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How would it affect you to have the existence of extraterrestrials confirmed?

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:41 PM
If the government came out and said they have known about the existence of ET's here on Earth but kept it from the public I would be very upset. My level of curiosity would also be through the roof, and I would probably spend alot more of my time trying to figure out what the hell is going on. But other than that I wouldn't live any differently.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Having their existence confirmed would add some flare to the pub conversation i can say that much for sure!

On a more serious note, even if they confirmed microbiological life, really really primitive life in it's simplest form i would probably be quite thrilled by it, if the existance of sentient beings were confirmed, i do not think it would affect my day to day life at all.

We all have to go to work and keep the worlds wheels turning after all.

It would however, affect the way i thought when i looked at the night sky, as i imagine it would with everyone.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:50 PM

Such a plague would be likely to be so different than anything our immune systems had seen that it would be immediately devastating to all humans, I fear.
reply to post by Badge01

But it goes both ways. I'm sure our common cold would be 10 times more harmful to them and diseases like AIDS and Cancer would surely mutate in their bodies and be something totally different.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:54 PM
Well, if they arent here to eat us I would say confirmation would make me a bit anxious, maybe even a tad excited. Change sux, always has, always will but I guess initially I would be guarded until "the rest off the story" came to light. Nothing is as it ever seems, uh, it seems. It could be everything from chaos in the streets to the beginning of a new age, and anything in between. Part of me would be vindicated and the other would be suspicious.

Whatever it would be, it would be a hell of a ride....

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Lost_Mind

Whatever it would be, it would be a hell of a ride....

It would be an interesting ride for sure. I remember being glued to the TV after 911 for days and I'm sure most of the US population was too. I'm sure it would be like that for awhile until everyone had their fill. I'm sure work and productivity would slow down but none the less everything would not stop running. I know my boss would be like "if they are not on your front lawn you'd better be here".

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:21 PM
elated, mystified, curious, eager to go through a wormhole and see an alien landscape. Eager to drive a UFO for the first time. Are replicators real?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Extraterrestrials would probably have the biggest impact on our society than any other event in Human history.

If what people say about them is true, including them creating us, being here for thousands of years, manipulating us, etc. If the entire world knew this, things would never be the same.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Well I would not be surprised at all. For you see are we not living proof that et's exist? Are we not et's ourselves?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Yes, it does go both ways. An extraterrestrial would be very foolish to physically come to Earth, risking deadly infection. After all, no isolation suit is foolproof, no matter how carefully constructed.

They'd make sure that the environment they were going to visit would be carefully sterilized of all indigenous life forms. If an ET civ. had a 'prime directive' it would be to steer clear of all worlds inhabited by sentient beings, since it would be unethical to sterilize such worlds.

Indeed, I think most plans would include finding worlds suitable for habitation that did not have many flora and fauna and terraform those using Earth organisms.

For that reason, I believe all explorations would be done by robots and nanobots. It's much more cost effective than a full excursion.

That's another reason I don't think we've been visited - we've never encountered and captured any alien probes (as far as we know).

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Everythingyouknowisalie

Its completely obvious we are and I'm sure most of the population already believes they exist. Its just a matter of the governments opening up and admitting it.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

It depends on wether the aliens where as advanced as we all like to think. If we finaly got to communicate with ET's far more advanced than us and friendly , I'd hope the world peace could start flourish.

I mean, with their technology and experience, we probably could get our selves in a NWO that we all could come by. Energy problems would be solved. Heck, we'd probably get an answer to all our conspiracy theories here on ATS. And hopefully, we could finally debunk the Bible.

peace out

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:17 PM
I believe the benfits of confirmation would be benificial to everyone. Even if there are hostile beings of extraterrestrial origin out there, I don't think people will be afraid (since there are already hostile beings of terrestrial origin). Everyone from nonreligious, to religious people will look at the positive benefits of this new information. For religious people, it will show the awesome power of God. For nonreligious people, it will show that we are not just some random accident and that life is more common in the universe than we thought. Either way, it shows that life has more of a purpose than to just live for a short insignificant amount of time.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I would be thrilled. It would give me hope that there was something outside of our current, controlled and corrupt world. I would expect that the insight we gained from them would help set the world on a more rational course.

I doubt they would come in war. If they wanted us gone they could probably do us in without ever disclosing themselves. It would be possible however that many Earthlings would view them as hostile and thus could set off a war with them. I'd be fighting along side the aliens if that was the case. As is obvious by moniker:

I am disgusted by humanity.


posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

If sheeple started a war with the aliens, and the aliens defended themselves, wouldn't they pretty much kill everyone...including you!?!?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:41 PM
It would affect me, in that many of my theories would be confirmed, and I would move some of my research to bigger and better things.

I Think that there would be certain religious fanatics that might lose their mind. But at the same time I bet there would be people in their families that would be able to calm them down in short order. Like my Mom for example, would be forced to re-evaluate some of her belief systems. I really think I could help though.

I would welcome aliens as long as they were not allowed to "colonize" the Earth, or the Moon, or use Humans, animals, insects, plants, our atmosphere, or anything else of this Earth for any reason. Aliens would be allowed to be "employed" by humans, and or housed by humans, so long as said humans were in complete control of the alien entities at all times.

I wouldn't freak out, and go crazy, and become violent unless the aliens were going around zapping, and or capturing people.

Good topic my friend.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:42 PM
It would make really interesting reading in the newspaper and may even knock Lady Diana's inequest off the front page

I would want to see how the heads of the religious houses react

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:51 PM
I would be thrilled! But I think that most of the world would probably be very afraid.. I think its not a question of them being ready but if we are, and I dont think so.. yet.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:58 PM
I wont be shocked as i've long beleived we are not alone. Sure there will be aninitial shock to wake up one morning to the news that (for arguments sake) a UFO had landed on the White House Lawn and like everyone eill be glued to the tv news. But in the long term i would not be shocked. I would be thinking thank God, at least Humanity now has a chance to grow up and thinik about something other than fighting for oil, land etc and realise that we are but one of many inhabited planets. It may even spur us on to use all the money currently spent on killing each other to build new spacecraft and technology that will take us to the stars. We can finally be free of Earth. If they were hostile, i would be disaapointed but to be honest again not shocked as for one thing i beleive good and evil is commonplace throughout the Universe. Like Earth, there are good guys and there are bad guys. Mind you if a UFO DID land on the White House lawn i hope they do us a favour and whisk George Bush off and give him some lessons in making peace and not war !!

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 04:14 PM
It would not change a thing. They are already here and many of us interact with them on a daily basis. The question is can you accept it.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by downtown436

Love you signature but you should add "drive fast and take chances"

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