed and hung up.

sheeple are too quick to argue about off topic issues. i bet about half the posts here arent even about this particular subject. go to one of the sources. call mike bara.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by anti72
well, that is what many of the readers here think of the claims of John.
perhaps somethings simply can´t be proven and are true.

But what good is that? What's the ultimate difference between fiction and something that is true but can't be proven? If I want to read some fiction, I'll go get a Stephen King book. But is somebody is trying to convince me of a truth that I'm expected to incorporate into my worldview as the truth, then they better offer good, hard proof or they can take it down the road.

Whitley Strieber stills writes fiction, and sells it as such. If Richard Hoagland wants to sell a fiction novel about a secret NASA conspiracy, I got no problem with that, either. But when somebody presents something to me as the truth, my standards get a little higher than what I have for simple entertainment. I don't think this is an unreasonable attitude, but it's surprising how many people get riled up if you don't just go along with the whole story and believe it without question. Where's the denial of ignorance there?

Oh, well. My face is not turning any shade of blue waiting for the proof. If it was that good, there'd be no reason to hold it back in the first place.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:37 PM
yes it is true. and its true that you dont have only one life.
when you take the longtime practical work of many doctors and related researchers, and the work of Rudolf Steiner, you can find that out only with right thinkin.( reincarnation)

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by anti72

Wow, amazing- Anti72, how can I deny all the solid facts you've presented me with.
With such memorable phrases as "It is true" and the irrefutable fact of "Reincarnation" how could I ignore your belief any longer?
Reincarnation is a belief, it's not a "Fact".
Stop trying to pass off your beliefs as facts- And start providing a little thing I like to call, evidence.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:47 PM
someone here already pointed out the fact that hoaglands book is in the fiction section of book stores. how could someone promise to give you the undeniable truth and tell his publishers the book is fiction? moneygrubbers

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by anti72
well, that is what many of the readers here think of the claims of John.
perhaps somethings simply can´t be proven and are true.

But what good is that? What's the ultimate difference between fiction and something that is true but can't be proven? If I want to read some fiction, I'll go get a Stephen King book.

I know what you mean. yes, and I think John´s claims sound unrealistic, too.
but is there any real possibillity that would strengthen his concepts?( I hate the word ´proven´because its is heavily misused.)
for example his view of the no-plane theory. is i possible to fake ?

Whitley Strieber stills writes fiction, and sells it as such. If Richard Hoagland wants to sell a fiction novel about a secret NASA conspiracy, I got no problem with that, either.

well the information part has to come.

Oh, well. My face is not turning any shade of blue waiting for the proof. If it was that good, there'd be no reason to hold it back in the first place.


´´Wow, amazing- Anti72, how can I deny all the solid facts you've presented me with.
With such memorable phrases as "It is true" and the irrefutable fact of "Reincarnation" how could I ignore your belief any longer?
Reincarnation is a belief, it's not a "Fact".
Stop trying to pass off your beliefs as facts- And start providing a little thing I like to call, evidence.´´

well this would be another prob.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by anti72]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:57 PM
I have received a reply from Kay Ferrari of JPL's Solar System Abassadors program.

Here is my original email (with certain personal info redacted):

Greetings, Ms. Ferrari,

My name is .... and I am an independant blogger at the (largely inactive) website (Blather Review), as well as an active member of (Above Top Secret).

As you may surmise from the names of those two domains, I am an avid skeptic, debunker and seeker of the truth.

My question to you this morning concerns a press release regarding one Kenneth Johnston. Mr. Johnston claims to have held -- until Tuesday October 23rd, 2077 -- an unsalaried position in JPL's Solar System Ambassadors program. Here is a brief exerpt from an article in Pravda that was based on the press release:

"According to Kay Ferrari, JPL Director of the SSA Program (in a phone call to Johnston last week), it was Johnston "being quoted [as] criticizing NASA in Hoagland's new book, 'Dark Mission,'" that prompted her to ask for Johnston's resignation from the SSA Program. When Johnston refused, citing First Amendment protections of free speech afforded all NASA employees, even those at JPL, Ferrari apparently decided to remove him arbitrarily from the SSA Program this week without cause."

And this, I believe, comes from the original press release (from a differant "news" source):

"Dr. Ken Johnston, former Manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during NASA's manned Apollo Lunar Program, was abruptly terminated Tuesday morning, October 23rd, from JPL's prestigious "Solar System Ambassador" (SSA) Program. All evidence of Dr. Johnston's exemplary 4-year participation in the NASA outreach effort to "communicate the importance of NASA aerospace programs to the public around the world" has been scrubbed from the official JPL SSA website, without formal notification of Dr. Johnston as to cause."

There is a very active discussion of this story here:

My question to you, if you would be so kind to answer, is: Is any of this true?

Above Top Secret is the largest conspiracy discussion board on the internet. It's motto is: Deny Ignorance.

I would most grateful for any answer from you, however brief or extensive.

Thank you very much, Ms Ferrari.

.... (aka: "Tuning Spork")

Here is Ms. Ferrari's response (emphasis added):

Dear ...,

In response to your question about the press release issued on the Enterprise Mission website, here's what happened.

On October 19, a question was raised about statements attributed to one of our volunteer Solar System Ambassadors, Ken Johnston from New Mexico, regarding NASA photos from Apollo showing alien structures on the Moon.

Since this seemed very odd to me, I called Ken to find out if this was true. Instead of answering the question, he offered to resign from the program. I accepted and followed up with a letter to Ken confirming the details of our conversation.

It wasn't until the next Monday, October 22, that I became aware of "Dark Mission" and learned that Ken was going to participate in a press conference regarding the book.

Thanks for the inquiry.

Kay Ferrari

So, Ken Johnston was one of hundreds of volunteers called "Solar System Ambassadors". Most of them are school teachers who give presentations at local clubs, schools, museums and libraries aimed at educating children and adults about the solar system. He did not work directly for or with Kay Ferrari.

Here is a directory of all current ambassadors:

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by anti72

Well, you won't mind U2Uing me some "Facts" on the topic.
I use the term "Facts" loosely, because I know it'll be purely speculatively, with entirely no evidence to back it up.
Look forward to hearing from you, Anti.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Nohup

I'd simply "borrow" it too, wouldn't you? I mean, you're a notable gaming rig company and you've been out fooling a bunch of "lunatics" over at ATS and other boards. I wouldn't want to be the one that says: "Yeah, we planned the whole thing" now would you?


Anyways, that's not what this topic is about - I was merely pointing out the fact that all these "ABSOLUTE DISCLOSURE" threads/stories usually dry up with absolutely no result.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Dear ...,

In response to your question about the press release issued on the Enterprise Mission website, here's what happened.

On October 19, a question was raised about statements attributed to one of our volunteer Solar System Ambassadors, Ken Johnston from New Mexico, regarding NASA photos from Apollo showing alien structures on the Moon.

Since this seemed very odd to me, I called Ken to find out if this was true. Instead of answering the question, he offered to resign from the program. I accepted and followed up with a letter to Ken confirming the details of our conversation.

It wasn't until the next Monday, October 22, that I became aware of "Dark Mission" and learned that Ken was going to participate in a press conference regarding the book.

Thanks for the inquiry.

Kay Ferrari

now that's interesting... if the allegations of this 'NASA employee' are actually true it could very well put an immediate end to this thread and more importantly to our hopes...
could it be that those guys really just wanted to make money with a story that seemed to be compromising?! right now i'm really confused because i thought what mr. johnston said was accurate and believable... and now this... hm...

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