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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:00 AM
No wonder this is in the John Lear forum. And, as these typical topics go, it starts out serious, a random user appears (being control by the government's "instant n00b" radio wave), they argue for about 5 pages (or more), and then the topic continues as normal, with an already massive flag and post count.

I have yet to see ANY proof in this topic about "disclosure". If there's disclosure, fine, show it, but until that happens, I would like a moderator to put a question mark in the topic title until this supposed "disclosurer" delivers; otherwise, it's just a pretty story with a misleading topic title.

I would love nothing more than this to be true, but acting stupid is not going to get us anywhere.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

His user name on YouTube is "retiredafb" Has a lot of videos about Apollo 20 but his story doesn't add up.... haven't looked much beyond that. I have pulled the photos mentioned... but no time to look at them yet to see if anything shows up

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Yeah his story seemed fishy at first, but there's been some fresh activity on his youtube profile recently.

Rutledge made some interesting comments months ago in an interview he gave where he suggested that NASA will be forced to disclose in Sept 07. I wonder if his story has some truth to it now.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

I'll keep an eye on it see if anything develops....

Now I know you all will be heart broken but work calls and I will be out for a few days

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Back to the daily grind....

I'll be interested to see what if anything comes out of all this.

Crazy times indeed.


posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Vector J
reply to post by johnlear

Whoa there john. You can't have a substantially thicker atmosphere on one side of a stellar body than on the other. Atmospheres, generally speaking are fairly uniform across a surface, air doesn;t tend to congregate in one place. Or are you trying to say it's being forcibly held there? In which case, I'd love to hear your opinion on how on earth that would be possible...

Vector J

It was a good thought Vector, but you most certainly can. Im a pilot and we have different densities of air every place on earth, and any pilots reading this will confirm this. It requires planning and active situational awareness during flight to know this informational topography, vital. Different altitudes on the moon will have different atmospheric conditions and if the back side of the moon were a much lower "what we would call sea-level altitude" then it most certainly has the possibility of being breathable.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:49 AM
I really hate to say it, but NASA has every right to fire this individual. You better believe that Mr. Johnston had a Security Clearance. Part of the responsiblity that is acquired with this is for the Clearance holder to keep his/her mouth shut. He ran his mouth off about Classified material, and was thus fired. I can understand his feelings about wanting to make such an extraordinary claim public, but sometimes the Oaths you take prevent you from acting on your emotions. I am interested in what this guy has to say, just as I know everyone on here is, but his being fired is an understandable consequence of his actions.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:16 AM
Its all publicity man, this book was supposed to come out years ago, and now since NASA is handing the space race baton to China, they figure they might as well spill some beans and blow some whistles. Im glad they are doing this, the US needs motivation, especially the kids today, they dont have any roots.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
I really hate to say it, but NASA has every right to fire this individual.

Too bad people have to wait four years to fire governments for their lies, crap and evil, insidious actions. If the government is acting against our best interests, by instructing NASA to with-hold data, then screw them. We need more whistleblowers to come and tell it like it really is. I don't care if he had a security clearance or not. To me, it seems like a security clearance is another form of control to make sure that you only do what you are told. Screw that. Let's hear some more NASA people speak out on a regular basis, please!

(I'm not stating that I believe the claims or disbelieve the claims. However, I do suspect that NASA with-holds the truth about a few things. My unsupported opinion only.)

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

My opinion is that the atmosphere is thicker on the farside and requires no domes. The atmosphere on the near side I believe is about equal to 18,000 feet above sea level here on earth and thus requires domes over inhabited areas.

John, I want to interject here and stress that domes for maintaining oxygen content are NOT really required if the atmospheric oxygen on the Moon is equivalent to 18,000 feet on Earth.

I've been operating in high altitudes over 18,000 feet for more than two years and it's not a big deal. All one requires is acclimatization for a week at 10,000 feet and after that one can go about his daily chores without hassle. Heck, we used to even play a few sets of tennis at this altitude everyday, except during snowfall!!

And there are habitations at 16,000 feet with schools and playgrounds.

So, probably ordinary FRP shelters are enough to work on the Moon! They're lighter, easily transportable and can be constructed in no time. Maintenance requirements are low too.

But now the question arises whether China, India, and Japan who are sending/sent Moon probes will follow NASA's footsteps and keep the secrets to themselves? Will there be disclosure? I'll bet my bottom dollar, there won't be any! I've a feeling they're all in it together!


[edit on 2-11-2007 by mikesingh]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:01 AM
I'm about half-way through the book, Dark Mission--The Secret History of NASA, and I am totally fascinated. Some of Richard Hoagland's ideas are "out there" but he makes one heck of a case for the subject matter. The section he has on the Mars Observer going kapoot was particularly fascinating because I thought before it ever happened that it would fail.

NASA should fire this guy. After all, NASA answers to the Pentagon FIRST, itself SECOND, and the public THIRD. He violated protocol by leaking CLASSIFIED information, and remember; all this from a "Civilian" space program!

Until the mainstream media cares enough to start asking the right questions, I don't think disclosure will ever happen. Its going to take MASSIVE pressure to call out the secrecy. But then again, this world is filled with simple minds that would simply "freak out" at all the implications the confirmation of extraterrestial life or civilization would have. Man would just be man, not the "top dog" we all think of ourselves to be. This, and the fact that this is all being withheld from the public for so long--NASA would collapse in on itself with the public outcry?

[Press Release] NASA: Subject: Oops! We're sorry!

"We apologize that we haven't disclosed this previously, but, oh yeah! JFK was killed because he wanted to share what we knew with the Soviets--that we here at NASA have known that there are artifacts of alien civilizations on the moon, Mars, and other bodies. It turns out, we know more than you, the general public, could possibly handle. All religions are moot, there is free energy for everyone but, we have all these national economies based on costly energy sources. Again, we are sorry; here are the REAL pictures we have received from the defunked Mars Observer probe. We can't explain it, but its imperative that we meet the deadlines of landing in certain areas of our solar system, otherwise, you see, our alien masters will disintegrate our planet. Hafta run! See ya!"

Something such as this would go over really well if you understand where I'm coming from!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
My opinion is that the atmosphere is thicker on the farside and requires no domes. The atmosphere on the near side I believe is about equal to 18,000 feet above sea level here on earth and thus requires domes over inhabited areas.

Hello John

If it's not too difficult to describe to a non-scientist, could you explain in layman's terms how the atmosphere can be thicker on one side of a celestial body than on the other? Is it to do with mean altitude and thicker atmosphere gathering in deep valleys due to normal effect of gravity on a gas, or some other reason?

I understand that the all parts of moon experience even amounts of sunlight over 28 days, as one side constantly faces the earth but as it orbits, sunrise, day, sunset and night would be seen on any part of the surface. So it's not to do with light or heating from the sun.

Looking forward to your reply, if you can help clarify this most interesting idea.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Whether he's been fired or not is not the question. The point is that NASA, The Pentagon, CIA, DIA, NSA, Military Int, ESA etc are screwing around with the truth. You and me are being taken for a jolly good ride, like we're morons. Like we don't belong here, like this planet is only for these spooks, run by these spooks, for these spooks! We're all a nuisance they could do without.

Here's to mud in their eyes!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:50 AM
An atmosphere on the moon!
Cool, this is gonna make my work much easier.
Where can I find the spectrograph data?
You know, the light goes through the prism, breaks into wavelengths, itty bitty dark lines show you what a material is made of kind of thing. (It's the way we know what stars and other things are made of)
I really need to know what this atmosphere is composed of.

I know spectroscopy can get expensive when you're talking about the high-end stuff, but I'd be happy even with some data from one of those homemade gizmos made out of a paper towel tube and a bit of diffraction grate. Perhaps one of those made from a cereal box and an old CD? (google cereal box spectrograph)

This data would greatly streamline the work in our lab, vacuum testing hardware is expensive and time consuming, and the paperwork is quite a pain, to say nothing of being able to ditch those heavy power sources for lunar rovers and simply adding sails!
Hell, I may even patent lunar wind farms!

One other thing,

I can't seem to figure out how when a star or planet passes behind the moon, this atmosphere is apparently invisible, as the star or planet just disappears without any distortion at all. They just wink out. How is that possible? Is the light a part of this conspiracy too?
Can the light itself lie?

Speaking of lies, I just signed up here, and noticed that Rule #1 states-
1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.
It's a relief to know that the data you provide WILL be accurate and truthful!

Thanks so much for your help, I do look forward to that information!

Also, do I understand correctly that Ken Johnston was fired from his position as a JPL "Ambassador to the Solar System"? Those titles are bestowed on volunteers in their educational outreach program, so thankfully, Ken's not missing any paychecks.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by CreeWolf

Can you post the names of the images used in the book so we can see if they are new images or the same that Hoagland has used before?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

A lot of them are annotated by Figure numbers. I've seen a lot of Hoagland's pictures on the internet and a lot of the "re-used" examples are more detailed. The "new" examples in his book don't show anything too spectacular. The color pictures from the moon are awesome! I wish I could scan them and post them. The truth of the matter, I don't want to infringe on any "copyrights"!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:49 AM
How much would it cost to have a privately funded satellite made and launched? This I feel is the only way we will get the real photos.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
How much would it cost to have a privately funded satellite made and launched? This I feel is the only way we will get the real photos.

It won't matter how much it costs. It won't get off the ground. There will be some law enacted that states the private rocket is illegal and can not be launched. You might have a private rocket, but you won't be able to fly it in to the atmosphere, which is not a public domain.

Any attempt at launching the private rocket will be stopped, with force, if necessary.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by SpaceMax

I too will eagerly await the answers to your questions. Thank you for posting

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:43 AM
interesting find, hope it will divulge something.

I thought Lear always said modern active human filled structures on the moon?
tbh ancient sounds far more interesting and why alien? read the oldest texts on this planet: Vedas.
They might not be alien if ancient.

1 question for Lear, can you explain your atmosphere to me? without screwing basic science 101, all respect for you. But my biggest issue with what you are always saying is the atmosphere part. especially this last one, atmosphere thicker on th far side of the moon?

one last thing, sure they find stuff they do not deem fit for public release immediately, maybe they found something on the moon aswell. But why do conspiracies like lear's always blow up to proportions like that? why can't we start subtle..more 'realistic' in a way.

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