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Conspiracy-Related Game?

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Pine Gap is laughable......its barely secret at all, those protester losers keep breaking into it all the time!!!!!

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Well, at least its more related than Melbourne. Myths of underground bases and reptilians similar to area 51 / dulce. Not that I believe in any of it, but hey...the more remote an area, the more likely the conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:33 PM
ya, im actually a bit surprised at the lack of australian conspiracy theories.. or at least surprised at my ignorance of them.

I will look more into this spot as well. My only other thought was to put a spot on the map to where those original footprints are, and where the aborigines live.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by scientist

you could have something to hinder the players such as Alex Jones ,john Lear memember of the public etc

where in if you draw or card or however you impliment it, for example Alex Jones disicovers your conspiriscy and you lose points miss a turn ect

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by scientist

Aborigines live everywhere......except Tasmania

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
reply to post by scientist

you could have something to hinder the players such as Alex Jones ,john Lear memember of the public etc

where in if you draw or card or however you impliment it, for example Alex Jones disicovers your conspiriscy and you lose points miss a turn ect

i had the same type of idea! my idea is that like in monopoly, there are chance cards.. either win money, or lose money, or something else bad. In this game, you might draw a "person card" such as alex jones - which could either help or hurt you, depending on what token you are using.

For example, Alex Jones card may make it impossible to take over a city using Mind Control if you are using the Media, until he is assassinated - or until the city is either bought or destroyed.

I was also thinking good cards could be categorized into whistle-blowers (alex jones, etc.), agent provocateurs, extremists (religious, terrorists, etc.) and etc.

This is getting deeper into gameplay than where I am at now in development - but great things to bring up regardless.,

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by scientist

sounds like you got things moveing along gratz i hope it makes you rich it could be a great game

have you got anything specific you want help with?

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:04 PM
mainly the cities now. once I get the cities figured out more or less, I will move forward with the cards and etc. associated with the cities.

I will also be able to start figuring out where each token starts from (e.g. politician starts in DC, Media starts in Hollywood, Religion starts in the Vatican / Mecca, etc.)

Also, I will be posting a link to a sample gameboard soon too. I may setup a wiki for this project as well.. already got the domain name
and just in case...

as for being rich - im not interested in making money off this game (maybe if it takes off, I will be interested..) I really just want to make it to keep my programming skills sharp, and since I think it would be a great game to play.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by scientist

im a bit lost is this going to be a board game or a PC game or both and if so what do you intend to create first?

what help do you need with the citys? are you just looking for major citys that have a lot of things happen in them that could be considered a conspiriacy?

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:25 PM
well it's essentially a board game, but to make it more accessible, I am making it a digital game. It makes it easier to test as well, and cheaper to manufacture!

If you are familiar with board games, this is sort of a mix between Monopoly, and Afrikan Tahti (Finnish board game).

as for the cities - I am trying to set a solid number of them, and make sure they are spread out fairly evenly. A good example would be to post the original game board for Afrikan Tahti:

of course, instead of just africa - it would be a map of the entire globe as opposed to a single continent.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:42 PM
Places to consider:

Catacombs of Paris
Catacombs of Rome
Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Site of the Tunguska blast in Siberia
Glastonbury Maze in England
Machu Pichu in Peru

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:46 PM
There was a trading card game that Chaosium did in 1996, based on HP Lovecraft's stories, called Mythos.

The site is here.

The Location cards may give you some additional ideas. check all the card lists, but New Aeon was the modern version of the game and so it might have some places in it you may not have considered.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:48 PM
ill just check a few ideas in for tou


Zimbabwe/Rhodesia .....Cecil Rhodes

Middle East

Aganistane... osma
Istanbul sure knights templer where here

South Amercia

Nazca ....the linesthere a spaceman and lines that look like runwyays


Vietnam .....the war
Taiwan ...war with China


Burmuda ..i know its that that part of the world ......but..its in the ocean lol
Hawai.....peral harbour
Bali ...the bombings
Tasmania ...the devil,lol
Borneo...isnt thre ment to me some type of big foot there or something?
Solomon Islands...just because of the name Freemasons etc

hope that helps udate your list and ill see if i can can up with any others

im hooked sounds like the makeings of a great i a similar idea myself but have no clue as to how to start it what the polt would be etc so helping you is cool

EDIT: for speeling

[edit on 11-10-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:54 PM
thanks! you guys are helping out greatly! i cant believe i forgot the bermuda triangle... and Rhodesia is a great addition.

as for the game - the good news is that the hardest part of the programming is already completed - a couple months sooner than I expected as well.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by scientist

Congratulations i hope it takes off for you

do we get a credit and a free copy of the game lol

screw the credit ill settle for a free game please

i take it the prize is some kind of Holy Grial?

is that kind of the plot?

any thing else you need help with?

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:41 PM
heh, well the game will be free for all. i will certainly post progress as I work on it.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:43 PM
Great Idea for a game!!! If your idea works, you could turn it into a RPG/conspiracy type game for the consoles/PC.
Maybe you could consider Wiltshire, Stonehenge and Scotland, Roslyn Chapel for Religion and NWO quests for part of the game but bad for them say if the media group get hold of it.
For a few of the Military quests of the game GCHQ (listening post), Boscome Down (Military base and supposed aliens!!) and Rendlesham Forest (Military bases and UFO crash site!!) but bad say if NWO/Media get them first.
A Media/NWO quest part of the game has to be the BBC in London.
I Know these are all part of the UK but maybe have different types of quests for each location in different contries.
keep up all the cool sugestions guys.
I wish you the best of luck!!

[edit on 11-10-2007 by Kurokage]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:39 PM
I certainly have high hopes - but I have made lots of games before, and the most common reason for a project failing, is being too ambitious from the start.

I will be making it extremely simple at first, for two reasons. 1 - so that i can actually finish it for the most part, by myself. and 2 - so that it's very easy to play and hopefully easy to understand for people playing it for the first time.

that way, if it's even mildly entertaining and playable, then I will have a better idea of what works, and what doesn't - so that v2.0 will be better, and hopefully attract the attention of more developers / designers / etc.

in the meantime, this is a functional gameboard

based on the tahti game linked above, simply for testing purposes. You can hover over any dots surrounding a token, and it will display green if it's a valid move. If you roll 6, you must move 6 steps, however you wish. When all steps are used up, click the die again for the other token. Repeat.

i am currently working on the actual map, which is why I need to decide on these places, as it is the most fundamental step in the game.

edit: hmm, i just realized I cannot edit my original post with updated info. I'll be setting up a wiki soon to keep an update log. Too bad the ATS member blogs don't work either...

[edit on 11-10-2007 by scientist]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:27 AM
testing out placement of locations...

look good? it's fairly balanced as well

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:23 PM
in case anyone is keeping track other than me...

this is the direction I am headed in...

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