If you look at the history, from Constantine to today, you find civil Laws being enacted that say something like, "Everyone is bound to to this or
not do that, on our sacred Sunday. Unless you are a Sabbath keeping Jew and then, you get some sort of exemption."
Of course these laws are influenced by the personal beliefs of the people making the laws.
Whenever you have tyrannical governments, like what we are going into now, in the name of fighting terrorism, you have part of the control grid being
control of religion.
In the name of "tolerance", any freethinking Christian community will be suppressed.
This ridiculous sounding prediction of the USA becoming an evil empire is something we see coming true, right now.
I hope people will keep a tolerant attitude and not get caught up in some sort of government propaganda of religious correctness.
When the purpose of religion becomes control of the people, real religion is the first casualty.
Are we going to have to start sewing yellow stars on our clothes to not be arrested by the church police?
Obama is going to bring about mandatory state service for 18 year olds and part of that service will be these kids running around your neighborhood in
uniforms and carrying guns to enforce a bunch of environmental laws and whatever else they dream up.
The other type of service is working with church charities and once that starts, all churches will be government run.
So, what comes after that? Mandatory attendance, to serve the community? The 18 year old neighborhood police will be at your door to ask you why you
are not at church today.
I put this together from several sources but what kind of jumped me from thinking about some theological argument, over to what the real concern
should be about was; listening to Liberty Radio last night and this guest who was on the show talking about collectivism in the Church.
What I heard fits into a lot of conspiracy type stuff that I listen to.
Here is the article that he was talking about.
The part about the service and kids with badges is not a theory but a verifiable fact, look it up.
The plan for controling churches is a fact, read the article.
The part about forced attendece is what I consider the next step to all this that is being set up.
[edit on 22-9-2008 by jmdewey60]