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A few thoughts for those who think engaging Iran militarily would be disastrous for America

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posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Ha! We are taking the oil, or trying to at least. What is happening in Iraq is the people fighting against global empire. Also a civil war, but I digress. The folks from PNAC and the CFR thought they would have a neat little war and then control an Allied nation in the middle east with which to go after Iran again but surprise! The Empire builders flexed and the world is flexing back. They may even have had this constant war in mind from the beginning, I read "1984", did you? No war should ever be fought unless in self defense. And yes this even applies to America # Yeah. Based upon the principles of our founding fathers we should not be off Empire building. We are not the good guys anymore! I just pray that I live long enough to see this tyrannical regime crumble to the ground and trampled under the feet of true patriots and a new Age of Reason take hold of humanity. A time when we could live at peace with each other and not have ignorant war mongering tyrants trying to rule the world.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee

I still say you were only trolling for stars, and it worked out well for you as you got five stars I believe for that post... how very predictable.

I really despise this lame one-way rating system that ATS has in which you can only vote in favor of something. It just doesn't equate to a very high degree of fairness when the vast majority of the forum are liberals who'll disagree with just about anything that ever makes sense.

Like I said before, please think of an original thought. At least that way you can earn your little stars honestly if you receive them. Chanting things over and over that have already been repeated endlessly by the liberal masses, hardly qualifies as thought provoking.

If all you can do now is falsely accuse me of, as you put it, "trolling for stars", rather than counter my arguements put before you with your own, then I can only conclude that this debate of viewpoints with you has run this course and you have lowered yourself to resort to accuse me of "trolling" instead.

And I find that a great shame that you have done so.

It's not chanting I do, it's putting forward facts, my viewpoints, and a arguement, just like everybody else here, that people are free to debate, after all, that's the spirit of the forum.

But as I have said, if you would rather falsingly accuse me of "trolling" rather than debating the arguement I have put forth, then I can only say what a dissapointment that is to see.

It really is quite sad and shameful.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Chorlton

I guess you do not Remember General George Patton, the English kept getting in his way.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:19 PM
For all of you asking from where we going to pay for the next war

As percentage of its GDP, the United states spends 3.7% on military. This is higher than France's 2.6%, and lower than Saudi Arabia's 10%.[6] This is historically low for the United States since it peaked in 1944 at 37.8% of GDP. Even during the peak of the Vietnam War the percentage reached a high of 9.4% in 1968.

Complete wiki article:

The fact is that wars are just a tax raise or a 1 or 2 federal programs being cut from being paid. Just imagine if the military budget was to be increased by double what we now have. Imagine at 37.8% like in 1944.

The reason that we having problems now is that we want to win wars on the cheap, thats the problem as far as the military aspect goes. I agree with the OP that Iran has no chance at defeating us and if Russia and China step in then thats NATO and WWIII ending in 2 ways, a bunch of treaties or in MAD.

It will be a mess for sure, but dont you think that if they sink an aircraft carrier or 2, they are just going to keep coming out the production line, same goes for subs, airplanes and such, we did it in WWII. That is not to mention all the black project weapons that we dont even know that our military has, there is a saying here that for everything we know that the U.S. military has they are already 30 years ahead. Thats why many nations allies or enemies spend so much effort and money spying on us.

It seems to me that war is do-able and winable, is just at making peace and friends that we need to learn how to get better at.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:35 PM
To think that a war with Iran would not be devastating to the US is being naive and totally dumbed down. Please research the New World Order and try to understand what the bogus "war on terror" is all about- and what the elite scum are trying to achieve. They want a one world government- and they do not care what patriotic Americans think about it- the elites are hell bent to have it. war with Iran will further destroy the middle class of this great country- put the USA under martial law with total suppression of civil liberties- the USA cannot be a republic in order to fit into the NWO. This is the elitist plan- plain and simple.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Israelite

I think you need to re-read my prior posts. You apparently don't understand my stance on these issues.

You're replies are only reiterating what I've already said, but thanks for summing it all up again.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by patriot jim

You know I don't entertain myself to much in the NWO subject and conspiracies but I will give you my thoughts.

I have heard the same stuff since the cold war era, when the first gulf war happen the conspiracies went crazy and nothing happen, when this latest war happen the same thing was said and we still have a democratic republic standing, why then if we go to war with Iran its going to be different? Please refer me to some information that regards to this particular subject.

Thanks in advance and please don't take it as an attack or me being ignorant.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:17 PM
It's common Knowledge that a small section of Americans like there Super Status and love nothing more than to see their military throwing there weight around. It's well known that some of the Americans loving nothing more than seeing their armies and fancy technology bombing the hell out of poor 3rd world countries. What makes you more proud than seeing a statue toppled over and being replaced with a star and stripes. I say it's pathetic and you've all been watching Hollywood movies for to long. It's your arrogance and ignorance that will be your downfall.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:18 PM
Geez, sounds like you got slammed fwesh. Infuriating the forum with digs and mindless war diatribe does not seem to be working for you. Good luck with that. As for not liking any of my posts. That is fine too. I believe I shall be able to sleep tonight regardless.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Chorlton
reply to post by jprophet420

It would simply have taken longer. By the time the US arrived the Germans were already beaten in the air, and they just did not have the wherwithall to invade the UK as our navy and air force would have destroyed them.

Yup, ok "little brother" and all those bombs that destroyed the Nazi's capabilities to continue to fight. They came from where? As well as the supplies across the Atlantic during the Battle of Britian.

Short memories on the Isle me thinkest.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Geez, sounds like you got slammed fwesh. Infuriating the forum with digs and mindless war diatribe does not seem to be working for you. Good luck with that. As for not liking any of my posts. That is fine too. I believe I shall be able to sleep tonight regardless.

I was just about to ask him about why he was coming on so strong or what gotten up his back and he is banned. Why was fweshcafwee banned?
I didn´t see any warnings??

He was critical sure but an outright ban?

Guess I better shut up then before I get Josef K´ed too...

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:04 PM
I would like a mod to come on here and say why fweshcoffe was banned.
Ive seen a lot worse threads on here that barely attract the attention of the
mods and some people even make threads that are completely full of lies but they dont get banned.
So why him?

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:11 PM
Wow! Might be something to the effect of ignoring other peoples questions but I look at the TAC and they don't say nothing about that.

I know it happen once with a couple of guys in the 9-11 forum but I don't think this guys was not that forthcoming, either way I don't think he did anything worth banning in this thread, then again I'm not a mod.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Ikema

Originally posted by Chorlton
reply to post by jprophet420

It would simply have taken longer. By the time the US arrived the Germans were already beaten in the air, and they just did not have the wherwithall to invade the UK as our navy and air force would have destroyed them.

Yup, ok "little brother" and all those bombs that destroyed the Nazi's capabilities to continue to fight. They came from where? As well as the supplies across the Atlantic during the Battle of Britian.

Short memories on the Isle me thinkest.

What has this whole WII debate got to do with anything? It's not even related to the thread. This is a tired argument and if you want to debate it make a thread with the heading Europe would all be speaking German if it wasn't for the AMericans. Should be a interesting thread.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:39 PM
OP, please consider what you have to say before you post. You speak of ignorance and stupidity, well...

Sure, we could bomb the hell out of 'em until there's no formal government or military to speak of. Then what? I suppose, based on your post, that you think the whole Iraq shin-dig has gone just peachy.

It's great that you're all amped up and GI-Joe-ified, but please remember the most important three words from your original post: just - like - Iraq.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:58 PM
It's always sad to see someone who seems so bent on war. War, what is it good for? Well, other than padding the pockets of some rich people who have no regard for human life.

Thanks to the American mass media, I think a lot of Americans have this picture in their minds of what Iran is like. They imagine some sandy desert land with dirty cities and outdated everything. The people walk around spewing hatred towards anyone who isn't from the middle east and everyone brandishes a firearm of some kind.

I hate to break it to you, but Iran is a beautiful, technologically developed, and richly historical nation. Look for pictures of Iran on Google. You'll find all sorts of cool stuff to look at. But if that's too much work, here's some links to things you don't see or hear about in our supposedly "fair and balanced" media. (This is another forum. Someone posted a ton of pictures in a thread, so it might take a bit of time to load, but it is worth it.)

It's time to stop talking about Iran, or any other country for that matter, in terms of how easy it would be to roll over them in war and what assets would be gained in the process. Look at those pictures and tell me, if you didn't know better, that a lot of them look like they couldn't have been taken in the USA, UK, or some other "friendly" country. Stop the warmongering, Bushisms, and FoxNews mentality. Think of your fellow man and not the size of your nuclear warheads.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 03:00 PM
Why was the OP banned? This thread was hilarious.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Would not need nuclear war heads to decimate Iran. Also, its not the size of the how you use it!

Sorry, had to say it!

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by traderonwallst
Would not need nuclear war heads to decimate Iran. Also, its not the size of the how you use it!

Sorry, had to say it!

LOL! I mean...damn you!

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by John_Q_Llama

Good post. We need more pictures like this. People only see countries like Iran and Iraq on the news when someone has blown something up. They dont get to see the real country. Ever.

Its the same with the people. All they see are terrorists, so they have no idea how people live, work and play in the middle east. They seriously think people live in caves.

I think the way to understanding other people is knowledge about their daily lives. Teenagers living in Iran probably are exactly like western/american teenagers.

If we can stop killing eachother on this planet, we might actually get somewhere as a race you know.

[edit on 24-9-2007 by Copernicus]

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