posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack
I too agree it is protected by free speach. BUT, be warned, I also believe it is my free speech to walk up the person that lights that flag on fire
and punch him repeatedly in the face. If somebody really want to impress someone and make a real statement, they should first wrap themselves up in
that flag and then light up. Now that is Patriotism, dying for one's nation.
Sorry folks, patriotism goes a little deeper to me when it comes to issues of 9-11. I take that attack extremely personally. I went to work that
morning and lost a lot of good people, a few good friends, but mostly colleagues. I see that Flag and think of evceryone who ever fought and died for
our freedoms. I see that flag and remember those who dies that day. I see that flag and remember that this is one nation UNDER GOD, indivisble.
That indivisible part is the most important part to me. Prior to WW2, we were a nation at peace, not involved with the goings on overseas, but
keeping an eye on them. We were attacked, we responded. Not as individuals, but as a nation. The men went off to war, the women went into the
factories to support the war effort and the men at war. People did without things, so the troops could do with. Now that is Patriotism at its best.
I am not sure why the attacks of 9-11 did not solidify the people of the US 100% any war effort that might take place. My guess is that us here in NY
City were attacked and the indivisible part of the US is slowly falling apart. We are now longer the United States of America. The media has made
sure of that. We are the red states and the blue states, the haves and the have nots, the right and left wings, the Yankee fans and anti-yankee fans.
The media has separated us and wants us kept that way. They need a divided United States so they have groups to pander too. They have put labels
on everything, black america, african american, italian american, jewish american, native american...... etc. What happend to being 1 people? 1
I am a PROUD AMERICAN. I willingly chant USA USA USA. I pledge to my flag and to the United States of America. I pledge to my family, I will
protect you and my nation with everything I have; if I feel threatened. No one shall take away from me, or anyone I love, the rights I was born with,
as a citizen of the United States of America!!!!!!!!!!!