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Demolition truck next to wtc,Disprove No-Planes Theory also!

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posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 12:33 AM

where exactly after 9/11 do I find the hundreds of thousands of NEW YORKERS screaming....


And BTW, I am not talking about someone who missed the plane or the odd person who thought it was a smaller or larger plane depending on the angle.

*IF* what your saying is TRUE, then hundreds of thousands of NEW YORKERS would have seen what truly happened since so many of them had their eyes on the Towers after the first strike.

You really think that many New Yorkers would just shut up?

Next, your video comparison doesn't prove anything. Different mic, different set of factors to effect sound, such as the buildings in NEW YORK etc.

Also by saying the following.....
"Plane parts: Just because plane parts fall to the ground does NOT mean a plane crashed. "

Is akin to saying this--- "just because the space shuttle goes around the earth doesn't mean the earth is round!"

So until I see New Yorkers revolt in mass and in large numbers your theory has no validity.

[edit on 3-10-2007 by talisman]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by talisman

And exactly where are those New Yorkers supposed to go to be heard?

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:03 AM
Sensfan nailed this one, it’s a garbage truck for gutting building interiors. Good job at destroying the likes of Mr Lear and his hologram nonsense though. The camera man walks down the street and there are no aircraft parts, then we hear the second impact and the debris raining down and next thing we know there is a section of aircraft sitting in the street and a smashed car.

[edit on 10/3/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Sensfan nailed this one, it’s a garbage truck for gutting building interiors. Good job at destroying the likes of Mr Lear and his hologram nonsense though. The camera man walks down the street and there is on aircraft parts, then we hear the second impact and the debris raining down and next thing we know there is a section of aircraft sitting in the street and a smashed car.

and Bingo was his name-o !

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3-10-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by CB_Brooklyn
and Bingo was his name-o !

It has been a long night, and I am not sure what you are getting at. Aircraft only make noticeable sound if you are to the side or rear of the engine, not if you are in front of them. Since the debris came toward the camera, it would have been located in the quietest area possible for engine noise.

[edit on 10/3/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:50 AM
If you need some examples of this, I will attach a few below.
Please notice how quiet the aircraft are until the engine becomes almost equal with the camera location.

[edit on 10/3/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:29 AM
Ille hazard a guess and say that the sound created by the jet engines was probably lagging behind the jets because of their velocity. You know speed of sound and all that.

I think its silly to even entertain the notion that air planes didn't hit the towers.

The real questions are, who was flying those planes? Why weren't they shot down? Why did the towers fall when they where built to withstand the force of jet airliner impacts? etc.......

As for the demolition truck as a previous poster has said, most probably just gutting an old building in New York. Kind of an omen but. I think the detonation crew was most probably one of these categories military, ex-military, has access to military grade demolitions. Due to thermate samples being found from the towers which are millitary grade demolitions, instead of commercial which is thermite.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by blahdiblah
Ille hazard a guess and say that the sound created by the jet engines was probably lagging behind the jets because of their velocity. You know speed of sound and all that.

Well besides speed, which is lower then mach, there is also engine sound baffling to take into consideration. Jets are loudest from the back end where there is no baffling, the side is slightly less loud, and the front can be almost silent. This is even evident in CB_Brooklyn’s video of the 747 (a very loud jet) approach.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:25 AM

Plane sound: I didn't hear any 767 in that video. The traffic noises were louder than that "jet noise" (whatever it was).

New York is full of tall buildings which act to block or channel sounds
depending on where you are. The person filming was near WTC 7
which blocked the sounds .

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 08:29 AM

At 1,200 feet, a jet engine would be 120dB, which is 10x times louder than front row seats at a rock concert (110dB).

my 45watt car stereo used to hit 123db, i dont know where you got your information but its terribly wrong.

Mod Edit : fixed quote tag

[edit on 3-10-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 12:29 PM
....was living in NYC the time of the attack, one poster asked about cell phones not working, they didn't since all the transmitters were on one of the towers. They must of diverted service because it was restored pretty soon from what I remember.

This video is pretty "good" -- hate to use that word when dealing w/ death and destruction, does show some parts on the ground, which do look like airplane parts and you can hear the impact like the video mentions. You don't see the airliner strike though and the fact that a demo truck goes by in a city of 7-8 million has nothing to do w/ conspiracy.

/ / / /

ON THE EDIT: I don't have screen-shot software, can anyone post here or provide me w/ links to the crashed plane parts? I think I've only seen one other video/site w/ actual plane parts and that one I can't seem to find anymore. Thanks in advance/ / / /

[edit on 3-10-2007 by arktkchr]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:15 PM
Doesnt matter to me...if you truly believed that terrorists planned to hijack the plane with a buncha knives then you are mistaken....theres plenty of evidence out there that this was an inside how flight 93 was docked shortly after take off and then the story was removed the next day. Your being force-fed bullsh*t and if you want to believe it go ahead. But for those of you who think outside of what the government tells you- it wouldn't surprise me if they were dumb enough to leave a big ol' demo truck there. Our president is an idiot afterall...

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

At 1,200 feet, a jet engine would be 120dB, which is 10x times louder than front row seats at a rock concert (110dB).

my 45watt car stereo used to hit 123db, i dont know where you got your information but its terribly wrong.

Mod Edit : fixed quote tag

[edit on 3-10-2007 by elevatedone]

My information is completely accurate. My question to you and everyone else is: Why are you doing everything possible to convince yourselves that real planes hit the towers?

The 123dB on your car stereo isn't constant. It's probably the result of bass notes, or short guitar chords. If the 123dB was constant, like a jet engine, mark my word.... you'd be deaf.

[edit on 3-10-2007 by CB_Brooklyn]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
If you need some examples of this, I will attach a few below.
Please notice how quiet the aircraft are until the engine becomes almost equal with the camera location.
*links snipped*
[edit on 10/3/2007 by defcon5]

Well, the jet in the first video certainly is LOUD. And it's not even a commercial airliner!

The 2nd video (as well as in the video I posted earlier), the jets were not revving up their engines at 500+MPH, like the government's account of Flight 175.

Sorry, but no planes hit the towers.

The corporate media is scum-corrupted.

Scum-corrupted down to the newscaster level, as the following 10 minute video reveals:

[edit on 3-10-2007 by CB_Brooklyn]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:47 PM
CBBrklyn, that was a wild video, totally *just* explosions going off.

This probably has been mentioned before but now I know this is the gov't scripting this 'attack' (obviously) from within to see about getting holographic imaging techniques past the public at large. It worked and now they can stage their 'alien' invasion that the neo cons want next.

As I've mentioned in other posts, in other places, think about the 'conspiracy theory' forum, out of the billions of people in the world, let alone the 1/2 (almost) billion in the U.S. -- how many of those people give a hoot about investigating this? Let alone the fact that the Racist House hasn't been stormed to pull the war criminals out of office.

No, the millions of people are enjoying watching the inane, mindless television
programming which is schooling them to be afraid of The Terrorists and criminals in their crime dramas or nonsense comedy/reality tv.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:36 PM
I'm a constant lurker in this forum but hardly ever reply due to the bickering that usually occurs, but I just have to ask;

If planes didn't hit the towers, what caused the impact marks on the exterrior of the towers?

I've never heard of a explosive that can blow one side in and the other out. So its seems something must have hit the towers. Or maybe it was those lasers again.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by CB_Brooklyn

You are correct, no planes hit the Towers. The government pulled the sheets over all of ours eyes and we have been fooled. They have lied....

Now what
I hate to break it to you but you are living amongst an even greater lie than this one. You aren't even on planet earth. You are in fact living on a totally different planet. The government has just led you to believe that you are earth. If you search around the site you will find that one of us aliens almost morphed into our original form in front of a camera!!! I think people may be onto us now.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by CB_Brooklyn
Debunk of the video:

(Let's use some critical thinking here.)

Yes! Let's please use some critical thinking here ...

Just because plane parts fall to the ground does NOT mean a plane crashed.

Of course not, when plane parts fall to the ground one would think it is not a plane and perhaps a fruit cart, or maybe even an ice cream truck that crashed.

It's not JUST the plane parts from this amateur video, it's other video footage, pro and amateur alike, photos, thousands of eyewitnesses and the missing flights that's means a plane crashed... now *that's* critical thinking. ( I'm so glad you wanted to use that!)

I didn't hear any 767 in that video. The traffic noises were louder than that "jet noise" (whatever it was).

Wow, I heard it just fine, maybe turn up the volume on your speakers a bit.
If the traffic noises were louder than that "jet noise" please explain how you heard any "jet noise" at all. That seems to defy "critical thinking".

At 1,200 feet, a jet engine would be 120dB, which is 10x times louder than front row seats at a rock concert (110dB).

I would have to say you have been going to some fairly weak rock concerts. Maybe try seeing Manowar , who has hit 129 db, or The Who @ 126 db, or perhaps the Rolling Stones, Deep Purple or Kiss @ 117db... or better yet for maximum rock eardrum splitting pleasure the band Gallows @ a whopping 132.5 db!!! Simply put, if it's too loud, you're too old...

Now, back to your statement, you are talking about a stationary jet engine @1200 feet. This has NO comparative value to the video whatsoever. Clearly the jet in the video is moving at a high rate of speed, much further in front of the camera than 1200 feet, while the sound is blocked somewhat by the tower itself and bouncing around buildings towards street level. Yes this will seem alot quieter to the observer in that situation than 120 db. Yet you can clearly hear it get progressively louder as it approaches impact.

Now... who actually thinks this video disproves no WTC plane crashes ???

I think this video plus all other evidence proves without a shadow of a doubt that planes crashed into the buildings. Take a look at the whole picture, use "critical thinking".

Here's what it should have sounded like!

C'mon now, what happened to "critical thinking" here??? This is not anything remotely close to the video in question. A slow moving 4 engine 747 with it's gear down on it's landing approach that passes overhead in an open area does *not* compare in any way with a high velocity 2 engine jet in the middle of a city surrounded by skyscrapers and other buildings which abruptly crashes into a building BEFORE it even gets close to the camera , it's simply not the same.

You may want to read up on the Doppler Effect to understand why this is so and to be able to better understand the difference in what happened and what you posted:

So, using "critical thinking" , which I thank you for offering to participate in then I have to say... your debunking of said video has now been debunked.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by arktkchr

This country (and the world in general) is in deep trouble. People have been conditioned (brainwashed) into thinking that anything the media associates with the term "conspiracy theory" is crazy, loony, wacko, and only believed by "crazy conspiracy theorists". But these conspiracy theories (most of them anyway), are all based on real evidence.

I'm doing my part. If more people don't wake up and get involved, many will die. The PTB are planning a mass extermination of the human species, via the global warming hoax (it's really weather modification via chemtrails and HAARP), and the peak oil hoax (it's really limiting the amount of oil/gas.)

2012 is the final year in the Mayan calendar. Is it coincidence that 2012 is also the year that petroleum scientist Richard Duncan predicted permanent worldwide blackouts (via the peak oil hoax)? (Before he updated it to 2008, that is...)

Another interesting tidbit of information is Steven Jones' involvement in all this. His paper "Evidence for Jesus Christ Visiting America" uses Mayan depictions as evidence.

Jones is responsible for discrediting Cold Fusion (free/cheap energy) back in 1989, and keeping everyone addicted to oil/gas/coal/etc:

No wonder he does everything to discourage people from looking at the directed energy weapon evidence (by calling it "ray beams from space stuff"), and evidence for no-planes:

Jones is a pusher of molten metal, a proven hoax:

Jones is pusher of thermite, which can be purchased on Ebay.

Jones is a pusher is "explosives demolition", so that the perps will blame Al Qaeda, as Bush does in this video:

Jones even worked at Los Alamos, where directed energy weapons are researched.

Yes, our world is in big trouble. There should be millions of Americans removing the devil worshiping CEO scum from CNN, FOX, and all other corporate media. Our world (with much emphasis on the USA) is a planet of zombies.

I'm done ranting !!

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Soloist
I think this video plus all other evidence proves without a shadow of a doubt that planes crashed into the buildings. Take a look at the whole picture, use "critical thinking".

All the videos violate Newton's Laws of Motion. Get a grip on your "critical thinking". Or better yet, get some in the first place. Your comments are silly.

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