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9/11 mystery jet stirs conspiracy theories

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posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by DJMessiah

If this aircraft was also spotted in NY, during 9/11, then what is the possibility that this craft could have controled the flight path of the aircrafts that crashed into the towers and pentagon?

Why do that? Why not just hyjack the planes and fly them to their intended targets? Minimal security at airports, no security on the airplane. It wouldn't be that hard to pull off.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by nightmare_david

but why does one appear over Shanksville before and after an apparent plane crash in a field there? Nobody in that area saw a plane come down from what I remember. They only heard an explosion then seen the smoke. The only plane reported to be seen by people in that area was a white jet that didn't look like a commercial jet, both before and after the incident there. There is no target for any terrorist in Shanksville.

That white jet was identified as a Daussalt Falcon 20 business jet owned by the VF corporation. It was descending into the Johnstown-Cambria airport when it was contacted by Cleveland Center to investigate the Flight 93 situation, which it did. Check out the Popular Mechanics explanation.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 11:07 PM
The following is from Wiki's page on the Boeing E-4. It can be found under Operational History. We all know about the E-4B history as the command and control aircraft in the event of a war that requires that evacuation of the President, Vice-President and SecDef.

With the adoption of two highly-modified Boeing 747-200Bs (known as VC-25A in Air Force parlance) to serve as Air Force One in 1989, and the end of the Cold War, the need for NEACP diminished.

In 1994, NEACP began to be known as NAOC, and it took on a new responsibility: ferrying Federal Emergency Management Agency crews to natural disaster sites and serving as a temporary command post on the ground until facilities could be built on site.

So it would be easy for the Pentagon to deny that the plane was theirs if it was under the operational control of FEMA. Has anyone asked FEMA if it was theirs? And if it was, why was it there?


posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by LordCarpainter
The fact that they are covering the indisputable fact that this plane was an E-4B up is because they do not want people to know about the massive war games going on 9/11,

I have another dichotomy:

Direct Disinfo Theory: It could have been planned to be there to act as a ploy to fuel the Pentagon missile theories. The idea is that they intentionally fed and feed fuel to throw on the conspiracy theory fire, to intentionally divert people away from what i call the "actionable consensus" issues. The fact that CNN even aired it and gave the CT view 'serious' consideration smells like a foul to me. How perfect that they air this 6 years later, too perfect for getting everybody wound up about the Pentagon again.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:41 AM
Let us consider the facts logically for a moment. The events that occured on September 11, 2001 have been recorded, verified and made permanently available for the world. Why would real world attacks occur at approximately the same time as training exercises in the most restricted air space of the entire country? Coincidence must be ruled out, simply because the odds against it would be staggering. By simple process of elimination that leaves intentional acts. Could the attackers have planned the events of 9-11 because they were able to obtain the location and timing of planned military exercises? If so, it would be extremely difficult to obtain this information without the help of some sort of "mole" or double agent. And if our own government allowed or even assisted with the attacks, what would they have to gain? Most of the conspiracy theories I have read lack a MOTIVE.

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