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"We are Gathering"

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posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 06:29 AM
My friends,

It is not up to our conscious mind to 'figure it all out'. It will all become clear in due course.

Many of us are receiving soul training during our sleep. Our higher selves or subconscious knows all.

If if is not apparant now, do not worry, because when the time is right, we will know what to do and who we are.

Kind regards,


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by rezial666
Do any of you feel an urge to go to a certain place/destination?

Do any of you ever feel as if you are falling? Meaning when you concentrate on the subject do you feel as if you are moving out of this plane of existence?

[edit on 10/22/07 by rezial666]

Yes its like a wave or similer to when you get out of a lift and you feel a loss of balance. I know the feeling well it happens often. It is like your being sucked out of your body momenteraly but then you go back in, I have no control over it. I have a great urge to go to egypt and peru.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by zephyrone
I received the message "it is time" about 4 years ago and still hear it every so often. The first time I heard it I saw the "three", although I did not recognize them.

I too recieved this message regularily for a long period of time although i havn't heard it for a few months now. It is personal as in you are ready to enter another growth/stage on a spiritual level. You are going to give birth to new experiance weather good or bad to help you develope on all levels but the most important is you spiritual being in the moment of NOW

Remember bad experiance's help you learn and grow stronger, you look back on things when you fell better and realise it was for the better after all only you don't see it at the time.

The other thing is YOU AREN'T EXPECTED TO BE OR DO ANYTHING you just are and just BE.

The message may leave you woundering what is it I am supposed to do? I worried about it at first but now I realise that nothing is required of me I can go with the flow and just BE

You feel or sense the three, their physical apperance is not relavent as they are light and appear in any form they feel you are comfortable with! You will discover who they are in time, they have always been with you and always will be with you until you pass over. Thats a slight hint! I am not called incarnangel for nothing

God bless

Nice to meet someone who has had the same message

[edit on 1-11-2007 by IncarnAngel]

[edit on 1-11-2007 by IncarnAngel]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by deadangel23
A few months back, a friend of mine participated in a group astral projection thing to send healing energy to the planet. It was him and a few other thousand people across the planet. Don't know if that had something to do with it.

I took part in this as well! every person who did this, their thoughts amplified by 10 fold. It would have made some impact even if it only affected 10 0/0 of the earth and it's population.



posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by MagicaRose
For about a year now, I have had an unusual thing happen to me.

When I turn off my TV to go to sleep I hear voices. They seem to be off in the distance and I try very hard to understand what they are saying but I never can.
The voices sound like alot of people talking at one time. It is men and women talking.

Could this be what you are talking about?

It may be your mind switching off from the noise, a bit like when you stare at a flame and then look away, you will see a flame infront of your eyes still and where ever you look the flame goes until it finally fades away


You are hearing spirit as they waves created by the electricity of your tv enable you to tune into a higher level for a few minuets the same way they can be picked up on baby monitors, cb's.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:19 PM
I have just sat and read the whole thread and it's taken a while. I don't know about the gathering message but I relate to "It's time now"

We are heading into the age of aquaris also connected to the Mayan calander someone mentioned. Some think 2012 is when we are all GOING TO DIE, others say it is a shift in consiousness.

What I do know is there is not going to be a physical gathering, that has already been, GLASTONBURY!!

No only kidding!

It does not mean the gathering HAS TO BE A PHYSICAL GATHERING.

Our physical make up in this world some belive to be an illusion to do with atom's and the gaps between each atom, like lining a load of oranges up in a circle, there are gaps right? That is how we are made up so we are not entirely physical

Which is real then? Our dream state or our awake state? Its a bit like which came first the chicken or the egg?

"LIFE IS A STAGE" William Shakespear

There is no point in worrying about weather we are all going to die or if the world is run by satan or Aliens. That is too deep it is much simpilar than that, it is the most amasing positive thing ever!!!!!!!!!

Do you even know what your mind is capable of? Aliens, satan........
CLUTTER....CLUTTER....... CLUTTER If you want to experience it

ditch the fear and the clutter, you do not need it, as it act's as a block to who and what you really are



Like attracts like

Hello Menguard
Everyone is on their own path, some will listen and some wont listen, it isn't up to me to worry about it, there is no right or wrong choice for we must follow the path laid out for us. If we take the wrong turn destiny finds us and we end up where we are meant to end up.

We HAVE been gathering, we ARE gathering, and we always WILL gather
Expanding just like the universe itself.

Only going forwars because we can't find reverse LOL

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:11 AM
Yeah I'm not sure how its happening but it is and other people are noticing it me as well, everyone seems to say what is wrong with you , you look different,this and that and this. All the while my eyes feel like they are noticing things around. I work at an optometrists office and there has been an increase in office visits as people are seeing tiny peripheral lights and it is making them feel they have to proove their sanity in their voices as they feel like i am jugding them, and after this they mak a comment about it. and one of my last questions i'm told to ask is Are you currently taking any medications, which right there it could make them feel that i am thinking what they are trying so hard to come for help to the paper educated doctors who seem to need proof seeing their names in the frames as proof to you that they know what is wrong with you and then they tell you about what it is that is going on in your eyes you have learned life through and they need that sign to believe that they are intelligent worthy deemed by others in 10 minutes. All while you as their asssitant watch as these people believe what they say as truth about anothers body, because we all can see that WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Emotions of others are being put to the test, and these patients aren't getting what they really need in their minds as they all leave in a solmnolence I have been feeling so strongly, that it is showing a lot more is meeting than what has been taught to your eyes. My co-workers seem baffled as they have expressed concern to me because I AM TOLD YOU"RE NOT YOURSELF AND SOMETHING MAY BE WRONG. Knowing what I don't need to see on paper as my truth, it is really eye opening and this has so much that people are seeing it and seeking help as others tell them to get help. But what if I merely stated that this seems to be away to open the eyes of your soul. These patients can also tell when they look as I feeling the emotion run out of them because they are fighting what is revealing why these senses to as borned natural truth seekers what a lot of us may have know all along. These patients are reaching to others who are moving forward in the same time at another speed we may never have known as any form of measurement this body could express in physical proofs most important tests of your senses in eyesight and hearing. It has brought what to me I don't feel an answer is my choice to give but I am watching and learing how to really help the others as they tell me things in an eye office about things that have happened to them in life and seem to need help to see they are not wrong or right about an answer, your body will tell its hidden truth itself. Good luck see in I as we are healing something and use your words to comfort and say what they need to also continue a meesage of change. in love and evol..

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by scOObEZrOllTB032002

The 'Universal Self' is making itself known, to the few that are pursuing it.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:51 AM
According to my angel cards I have fully evolved on a spiritual level and did not need to come back here, but I chose to come back here to help teach those who are pursuing their "universal self"

I have taught my parents that they do need need the Catholic churches hold over them via fear and threats that if they are not good they will burn in hell for example. My mother nearly had a mental breakdown as the church literely put the frear of God in her! Even as a child a lot of what I was taught in church contradicted my own personal experiences which where "out side the box" if you like. I have been called a freak and have had various remarks and mocking. I have been told I need professional help, which I certainly do not!

We do not fully understand physic's yet, we don't fully understand dark matter yet although we are getting closer to understanding this. So it's no wounder some can not explain a phenomena of a "gathering of voices" a few people here have been brave enough to come forward and say I am having an experiance that I don't understand. Although some do!

The people who do not understand want to LABEL these brave few as abnormal, when in fact it is more NORMAL to our makeup of who and what we really are and what we are made of.

The Catholic church has tried very hard to deny who and what we REALLY ARE for even they FEAR THEMSELVES if you like. So they supress themselves and try to supress others using fear to not let people learn who they REALLY ARE.

I used to spend a lot of time really worrying about this, I even produced a website to help others see past this repression. But I learnt not everyone is willing to find freedom of the mind and they felt comfortable being told what to think by others, religions such as Johova's, or the Catholic Church etc.

I no longer have a strong will to change those people, I have accepted that they have a right to choose their path what ever it may be, I have to let them BE! The ones who do want to know more will discover it in time for themselves.

I am happy I am free, and I have my own mind, I have an open mind!

At the end of the day, people have no choice to see the truth when they die! It's a shame that so much time is waisted on being taught about the very opposite of what you are! That must be quite hard for someone who thought they where the normal ones when they realise the people they called FREAKS or accused of being on medication, or suffered comments such as ,"you need proffesional help" are in fact the normal ones after all.

So I am very proud of who I am, people can call me what they like, do I care NO!


posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by euclid

You have absolutely no idea what you are saying. You have no idea how information is assimilated into our brain or how it is processed once it has been "downloaded". And you have no idea how large-scale information systems work. All systems function the same way. The multiverse is embedded with data. It is the Word/Logos spoken of in many ancient texts. The Word made flesh is all that is around us - the data embedded into the multiverse "rendered" in multiple dimensions.


The "Word made flesh", as referred to in the bible at least, is referring to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. I am not aware of Him being referred to as "the Word" in other ancient texts.

Joh 1:1-14
(1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God............................

.........................(14) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by menguard

Quick ananlysation on all parties in considered of?

How old are you? 25

what race/creed are you? white/english

Where in parts do you live, not specific but a generalization.north england

Are you open minded?very

Have you experienced outside interference as far as spirit guidance goes?yes

Do you like (feeling things) out first before you act?yes

(I am gathering as much information as possible.)

Do you have (E)xtra (S)ensory (P)erception?yes

Have you experienced life or death changes?yes

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 09:31 AM
How's this to start yr day. I just got fired from my job as the eye assistant. For doing my job well. Isn't that funny? It's like last Friday when our office experienced very weird happenings.Everyone kept making comments. The big one was time felt like it was going really slow, but at the same time it felt like it was going really fast. Was your Friday 11-02-07 like this too. They said "We don't feel like your commitment is with us." Thats a very funny line to use since I didn't go to the company training that was MANDATORY on the next Saturday after 11-03-07. Isn't Saturday really by plainly lookingat our calender the 7th day of the week. Isn't that called The Holy Sabbath Day. Why is everyone going to "church" on Sunday? Its in the air, and I know I'm not the only one seeing IT and Hearing IT.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Remember look UP not ahead which is to the ground. Y be like them.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Hi, everyone. I was recently 'brought' to ATS because of things I was experiencing just like others have mentioned in this thread. I am so glad others are going through the same things.

I have, for awhile now, been experiencing extremely heightened senses at times. Especially when outdoors. Colors become very bright, almost glowing, everything becomes surreal and I feel like I could float away. Sounds become much louder, everything. It doesn't last long, but it's like I 'flip' into another place for a little while. It once happened while I was driving and that was an experience! It doesn't scare me, it fills me with awe, for some strange reason.

My emotions have been very strong, the good ones and the bad ones. And I'll have emotions I've never had before, I couldn't tell you what they were, exactly. But, they can be so overwhelming and hit me so hard, that I actually start to panic. All kinds of strange physical sensations too.

Once, while I was feeling like this, I became very excited, like the feeling on Christmas morning, when you are a child, but much, much stronger. Almost to the point of it being overwhelming. And I kept thinking, 'It's beginning' and that made me so happy. I have no idea what it means.

I am completely sane, am not on drugs, I don't even drink. I have had supernatural/paranormal experiences all my life. And I tend to be an empath. Don't know if anyone else who is experiencing these feelings/thoughts that everyone is mentioning here has a similar background.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:32 PM
I do recall that the Earth was in 'Suspended Animation' for three months. This had happened I believe in 2005, where I had lost three months. I am curious if any others have had this happened or remember this large gap fly bye, like you were present but the date didn't just add up. You were present, but everything went on like normal, but you experienced some type of 'Time Distortion' or 'Time Condensement'.

It's as if I was allowed to remember, this event, while many others were sleeping through it.

And I asked myself, "how could Three months go bye without me noticing or others."

Ask yourselves, and see if you remember anything within that year that was really different. TRY TO REMEMBER.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:42 PM
I guess you could kind of think of it like the movie DARK CITY, where everything was being manipulated around them but nobody noticed. Like you just come back to your consciousness from sleep and find out the date has passed Three Months.

I would have to say, it was like I was on Auto pilot that present moment in between space and time and came back to my body. Thats what I get for living in the light, awareness. Like I went outside my body but remained in control of it while being somwhere else.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by menguard]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:47 PM
I dont know what is wrong with me, but I very often have onverwhelming urges to cry. This is so not like me. I physically feel my body getting heavier and a feeling of darkness around me.
Does anyone else feel like this?
I know that I need to be somewhere, but I don't know where that is

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:00 PM
I am doing that too. I mentioned my emotions can easily become overwhelming lately. And I feel like crying just out of the blue too. Almost like I have just been told of a death. Sometimes I will notice/feel tears running down my cheeks, but I didn't even notice I was crying.

And I feel like I should be somewhere too. The only thing I can relate it to is on 9/11 I felt the overwhelming urge to go to a church to be with others. I am not religious at all, but that is how I felt. That is how I feel now, most especially when I am outdoors. Like I need to go somewhere to be with others, but I don't know where that 'somewhere' is.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by lasuco

You are so right. I to notice that I have tears running, and I stop and wonder why. I wake up and have tears.
I have everything I need right now, but its nothing, I worry all the time, what am I missing, I spend a lot of time praying, then sometimes wonder if my words have ever left my mouth and touched GOD's ears.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:12 PM
They are indeed gathering in earnest. Great big nuts and seeds, buried in my yard much to my consternation. Stupid bushy tailed squirrels. I will set my hounds upon you and yours. You will be sorry. Off topic. Seriously I have felt tremendous angst for the last 3 yrs. When it comes down, it will come down big, fast, and in a hurry. I worry for us all, and the future of humanity.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by jpm1602]

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