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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Originally posted by thelibra

So, while you are certainly entitled to your viewpoint of my "Pravda" remark, I would consider it a very short-sighted one. My goal is not to dismiss the story out of hand, it is to get users to avoid justifying claims based upon articles from tabloid rags.

Thanks you for your post thelibra. Apparently you are confused. The title of the post is "NASA Scientist Fired-Promises Disclosure". Not about what Pravda thinks or says. The basis for NASA Scientist Fired-Promises Disclosure is the book Dark Mission which they are selling. Not about what Pravda thinks about it.

Please read the thread from the beginning and you'll see what I mean.

But thanks for your concern, it is no less appreciated.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
How much would it cost to have a privately funded satellite made and launched? This I feel is the only way we will get the real photos.

It won't matter how much it costs. It won't get off the ground. There will be some law enacted that states the private rocket is illegal and can not be launched. You might have a private rocket, but you won't be able to fly it in to the atmosphere, which is not a public domain.

Any attempt at launching the private rocket will be stopped, with force, if necessary.

What if you launch from another country. Say Mexico, they could use a space program. It would bring great pride to their people.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by FlyingRoman
I wish enough people with the drive, desire, vision, as well as deep pockets could get together to create a truely civilian space agency. It is so strange, the US populous isn't allowed the truth, yet it isn't like we've roped off the moon from China and the like...

Apparently you haven't seen the new Google X Prize lunar mission..

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:56 AM
Mr Penny already asked about Zorgon using Pravda and here's his reply.

Originally posted by zorgon
As to your "Pravda" comment Astounding observation there... but Pravda allows you to quote and reprint... and the information they post is just a reprint of Enterprise Mission's news release... so your attempt at discrediting the source is really just a joke.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Thanks for the post disownedsky.

Did you bother to read the link he provided on lunar occultations? Try it, it might be an eye opening experience, in demonstrating that there is no lunar atmosphere to speak of.

Many have made the same mistake as you because they are assuming no.1 that you know what the actual temperatures

Yes we do. The temperature of the Moon can be measured in many ways, including this one below, with equipment you can buy in a store, according to the author of the link below , for a few hundred bucks. Which he did.


The temperatures on the moon are much different than you are told by NASA.

Stop making a fetish out of NASA control over the information available to the public. There are plenty of observations made by organizations and individuals such as amateur astronomers (even regarding the temperatures) that flatly contradict pretty much all of the silly blah you are posting here.

As to your claim of the Moons actual gravity, it's equally silly. Whip out a high school book on physics and a calculator, then try to estimate the density of the Moon according to your estimate of g. If you can't do this, you have no business talking about this subjest.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Aelita]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Thanks you for your post thelibra. Apparently you are confused. The title of the post is "NASA Scientist Fired-Promises Disclosure". Not about what Pravda thinks or says.

The confusion appears to be mutual, John. The very first link in the original post by Zorgon is a link to

The specialist said that U.S. astronauts found ancient ruins of artificial origin and a previously unknown technology to control gravitation when then landed on the Moon. Astronauts took pictures of the objects that they found, but NASA ordered Johnston to destroy the images. Johnston did not follow the order. He said that the U.S. government had been keeping this information a secret for 40 years.

This is the link cited as the source for the very first (and most sensationalist) external news quote on the very first post. If you'll note, none of the other external quotes from the other sources mention anything to the effect of ancient ruins, anti-grav technology, or that the government had been hiding this information for 40 years.

If you are unable, or unwilling to comprehend why this would cast doubt upon the entire story in the mind of anyone willing to give this a serious look, then that is your own limitation that will hopefully one day be overcome. I realize the thread is not about what Pravda thinks. That is not what I am attempting to convey. I am merely advocating the use of good judgment and responsible journalism on ATS.

If these concepts are not ones you are fond of, that is your choice, but I'll thank you not to condemn me for for suggesting their use within a site that I have a vested interest in improving our credibility for. Nor do I appreciate the level of condescension you are demonstrating for an attempt by staff to help improve posts through the use of more credible sources than tabloids.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:09 AM
thelibra wrote

This is the link cited as the source for the very first (and most sensationalist) external news quote on the very first post. If you'll note, none of the other external quotes from the other sources mention anything to the effect of ancient ruins, anti-grav technology, or that the government had been hiding this information for 40 years.

If you are unable, or unwilling to comprehend why this would cast doubt upon the entire story in the mind of anyone willing to give this a serious look, then that is your own limitation that will hopefully one day be overcome. I realize the thread is not about what Pravda thinks. That is not what I am attempting to convey. I am merely advocating the use of good judgment and responsible journalism on ATS.

If these concepts are not ones you are fond of, that is your choice, but I'll thank you not to condemn me for for suggesting their use within a site that I have a vested interest in improving our credibility for. Nor do I appreciate the level of condescension you are demonstrating for an attempt by staff to help improve posts through the use of more credible sources than tabloids.

Thats the most sense written on this entire thread. And John before you say it, I have read it all. Your comments are, as always, appreciated.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by smartie]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:39 AM
seems like john likes to troll ppl in his own forum...

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:51 AM

are you for real?

[edit on 2-11-2007 by smartie]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by zorgon

IIRC Helium in our atmosphere is the result of the decay of radioactive elements in the earths crust.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:00 PM
First of all very good find .
.I'm following this quit a while now.
second, if this is really hapening and this is gonna come out. Wouldn't this be a major blow on the dollar? So i can't imagine that nasa would come out with this information. It would definitely
kill them not?. But i really hope they do. Its gonna start a chain reaction in the whole world i guess.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:44 PM
I guess what I'm more interested in is the continuing evolution of the mythology.

I think for the most part people have abandoned the notion that the entire moon landing was a fake that was staged somewhere in secret, possibly Arizona. That was a hard notion to maintain, considering all the detailed photography and records.

So now we're at least admitting that there were moon missions, but they were fake in the sense that they were just a show to distract the public away from the "real" lunar and planetary exploration that has been going on since the early 1960s.

This idea seems to have vectored off that old famous unverified "these babies are huge" quote from Neil Armstrong where he encounters alien ships looking at him. Although in the original take on that quote, the aliens were a surprise, and resulted in us being "warned off" further lunar missions.

The latest evolution of that story is that the aliens were expected, and only surprised Armstrong, who wasn't informed that the aliens were all known about in advance by the Secret Space Force. So Armstrong got mad at NASA and that's why he rarely speaks publically. The newer myth suggests that we weren't warned off, but instead continued to go to the moon, and even build a relatively large lunar base for ourselves on the far side, apparently with the alien's permission.

There are still some inconsistencies within the myth itself. If the Secret Space Force has been operating on the moon for all this time, even before we "officially" landed on the moon, then it doesn't make sense that there are only a few sets of these rare photos of alien lunar farside bases. One would assume that a lot of paperwork and images have been generated over the last few decades during the study of this supposed base. But there seems to be quite a paucity of information about it. And I think it's generally a pretty good assumption that the bigger something is, the harder it is to keep secret. Like the atomic bomb, for instance. So this is something that will have to be addressed as time goes on.

For now, however, it's been suggested that all space imagery, no matter if it's done by the U.S. or the E.U. or China or Japan or Australia or whoever, is tightly controlled and constantly edited by (one would assume) some powerful secret overseeing agency, sometimes suggested to be the NASA imaging department. That's also a little difficult to establish and prove, so there will have to be more work done on that part of the myth. Also, considering the massive number of "anomalies" that are found by ordinary folks in forums like this one, that agency is apparently not doing a very good job.

Anyway, it's interesting to see how the myth has evolved from the simple "Alternative Three" and "Capricorn One" phase to the current phase that has developed into requiring some huge, international agency at work to keep everything hush-hush. That naturally ties in with the NWO, although the NWO isn't particularly known for its larger functional organizations, but rather for small meetings of the global elite. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out in the long run.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:53 PM
I thought disclosed information was going to be available on the 30th. Why has nobody cited passages from this book, or anything related to the information it contains in the past 3 days?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Let me get this straight. The only disclosure that we will be getting are the stories presented in this book, the low-resolution pictures that are in this book and, if one were to attend the conference, high-resolution pictures? So it's basically the same stuff that's being presented in this forum (crappy, no offense, pictures and tall tales)? I want to believe (and I was happy upon reading this thread), but if the disclosure is merely a book with pictures then I can say, with confidence, that I, personally, will not be moved. Can anyone here promise us that we will believe by this guy's disclosure?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:02 PM
thelibra, I think you should put a question mark in the topic title until we have a more solid source.

Originally posted by SpadeofAces
I thought disclosed information was going to be available on the 30th. Why has nobody cited passages from this book, or anything related to the information it contains in the past 3 days?

Exactly. Where's the "awesome proof" that was supposed to show up by now?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:05 PM
maybe someone can explain what happened to the 700 Apollo reels
of video missing ? has it been recovered ? :puz

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
Let me get this straight. The only disclosure that we will be getting are the stories presented in this book, the low-resolution pictures that are in this book and, if one were to attend the conference, high-resolution pictures? So it's basically the same stuff that's being presented in this forum (crappy, no offense, pictures and tall tales)? I want to believe (and I was happy upon reading this thread), but if the disclosure is merely a book with pictures then I can say, with confidence, that I, personally, will not be moved. Can anyone here promise us that we will believe by this guy's disclosure?

My thoughts exactly. The longer this goes on the more it's credibility will be damaged, I do not mean to rain on the parade as it were, I was as excited as anyone when I signed in and saw this topic multi flagged and the likes of Zorgon posting here but as 'theySeeAll' put it, the only disclosure so far does not seem like anything overly significant or life changing or worthy of mainstream news exposure imho.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Really, where's the transcripts from the 30th press conference? What was said and who was there? Or did it happen at all? As much as I want to believe, it sounds more and more like a ploy to garner attention to facilitate more book sales.

Furthermore, if this guy really is legit, why isn't he making the rounds? ie. Larry King, late night shows, heck, even a youtube video, something besides a book that has monetary influence behind it?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by smartie

are you for real?

[edit on 2-11-2007 by smartie]

yeah i'm for real...why the edit?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:13 PM
Freakaloin, try to keep your posts longer than one line, if possible. Not many people really care about this, but a lot of the moderators will edit your posts if you don't post more than a sentence or two (something about "adding significant respondable content"), which is understandable, I guess.

Originally posted by pmexplorer
My thoughts exactly. The longer this goes on the more it's credibility will be damaged, I do not mean to rain on the parade as it were, I was as excited as anyone when I signed in and saw this topic multi flagged and the likes of Zorgon posting here but as 'theySeeAll' put it, the only disclosure so far does not seem like anything overly significant or life changing or worthy of mainstream news exposure imho.

That's what I thought when I saw this topic at 76 flags yesterday. I hope that the ATS "population" hasn't been lured in again by another "false flag topic".

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