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attempt to enter area 51 gone wrong

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:03 AM
A Time To Choose

Originally posted by goblin
why are u people wasting your time on this thread ?
the guy is clearly suffering from ADD....

Please read this...

Courtesy Is Mandatory

...and Simon's post above.

As evidenced by my own shameful display, nobody's perfect, and it's easy even for old-timers to forget what makes ATS different.

The idea is simple: give people a place where they can talk about things they would never feel comfortable talking about anywhere else.

In such an environment, amazing things happen.

Far too much truth is suppressed because people are too afraid to say anything which defies "conventional wisdom" or the carefully managed world views imposed by mass media.

Granted, I find the anecdote presented in the OP to be highly improbable and am free to say so. But to attack a fellow member because I don't believe what he's saying goes against everything ATS stands for.

That's why I apologized, and why an apology was in order.

Simon has already made it clear that further personal attacks will not be tolerated. Let's respect that requirement and, in so doing, respect the rights of all members to post in our forums without fear of ridicule.

The health and integrity of our community depends on it.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Majic
A Time To Choose

Originally posted by goblin
why are u people wasting your time on this thread ?
the guy is clearly suffering from ADD....

Please read this...

Courtesy Is Mandatory

...and Simon's post above.

As evidenced by my own shameful display, nobody's perfect, and it's easy even for old-timers to forget what makes ATS different.

The idea is simple: give people a place where they can talk about things they would never feel comfortable talking about anywhere else.

In such an environment, amazing things happen.

Far too much truth is suppressed because people are too afraid to say anything which defies "conventional wisdom" or the carefully managed world views imposed by mass media.

Granted, I find the anecdote presented in the OP to be highly improbable and am free to say so. But to attack a fellow member because I don't believe what he's saying goes against everything ATS stands for.

That's why I apologized, and why an apology was in order.

Simon has already made it clear that further personal attacks will not be tolerated. Let's respect that requirement and, in so doing, respect the rights of all members to post in our forums without fear of ridicule.

The health and integrity of our community depends on it.

An interesting angle, and I take the point. I must say I am new to this website, I first was directed to it after seeing the History Channel's report on Bob Lazar, so a websearch led me naturally here.

I suppose I could argue a technicality and state that I did not attack the poster directly, but rather contributors to this thread who have entertained a response.

While I do respect (what I think is) the ATS philosophy, I think it also opens the door to maligners such as hoaxers, pranksters, fraudsters and attention seekers that for whatever or many possible reasons, seek a response.

If I am correct, the ATS philosophy permits this kind of behavior because there may be a truth amongst the lies, somewhere, and even if that truth is only a fraction of the total then having it expressed somewhere in the flotsam and jetsam that precipitates is perhaps better than not at all, even if we have to use our common sense and judgement to try to filter it. So fair enough.

Insofar as that "filter" I am referring to, you put it clearly: "Far too much truth is suppressed because people are too afraid to say anything which defies "conventional wisdom" or the carefully managed world views imposed by mass media.", I think we have to say that this is a naturally evolved process that tries to discourage unethical or false claims and/or to prevent delusional minds from polluting others. So we have a societal equilibrium that is a balance between a punishment for claims that cannot be supported with evidence versus those who hear what they wish to believe.

In summary then, I hope I am correct in understandting ATS's philosophy ? If not, i would appreciate correction.

After due condsideration, I withdraw my comment that refers to those that have responded to the the originator of this thread.

Regards to all.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by goblin

Welcome to ATS. I hope you bring with you some insight and wisdom. In regards to your post and whatever policy ATS has cited to you, it can all be summed up like this.

Advance the topic, don't retard it. If you can't advance it, save your energy for a topic you CAN advance. It's okay if you don't post on every thread you read, reading is the meat, posting is the sauce...keep the sauce tasty or it will be seen as bitter. Bitter sauce distracts the reader from the meat, and, if that happens, we starve.

Hmmm, not bad. I gotta remember that!


[edit on 11/5/2007 by Cuhail because he can't pay attention to where he's posting.]

[edit on 11/5/2007 by Cuhail]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:20 AM
I think this thread has lost any use except from people talking about ATS philosophy, unless anyone has any stories about area 51 attempted entrances or therioes/help on staceybournes area 51 attempted entrance then this thread should probably be closed.

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