posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:08 PM
for those of you following the progress of this... a functional demo is now up:
this is the basic gameplay:
click on the die to roll. spend your "steps" (number you rolled) on either moving (1 spot per step) or influencing a city (click "influence" for
1 point).
If a city has a chip on it, you may buy the chip. Chips are all $250,000 each (this represents either a person, or an object - red, yellow
respectively). If you roll over one of your own tokens, you will see the color, and another price (from 750k, 1.5mil and 2mil). The point is to get
as many 750k chips as possible, and redeem those first (so far, that could easily change).
Speaking of redeeming... you drag a chip to it's respective card pile (people, objects, events). For example, a red chip goes to the red cards. If
you have enough money, and less than 3 cards (each player gets 3 cards maximum at one time)the chip will turn into a card.
None of the cards are designed and basically, that's as far as the demo goes.
Also, the red lines on the map signify air travel, which takes one step, but costs 500k. eventually traveling by water will cost 250k (each time you
go from land to water will cost 250k after that, no charge until you go from land to water again).