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House Passes "Thought Crime" Prevention Bill

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posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:33 PM
Free speech all depends on spotting provocateurs because they will be violent and cause new "prevention laws."

My approach is the best one i call it the "body snatcher maneuver." If anyone has ever seen the "invasion of the body snatchers" 1978 version and after when the aliens spot a non snatched person they point and scream at the target.

This tactic should be employed with all the protesters that show up in army boots and scarfs on their faces even camo because no one is going to war it is a peaceful demonstration to raise awareness. So remember if you see the outsider that doesn't fit in point and scream at them, single them out "body snatcher maneuver" watch whole clip it will illustrate

Identify the bad apple

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 06:38 PM
wake up people the democrats have controled congress for a year and done nothing.both parties are for independants no one has bothered to bribe them.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 02:38 AM
But when they do, then what? We'll be left with very few options, and even fewer solutions. Can you think of one?


posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:01 AM
Everyone who sees this, understand that your fight is one of ideas, not guns. Spread the word to your family, friends, and anyone with a mind open enough to listen. Be patient, you can not convert people by force. They will learn in their own time, but make the information available. If Americans are what we think we are, it's time to put our money where our mouth is, and we will wake up and change all this before it is too late.

The demented ability to coerce the masses into fighting each other is part of an age coming to an end. We will not fight anymore, we know how we have been manipulated and lied to; now we will work to solve humanity's problems together. This single planet is our lifeboat. It is time to learn that we must either choose to get along, or go down sinking with the ship. The only way out of this is peacefully.

If you think that there is nothing one person can do, and that we as individuals are powerless, I will remind you of this: gravity. A tiny atom in the most unimportant place in the most insignificant corner of the universe has an effect, albeit small, on every other atom in every other corner of the universe. Now, if everything affects everything, then there is no predictable outcome but this: that you ARE involved. Your contribution MATTERS. Don't give up. Don't consider it futile. Vote. Spread the word. Make change. Refuse to be a part of the problem.

If a butterfly can flap its wings in Nebraska today, and affect a cyclone in the pacific seas a month from now, then what you do in spirit right now could be all that is needed to create a better world for everyone.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 04:13 AM
We need a million man march in Washington D.C. before this bill passes the Senate. It might be our last chance.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 01:08 AM
I'm bumping this thread back up because another thread started about this very thing recently.

I'm also responding to a post I missed back when I was involved in this thread. I apologize for the long wait Simius

Originally posted by SimiusDei
The one benefit the founding fathers had over us was their ability to organize in secret. Is there anywhere anymore that we can truly meet in secret and plan?

I guess technology has it's ups and downs. We can certainly get the information out faster than our founding fathers. But that convenience isn't without a cost. We're also more easily tracked and watched.

I don't think there is the ability to meet in secret unless you form a very precise and sophisticated communications system, such as some code, or even going as far as making up your own language. You'll have to secure your secrets 100%, which means no connection to the internet. No using phone or radio. Being careful who you let in to your "circle".

There's so many precautions you'd have to take. I guess it's possible. It doesn't seem likely though.

Originally posted by SimiusDei
As far as the military goes, WHEN the dictatorship becomes public, I can't help but think they'll be on our side.

I certainly hope you're right.

My first thought is that they won't allow the freedoms to be taken away, because many of them joined under the false veil of "defending freedom". They wouldn't stand for their freedoms and their family's freedoms being taken away. They wouldn't stand for the country they love going down in such an awful way. And they have the power to make the change.

I think if they did it for no one else, they'd do it for their family. In turn, that would spare us simply because they fought back.

But the skeptic in me makes me prepare for the worst. We can talk about armed revolution this, militia that - but if the military sides with our government, it's over. There is no way in hell we can accomplish anything there. I think there'd also be that hesitation in many to actually combat the men and women that serve this country.

I'd have that hesitation, but what's the alternative? Do nothing and suffer anyway?

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Let me be the first (maybe) to give you an early happy 20th Novus. Hope it's a great one for you.

This really shows how late I am in responding

Thank you for the birthday wishes

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 01:23 PM
Im pretty much done with this thread unless some one has a counter argument against the fact this bill did nothing but make another committee to "investigate and research" homegrown terrorism.

The only worry is what they will release as the findings when the new president comes into play.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:19 PM
I think the point of this bill is to make it illegal to entise people to commit a crime or to rebel against the governing bodies. So the leader of what ever group preaching hate or something else could be committing a crime.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by RedGolem
I think the point of this bill is to make it illegal to entise people to commit a crime or to rebel against the governing bodies. So the leader of what ever group preaching hate or something else could be committing a crime.

no it is not making anything illegal. It is not changing any law. It is simply creating a group to research homegrown terrorism.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Talk about domestic terrorism

Here is the story to go with it

[edit on 22/11/07 by Camar]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:13 PM
it is somewhat interesting to me that the elite minority in power are able to use any force they want to in order to enforce their ideas upon us the general populace, and yet we are not supposed to use force in order to defend our rights and freedoms. I dont see this bill as applying solely to the internet. There are many things going on right now to other americans that i would personally protest with violence. If the police came to arrest me for choosing not to inject toxic and unproven vaccines into my children (as they recently did to near 2500 people in Maryland) then yes, i might urge other parents with me to defend our rights and our children with violence. If the government wanted to take away my children because i believe in alternative treatments for some diseases then yes, i might want to defend my rights with violence. If my government chooses to make many other oppressive laws (such as codex alimentarius commission) limiting my freedoms and rights, then i know from history that peaceful revolution very seldom has productive results, unless you live in india. At all points in american history you can look at social actions and currents and see that almost all peaceful movements usually end in more oppressive conditions for the group, and assassination for the leaders. During all the labor movement it was only when violence was added to protest (or the threat of violence) that companies and lawmakers would compromise with the people and even then those compromises were usually turned around as soon as the movement dissolved. And dont even bring up Dr. King because without malcolm X and the black panthers our changes would have been much less dramatic, and in the long run, all it wound up accomplishing was a huge expansion of the prison and penal system in order to decimate the blue collar leadership base. Hence we have no good minority leadership today, and very little uniting support for people wanting positive change in their country.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:20 PM
sorry, long story short, yes, if you dont have violent revolution in mind you shouldnt have anything to worry about (for now). And if you have peaceful revolution in mind, get used to dissappointment. I think its possible that one of the main reasons of the collapse of the 60's great civil rights movements is that most of them realized they could never succeed without violent revolution, and they were not ready to go that far yet. Wait another couple decades until the middle class is almost completely gone and then perhaps people will become desperate enough to finally stand up for change.
One of the things a birthing fascist government does is to make everyone a criminal waiting to be accused. If you look at the laws now, a large majority of the population can now be arrested for the contents of their computers, bankrupted and imprisoned(as almost everyone has thousands of dollars of copyright infringement if you know anything about communications laws) and this can be used against anyone the powers that be decide to be a "threat".

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:24 PM
What can the commitee created by H.R. 1955 do? Easy they can turn an election. I followed a link in one of the posts to see if Ron Paul had voted against it. He was a no vote. At first, I was irritated he didn't take the time from his campaign to show up and vote against it. I listen to talk radio on my way to work for a federal subcontractor. The talking heads hate Paul because of his war stance. Many sources are now attacking the credibility of Ron Paul's supporters. What if the commitee was formed on a day he wasn't there to investigate him and his supporters? It was enacted by a Democratic Congress to arrest a Republican candidate who actually cares about freedoms. The biggest threat Ron Paul poses to the establishment is he doesn't conveniently fit his parties mold. The Democrats must be furious a Republican is successful with an anti-war message. The reports findings will discredit Paul and all of his supporters just before the election. If Ron Paul is successful I could lose my job due to his promises of a smaller government. I will still vote for him. By the way, my ex is a high level executive for a phone company. The government gets its info from the corporations. Why do you think they're allowed to reinstate monopolies and expand into new technologies? Do you think the phone company is only monitoring for the government? I would bet money they're monitoring for insider trading purposes as well. I remember saying we needed a leader. We absolutely don't want a leader. Individuals working for the same goal with no leadership are far more difficult to stop. Each law passed aimed at speech and expression make it harder for you to defend yourself. Simply, we will get to the point the laws are so complicated you won't be able to afford legal representation on the subject.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:43 PM
whats it gonna take america...

whats it gonna #ing take..

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:52 PM
Hi There,

(8) Any measure taken to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism in the United States should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights, or civil liberties of United States citizens or lawful permanent residents.

Bear in mind that most people reading what I emphasise in bold type will correllate it to the 'full' constitution, and not the battered and torn and diluted constitution that Bush has made of it. 2008 looks like it is going to be quite a year.

When it comes to the election and voting, I would suggest not doing so on one's own, but in groups, with family and friends, and record for your own reference, something of a diary entry describing what you did, and how you did it, and whom you were with...get and keep corroborating notes. Electoral transparency looks to be disappearing even now. Watch out for the 'alleged' terrorist attack on voting may come from those nicely suited young fellows helping out as guides at the polling booths.

Your democratic fight is the fight of all western under no illusion; you fall, we all fall.

Best wishes

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:35 PM
Is it too much to protest?

Go protesting and go to the pub for a meal and a drink! (if your too lame to stand up for your rights)

Christ... I'd be right there.

Over the pond you need to get things sorted.

Don't think of violence
But do something other than protest - yes?

Not just for your freedoms but for your countrymen and those of the free world. Your country is leading the way in laws that are raping your freedom; whilst my country leads the way in raping peoples bank accounts. Money is replaceable....

[edit on 22-11-2007 by amanbuthimself]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Did you read the bill anyone who makes statements for others to force any change through violance.

IE someone needs to get bush out of office.

Can be interputed many ways.

Someone does something violant and mentions this post I am guilty of this crime to?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 11:21 PM
The other posters are 100% correct this bill is nothing.This is harmless you all over reacting!!!!!!

And the Amero doesnt excist either.

And the NAU doesnt excist either there conspiracy tin foil theories.

So go back to sleep guys this bill is harmless and these things don't excist.

and remember trust the government and take your thermisol shots for you.

Mercury is good for you part of a daily balanced diet.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 11:39 PM
Bushwacked, if you want to provide an actual argument for what this bill changes, feel free to do so. If you are going to attempt to change peoples opinions through manipulation, well shame on you. When you debate something, approach the topic directly. Don't dance around it by posting about things like the amero that do exist, to try and prove this bill does something...which is false.

also if you can't understand U.S. politics/law, don't get involved with it. This bill doesn't make anything new illegal. Nothing has changed. Prove it otherwise. If you don't understand how the law words, and how it will be applied in court, that is not my problem.

Again, if you have some argument regarding the bill that can be backed up, Im all ears.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by grimreaper797]

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 01:22 AM
This is totally sweet, I can't wait. Can I get a side of new taxes and inflation with that ? KTHX

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