posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:34 PM
It also felt like whatever it was was somehow telling me that a change is comming, globally, and internally I felt. It was hard to analyze because I
was a bit overwhelmed by the experience. It has probably happened like...4 times in the past couple months. I feel it has great spiritual significance
but I have yet to determine on what level. When it happens I sit there trying to analyze it the best I can until it's gone, but It deffinately feels
like some force is reaching out to me, speaking to me.
I've always felt very wise, and in touch with my surroundings. Within the past 2 years I've made it my goal to help and educate people, to make them
see the light in every situation and isolate the root of their negativity and hope to help them over-come it. And I persist to do this, to push, even
against the heaviest stone, so to speak. In this life I am surrounded with people I feel I can really help if they took time to hear me out. It's
what I enjoy doing most, and I feel it is my real purpose here, to influence those who cross my path. I'm still a learner when it comes to
meditation, I feel as though I know a great wealth of knowledge, but part of me knows I need to try harder to find it, when I'm ready for more and
more. But I've always been hard on myself as others tell me. Perhaps I accomplish a lot in my dreams, the few that I recall. I know I have what
others tell me to be an 'over-active mind' that never rests. I don't know what I accomplish in my dreams really, but yesterday I remembered a dream
from when I was younger, and I feel like some people I knew, informally were there, about 3 or 4, and they were talking about spiritually wise things,
and so was I, but I was more distant, as I am in just about every conversation. But I now think they were members from this board.
What I'm saying is, I could have very well likely recieved this message you speak of, I just know I've been getting these wierd 'messages', i have
been unable to interpret. But the key factor that seems to be there indicates something that is comming, that is happening, to me and everyone,
Well next time this rush/message randomly over-comes me again, i'll try extra hard to focus on it, and I'll try to supply you with more information
on it, or if I recall that particular dream again.
It could very well have significance, because these sensations are very recent, and the last one was 1 - 2 days ago.