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9/11 mystery jet stirs conspiracy theories

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Apologies. Posted the wrong link, the comment/footage regarding the E4B's starts at approx 10 mins into part two of this BBC documentary.

Try here

Quotes for those on dialup ...

"America's nuclear strike force is controlled from US Strategic Command. That day, military commanders from their blast proof bunker 60 feet underground are conducting a major exercise involving America's nuclear forces. They decide to cancel the exercise immediately and like American forces worldwide are now put on DefCon 3. This is the highest state of alert since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war."
BBC Commentator

Brig. Gen. Kevin Coppock, Director of Intelligence, US Strategic Command
"This command has practiced for 50 plus years for the unthinkable. And we did not know how big this was going to be. With the airplanes we had to worry about other types of activities, such as chemical or biological attacks, so we wargamed those to see where would they occur, how would they occur and what would our response be."

BBC Commentator
"This is also the home of the National Emergency Airborne Command which operates the so-called Doomsday planes. Their purpose is to control nuclear forces from the air in times of crisis. It is decided to deploy the Doomsday planes."

[stock footage shown of E4B's]

Brig. Gen. Kevin Coppock
"Well one of the primary purposes of those airplanes is to provide strategic command and control for the President, for the Secretary of Defence and the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff with the major military command centres. And so having them up fitted that purpose perfectly. They were already up so
we used them that way".

[video footage shown of the E4B seen in the CNN video]

Pedestrians on Washington DC streets looking at the E4B in the skies over Washington.
"It's the Doomsday plane"
"Is that what that was ?"
"Hell Yeah"
"What was that plane ?"
"The Doomsday plane"
"*garbled* so we're not commanderless"

The E4B's were already in the air being used for the military exercise that was already underway. But hell this was all known 5 years ago. If not before that. I don't understand quite why there's such a fuss now.
Am I missing something ?

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 04:57 PM
I don't think the E-4B was used as part of the second plane cover story, a scare tactic, or an aerial command post for the perps, but rather, it looks to have been tied into the war games going on that day.

E-4Bs were used in the military exercise being conducted by STRATCOM, NORAD, and the US Space Command, called Global Guardian. This exercise had E-4Bs in the air.

The fact that they are covering the indisputable fact that this plane was an E-4B up is because they do not want people to know about the massive war games going on 9/11, which paralyzed the air defenses and acted as a cover for the perps to carry out the real attacks using military drones. One of the things they really would not want people to know is that live-fly exercises were going on, that had actual planes up in the air participating in the exercise. That's too much of a suspicious fact. They certainly don't want people to know that secret aircraft such as E-4Bs were in the air.

This E-4B and the Cleveland Airport 'doppleganger' were part of the war game exercises.

The real mystery is the infamous 'White Elephant' aircraft that was seen flying around the WTC. We know that some of the strange helicopters up there were part of FEMA's 'Tripod II' exercise, and had the NYPD stand down, but this was no helicopter.

When you look closely, you'll find that much of the confusion, initial reports, and other planes were caused by the war games that day. They served their purpose for the covert operation that was 9/11. They caused an air force stand down and a massive wave of confusion.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Netstriker
Perhaps the plane was carrying senior governement officials and members of congress. The emergency plan for continuity of government was activated that morning and putting key people on board this aircraft would be a logical thing to do.

That's a rational thought but WHO were those key people?
The President was in a school, Rumsfeld was picking up wreckage pieces at the Pentagon and Cheney was also at the Pentagon.Wouldn't these people be key for a continuity of government?
If these three died, who would run the U.S. of A?

Bush should have been promptly escorted out of the school (with a quick apology to the kids).One of his handlers could have given a quick comment to the kids saying the President has important work to do or something to that effect.

I find it odd that the three heads not quickly assembled together.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Night Watchman
I have a friend who is in the intelligence field who told me that there were armed CIA aircraft in the air that day. Does anyone know if the jet in question was armed? If so, I'm sure the govt would never admit that the CIA has armed aircraft patrolling US airspace...

Well the evidence I have reviewed leads me to believe there was probably a CIA plane armed with a missle just before the pentagon was attacked
but I am sure thats not what you meant

On a serious note, review calls to AC-Spector Gun Ships in (I think ) the Grenada invasion. I believe the Gun Ships were CIA. It might have been Seals that hit the runway in Panama. I am not 100% on when but I do remember hearing this from soldier interview of communication issues on calls for fire support.

[edit on 15-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by racerzeke
Man that was good! It was on Anderson Cooper? I usually dont watch him because he trained for CIA, so I think he is biased for the gov. but I guess not
I downloaded this video and saved it just in case it "disappears"

Could I get your Cooper - CIA connection source material? That is a new one to me.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:47 AM
I think the real story here is not what the plane might have been doing but why CNN suddenly decided to report it. Most coverage of CT's pick small elements easily questioned and are ridiculed with name calling. Even celebrities are treated that way. I just saw post with phycologist calling Rosie O'Donald crazy with mental issues because of some issues she reported in her latest book.

My point is why did they report it. They have concluded that too many people believe the goverment is hiding things around 9/11. So they give all the sheeple a reason. They say all these things are being hidden for national security, its normal goverment opperation things.

This plane is up there, CT's are yelling behind Geraldo, the sheeple now thinks, of coarse things are hidden its CIA Anti Nuke War stuff they are keeping secret. The sheeple have an excuse to ignore the Truthers, all you need to do to get someone that wants to believe something to believe it totally is give them a explansion to hang their hat on.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by ATSGUY


Yes, it is strange that Pentagon officials, according the CNN John King segment, say the white plane was not theirs.

A few months ago I read something suggesting it's so secret only the NSA know about the plane's purpose and that the NSA controls all info to the public on any National Security issue, action or threat, less the President.
I suppose that could be reasoning as to why the Pentagon said it was not theirs?



posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Redge777

What popped up from Googling Anderson Coooper and CIA;

Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA—Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency's monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper's CIA involvement to Radar.

Looks like an interesting kind of summer job. I wonder if he has old friends in shadowy places.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by citizen truth

I find it odd that the three heads not quickly assembled together.

That's the last thing they would do in such a situation. it is safer to keep them apart. I know of some large corporations where the President and the Vice-President are not allowed to travel together in order to minimise risk of the both of them dying at the same time.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by citizen truth

If these three died, who would run the U.S. of A?

This appear to be the hierarchy:

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Dallas

Yes, it is strange that Pentagon officials, according the CNN John King segment, say the white plane was not theirs.

A few months ago I read something suggesting it's so secret only the NSA know about the plane's purpose and that the NSA controls all info to the public on any National Security issue, action or threat, less the President.
I suppose that could be reasoning as to why the Pentagon said it was not theirs?


I would respectfully suggest that as the Morgan Reynolds Qui Tam Complaint alleging Directed Energy Weapon use in the destruction of the World Trade Center gets closer to a jury trial that there is going to be a lot more finger pointing between NASA, the Pentagon and NSA just to name a few. Somebody is going to have to acccount for the DEW destruction of the WTC and I highly doubt it will be Osama bin Ladin. Know what I mean?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Thanks for the information Netstriker.I now see that it makes sense to keep heads apart.
My angle on that was more from a collaborative view.I suppose they could talk to each other by phone or video conference.
The fact remains that all of the heads were not in a secure environment.One could say Cheney and Rumsfeld were since they were at the Pentagon, but at the time I don't think the Penatgon would be a secure place.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 04:11 AM
Well, that plane (E4B) was parked here at the Hilo International Airport on the Big Island of Hawaii for several days earlier this month. When Dubya showed up in Iraq, then went Down Under, then stopped in Honolulu, the E4B was here.

Check out the image I've uploaded at the following link:

E4B in Hilo

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 07:06 PM
It's Called The " Doomsday" Plane.

I mean please... why would it be flying over the disaster site "after" everything happened? it wouldn't need to be so low either.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Lug
What popped up from Googling Anderson Coooper and CIA;

Thanks for that info. I wanted to add, just because he left the building with a handshake does not mean he left the agency.

It is truelly amazing how many national media people are connected, or have past intelligence connections.

I feel like commenting on every cnn story post he has with a link to that site.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:02 PM
People I have breaking news.


If they wanted you to know. You would know already. sorry to burst the bubble.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:07 PM
I want to jump on the Speculation Train for a while.

Maybe the E-4B seen over the Pentagon had just taken off from Andrews Air Force Base. Maybe it was in Washington, DC so that it could be close to high-ranking officials. Maybe it was there because the other three E-4B's were involved in the ''war games''. Maybe those wargames weren't really wargames. Maybe the wargames were actually exercises that happen annually. Maybe those wargames were called Global Guardian, Vigilant Guardian, and Northern Vigilance. Maybe the exercises intentionally coincided with Russian exercises that involved real Russian aircraft. Maybe that is why Vladimir Putin called President Bush on September 11, 2001 to inform him that he was calling off the Russian exercises.

That's just speculation of course.

The ''Doomsday Plane'' is part of the nuclear response force, among other things. The reason the Pentagon and Air Force do not comment about it or its operations, is because, they don't want our enemies to know its whereabouts or capabilities. Unfortunately, that alone will let this aircraft remain as part of the 9/11 conspiracies forever. I'm done ranting now.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:20 PM
New World Order. New World Order. New World Order. New World Order. New World Order. New World Order. New World Order. New World Order. New World Order.

I can't stress that enough.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by AmericanAryan

I mean please... why would it be flying over the disaster site "after" everything happened? it wouldn't need to be so low either.

Gathering information, assessing the situation, communicating with the President, preparing to become the airborne White House... things like that. Can't get a good look at things from 30,000 feet.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

The plane is clearly of the type they suggested which means it SHOULD BE KEPT SECRET and it being in the air while the US is under attack is its intended purpose. Grabbing at straws I think.

I couldn't have said it any better. Right on the money.

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