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"We are Gathering"

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posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:19 PM
I was wondering, does anyone else who's heard these things, felt these things, feel an intense need to be close to nature? It seemed to happen around the same time with me. And also a need to be outdoors at night, to look at the sky? And it all just fills me with a sense of awe, overwhelming awe.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by menguard

I do recall that the Earth was in 'Suspended Animation' for three months. This had happened I believe in 2005, where I had lost three months. I am curious if any others have had this happened or remember this large gap fly bye, like you were present but the date didn't just add up. You were present, but everything went on like normal, but you experienced some type of 'Time Distortion' or 'Time Condensement'.

It's as if I was allowed to remember, this event, while many others were sleeping through it.

And I asked myself, "how could Three months go bye without me noticing or others."

Ask yourselves, and see if you remember anything within that year that was really different. TRY TO REMEMBER.

My memories from that year are a little fuzzy, but I do remember the end of '05 feeling longer than usual, the odd thing is that i don't remember much of the beggining of that year.

Why would we be put into suspended animation?

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

To move the Universe Forward.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:52 PM
miss_terious. You so remind me of my former fiance Kathleen. Irish/Lithuanian lass. All I can say is besides how frugged up the world seems to be these days, we must carry on on and live life to the fullest, like each day was our last. Those lovely eyes and beautiful face should not be so sad. I should not be so sad at current affairs. Makes me really angry that our leaders have frugged up the planet such as they have.
Peace and Love.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by menguard

Add one more to the list. I've always felt that I'm here to be a part of something very BIG and altering. Recently I've had feelings of "we are gathering/now's the time" and that i will know more soon. I've also been getting more in touch with my spiritual self (i've veered away from it for the past 6 months or so). I feel a pulling, like something saying the time is drawing near, what i've expected all of my life is starting to unfold. I believe we have hard times ahead of us, but things usually do get worse before they get better

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:03 PM
Not so off the hook 777. During a recent, ugh, colonoscopy I woke out of general anesthesia to a voice informing the Dr if he proceeded in his procedure he would puncture my colon and I would die of a GI bleed in my sleep that night. Said I had a 'purpose'. It called itself 'the watcher'. Was not 'my' voice, but it emanated from me. It also said it would be severely sanctioned for it's actions. Made reference to 'good luck' to the new watcher and my driving habits in my Lexus GS 400. It actually sounded kind of relieved.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by lasuco
I was wondering, does anyone else who's heard these things, felt these things, feel an intense need to be close to nature? It seemed to happen around the same time with me. And also a need to be outdoors at night, to look at the sky? And it all just fills me with a sense of awe, overwhelming awe.

YES!!!!!! Absolutely. I HAVE to be surrounded by greenery. Cannot live in any harmony at all without it. Also, have noticed certain....animals.....are ALWAYS wherever I am.

Mengaurd - YES!!!!! There was a time where it seemed surreal. Must admit it lasted longer than 3 months though. However, was so....out of touch... VERY weird. Like.....cloudy yet clear.....if that makes any sense!

DO have 1 question to ask though, have been 'told' to ask...i guess.

' Have you been asked to ''look'' for anythingbeforehand? ''

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:43 AM
Yes, I understand completely. Not being in harmony if you can't be in touch with nature, somehow. I used to love being indoors, away from the noisy, turbulent world. But now, even though it's getting colder, and it's not practical, I HAVE to feel in touch with nature, the outdoors, the sun, the stars, the earth, all of it, to the point of having to have the blinds and windows open in whatever room I am in. And it's cold out, and my husband thinks I'm nuts, but I can't stand being seperated from the outdoors. And I understand the 'certain animal' thing too.

I also have a sense that something bad is going to happen, something big, like another 9/11 or something, probably bigger than that. But it doesn't scare me, because it's like it is supposed to happen. And after it does, things will be so much better. I found myself outside last night, freezing, but sitting in the dark, staring at the stars and I heard and felt, 'It's beginning...' again. I wish I understood what was beginning. But I know it's something wonderful.


posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by menguard

Quick ananlysation on all parties in considered of?

How old are you?

what race/creed are you?
I have Cherokee in me but i'm considered caucasian

Where in parts do you live, not specific but a generalization.
North America, Texas

Are you open minded?

Have you experienced outside interference as far as spirit guidance goes?

Do you like (feeling things) out first before you act?

Do you have (E)xtra (S)ensory (P)erception?
Somewhat, it's not very developed, but i have dreams that come true and i know when things are going to happen at times.

Have you experienced life or death changes?
My grandmother died recently, and i have a new nephew

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:26 AM
Yeah, I have so many comments on a lot of what many are saying. First I have been going outside at night so much too and looking up as well. I hate to sound like one of "them" and you all know I'm not speaking of any real practicality of taught formed "religion". I am not one to push anyone anywhere. But for all intense purposes, I am reading that book. But its not like what other people are merely saying or reading when I watch them. I DO NOT attend any sort of services. But I cannot put that book down. I'm sleeping less. AND YES THAT HUMMING NOISE has been increasing each week in my ears and of course I'm not telling anyone. And WE ALL KNOW the answer to that possible affirmation to someone. I'm also intensely drawn to words and numbers as well. I was trying to figure out the time continuim calculations the other day. And the peculiar thing is I have never ever liked any math or anything like that. I'm also speaking in some code that somehow has to do with an improoving eyesight and that heightened sense of sound combined again with Emotion SO STRONGLY. I can feel and SEE things almost as if I am in like some "movie". Thats my rationality to keep things grounded because a lot, and I mean A LOT of other people don't even seem to notice that plainly seen things are correlating to basic things I am seeing right in front of them and I AM like, in PURE AWE and just want to say HELLLLLOOOOOO are you blind, and it hurts also because you can see that it is manifesting in their bodies as well. At least 2 out of 3 people and sometimes I feel like its getting closer to the 3 are all getting sick, At least 1 person and sometimes 2 in every other house has come down with some form of "cancer" in my sleepy-safe-happy-urban-city like neighborhood of Maine. I have been requiring much less sleep than I used too. I'm eating less. And still just walking anywhere people feel the need to talk to me about something that is bothering them. And I'm a great help, all I can do is speak in as I'm using parabels and symbology to state the (SUPER TO ME) obvious to help them without just telling them what is going on because I went to an old friend who we've remained as acquaintances as the years have have gone by, just to try and present something along these lines without him looking at me like I need some form of "counseling" help. I always remembered own off the wall chats when we were younger and he was very drawn to these thoughts as well. I stated off fine as myself and it slowly progressed and then we went outside for a walk. And at the picnic table I suddenly felt HIS all of his kiniseotical movements and radiating emotions epathically. And it wasn't a good thing. I suddenly felt as though what I had said and tried to slowly evolve our conversation into change into me feeling like I couldn't even communicate to him well. He even stepped back as If he was terrified of me. And all I could do was slowly babble out my words to him and I even felt like I was having a hard time just getting the words out. And I knew to just stop because it may wind up worse. I'd rather look to him as if I was having some drug problem or mental issues than someone who upon driving away he may even want to call somewhere and suggest that I was so unstable he might out of pity/doing the rightthingto him/his caring nature/freightened feeling that I may do something drastic. And that is so not me. I even was worried when he left and said we will always be friends. This from him. I was mortified as well. At the same tme coming back into my own "increased time existence" thought evolution that I have never scared anyone into saying a line like that and to me it felt as if he was nicely ending our friendship as he was worried about his safety. This felt when he stepped back as if it were an instinctual move for him to be onguard. OUCHHHH!!! I was once even In LOVE with him. And I went their because I did, but it is unconditional now. Ultimately out of a pure love 2 him.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:00 AM
Ran out of room. You should see the crate of written works that flow out of my pen as if I cannot even stop them. But I can't even think of anything to say, as a call to him may spark in him a needed security issue. So I'd rather let him just think I as "menatally ill" or something. Anyways that was on Friday. And since Friday I have felt like a dimensional something is happening, as my eyes will unfocus some way and almost see things cross converge somehow. But all in all it seems to be happening everywhere as I have read here. Thank goodness whatever it is pulls us back to this reality and grounds us. But yeah it is.... I think its some sort of secret spiritual knowlegde/ extra sense language connected with many things we have here as almost like keys slowly being put into multidoors that are there and some sort of crossing or I can't even formulate whatever it is in words I know how to convey. But yeah just wanted to check in because SOME SORT OF UNKNOWN TIME or some sort of MEASURED SOMETHING is starting to increase at a faster rate. Today all I wanted to do was learn the ancient languages of Latin and Greek. And the rate of wisdom and knowlegde accrued is becoming learned like 6-7 times the norm. That Bible has like 5 layers of dimensions in it. And all I want to do is read it and reread again so every layer is able to be recorded somewhere in mind. As yes, I too feel it is going to be huge as well. And yeah in 2005 My blackout periods were like during February and April and they were noth toyhing gotta go having abother.. Talk == Laterrrrrrrrrrrrrr/

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:19 AM
I have a 'theory' some of you may enjoy. we are all light beings that can change reality itself and we have all been imprisoned in a cage for our souls and our light is being used or stored for some purpose and in order to keep beings as powerful as us here they first had to fool us into giving much of our power away through many different ways too numerous too list. but heres the problem, now that our powers been sealed away and we have been so limited and blinded the power can only manifest through the higher self and we are constantly making 'changes' to this cage in our efforts to make the world a better place and in order to keep us all trapped here they must come up with scam after scam after scam to keep the majority blind to this secret because our captors are simply running out of time and are desperate to hold us as long as they can because they know that while we can be brainwashed and confused we can never be destroyed and they fear the day we break free because that will be the day they suffer what they inflicted on us for the rest of eternity. what do you think of this little 'theory'? anyone care to add to it hmmmm?

I AM aware thats the odds of this site being setup by the elites as a trap are very high but i dont mind. if they try to spring the trap on me it will put me in a position to do damage to them whereas now i see only innocent puppets

[edit on 12-11-2007 by HuntaXX]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:19 AM

May I ask who is this 'they' you speak of? Aliens? God/Gods? Someone else? I tend to agree with much of what you said. I also think that a lot of us are 'waking up' and soon much of our 'power' will be taken back.

I have also wondered about this site, being a trap of sorts, but I'm not so sure. In any case, if it is, I'm not afraid either.


posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:13 AM
'Distraction Tactics are measures to keep people from seeing the Truth, once the truth is seen they extract that truth to leave no traces behind'

To divert attention, on the real problem.

As soon as the Truth is recognised, they give you a Counter Intelligence Operative to hide it right in plain site.

First they pedal the information, set the stage up, deliver the goods, then the media, then scientific community to deny our very existance/truth, as if we we were not intelligent enough to make up our own minds.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by menguard]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:35 AM
They are the demons talked about in the heavily modified and almost completely corrupted bible. they are the so called 'alien' grays that seemed to have been messing with our lives from day one. they are the shadow people most cannot see but THEY can see YOU. they are another form of life that some might call them extradimensional and they have altered our very history to cover their tracks. they seem to lack something we have and they will try to steal it at any cost because their jealously blinds them to the fact that they cant steal something so valuable. i know something bigs coming but i get the feeling its all going to be another big scam but that things wont go as planned and instead of trapping our minds again it will backfire and blow up in their face. whats true? whats misdirection? all i know for sure is something big will happen and some things seem far to easy to 'find out' especially the fact these entities have edited the bible to suit their own needs yet the endgame prophecy is supposedly unchanged? yea right...

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by HuntaXX

Truth comes in more than one shade of color. The 'Ancient Ones' I have met are Spiritual Scientists, they don't have time to play with peoples minds. But there is a regression in all states of life.

Undesirables have played there role in our society and have been useful now the time for truth to be revealed is now.

We have our SOns of Light and Sons of Darkness peddling for truth, but only ONE wins. The God WITHIN.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:26 AM
See one likes to cover things up and the other loves to uncover them. It is all a Game in the scheme of things.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by menguard]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:30 AM
I agree, (FULLY SLEPT NOW like maybe 4 hours) that the best place to hide is right out in public. for we are conspiracy theorists right..... just like this whole antichrist thing...blah, blah, its evil=live. And if people keep trying to identify it, thats the best coverage. It keeps people guessing.. Besides when people are in crowds in the public the "masked ones" are seen by the few right away, which means that the ones who really try to hide are the ones where people have questions. Just saying you're a "crazy person" is a great defense in protection, because peeps will just laugh... and then you can tap an object five times and walk down the cracks of the sidewalk, and "ocd" is shown... all the while you are really just doing it as a motion until you get somewhere else and it just looks like the harmless village idiot cover. But its for the GOOD cause... and yeah heres a little ditty I wrote as a song for U to make the really far scattered ones who feel alone see it in your senses as we need to see it sometime as for the quick studies who open fast and rapid are roots who EVOlve in them as the first Roman jays hook in A sea of vow-el is wakening in the 3 eyes on the tops of the arch in the skY.. Its the A-O to the end of the genes of the 12 in the dark to the gemini elves of the day mIng. But yeahhhh.. it just flows right out U know.. those paper docters....It just makes me laugh now but hurt a little also for them and all the blind. Sea you soon, the scenes are rolling just love...

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:00 PM
I am the perfect balance between the wolf and the sheep.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:09 PM
Well one of their oldest tricks is to hide the truth mixed in with lies in fiction. if anyone comes forward with the truth they can simply laugh and say they are a nut thats become obsessed with said fiction. one things for sure we are all being mislead with the illusion of freedom

Originally posted by menguard
See one likes to cover things up and the other loves to uncover them. It is all a Game in the scheme of things.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by menguard]

cover up the unimportant things and people will grow old and die uncovering them. but to see the truth of our enslavement and face it no matter how hard it is seems so obvious most seem to miss it entirely

[edit on 12-11-2007 by HuntaXX]

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