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Student Arrested, Tasered at Kerry Event

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
yup your right as long as it doesn't infringe on others rights you are correct. but guess what he did do this when he ran out of time he was infringing on the next person in lines right to have an equal amount of time alloted to his views ..

Equal and alloted time aren't rights, they are privileges, He abused those privileges yes, but he didn't abuse or violate anyones rights, He didn't prevent anyone from voicing their opinions or being heard, he could have screamed at the top of his lungs form the back of that auditorium and that still wouldn't have prevented anyone on the mic from speaking, It would have been rude and annoying but thats life.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by C0le]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by scientist

This 2nd video is more telling than the first.

I can't even begin to form cohesive thoughts to describe the emotions I felt after watching this...shocking, horrifying, sadness, outrage, anger. It felt like I was going through the grieving process. Incredible...absolutely incredible.

The young man asks questions and I can see the guy behind him with the finger to the throat motion signaling someone to cut him off. I'll watch it again, but it appears that he is doing this before the skull & bones question was asked. The guy seemed to be composed and not a threat. His questions might have been rapid-fire and he could have been a bit anxious/nervous. My thinking is that the guy is very passionate about his views and was "expressing" them in a public forum.

However, when he was cut off, all he did was turn around and ask what was going on. I heard no threats, I saw no body movements that would have suggested that he was going to physically harm anyone. He raises his hands to gesture 'what gives'. What I did see at that point was the police IMMEDIATELY take a defensive posture with this young man and attempt to arrest him. He wanted to know why he was being arrested and what he did wrong. One officer had his taser pulled at that point. The young man's only weapons were his pad of paper and HIS CONTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!! Yep, his wrong action ladies and gentleman, was excercising his first ammendment rights. No matter what happened after this, what started the ball rolling was excercising his right to free speech.

I am DISGUSTED & OUTRAGED that the other young people sitting there CHEERED as this gentleman was being arrested; as if that was their civic duty to applaud an aggregious violation of an individual's first ammendment rights. My G-d, where is the friggin' United States of Amerca?!?!?! I understand not wanting to turn this into a riot or civil disturbance, but to actually cheer for tactics used in Germany circa 1939?

Kerry can Monday-morning quarterback this all he wants to now, but he could have stopped it cold but telling the police that he would answer his questions. Only after the young man is drug back to the rear of the auditorium did the prestigious Senator Kerry from Massachusetts answer the question. Hey John, did you even notice that the young man was gone at that point? Do you think he heard your answer while he was being tazed?

I hope and pray that each and everyone of you here on ATS take this scene to heart. Learn what your rights are; it could very well be you in a situaion like this in the near future.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
reply to post by scientist

is it ok for me to come into your home and shout my freedom of speech views into your face? or as a citizen of a planet with many diverse people and many more diverse views.. do u not agree that there has to be at least some form of structure to facilitate the smooth running of life in general for all people?

Yes and no, You can do it from the street but not my home, because doing it in my home would be violating a completely different right.

The right right to property and the control of it.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:59 PM
This is the first step to the United Sociallist States of America. This is a scary time in our country when some one gets tazzered for asking a question. We need to re-evaluate where we are going as a socity and how we can solve this gross misuse of power by the police and stop this change before we are the new USSR.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:00 PM
I am a pain sometimes because I do not agree. If you read all my posts, I am not for the police, I am against idiots like this guy. If you want to protest, make it worth something. That is all. Get a group together and all walk out at the same time. That would have bee ncooler than what he did.

Did he deserve to get tazed, no, but he did ask for it. Look, use a little common sense and realize that there are authority figures for a reason. Some are nice and some are rude. Jsut like regular people, because that is all we are, people that are thrust into situations where we must make choices.

Peoiple are entitled to free speech, but this is not the forum or the place he shoul have done it. Poor decision making will often put you in a situation that you suddenly cannot get out of. He should read the Art of War and try again next semester.

As far as the kitty comments, I am no pussy if that what you are implying.
I offer fair, balanced and researched answers. I am not one to debate with. jsut ask Semper..

Also, you folks that think this is the NEOCONS COMING FOR YOU, it was a John Kerry forum at a college. I mean, I bet Cindy Sheehan could get more media coverage..

[edit on 18-9-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by geemony

If we don't stand together and stand up for our rights then we will have no rights.

I say if we dont start respecting authority then we are doomed to become a police state.

that statement is a true oxymoron. I can't even think of a fantasy world in which that would make sense. Respect is earned, not coerced. I'd like to again request the feature of negative stars on ATS.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by scientist]

The ONLY authority over you, is the authority that you grant.
Stop being pansies.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

He did not barge in there and "grab the mic". He was invited up there to ask his questions. I think the only people who are "mentally ill" are the people who defend this.

Why not? Free speech right? WRONG it's called disturbing the peace!

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Majic
Handle With Kerry

Originally posted by grover
What really annoys me is Kerry didn't say anything about it and just let it happen.

In fairness, Senator Kerry was trying to calm things down with his comments over the PA.

What else could he have reasonably done? Told the cops to back off? Say "Don't make me come down there!"? Actually gone down and gotten into the scuffle?

Be annoyed if you must, but I think he was as surprised as anyone else there.

He could have told the cops to back off and let the man speak... then answered the man's question. Then if the man continued to be an ass, have him removed.

In the 70's into the 90's I lived in Maine. When I attended my first town meeting I asked this old farmer what was going to happen and he said: "You have the right to say anything you want and I have the right to tell you are a damned fool. "

These people are elected by the people and damnit the people have the right to approach them and ask them questions, no matter how unpleasant.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by esdad71

although i agree with 80% of your post i don't think this guys was an idiot..

imho if more people were like this maybe sometype of change would happen over in the U.S.A.. but your correct that like minded people should band together and then press there point for maximum impact .. it took a lot of guts for this guy to ask these questions and i aplluad him for this ..but still the police were out of order .. tazering a guy already on the floor sat on by 6 police officers. i mean please peopel i thought it was supposed to be reasonable force applicable to the situation .. this certainly was not.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Thats incredible the officer that tasered him should be fired and I am sure he will be sued. It just sounds so cruel, the kid saw the taser and stopped fightting and was FREAKIN PLEADING and the guy still did it. I really hope that our nation sees this and now will at least start to see where powers are going. We all notice that every week it is just a step closer and closer to a totalitarian government.

Completely ridiculous if I was there I would have jumped in and started a riot no joke. Those cops would be in the hospital, Its just that girl in the backround that gets to me I mean you can hear the pain in her voice. I feel so bad for the kid and everybody that was there. IMHO I believe that all those people now feel bad for not taking action. I mean if your at a political event such as this one you should at least have the balls to stand up and say that is wrong.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:15 PM
Shame on these 6 Police Officers who did this. I posted this on a myspace bulletin, the video, I want this # to get out to everyone possible. I want the public outcry so huge that those cops either lose their jobs, or even better, the kid gets PAID a few thousand bucks after winning a court decision suing their asses.

Incredible.. I was shocked at the video. I watched it again after calming down to evaluate it bit by bit, and he did nothing wrong.

Here's my point. You guys can argue all day about whether or not it was justified to pull the mic on him and have him removed from the auditorium, that is irrelevent; it isnt what happened.

What happened was, he tried to get away, but was pinned onto the ground in the back of the auditorium, again by at least 6 Police Officers, and once he was on the ground, they were on top of him.

Six Cops can get one pair of cuffs on one mid 20's year old man after having him pinned to the ground.

He was pinned, but still yelling you see! he was saying what did I do still, yelling it, THATS when the Officer threatened to Tazer him.

The guy said "No please dont Taze me bro, dont Taze me!" and immediately he was Tazered to the horrifying sound of his screams of pain.

That Cop who threatened to Tazer him, he probably had it pulled and his adrenalin was pumping and he wanted to use it on somebody. What a prick. Completely unneccessary. You Tazer someone who is getting away from you or when you are alone or only have one fellow officer, you dont do it to a man pinned on the ground by 6 freaking cops! THATS THE BOTTOM LINE.

I dare anyone to refute this, on the basis of you being inhumane.

[edit on 9/18/2007 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:15 PM
And I ask you all, isn't the question the guy asked not just as meaningful, or depending how you look at it ,meaningless, as what happened to the guy? If he would have asked a question regarding 9/11, such as the apparent controlled demolition of the buildings, instead of a question in which the answer is slightly shrouded in secrecy, comparatively speaking, wouldn't it have done more for the cause?.

Yeah I know he was asking a question directly related to the man who was speaking, but it was harmless. The more and more I think about it, the more and more it looks like a staged event.


[edit on 18-9-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:16 PM
For the person who said, " Tasers don't hurt."

Not only do they hurt but, they can kill someone. That's a HUGE price to pay for speaking up!

An elderly man was tasered *IN THE BACK* HERE. NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE, NOT 3 BUT 5 TIMES!!!

He called 911 when his wife fell in the shower. She was hurt and the elder man needed emergency help. He didn't want to move her by himself fearing he would hurt her more. He calls 911, and the dispatcher assumes it's a domestic dispute going on. (because the dispatcher can hear the woman screaming in the background.) The dispatcher sends out the cops, with weapons drawn. The elderly gentleman comes out and screams he wanted the paramedics and not the cops. He turns around and ZAP,,,,ZAP,,,,ZAP,,,ZAP,,,,ZAP!

He had a heart attack, due to this incident. He lived to sue the cops that did this to him. I heard he suffers many other problems. because of the taser attacks. Congestive Heart Failure being one. Again the cops did admit to using Excessive Force. I'm sure glad this wasn't my parents.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

This is shocking news.

Just kidding... I could not resist.

yeah, it's pretty bad when 3 police officers can't handle 1 guys or remove him. I understand he was resisting arrest, but you can just taser anyone like anytime you feel like reaching for the remote.

But on the flip side, if the cops were to use to much force with their hands.. then they have to worry about being accused of police brutality. In the end, no one got hurt. the kid is not hurt and the cops did not brutally beat him up just to get him out.

I have to side with the police on this one.

But the kid did have a right to have his one question asked. Does anyone know if John Kerry answered it? Or did John Kerry put on his dancing shoes.

[edit on 9/18/2007 by TheInfamousOne]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Read all my post and you know my feeling about the police. No, police do wrongs as well as doctors, lawyers even teachers and welfare workers. Everywhere there is a bad seed.

Point is that after further research, it seems that this kid was already instructed not to approach the mike and he was not allowed to ask a question because he did not go through the proper channels to be in the forum. So it would seem that the Campus police had already warned him BEFORE he got to the microphone. ARe you supposed to blatantly ignore an officers request to a simple issue? Do not approach the mike. It was minutes after that he was hit with the tazer, after he would not simply follow the rules.

Once again, part of this story is bieng told. I am getting info now from students up there so if there are any on this post please post the truth.

There are proper channels to be in a forum?
That says MUCH.
Do not approach the mike?
I dont get it.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by C0le

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
reply to post by scientist

is it ok for me to come into your home and shout my freedom of speech views into your face? or as a citizen of a planet with many diverse people and many more diverse views.. do u not agree that there has to be at least some form of structure to facilitate the smooth running of life in general for all people?

Yes and no, You can do it from the street but not my home, because doing it in my home would be violating a completely different right.

The right right to property and the control of it.

If you think that you truly have that right, try doing some addition to your house, without a permit, or stop paying your taxes on your home, or keep some "controlled substances" within it.
Get back to me on what happens to your "right to property and the control of it"

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Well if you asked to leave by school officials or whoever was in charge than they need police and than you want to debate, well it's not up for debate. The kid was making a big stink like a spoiled little brat. Plus you must think about his intentions when he went there and than when he got in the limelight of it all. He reminds me of a child trying to get attention through negative venues.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by weatherguru

Originally posted by C0le

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
reply to post by scientist

is it ok for me to come into your home and shout my freedom of speech views into your face? or as a citizen of a planet with many diverse people and many more diverse views.. do u not agree that there has to be at least some form of structure to facilitate the smooth running of life in general for all people?

Yes and no, You can do it from the street but not my home, because doing it in my home would be violating a completely different right.

The right right to property and the control of it.

If you think that you truly have that right, try doing some addition to your house, without a permit, or stop paying your taxes on your home, or keep some "controlled substances" within it.
Get back to me on what happens to your "right to property and the control of it"

I doubt you could take this any farther off topic if you tried.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Vinadetta

Oh, it gets worse I can assure you. Why do you think nanoparticles have been incorporated into thousands of products? Combine that with the Surveillance State and microwave technology being used to excite and cavitate those surfactant particles for inhalation and you have not only a Police State but the technical means to covertly assassinate and manage population.

I know what is happening and that is why I am leaving this place!

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Sistinas
you can tell who the cop/x cops are on this form. i really think its time we took our country back. i know where every cop lives in my town. we should take them out like they do us. one by one. we should keep taking them out till we are back to being a free country. we have the right to do this.

You just made my day, thanks.

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