posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:23 PM
rThe America that the posters adore is GONE folks..gone. It was different back in the 50's and 60's to a degree, but now it is over. One poster
actually said that the system insures change every 4 years or so..what a joke!! The people who RUN things on this planet are NOT politicians, but
major international banking and corporate interests, along with some old time ruing families. The system is SET to perpetuate the decline of America,
by plan, and to insure a global dictatorship with total control and a twp tier system: One for the rich, and one for the por; there will be NO middle
class, that is dissolving as we speak.
If you see past the propaganda and hype, we are actually WORSE than some nations, and by far no better than many others. We have NO health care for
our citizens, except thru profit driven rich guys clubs in insurance and such...we have NO housing for the homless and no shelters for families who
missed a paycheck and lost a house. There are almost NO social services for the average person, no public transportation in most jobs being
created: most new jobs are in PRISONS and COPS positions, and thatg tells us a lot.
We are doomed, sitting back thinking we are free while we eat genetically altered hot dogs at a park with Astroturf and chemtrails overhead,
morgellopns fibers drifting down while we inhale the ' free air ' of good old America..imagine that. We KNOW that 9-1 was pulled off by an inside
group of AMERICANS and their pals from Israel, etc. who wanted to jump start the money game in oil and domination. We know that Cheney is as guilty as
sin, and that Bush is a stooge for the real powers that be; yet we get all proud and teary eyed about Old Glory, when around the world now the flag is
seen as a symbol of greed and avarice and death and lies..we used to have some good will, now that is gone.
Cops all over the nation are abusing people and getting away with it. Schools are becoming lockdowns to train a new generation of breeder and worker
to put up with any intrusive testing of them and their body fluids for any purpose that they desire, and to tolerate lack of privacy as normal and
cameras on every corner as ' safety ' from the big bad ' terrorists ', who do not even exist apart from the intel black op guys who use them for
cover for their own ops as well as money makers, like all the coc aine and heroin found flying on CIA planes and hushed up by the scum on the
The government is corrupt, totally so: There is not ONE senator or congressman that will come out and say that they don't accept the official story
about 9-11 and want a new study done. Ron Paul is about the best, but he is far from perfect, and he WILL be Wellstoned before he gets too far
along...we will hear soon about some tragic small plane crash that took out the only hope we had left, if there ever was any. No, we are too far gone:
When there can be massive evidence of an inside job on 9-11 and the average American is so stupid and dumbed down that they don't know or don't care
about it, then all is lost.
The average American is so concerned with his job, and mortgage, and sports scores, and families, that to ask them to think about troubling issues
is a lost cause. They just don't want to know, even if proven facts. as it will upset their routine. We are slaves to the bad guys already, and just
do not know how badly it really has gotten.Americans do NOT get out and demonstrate, not the midle class, the average people. They will TRUST the myth
that the government is actually run by decent people who are patriotic, and they just cannot grasp the FACT that America has been taken from within,
by a coup, by force and murder, and with the approval of the politicians, who have covered it up and done nothing to get the truth out.
So America might as well haul the old falg down anyway and put up the new Neocon flag, whatever it is..the NAU flag no our flag has lost
its meaning: The constitution is the heart and soul of the flag, and now that the constitution has been shredded and shat upon by the Bush cabal, why
bother to defend it anymore? What are we defending? Freedom? Are we free? We must have a passport to go anywhere and ID for anything at
all..roadblocks anywhere at anytime the cops want to stop and bother us..crowds arrested without cause for merely daring to gather together, as in NY
for the conventions..FREE? No way are we free. Spied upon by the NSA, our mail and phones and to breathe the air polluted by chemtrails
and nanotech alien garbage...really free, huh?
We are being dragged into fascism by our short hairs and the Dems are too craven to object and too compromised to fight back. MONEY is the God of
the politicians of today. Control and money..the game is in full swing. The flag is just another propaganda tool to keep the warm bodies flowing into
the oil wars..thats the bottom line. Wave the flag and die for George and buddies!! Remember when George the scum said : " they hate us for our
freedoms ".? remember that? Did anyone stop and wonder who on earth hates freedom? No one does. It is human nature to want to be free.
They hate us because we are global bullies with big guns and lots of money to give to cooperative thugs who will facilitate our money grubbing
domination schemes. We invade other peoples lands based on LIES, PROVEN lies and yet the media is silent about it and the rest of the politicians say
' Move on, not worth fighting way to get rid of his".. Blah blah. There are a core of Republicans who are determined to ruin America by
agreeing with everything Bush does and orders. They cannot get a veto on Bush because of the awful and disgusting senators and others who wink and nod
and take the money...owing allegiance to the far right religious nuts who WANT Armageddon for us all so they can escape all the nastiness by being
Raptured..they really believe this stuff!!
So America is gone, the patriotic fervor that one used to feel thinking about a land where all men were equal and able top live their lives totally
free unless they bothered others..that fervor now replaced by a shamed silence when confronted by the facts: We are the most jailed population on
earth, with 60% of all prisoners in for nonviolent ' offenses ' such as using pot...we have the worst health care of any 1st rate nation, with vast
numbers of us not able to afford health care, thousands dying every year from preventable diseases..a military that takes an obscene amount of money
every year to keep invading and bombing ever more innocent regions,all based on lies.
Ask some dumb ' love it or leave it ' type American about the Downing Street memo and its signifigance, and you will be met with a dumbfounded
look and a ' what ' as a response. The average Joe does not know the evidence, and never will as long as the major networks are in collusion to
avoid the truth at all costs. Most people will not think about the subjects that count because it is too upsetting, and life is hard enough as it is
without having to consider the fact of your nation being taken over by criminals, a totally incompetent political structure to deal with it, massive
evidence of murder and other crimes by our leaders, proven lying and perjury, etc.
If I could afford to leave America, I would. Now. Before it is too late to leave, and we are either controlled totally or forced to live like slaves
to the system. There are still a few places on Earth where the people get out and raise hell when the governments go too far, and they can be gotten
to easily..but it takes money Big money to transplant from the USA to another land, far from the horrors to come. It is a delay only, sooner or later
all of the earth will be reached by them, but for now the short list of nations that welcome immigrants with a few bucks and a desire to be really
free should be studied by anyone who would consider leaving, like me