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"We are Gathering"

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by menguard

Hi menguard,

I have to hold my hands up and admit that I've had nearly the same experience.

About 3 - 4 months ago, out of the blue, I clearly heard in my head a unisex voice (couldn't tell if male or female) say "The time is soon".

I'd dismissed it as fantasy until I saw your post.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:05 PM
Lately I have been feeling kinda the same as you guys. I'm actually saving up to build a self sustainable underground bunker for at least 4 families including my own. I don't know why I have this urge...

Another thing... what does 11:11 on my watch have to do with it? That's when I get creeped out... also I have seen 4:44 12:12 and 1:11 They kinda make me want to build stuff. It's kinda odd to explain.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by jamiros]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:42 PM
Menguard, I have to ask this...why is it that you never really have anything valuable to contribute? If I remember correctly, you were the one that started that rediculous, never-ending thread about higher light answers. Well, if you have all the answers, then why the heck are you asking us? It seems as if maybe you are just conducting your own little sociology experiment or something. Especially when asking for geographical data. Got some exam paper coming up?

Now, I'm not saying I don't believe you guys because I've had some paranormal experiences of my own, but really some of these flowery answers and poetry get nobody anywhere. It doesn't make you sound more enlightened or intelligent, just makes you sound like you've dropped too much acid.

I'm sorry if this comes off sounding mean, and I don't mean it to be. I've also had this feeling of something happening. But coming from a "Christian" point of view, when you're hearing many voices beware. Demons tend to travel in legions and like to lie to you. Spiritual activity is supposed to increase as we get closer to "the end times" and not all of it is good activity. There is going to be a lot of deception in the coming days. Don't think the "devil" is going to be something ugly and repulsive. Evil can be quite beautiful and enticing. Just saying - be careful, ok?

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by closettrekkie

I appreciate your post. This has always been to me perhaps the most important question in spirituality as a whole. How do we know that the information we are receiving is coming from positive or negative entities? Many people claim that if you perceive negative energy coming from them, then they are not positive entities. However, there are plenty of people that claim this can also be a deception. But remember, no matter what is your religion, no matter what you believe that happens here on earth, in your mind, your soul, your spirit or after you die, God will never, ever punish his children that are honestly and with their full heart seeking the truth, for making just a few mistakes during a time when there is so much disinformation going on in all aspects and areas. Why am I sure of this? For one simple reason: God is love.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by jamiros

The 11:11 phenomena is a bit confusing, and even now, after much research on my own I'am not entirely sure of what it means. From a simple point of view it is a wake-up call for humanity, the entering to the new era of the aquarius. However, I'am convinced that there is much more to it, particularly 1:11 and also 4:44, which both not only have an intricate relationship with some new age symbology, but also with christianity. The overall relation between new age and christianity is much more interesting than some people believe and it deserves much more attention than it's getting. At least that's my opinion.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 05:48 PM

My short answer from what I've read:

The bridge between duality and one-ness.

When I feel compellted to look at the clock and it says 11:11, it usually means i'm getting stuff done, getting it together, putting an end to indecisiveness, doing the right thing.

I've been studying this 11:11 for about a year, like really trying to figure it out for my own, but you gotta pay attention because you can't just keep looking at random numbers everywhere expecting to see an 11 and thinking hmm I wonder what the deal with it is now. I think it has to be a complete suprise, like say dropping your cell phone and then picking it up to see 11:11 on it, and then you gotta think, what thought or action did I just do that might indicate this.

Go study it for yourself, its pretty neat. I used to always think it was kinda wierd and it blew my mind when other people were talking about the 11 deal. Well, if you see 11's, your on the right track apparently.

If you want a better insight on this, ask menguard, he'll tell you

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 05:51 PM
heres a random link. I've only read a bit of this page, but it might answer some questions, or rather... help you understand the answer that you already know


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

I just wanted to let you know that when you said that you had heard the word "Assension" it totally shocked me.

There must be a good reason for both of us to hear this word.

For a long time now I have felt the urgency to prepare for something but I just don't know what it is I'm preparing for.

I think all of us have met here on this site because it was destined.

Hopefully we will know ......soon.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 09:16 PM
It is simple, we must prepare for death.

Whether it is our deaths or the deaths of others, is a pointless waste of time to discuss.

Only by preparing ourselves to face death can we protect ourselves from it.

EDIT: *Hits self in head*

Went a bit self-possessed there.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by Throbber]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:59 PM
Okay, that freaks me out. Years ago I learned to speak in tongues. Whatever it was, it woke me up out of a dead sleep at 2 a.m. as if someone had knocked at my door. Okay, it was 2:11. I wandered around my house like one of those characters in a suspenseful movie...waiting for something to jump out at me. Deciding I had lost it, I lie on my sofa, thinking I would be able to figure out what woke me up initially. Well, long short I began speaking in the language of tongues. It was very strange. the very end of this 5 minute prayer...IT said "I am gathering my people." I thought at the time it was Christ....but it was...just....ethereal. This was May 29, 1997.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by aviatrix]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 11:05 PM
yeah I usually don't remember the moments comming out of dreams, or I don't think much of them, but I can recall like probably 3 times where waking up and the word ascension was in my head.

I'm not concerned about dieing, nor living, as long as I get done an what I set out to do this life-time, and if that cuts short, it doesn't matter. We live, and die, it is the fact of our being. We live by CHOICE. And I'd even go so far as to pre-choosing our death. You hear stories of old or sick people dieing in their sleep, well I believe this is an act of will. Our bodies are designed to take a lot of abuse.

There's nothing to fear about death. Fear is a bi-product of ignorance. We'are afraid to die, because we don't know it, but... we do know what it's like to die. I can see fearing a painful death, but perhaps it's something you chose to experience. What does a cloud of energy know about drowning, or being murdered?

I think the moment I stopped caring completely about death, was when someone wise said to me: "Dieing is the best thing to happen to anybody" This person could speak to the dead, and see things which most of us normally can't. This was a couple years ago. Since then, I haven't cared about death. I've actually been looking forward to it, the more I learn. Maybe I'm looking for the great revealing, recalled knowledge at the moment of death, or the power of a boundless form, where I could visit anywhere as I please.

But until then, I have too much to do, I've gotten a lot done this life, some strong changes to my nature, and understanding. So anyone concerned with death, don't be.

- Just be more concerned about living a wasted life.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 11:16 PM
I believe certain people are supposed to meet in certain times and certain places. It is our nature as beings to engage in things, which we would consider productive: a learning experience, a chance to teach, which in turn lets you learn. If you ever meet someone who is your complete opposite in every way, Talk to them. You will learn a lot about yourself, and other people.

I think the purpose of life is do something, or do nothing. It's like what the others say "the universe experiencing itself", or something to that degree. It seems like everything is 1 or 0 solution, we truly live in a binary existance. I mean think about it, everything you consider to be an act of good, has some productive results. Whereas, anything you do which is considered bad, only holds people back.

So I think before we incarnate, and perhaps in our sleep and daily concious will, we surround ourselves with chosen people. Do any of you have a freind you feel a deeper connection to then any direct family members? Think about it. But those estranged family members are helping you, and your helping them in a way. Being totally different from each other, you give each other a lot to learn. Your close freind is like-minded individual who just resonates productivity. You get things done with the influence of this person. I wouldn't be suprised if these 3 close freinds of mine were also brothers and sisters of mine in a different time and different place.

We CHOOSE, to do everything.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by aviatrix

very interesting. Perhaps it's an alien spoken language you once knew, but it is forgotten knowledge. I'm told we all have buried telepathic abilities, which is our universal language to each other, but I think I've heard before of a spoken universal language. I don't know for certain. Someone here will explain it to you.

Well at least it was cool right?

I think I can recall faint glimpses of dreams where I've spoken a different language. Theres one where I think I was recalling a past life, I usually asume this when I have a different body in a dream, and I'm in a familiar, yet unfamiliar place, and there seems to be intimate feelings attributed to it. I believe once I had a glimpse of my life as a guard, I think I was egyptian or some sort of ancient soldier. I can't recall any language though. I think I just kept silent and stood on this bridge at night time, staring at this river, as another guard passed me. From that the only other thing I can recall (besides being a fully armoured guard, with a spear or something), was that I was an ignorant bastard. I was looking at myself as a spectator, but it was still me, and I don't think I knew much of nothin.

I've had a couple other dreams or recalls like this. But I think I was speaking english, and I was some woman, a blond woman to be exact.

Another dream interestingly enough, I was in a strange place. I was this man with this wierd robe or clothing of some sort, with long white hair. 2 men attacked me and I remember I felt nothing of fear, I pointed my hands at each of them and with a flash of light they vanished. And then from there I walked to over to some beautiful woman which i think I had some attachment to. This was an almost un-explainable experience for me. I was like 12 when I had this dream, so there was so much I did not understand. I was observing as a spectator, my current self, but feeling that other part of my self. I felt so at peace, so loving, and I felt like I was filled with infinite knowledge, like I knew EVERYTHING.

At any rate, interesting dreams. A glimpse of past and present selves, I am not certain, but it sure as hell seemed that way. I do not recall any language though, just thoughts.

Speaking in 'tongues'? What an interesting experience for you.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
Menguard, I have to ask this...why is it that you never really have anything valuable to contribute? If I remember correctly, you were the one that started that rediculous, never-ending thread about higher light answers. Well, if you have all the answers, then why the heck are you asking us? It seems as if maybe you are just conducting your own little sociology experiment or something. Especially when asking for geographical data. Got some exam paper coming up?

Great shot closettrekkie!

Unfortunately for people like you and me, not only is Menguard pretty much a "null value" and non-contributory, but if you beat upon him a bit too strongly for the taste of the moderators, he gets points for his inanity, and a walk, and you will get a stern warning, demerits, demotions, and storm clouds over your house. And possibly loss of points or eternal banishment from these halcyon halls of the wild and bizarre.

In the thread you mentioned, on multiple occasions I went in and baited Menguard to say something useful. When, after many, many pages and continuous baiting, he decided to show me my place in the pecking order, the information from this grand enlightened spirit was innocuous stuff, and simply, totally wrong. After telling him that, and having him generally ignore me, and foisting his keyboard minions on me, it wasn't very long before I took heat from the moderator with, as I recall, threats of banishment. So... a word to the wise. If you mess with this idol of inanity individually, and try to invoke some level of competency or clarity or evidence of minimal validity on his/her point, you stand to invoke universal, moderator bad joo-joo.

Now, in all fairness, I have never been kind to Menguard, on occasion to the verge of harrasment, possibly, but... to paraphrase my own bit of wit and wisdom...

Extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary proof. Extraordinary claims simply require proof. Alas... There is none.

Understanding that I am completely and totally in charge of my mental faculties... probably have not learned my lesson in humility and degradation of enlightenment and education,k and... Further, understanding that I am in no wise even attempting to be politically correct here, I now stand ready to take my point deduction, or banishment while Menguard gets another walk, or visit by the minions of Menguard, or whatever...

[edit on 27-10-2007 by sigung86]

[edit on 27-10-2007 by sigung86]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by sigung86

I like it how you conveniently disregard the fact that most people in this thread seem to know what he is talking about and a lot of them had the exact same experience. You actually just insulted the integrety of almost all people in this thread.
Menguard maybe went a bit overboard with his poetic comments, but you can't just disregard all the other people.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by enigmania

Menguard maybe went a bit overboard with his poetic comments, but you can't just disregard all the other people.

You're disregarding his right to approach the matter cynically.

You're every bit as insulting as he apparently is.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Sorry I'm not finding the option that says to whom I'm replying, but this is to AlienArchitect; top of page 17: I've heard a unisex voice. It was in the first week of January, '01 when I was undergoing an awakening concerning other unexplained events. Can't be more specific, but you're the first person I've ever heard mention that voice.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:42 AM
hmm....sounds like we got a case of ATS drama...more specifically very similar to the "Indigo" type drama.

anyone what to fill me up on what this thread about? I don't feel like reading the last 16 pages....

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:45 AM
Some take the offense, some take the defense, why can't we all just play in the middle?

This thread is right for you or it is not, it's simple as that. What does it matter what menguard says or does? It should only matter what YOU do. Maybe menguard has some in-consistancies, or maybe you're not having an open mind about what he's telling you. Rather then give me a literal description with anything, he always gives me one that makes me think, and expand my understanding of the question. At any rate, does it matter? He came here with a question, with what intent some people are wondering. What matters is that the people are uniting, even if just in this thread, and a lot of them share very similar experiences. He came with a question, we answered.

Just the same we have the right to question the questioner, but perhaps some things are beyond our current level of comprehension. Just an example of how things can change, 2 years ago I was a angry, cynical, lazy, agnostic with no idea about anything and reluctant to accept new ideas, espeically ones that sounded "gay". I was a stone. Well that's changed drastically, I opened my mind to new ideas and what really matters is I stripped down the social conditioning and found my true self. If any of the teachings from menguard or anyone else tells you, the truth lies within ourself. We must search for answers within, never stop questioning things, and when you get an answer, keep questioning it. Expand your understandings. Grow. Fight the conditioning and become your true self, then perhaps we'll start to get things done. No more hoarding of wealth out of fear, no more conflict.

You must understand, the people who have chosen this path, there is no return for them. It's like gaining a memory back lost from amnesia. It's like a switch flips on in your head. We all have different paths, we do things when we're willing. I understand this assurance of credibility, and that we feel we need to protect each other from fraud, but are we just trying to protect ourselves? Are we putting up our guard because of our reluctance to explore strange ideas? Or is it really that the truth inside tells you that this is wrong? If you feel strongly against something, explore it, understand it, become it, so that you feel you've made the right judgement.

All I have to say is, if you're open to 'new' ideas. I emphasise new because even on earth, it is a very OLD practise. Learn to meditate. Buy a book, a beginners guide type of deal. That's what I did. If anything, it really sorts out your life, it's VERY healthy, as someone said earlier. We have all these thoughts running around in our head, but how long can you focus on ONE. See the problems as they are, see the questions, and FIX it. We can learn so much about ourself with like 2 hours of centered thought. I can modify, and keep my mood in check all day, if I meditate 15 minutes after I eat my breakfast.

I can understand ones reluctance to listen to poetic jargon. And I can understand how from an outsiders view this all seems..a little crazy. But I'm a practical guy, I like things simple. And meditation is simple, and I believe it is very practical. All your doing is taking control of your thoughts, besides subjecting to instinct and conditioning.

It is our RIGHT, as sentient beings to ask questions. I encourage it. There is no question that's out of line. But before we decide to attack each other, call each other crazy, or insane, or on the other side..ignorant, perhaps we should first analyze ourself and say with 100% certainty that we know everything, and that we are 100% "SANE". If you can do that, then by all means point your finger. We don't know anything, about anything, or anyone, so isn't it a little soon to draw conclusions?

I honor those who seek out the truth, and expose lies and injustice. I respect everyone on the same level, and I value knowledge before all other things.

What I'm trying to say here is, expand your mind, be patient with each other, don't be so hard on yourselves, if something just isn't to your taste, forget it. If someone questions your beliefs, they have a right to. But no'one has the right to attack you. I see a line drawn. To both sides, be patient, and be nice, ok?

Ok I hope I made my point. I feel it's my job as a stabilizer to step in and just keep things from getting out of control. Let's live in relative harmony shall we?

[edit on 27-10-2007 by CavemanDD]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

It seems you share a similar path to my own.

Which is another point about this 'gathering' - Are we supposed to follow one path or merely a group of paths that just so happen to be heading in the same direction?

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