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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Valorian
After seeing a number of posts and news stories recently all saying "UFO seen over this or that city" leads me to another post (which I cannot find) it could have been a Greer statement.

you are referring to a known hoax:

[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]...

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Honestly who gives a rats ass anymore, if the gov wants to hide the existence of aliens let them lets just try to focus on making our lives better than they are right now lets concentrate on our common welfare instead of worrying about this stuff.

you're never going to get anytthing more than blurry images and bad video so forget about it.

the only way to get this out is to wait for a crash and beat the goverment to the site and take the bodies out in the cities for people to see.

if it really came down to it and the aliens begun an invasion i'd be one of the people shooting anything that tried to come in trough my front door.

That goes for the MIB's as well, like the man said "Give me liberty or give me death"

[edit on 8/4/2007 by razor1000]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Why should we hate him for making $$$ with CSETI and TDP?

How about selling fiction as fact? That's a good enough reason. If he wants to sell fiction, then let him classify his work as being the fiction that it is.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:16 PM
Okay, guys, am I really the only one who thinks that the Greer camp should be given a chance to recover from the "Mothra" debacle? Am I the only one who'd love to see Greer on "Mix" or doing Q&A with us?

Come on people, let's talk about it.....

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Okay, guys, am I really the only one who thinks that the Greer camp should be given a chance to recover from the "Mothra" debacle? Am I the only one who'd love to see Greer on "Mix" or doing Q&A with us?

Come on people, let's talk about it.....

I would be glad to see him post here. I cannot see where he is so special that he needs to be begged to muck around with us commoners. If you want, why don't you ask him? Tell him that you've been a faithful defender, and now you would like for him to come share the heat.

My bet is that he'll be too busy.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Wow! I would love for Steven Greer to stop by here! I've got a number of questions I would like to ask him -- mainly how he vectors in UFOs and if he's got some good photographs to share with us on that.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Okay, guys, am I really the only one who thinks that the Greer camp should be given a chance to recover from the "Mothra" debacle?

No, of course you're not the only one.

ch3amby supported you. However, he's been strangely silent ever since Fry provided him with 'just one' person who was not satisfied with Cult Greer's vector party. ch3hamby lost his catch-cry of 'just one', so we don't hear from him much these days.

millerman supported you, however, he's gone. He left roughly the same time you joined.

ETDisclosure supported you, however, he's also been quiet as well?

Am I the only one who'd love to see Greer on "Mix" or doing Q&A with us?

I'd love to see Leader Greer post here. I really would. How entertaining it would be to shoot straight at the source instead of dealing with zealots who so willingly want to take the bullets for him. However, I'm not prepared to invite Leader Greer here. He knows this place exists. He is aware of the criticism and ridicule that he generates here. He also knows that he can not defend a losing position here, so he will never ever register. Most of us know a gutless fraud when we see one.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Okay, guys, am I really the only one who thinks that the Greer camp should be given a chance to recover from the "Mothra" debacle? Am I the only one who'd love to see Greer on "Mix" or doing Q&A with us?

Come on people, let's talk about it.....

I would be glad to see him post here. I cannot see where he is so special that he needs to be begged to muck around with us commoners. If you want, why don't you ask him? Tell him that you've been a faithful defender, and now you would like for him to come share the heat.

My bet is that he'll be too busy.

I don't know about that, I mean, he does radio interviews with C2C and other outlets fairly regularly, so why not ATS?

As for me trying to make the invitation myself..... I just really feel that it's not my place to do that. The invitation should come from the staff themselves.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
I'd love to see Leader Greer post here. I really would. How entertaining it would be to shoot straight at the source instead of dealing with zealots who so willingly want to take the bullets for him. However, I'm not prepared to invite Leader Greer here. He knows this place exists.

I'm confident that Greer, as others, know all too well of ATS. I doubt his ego could handle a scenario of equals. He's welcome to try. I'll be waiting...



[edit on 4-8-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
No, of course you're not the only one.

ch3amby supported you. However, he's been strangely silent ever since Fry provided him with 'just one' person who was not satisfied with Cult Greer's vector party. ch3hamby lost his catch-cry of 'just one', so we don't hear from him much these days.

Hmm, maybe I have a higher threshold for abuse than he?

We miss ya C3! Come back for a post or 3!

millerman supported you, however, he's gone. He left roughly the same time you joined.

Yeah, that was strange!

I wish millerman could come back, he had a cooler nickname than mine!

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:55 PM
But how many times has one of the owners said that this place is member driven? So drive.

And who better than a supporter of his to ask? Would he be so callus as to deny you aid in the battle to show off his truthfulness?

Or could it be that you fear he just might ignore you being fed piecemeal to the wolves here at ATS?

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736

And who better than a supporter of his to ask? Would he be so callus as to deny you aid in the battle to show off his truthfulness?

Or could it be that you fear he just might ignore you being fed piecemeal to the wolves here at ATS?

I'm used to that by now! More that the staff would be upset with me for speaking for ATS in their place.

Also, an invitation coming directly from the staff would be far stronger than from a random and unknown supporter like me....

Anyway, let's at least wait to see what Springer says and go from there....

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Anyway, let's at least wait to see what Springer says and go from there....

MrdDstrbr, did you not read Springer's post in this thread? He clearly stated that ATS han no formal stance on Cult Greer. He also stated that ATS will not be issuing Leader Greer with an invite to register here.

Springer, as a member of ATS, is entitled to his own opinion about Cult Greer, which he also clearly stated. His personal opinion does not intrude on his ability to maintain an officially neutral stance by ATS.

What will it take to get through to you that, THERE WILL BE NO FORMAL APPROACH MADE TO CULT GREER BY ATS???

You, as a member of ATS and an email correspondent of Mouthpiece Debbie, are free to contact Cult Greer and invite Leader Greer to ATS.

Here, I'll block out a letter for you:
"Dear, Leader Greer. Do you know that there is a website called ATS that constantly ridicules your claims and disrespects that Cult that you have built? Please, come and defend your position on this website by registering. Incidently, registration is free, it will not cost you $800. Many of the members have expressed a desire to see you type your views on aliens, UFOs and other such topics. Please join. I beg you. Humbly your's..."

There, MrdDstrbr, send it off to Mouthpiece Debbie and she'll see that Leader Greer gets it.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
MrdDstrbr, did you not read Springer's post in this thread? He clearly stated that ATS han no formal stance on Cult Greer. He also stated that ATS will not be issuing Leader Greer with an invite to register here.

No, he said:

We don't "negotiate" memberships, we don't invite people. We do ask the VERY BEST to do a Q&A with the Membership from time to time, but someone promoting moths in flight as "aliens" does not meet those qualifications IMHO.

They DO sometimes invite people in for Q&A sessions - he just doesn't think Greer is good enough. (Though if he didn't earn his stripes with things like TDP and the NPC conference, then who HAS??? Holy smokes!)

Doesn't the possibility that they have a lot more and better evidence in their possession change things, Springer? Why do I seem to be the only one who's shocked and upset and angered by the CSETI coordinator's little confession?

[edit on 4-8-2007 by MrdDstrbr]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Just invite Greer, sheesh. I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to talk to him for one reason or another.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by CidCaldensfey
Just invite Greer, sheesh. I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to talk to him for one reason or another.

Hang on, this is becoming eerily reminiscent of what happened a couple months ago.

Why is the pressure always on ME to do something - and then I get to be the one that gets banned when I screw up, while everybody has a good laugh at my expense?

No, this time we are clearing this with Springer and the other staff FIRST. And if he won't OK it, then he can be the fall guy.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:50 AM
I don't see anywhere on ATS which says you will get banned from inviting someone like Greer. The only time it's a problem is if he goes on about a new book of his or some crap like that.

And the reason why we want YOU to invite him is because YOU are the one who actually believes him, and therefore you would be able to write a sincere letter requesting him to pop up and share his views on the subject. I really would like to ask him about the moths just to see if he REALLY believes in those photographs among other things.

If you want to drop the discussion of Greer though, then just say it. Otherwise I'm going to go ahead and try to send a letter to him myself just to see if I can drag him over here to the forums so we can get some Q&A done.

I really want to know what happened to his disclosure project, because as of late it hasn't exactly been the greatest thing ever. I mean, the last time I saw one of his confereces was when he was talking about spiritual stuff and it just totally turned me away from him :\

[edit on 5-8-2007 by CidCaldensfey]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
No, we've also had Lalancette here speaking very positively about the training.

Etdisc... I mean Lalancette has no choice but to be positive about the CSETI training because he is an official Disclosure Project Representative. That's why he's still claiming that the moth isn't a moth.

I see your point but I don't agree with comparing CSETI to a Church.

CSETI is comparable to a church/religion in that it is entirely faith based. People who subscribe into CSETI's belief-system must have faith in Greer's claims. He has never offered proof that he can levitate, that he can vector ufos, that he can astral travel, that he can remote view, that he is a target for assassination, that his friend was murdered - his disciples only have his word that these things are true.

Some Catholic churches have displayed statues of the virgin Mary that supposedly weep blood. Such 'miraculous' thing regenerate interest and boost attendances.

CSETI display photos of Light Beings and Energy Anchors and orbs in order to regenerate interest and boost attendances. Sadly for them it was the wrong kind of interest that fell upon them and their fraud was exposed.

During the ambassador trainings Greer's opening lightshow ritual and mediation rite brings about personal expectations in each trainee. This makes it relatively easy to dupe most of them. His manipulated followers react like Pavlov's dog to his cries of 'traingle, triangle, triangle!' and in this 'conditioned' state owl hoots become crop-circle noise and moths become Light Beings.

Originally posted by Schuyler
I miss Mothra. At least there was detail there, something you could see--not just a light in the sky. Does ANYONE have a picture of Mothra? Please?

Just for you Schu...

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:29 AM
Please tell me that isn't true? Did Greer & Co. actually try to convince people that this was a 'light being' Lol the guy needs a slap.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:40 AM
Wow! What a difference! The one on the left is A LOT DIFFERENT than the one on the right! Thanks torison for posting those images side by side for us to actually see those DIFFERENCES between each image.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by Palasheea]

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