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posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
I'm sure there are still a few other "Greerists" around; it's just that we get very tired of you, torsion, tezzajw and schuyler - the gang of Greer haters - following us around, pouncing on our every post re: Greer, and giving each others' posts stars.

Hey! I don't hate Greer. I LIKE Greer. About the stars; I hadn't thought of that. Tell you what, I'll give YOU a star. There, does it feel better now?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Palasheea
I know what you mean. It's like a herd of elephants passing gas in unison, ya know?

If a herd of elephants farted near Greer's Ambassador to the Universe Training party he would insist the engulfing stench was exhaust fumes from a passing extraterrestrial craft - and probably charge his attendees an extra $100 for the privilege of sniffing it!

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by schuyler

he's all but deified by his followers.

No, he is not.

Yes, he is.
"All but" means "almost" or "not quite" His followers hang on every word, defend his every action, and believe whatever he says.

And the day you stand up in front of the world at the National Press Club with 20 whistleblowers by your side, in complete defiance of the shadow government and the UFO coverup, we'll do the same for you!

He has EARNED the respect he is given, by having incredible courage and risking his life for Disclosure.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Palasheea
We in the UFO community are suppose to present a united front. But when members of this community start singling out other members of their own community and constantly criticize them just because they've got some of their own ideas that are different from their own... these members become dividers and not uniters and hence weaken the power of the community as a whole. This is unfortunate.

Actually, no, we're not 'supposed to present a united front.' 'We in the UFO community' are in an unfortunate position, it is true. The reason we are in an unfortunate position is that so many hoaxers, shucksters, frauds, and opportunists see fit to pelt the "UFO Community" with their frauds and fakes. I can well believe that some of this is intentional disinformation by persons unknown, government or otherwise, who are perpetuating these frauds as a way to divert attention and energy away from the truth. I don't think ALL frauds are in that category, but some may be.

Some are not, and some are admitted. We've had a few here these last few months. GhostRaven is a good example. Outright admitted complete fraud. Some are a flash in the pan; some are more insiduous. Where it gets interesting is when these frauds turn religious on you and they begin to attract followers. When I say something like, "Greer's movement and the teachings of Jesus are similar," I'm NOT saying Greer said he is the Son of God or that he is God or that he considers himself divine. I AM saying there are clear and apparent similarities to the two movements. In other words, Greer's followers are beginning to see the world through religious-colored glasses and acting very much like a cult. No, that doesn't mean they have all moved to Montana in a compound, stored food and bullets, and are awaiting the end of the world. It's just that their actions appear cultish to outside observers.

Greer is certainly not the first. If "we in the UFO community" would actually take it upon ourselves to READ THE LITERATURE so that, you know, we would have some foundation and grounding in the field and actually know what we are talking about instead of just spouting opinion, then we would see the similarities to other movements.

George Adamski, for example, said the SAME THING as Greer in the fifties. Truman Bethurum said the SAME THING as Greer, as did many lesser lights of the past. Today we have Greer and Billy Meier as the contemporary cultish proponents of Space Brothers. I'm sure they won't be the last. In addition, we have other frauds such as Lazar and "Dr." Burisch, along with "Dr." Reed and Dr. Boylan along with Sean David Morton (who frequntly shares the stage with Greer), Ed Dames, Ray Santili, and a host of others that are perpetuating fraud on those interested in the field.

It would be one thing if we could just brush the cobwebs of these false claims away to get to the truth, but unfortunately the frauds detract from the UFO community so much that no one not interested takes it seriously at all. The entire field is considered cultish and fake by the main media and most of the populace. Thus the baby is thrown out with the bath water. The baby? Roswell, Cash-Landrum, Rendlesham Forest to name three good cases. Roswell? Was that made out of a garbage can lid, too? Ha ha ha!

What the 'UFO Community' SHOULD be doing, in my opinion, is to present a united front against these charlatans and concentrate on cases that can provide more evidence than more Space Brothers mumbo jumbo.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
He has EARNED the respect he is given, by having incredible courage and risking his life for Disclosure.

No, he has BLOWN AWAY any respect he had from the Disclosure Project by frittering it away on angelic anchor beings. He has wasted it all.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
George Adamski, for example, said the SAME THING as Greer in the fifties. Truman Bethurum said the SAME THING as Greer, as did many lesser lights of the past.

Has it occured to you that maybe people keep saying the SAME THING, because it's TRUE?

Honestly, what makes more sense? The visitors are here to kill us all, the visitors are here to turn us all into slaves to mine for gold, the visitors are here to anal probe and experiment with us because they need our sperm and eggs?

Or, the visitors are here to curb our violent, warmongering, xenophobic tendencies and help integrate us into the greater galactic community as we make the transition to the Space Age?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Great post, schu.

But since the greerists re-emerge today....

He has EARNED the respect he is given, by having incredible courage and risking his life for Disclosure.

No, only thing he has earned is a lot of money from his cult. Courage ? Are you sure, you know, what courage means ? Inflating his own ego is NOT, i repeat for easier understanding NOT courage. Risking his life....yeah, we've been to this point, surviving cancer attacks, military raids and sinister ...ehm...things. Sure, just like myself, i also survived all of this, several times in fact - RESPECT ME.
And what is your problem with us giving stars ? Envy ? Honestly, what bothers you with this ? I like what they're saying, they get stars - that's the system here. Very few people seem to agree with what you are saying, so you get no stars - it's really simple, if you think about it.

Most people by now KNOW, that the cult of greer is nothing but a fraud and probably hasn't been something else since the beginning. As it has been told to you several times, he managed to completely discredit a lot of good people with knowingly adding some nutcases.

I may quote Errol-Bruce Knapp here

Quote from

EBK: The problem is, and it was the same thing with the potential for hearings in the United States, one or two bad apples in the barrel screws the whole barrel. You gotta toss ‘em all out. So all they have to do is investigate any one of these people and their claims, like Clifford Stone, who is a shinning example of an Exopolitics witness, and look into his background, and it turns out that very little of it is true, and its goodbye. You throw the baby out with the bath water, and that’s what concerns me.

Entire interview is a good read btw and ends with a very great statement :

Let’s focus on UFOs. Let’s not bother with free energy and Star Wars Defence initiatives and all of that stuff. Focus on UFOs.

Exopolitics is the greatest fraud in ufology ever !

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 12:31 PM
Ok Schuyler, you've brought up some valid points but I need to think out some things I would like to bring up in this conversation that are very important to me.

Running out to Starbucks but just saying that I'm tired of having to argue with everyone all of the time about those other aspects (paranormal/spiritual/esoteric/trans-dimensional - think:Jacques Vallee) about the ET and UFO phenomenon that I'm seeing completely ignored and brushed aside for the sake of continuing support and emphasis only on the 'nuts and bolts' UFO perspective which in my view presents an lop-sided, biased, incomplete and INCORRECT depiction of this whole phenomenon.

But you've got a point about those cults and if Greer is moving into that direction then I'm very disappointed about that, but I still have not read his newest book for me to form my own opinions about this.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
He has EARNED the respect he is given, by having incredible courage and risking his life for Disclosure.

He has earned lots of money by ripping people off with his fiction.

Leader Greer does not deserve respect. Watching him on various videos makes my skin feel creepy. How a person can tell blatant lies and get away with it defies any sense of decency.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

Originally posted by schuyler
George Adamski, for example, said the SAME THING as Greer in the fifties. Truman Bethurum said the SAME THING as Greer, as did many lesser lights of the past.

Has it occured to you that maybe people keep saying the SAME THING, because it's TRUE?

Honestly, what makes even more sense? All of those fraudsters were making money by spinning their fiction. Has that ever occured to you? It seems to me to be a very common aspect to all of their proto-Cults.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Has it occured to you that maybe people keep saying the SAME THING, because it's TRUE?

Actually, Adamski was caught out as an outrageous fraud. His picture of a lampshade as a real UFO is the fifties equivalent of Mothra. But he had a great story.

Adamski maintained that the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all had breathable atmospheres and civilizations of humans who looked exactly like us. Adamski met his reincarnated wife on a trip to Venus. He used to hook up with the Space Brothers in the lobby of a hotel in Los Angeles. They would take him to their spaceship in a Pontiac.

Bethurum, on the other hand, talked to people from Clarion, which is on the other side of the Sun in the exact same orbit as Earth. That planet has a peaceful Christian civilization. They speak perfect English, but always in rhyme. The Clarion spaceship pilot was a hot Latin woman who wore a short red dress and black velvet blouse with a red & black beret. She was hot with big, dark eyes and a 'full figure.' Her name was Aura Rhanes.

Both men started serious cult religions after their beliefs, though Adamski was by far the more successful of the two. So, yes, I did see the similarities. I had a feeling you would, too.

Thanks for bringing the point up.

[edit on 8/3/2007 by schuyler]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Palasheea
Running out to Starbucks but just saying that I'm tired of having to argue with everyone all of the time about those other aspects (paranormal/spiritual/esoteric/trans-dimensional - think:Jacques Vallee) about the ET and UFO phenomenon that I'm seeing completely ignored and brushed aside for the sake of continuing support and emphasis only

Actually, I agree with you. I don't think 'nuts and bolts' cuts it as a complete explanation, if at all. We haven't discussed that much in this 'disclosure--government is lying' thread, but Vallee is one of my favorite authors. There is an inter-dimensional aspect to this thing that I don't quite understand, but feel is an important part of it.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
I LIKE Greer.

Disclosure is dead.

Is that like a "Paul is dead" kind of thing?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Phil J. Fry

He has EARNED the respect he is given, by having incredible courage and risking his life for Disclosure.

No, only thing he has earned is a lot of money from his cult. Courage ? Are you sure, you know, what courage means ? Inflating his own ego is NOT, i repeat for easier understanding NOT courage. Risking his life....yeah, we've been to this point, surviving cancer attacks, military raids and sinister ...ehm...things. Sure, just like myself, i also survived all of this, several times in fact - RESPECT ME.

Sorry, that's impossible.

Look, people who go up against the Big Boys have a nasty habit of getting murdered, or vanishing off the face of the earth, or "committing suicide under mysterious circumstances".

I don't care what you think, Greer has put his life on the line with the Disclosure Project and his other work. That takes GREAT courage. THAT I respect. The Greer-haters, on the other hand, well.......................

And what is your problem with us giving stars ? Envy ? Honestly, what bothers you with this ? I like what they're saying, they get stars - that's the system here. Very few people seem to agree with what you are saying, so you get no stars - it's really simple, if you think about it.

I don't have a problem with the star system really, except when you have the same little clique of users going from thread to thread and all giving each other stars all the time in order to make themselves look more important than they really are.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:29 PM
It's really, really, really, simple guys, like I stated on my post in the Virgin Atlantic private space flight thread - the ultimate disclosure will happen with the privatization of the space flight industry.
Once anyone with $200,000 (and that's not that much) can go into orbit, trips to the moon are just around the corner. Then we'll have to know.
It makes tons of sense that official disclosure would be near, not because of some (the) impending WWIII scenario with Iran, or because we're all getting an extra helix or two in our DNA in 2012, it's because the Gov't would look really stupid when some yahoo taking a joyride on the first Virgin Orbital spacecraft uses his Cannon Powershot 750 to take a crystal clear picture of a bug-eyed alien waving from his orb/triangle/saucer/deathstar window.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
I don't have a problem with the star system really, except when you have the same little clique of users going from thread to thread and all giving each other stars all the time in order to make themselves look more important than they really are.

The only obvious clique that I can see that operates here on ATS, is the Cult Greer clique. Leader Greer has his zealots do his promotional, advertising work for him, along with his recruitment spiels.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
The only obvious clique that I can see that operates here on ATS, is the Cult Greer clique. Leader Greer has his zealots do his promotional, advertising work for him, along with his recruitment spiels.

Nope, Leader Greer, CSETI and TDP don't give a crap about ATS or promoting, advertising and recruiting here.

You'll notice I've even greatly reduced my posts re: Greer, in fact I didn't even really want to post in this thread as I knew the exact same four vultures would be all over me and all clapping each other on the back giving each other stars the second I did....

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Nope, Leader Greer, CSETI and TDP don't give a crap about ATS or promoting, advertising and recruiting here.

How do you know that? Do you work for them? You state it like you have inside knowledge on the operational procedures of Cult Greer - is that true?

You'll notice I've even greatly reduced my posts re: Greer, in fact I didn't even really want to post in this thread as I knew the exact same four vultures would be all over me and all clapping each other on the back giving each other stars the second I did....

No, I never noticed. Believe it or not, watching your post count is not the highlight of my day.

Be careful that you don't name the four 'vultures', or you might be violating the terms and conditions of this website, using personally abusive remarks against other members. I'd hate for a moderator to warn you or ban you.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Nope, Leader Greer, CSETI and TDP don't give a crap about ATS or promoting, advertising and recruiting here.

How do you know that? Do you work for them? You state it like you have inside knowledge on the operational procedures of Cult Greer - is that true?

That's based on talking to people like the CSETI coordinator and Lalancette. Also the fact that Greer never makes an appearance on here.

Be careful that you don't name the four 'vultures', or you might be violating the terms and conditions of this website, using personally abusive remarks against other members. I'd hate for a moderator to warn you or ban you.

Oh yes, I'm sure you'd be utterly heartbroken if I were banned, tezzajw, you and the other v - members of the Greer-hating clique....

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Also the fact that Greer never makes an appearance on here.

It shows the true character of Leader Greer. He is too gutless to register here and debate some of the members. He and his Cult's dogma would be ripped to shreds in a matter of minutes - with no chance of ET forcing us all to put down our keyboards and play guitars!

Leader Greer knows that it's not safe for him to appear in a place where his disclosure lies will be exposed. That's why he uses his zealots here to perpetually cycle his name on the front page.

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