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Conspiracy-Related Game?

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:34 AM
heres another update...

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:34 AM
yeah alright. I think the locations are set.

I think some of us are now interested in the next stage...the cards and figures. Once finished we will gladly provide feedback on how much fun it is or isnt so that it can be refined and improved before its made known on a wider scale.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:52 AM
i'm working on a new list of stuff that I could use help with, and i should be able to post it sometime this afternoon.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 06:44 PM
didnt get a chance to update as soon as I had hoped..

so far, I am trying to put actual locations to the cities in:


all of south america, except for Machu Picchu and Medellin.

Also, any conspiracy related info for moscow, New delhi, singapore, hong kong,cambodia, and cape town, south africa

the dots are already on the map, just need places / info to go along with them. most dots in South A were just placed there for necessity - had no idea what cities / themes were going along with South A

[edit on 15-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:14 PM
u can do something about Woomera Immigration Reception and Processing Centre the Australian immigration detention facility.

or masons in Cairo:

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by scientist
Also, any conspiracy related info for moscow, New delhi, singapore, hong kong,cambodia, and cape town, south africa

I know they seem to be a staple here, but I'd recommend either:
1. The Vast Communist Conspiracy (sorry, I couldn't help myself
) for Moscow and
2. The Nine Unknown Men for New Delhi

Outside those little tidbits I can't offer much, but it's a great idea and I look forward to the completed version.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:39 AM
thanks, 9 unknowns is new to me!

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 09:38 AM
OK, here is a much needed update.

Basically, the point of the game is to control a majority of the board (by collecting city chips) - and at the same time, having at least 1 person card, and making it back to their origin.

City Chips
to get a city chip, you must move your token to that city, and choose between 3 methods of obtaining control over that city (aka taking the chip).

  1. Money (Buy with Money)
  2. War (use warfare)
  3. Influence (mind control)

Depending on what method was used to obtain a city, the owner may lose control of that city in reaction to certain "pot luck" cards that are drawn, or by the actions of other players. For example, if Mind Control (Influence) is used to control a city, another player can come along and use even more Mind Control to take over the city.

Here is how each method will work (rough concepts still):
Money - Use money to own the city. The city tokens can be sold again to other players, or just to put them back on the board.

Pro: easy way to control a city, as long as you have money
Con: also easy to lose the city

War - This actually removes the city completely from the board, so that no one controls it. This makes controlling "most" of the board easier, since there are now less tokens total.

Pro: can establish a further lead in control, or remove control from another person
Con: can only destroy limited amount of cities, hard method to use (requires a special card)

influence - This method requires you to have a person card, and you influence a city by staying in it for a turn and rolling the die. Rolling a 6, means that you have an influence level of 6 over that city. If another player wants to control it, they would have to stay in that city for 2 turns, and roll at least a 7 or higher before leaving to obtain control.

Pro: can control cities without spending money, can stay in certain cities and invest lots of time / influence to ensure control
Con: if not enough time is spent, easy to lose to other players

as far as people are concerned - there will be 5 or 6 types (and perhaps 3 of each)

  1. guard (can protect other player cards)
  2. assassin (can kill another person card)
  3. terrorist (suicide bomber - can kill another person card while sacrificing itself)
  4. banker - (if player has a banker card, cities are cheaper to buy)
  5. doppleganger (clone - switch for any other person card in play)
  6. infiltrator (sacrifice for any other person card in play)

So since the object of the game is to control 0ver 50% of the City Chips, plus have a person card to make it back to your origin (or specific final destination) - it's a steady balance of mainting control over your City Chips, and maintaining control over at least 1 person card (you can have 3 maximum at any time).

Also, there are other cards to draw (instead of person card, which are randomized in the card deck) - these are:

  1. fine (lose money / city / person)
  2. reward (get money / get out of jail free card / protection card)
  3. person card
  4. blank card (worthless)
  5. other (?)

So here's where I could use help - what specific people / cards / etc. to use?

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 11:15 AM
Sounds like a lot of was already fun to read. Great concept because of the balance of chance and skill required to win the game.

If you provide some examples of what you mean by person cards it would be easier for us readers to supply further examples.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:11 PM
thanks, great to see an interest still

I'll just start with the people to keep things semi-simple. To be more specific, there are 6 types of people:

Banker, Cartel, Enron, Politician, Religion, Media

Bankers are those who control the flow of money and economic systems.

Cartel are the criminal organizations the deal in guns, drugs, violence, etc.

Enron are corporations and businesses (Enron is just called Enron instead of Business / Corporations since B and C have already been used by Banker and Cartel - it's not necessarily enron, just means corporations like wal-mart, mcdonalds, etc.)

Politicians are dictators, presidents, important people for social movements, etc.

For example

politician = george bush sr., hitler, reagan, alex jones, etc.

banker = rothschild, rockefeller, etc.

cartel = cia, taliban, columbian cartel, assassins, etc.

enron = mcdonalds, walmart, etc.

religion = pope, extremist leader, pat robertson, david icke, jesus, aleister crowley, secret societies, Nine Unknown Men, etc.

media = rupert murdoch, etc. etc.

I'd like to get a nice list of people to choose from, organized into those categories. Once I figure the people out, we'll move on to the other cards.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Well, first of all dont be calling your Corporations Card "Enron" because in a few years that will be forgotten. Besides, the name is protected. Call it "Co. Inc. Ltd." or something.


Two-headed Bush (Daddy & Son)
Winston Churchill
Mao Tse-Tung
Two-headed Clinton (Husabend & Wife)

And a few current ones to be replaced in a later updated version of the game (people like Putin, Isreali Prime Minister, Iran leader, etc.)

More to come

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:44 PM
Bankers (and money-minded people):

World Bank/IMF

George Soros
Waren Buffet
Donald Trump


Sicilian (Cosa Nostra, The Mob, Mafia)


Exxon Oil (and Shell and all others for that matter)
Coca Cola


AOL Time-Warner
Rupert Murdoch
Twentieth Century Fox
Universal Studios
Al Jazeera
New York Times
Washington Post
Associated Press

More to come

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:49 PM
Religion & Cults

World Religions (One Card since they are all the same, except Buddhism
): Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism

Evangelical Christianity (fire and brimstone fanatic paranoid card)

New Age / Metaphysical crowd

Occult / Pagan / Wicca / Crowley crowd

Scientology & Co

+ the individuals you named.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

What about Ariel Sharon (former isaraeli prime minister) in the government? I think Israel plays a pivotal role in some conpiracy theory stuff

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

yes, thats the name I was missing. sharon.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:51 PM

John Wilkes Booth

Lee Harvey Oswald

Carlos the Jackal

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Well, first of all dont be calling your Corporations Card "Enron" because in a few years that will be forgotten. Besides, the name is protected. Call it "Co. Inc. Ltd." or something.

yes, of course. what i meant to say is that "Enron" is being used for explanation purposes only - and because the next cards have something to do with the categories.

the suggestions have been great. I really love the double-headed cards (bush could even be triple-headed with prescott)

[edit on 26-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 07:17 PM
Do you think we could fit Ghengis Kahn in there......Iam not aware of any Ghengis Kahn conspiracies but he would kick butt, just destroying ( and eating) anyone in his path


Che guervara

Yassir Arafat

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 07:38 PM
OK, I think I have a solid list, but open to changes. there are a total of 3 people per category, so 18 total. here's what I have:

Bankers: Roths, Rocks, World Bank Group

Cartel: Mafia, Columbian, CIA

Enron: Microsoft, Walmart, Shell

Politic: Bush family, Hitler, Taliban (?)

Religion: Scientology, Assassins, Freemasons

Media: Murdoch, Time Warner, Viacom

It's extremely hard limiting each category to just 3 - but those are the rules!

[edit on 26-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:02 PM
For one of the political groups, you could have the Majestic 12
just a thought though

[edit on 10/26/2007 by Sandro]

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