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Demolition truck next to wtc,Disprove No-Planes Theory also!

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posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
(can you tell the difference between missile and airplane debris)?

Yes, actually you can.

Missiles don't leave debris with passenger windows, because they don't have passengers, nor windows for the non-existent passengers to look out of.

Missiles don't leave landing gear debris, because they don't land on wheels, they either explode or malfunction.

Missiles don't leave jet engine debris, because they don't have jet engines.

Airplanes, well, they have passengers and passenger windows. Airplanes also have landing gear so the plane can take off and land, and here's a shock ... they also have jet engines!!!

Missiles also almost never leave much of any debris, unless they malfunction in some way. The concussive force of a missile which is desinged to explode in a huge bang, tears it apart into shrapnel, a plane on the other hand isn't designed to explode in such a violent fashion which is why they burn down and usually leave larger pieces. The 2 types of explosions are MUCH different. Most likely if it were a missile to hit the towers they might not have fallen as there would be no burning jet fuel, if they could survive the initial concussive blast that is.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Well there is a video of something comming out of the other side of the South tower. But we know it cannot be the nose, the nose is made of graphite composite and would have been destroyed as soon as it hit the building.

So what is it? First the other poster says it is the nose of the aircraft, and you say it is not. Both answers cannot be correct.

We still have no actual reports of any parts found matching any of the 9/11 aircraft.

Have you not seen the photos posted by others of the aircraft debris??? If not, I suggest you take a look.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Soloist
So what is it? First the other poster says it is the nose of the aircraft, and you say it is not. Both answers cannot be correct.

Have you not seen the photos posted by others of the aircraft debris??? If not, I suggest you take a look.

1. I do not know what came out of the building, some say it might be an engine. Parts of an engine might have survived going through the building.

2. Photos are not proof of what aircraft they came from. Where are the FBI and NTSB reports on if parts match specific planes?

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
1. I do not know what came out of the building, some say it might be an engine. Parts of an engine might have survived going through the building.

Yes indeed an engine might survived, which only serves to further prove jets hit the towers.

2. Photos are not proof of what aircraft they came from. Where are the FBI and NTSB reports on if parts match specific planes?

They are proof of a shredded passenger jet however, which disproves this whole "no-planes" nonsense. It makes no difference is Part A goes to plane 2, the end result does not jive with this so called "conspiracy" of holograms and missiles.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Soloist
Yes indeed an engine might survived, which only serves to further prove jets hit the towers.

They are proof of a shredded passenger jet however, which disproves this whole "no-planes" nonsense. It makes no difference is Part A goes to plane 2, the end result does not jive with this so called "conspiracy" of holograms and missiles.

1. Not if the engine parts were form a missile.

2. Can you tell the difference between parts from a passenger jet, military jet, or missile ? That is why we need to official reports from the investigating agencies. Also it does matter if the parts found do not match any of the 9/11 planes.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

1. Not if the engine parts were form a missile.

Missiles do NOT have jet engines.

2. Can you tell the difference between parts from a passenger jet, military jet, or missile ? That is why we need to official reports from the investigating agencies. Also it does matter if the parts found do not match any of the 9/11 planes.

Yes you can tell the difference, I explained that in an earlier post, please go back and read that one.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Soloist
Missiles do NOT have jet engines.

Yes you can tell the difference, I explained that in an earlier post, please go back and read that one.

1. Cruise missiles and others do have jet engines. Please do some more research.

Most cruise missiles are propelled by a jet engine, with a turbofan engine being the most common due to its efficiency.

2. Please tell me how you can the the difference between debris from a crashed missile engine and plane engine ?

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

1. Cruise missiles and others do have jet engines. Please do some more research.

Yes some cruise missiles do have a turbofan engine, but I believe the theory is that a launcher was supposedly on top of one of the building that launched the missile. Besides that , they don't have 2 jet engine mounted on their wings nor do they have the wingspan or look like a passenger jet that thousands of people witnessed. Nor do they have windows. Please look at all the evidence.

2. Please tell me how you can the the difference between debris from a crashed missile engine and plane engine ?

See the post above, there is too much evidence against a missile.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
Yes some cruise missiles do have a turbofan engine, but I believe the theory is that a launcher was supposedly on top of one of the building that launched the missile. Besides that , they don't have 2 jet engine mounted on their wings nor do they have the wingspan or look like a passenger jet that thousands of people witnessed. Nor do they have windows. Please look at all the evidence.

See the post above, there is too much evidence against a missile.

1. Yes, if you look at the photos of the Woolworth builidng you see damage to the roof, plus there is the police report of a missile fired from the woolworth building.

I am still waiting for the official reports matching parts found to any of the 9/11 aircraft.

Also there were no thousands of witnesses, please be real. Also military versions of airliners have engines mounted on wings and windows.

2. And you have no overwhelming hard evidence aganst missile.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
1. Yes, if you look at the photos of the Woolworth builidng you see damage to the roof, plus there is the police report of a missile fired from the woolworth building.
I am still waiting for the official reports matching parts found to any of the 9/11 aircraft.

And like you say, I'm waiting for the hard evidence of the missile.

Until then, I have to side with the eyewitnesses, the professional and amateur video footage, the photographs, the dead passengers on the plane, the footage of the hijackers and the flight training records, the bin laden video and the airplane debris at the scene.

Also there were no thousands of witnesses, please be real.

Are you kidding??? There were MANY thousands of people in the 2 towers ALONE. The initial estimated death reports that day were in the TENS of THOUSANDS!!! Did you not see all the thousands in the streets?? And that's not counting all the people in all the buildings watching from afar.

You want real? I personally sat with 15 brave NYC fireman at my girlfriends sisters wedding last weekend, 7 now retired since that year, and because of it actually. They were reluctant to talk about it, but did without any prodding from me, so I asked some questions, and they know what they heard , they know what they saw, and I wouldn't think to question anyone that was there and is that sure. I would have asked the other 2 that would have been there, however since they didn't make it out alive that day so I couldn't. There's your real. It gets NO more real than that.

Also military versions of airliners have engines mounted on wings and windows.

Well, huh??? Wait, what is it now? It's now a military airliner??? I thought it was a missile??? Maybe you should get your story straight first??? Maybe present your theory in some coherent fashion??? Because this certainly seems like you're all over the map.

2. And you have no overwhelming hard evidence aganst missile.

Sure I do, see the first paragraph of this post.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Soloist

Until then, I have to side with the eyewitnesses, the professional and amateur video footage, the photographs, the dead passengers on the plane, the footage of the hijackers and the flight training records, the bin laden video and the airplane debris at the scene.

You want real? I personally sat with 15 brave NYC fireman at my girlfriends sisters wedding last weekend, 7 now retired since that year, and because of it actually. They were reluctant to talk about it, but did without any prodding from me, so I asked some questions, and they know what they heard , they know what they saw, and I wouldn't think to question anyone that was there and is that sure. I would have asked the other 2 that would have been there, however since they didn't make it out alive that day so I couldn't. There's your real. It gets NO more real than that.

Well, huh??? Wait, what is it now? It's now a military airliner??? I thought it was a missile??? Maybe you should get your story straight first??? Maybe present your theory in some coherent fashion??? Because this certainly seems like you're all over the map.

1. What plane debris, do you have official reports it is plane debris and what kind and type of plane it is from ?

Speaking of dead passengers, back in 2001 they did not have the DNA testing for bodies that had been badly burned or crushed. The NIST DNA experts had to come up with new DNA tresting for 9/11, so how did all the bodies get identified in 2001 when the new testing was not ready until 2002?

2. What about all the first responders (including firemen) who have been speaking out agains the official story. Ones who heard the countdowns for explosives, ones who heard the explosions ?

3. Just stating that the eyewitnesses do not know what they saw, it could have been a missile a military plane. You have no hard evdience, no official reports stating they were passenger planes and if they were the planes hijacked on 9/11.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

1. What plane debris, do you have official reports it is plane debris and what kind and type of plane it is from ?

I've seen the debris photos, the videos, talked to and personally know people who were there. If you had an "official" report as you call it, you wouldn't believe it anyway.

Speaking of dead passengers, back in 2001 they did not have the DNA testing for bodies that had been badly burned or crushed. The NIST DNA experts had to come up with new DNA tresting for 9/11, so how did all the bodies get identified in 2001 when the new testing was not ready until 2002?

I said nothing of identification. People from those flights died in the crash, they phoned their loved ones beforehand, that grief and the eyewitnesses are all I will ever need to realize and accept that fact. I would think the identification to be very hard to accomplish indeed.

2. What about all the first responders (including firemen) who have been speaking out agains the official story. Ones who heard the countdowns for explosives, ones who heard the explosions ?

Don't know any of them, so I'll go with the people that I do know plus the thousands of eyewitnesses, video and photos.

3. Just stating that the eyewitnesses do not know what they saw, it could have been a missile a military plane. You have no hard evdience, no official reports stating they were passenger planes and if they were the planes hijacked on 9/11.

WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE WHAT PEOPLE SAW???? This is very egotistical of you to make such a claim. You are NO better than anyone, were you there??????????????? If not, then I suggest you watch what you say in regards to other peoples opinions and reality, especially those trained to deal with disasters!

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE WHAT PEOPLE SAW???? This is very egotistical of you to make such a claim. You are NO better than anyone, were you there??????????????? If not, then I suggest you watch what you say in regards to other peoples opinions and reality, especially those trained to deal with disasters!

No i was not there, as most people on here were not there either. That is why i have done research, filed FOPIA request with the FBI and NTSB, and e-mailed companies that were there at groud zero.

Most of the people that were not there seem to just believe what they see on TV or what the media tells them instead of trying to find out what really happened.

I am a government analyst with a background in aviation and law enforemant so i know what reports we should have and i also use that experience and common sense to see that there is a lot of things wrong with the official story.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:32 AM
You wont win this argument, Soloist. ULTIMA1 doesnt listen to anything anyone says , or even look at any evidence you post. You could post undeniable proof, and he would say it is false.

He has already been banned on other forums for trolling....don't feed him here too.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Disclosed
You wont win this argument, Soloist. ULTIMA1 doesnt listen to anything anyone says , or even look at any evidence you post. You could post undeniable proof, and he would say it is false.

He has already been banned on other forums for trolling....don't feed him here too.


I have proven you to be a liar on other forums so do not even try to lie here too. I was not banned on any forum for trolling and you know it, stop the lieing.

You are not even able to figure out who i am and who i work for when i have provided documents and even phone numbers.

As far as Soloist, he has not provided any facts or evidence to support his theory.

Lets just look at some very simple facts:

Its been 6 years and people who believe the official story can still not come up with any actual hard evidence or official reports to suport their theories or the official story.

6 years and NIST still cannot tell us why builidng 7 collasped.

6 years and still no FBI and NTSB crime scene reports on any of the 9/11 aircraft crash scenes.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 09:08 AM
please refrain from the he said she said postings directed towards eachother. The topic is a demolition truck disproving the no plane theory. Stick to it.

a reminder on the 9/11 forum rules:

ATS Member/Moderator/Revolutionary

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 09:09 AM
Ultima and Disclosed I suggest you both forget your past together at other boards as you continue your journey on the yellow brick road on the ATS board. Do not derail the discussion with personal remarks, please stick to the topic.

Just keep in mind the following:
How Not To Be Banned from ATS

Your Attention is Needed Please

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Ultima and Disclosed I suggest you both forget your past together at other boards as you continue your journey on the yellow brick road on the ATS board. Do not derail the discussion with personal remarks, please stick to the topic.

I apoligize, i just hate to see another forum with people who should not judge others.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

so anybody wanna talk about the actual thread topic....

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by zakd619
so anybody wanna talk about the actual thread topic....

Sure, i am always open to a discussion.

Still looking for anyone who wants to discuss and has any evidence or reports about any of the parts found matching any of the 9/11 planes.

Also why the FBI only worked on the crime scene at the Pentagon for 5 days after stating it would take 30 days.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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