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posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Anyway, why don't you ask her about the pictures yourself? I've demonstrated over and over how easy it is to talk to her, and people like Palasheea too, so why do you keep refusing to do it? Are you that lazy?

Why should I take my time to ask her about moth pictures? They're not Alien-Energy-Peace-Anchor-Communication-Light-Love-Entities, they're just moths.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Anyway, why don't you ask her about the pictures yourself? I've demonstrated over and over how easy it is to talk to her, and people like Palasheea too, so why do you keep refusing to do it? Are you that lazy?

Why should I take my time to ask her about moth pictures? They're not Alien-Energy-Peace-Anchor-Communication-Light-Love-Entities, they're just moths.

Well, then quit asking me questions about the pictures as if I'm supposed to do YOUR homework for you!

If you have questions about the pictures, GO RIGHT TO THE SOURCE and get answers there! I'm not answering ANY more questions about those pictures, as this is RIDICULOUS!

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Well, then quit asking me questions about the pictures as if I'm supposed to do YOUR homework for you!

I'm not answering ANY more questions about those pictures, as this is RIDICULOUS!

But nobody is asking you questions about the pictures. You've simply volunteered explanations for them.
This one, for instance:

you describe as being a "spacecraft[s] in some sort of phase-shifted form or altered energy state."

and you further imply that this speck of dust that is floating close to the camera lens is really an example of, "an enormous spacecraft the size of a football field suddenly shifting into one of these small "Orbs" and then go shooting off into space."

Can you explain in detail how you came to such a conclusion?

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by torsion

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Well, then quit asking me questions about the pictures as if I'm supposed to do YOUR homework for you!

I'm not answering ANY more questions about those pictures, as this is RIDICULOUS!

But nobody is asking you questions about the pictures. You've simply volunteered explanations for them.

Yes, people are asking questions about the pictures - who posted them, Greer or Debbie, and whose idea was it to post them, Greer or Debbie, and why, etc.

Maybe someone who doesn't have a clear and obvious agenda against Greer/TDP/CSETI will actually end up asking Debbie about the pictures and getting some answers to these questions....

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:38 PM
OK, everybody PLEASE remember this is and we engage in FRIENDLY conversation and COURTEOUS debate.

MrdDrstbr has as much right to voice his/her support for Greer (within the bounds of the TAC) as torsion et-al have to decry it (within the bounds of the TAC).

The point is we must be CIVIL about it.

I have to say that this thread has been a GREAT example of that so far, but I sense bitterness and frustration creeping in the last few posts. That's not good for any discussion.

Maybe all that can be politely said has been said?

I don't know but I sure don't want to see this go down hill into a flame match that ends up trashed and GOOD members warned. That's just not worth it.



posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:51 PM
I think since I’ve been a kid, there has always been whether on TV, Radio, Or in the Movies some kind of connection to an alternative world/view. Granted I have mentioned all mediums that do play off conspiracy or made up material BUT it does follow some kind of "reality."

My two cents is that we have been SLOWLY introduced to disclosure, it just hasn't happened as fast as I thought it would have. Good post!

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I said any member who wants to send Dr. Greer an invite is OK, I did NOT say a new thread recruiting people to sign a petition to get Dr. Greer to come here was OK.

Send him an email, do NOT start a thread on ATS asking someone to come to ATS or the Members to petition it.



I'm sure in time Johnny and Dave will have him here as their guest on ATS MIX, well now that's just my esp kicking in , or is it wishful thinking

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 10:12 PM
Just checked my map here and there are many more ways to get to 'Disclosuretown' than Greer Avenue. There's a huge road that takes you around the back way called the 'Do Your Own Research Highway.' It's not as fast, but if you follow the signs you can't miss it.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I have to say that this thread has been a GREAT example of that so far, but I sense bitterness and frustration creeping in the last few posts. That's not good for any discussion.

The source of my frustration is that the members who are most vocal in any and all discussions of Disclosure/Greer etc would rather sit around and ridicule "Mothra" and the guitar-playing bandits etc than do any real legwork, investigation or diplomacy.

I mean, did everyone miss the fact that the CSETI coordinator admitted that Greer et al have MORE evidence than they've put online?

A fact that creates a huge amount of unanswered questions, has been completely swept under the rug in favor of yet more "Mothra" ridicule!

How many more videos akin to the "Gulf Breeze" and "Triangle! Triangle!" videos do they have? A handful? Dozens? Hundreds? How many more photographs and documents do they have? Why haven't they posted them? Where is all this evidence stored, and could arrangements be made for someone to go there and review it? How many more witnesses akin to Lalancette do they have who could testify to the reality of the "orbs", UFO vectoring etc?

Am I really the ONLY one who thinks of these things? COME ON PEOPLE!!!

The apathy surrounding this is absolutely appalling!

WHY is it always on ME to sort these things out? Why am I the ONLY one who thinks of actually talking to the Greer camp about these things? (Except for Palasheea, and thank you for the assist there dear!)

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:44 PM

I mean, did everyone miss the fact that the CSETI coordinator admitted that Greer et al have MORE evidence than they've put online?

Maybe it's because you are one of the few members here, that can't get a hold on the concept of lieing.
As you stated in another post, you don't like the world and are searching for some kind of rescue - well, that's perfectly ok, go out and search, but don't expect anyone else to actually hold your hand on the way or better yet, clear the path for you. Don't ask mods, don't look for support - DO it. You are the one, that wants to hear more lies from the cult, you want to see more "alien energy anchors" - not me.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:49 PM
with the events in istanbul,englands and numerous other places they had to admit with the time that aliens exist
u saw the threads right?that nasa and all sayd that aliens are real
ITS A FACT now they telled to the people that aliens exist....
now we have to know ALL the information

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

I mean, did everyone miss the fact that the CSETI coordinator admitted that Greer et al have MORE evidence than they've put online?

A fact that creates a huge amount of unanswered questions, has been completely swept under the rug in favor of yet more "Mothra" ridicule!

How many more videos akin to the "Gulf Breeze" and "Triangle! Triangle!" videos do they have? A handful? Dozens? Hundreds? How many more

And that's the source of my frustration, too. "The CSETI coordinator admitted that Greer et al have MORE evidence..." yet all they can manage to put up is Mothra? That's a "huge unanswered question" alright. If they've got some good stuff, let's see it! They CLAIM to have it. Well? Their track record isn't too great. And, no, I'm not going to go ask them for it. I shouldn't have to invoke the FOIA on a private organization. They are acting like the government itself--WITHHOLDING information the public wants to see. Given CSETI's stated purpose, this makes no sense. they are contradicting themselves. So I say: CSETI, put up or shut up. If you do, I'll take a look. If you don't, you're useless.

The other issue is that Greer supporters seem overwhelmingly to see distant lights in the sky as proof of aliens, etc. (not to mention Mothra, hotly defended by some.) They saw some lights in the sky they could not identify, in the dark. They have no idea of height, size, speed, or anything else. They just say (and this is in the video links you provided) "Oh, wow. Look at that! A light in the sky!" This kind of evidence is no better than Gottigo's videos of airplanes and car lights on hills. It's just sad to see people get hyped up over this shoddy evidence. Add to that the people who would actually stand up with a straight face and defend Mothra and you are left with the impression of at least some CSETI supporters being completely off their rocker. That's a credibility issue. It's CSETI's credibility issue, no one elses.

Yes, the reporter said that she 'saw a UFO.' She was speaking in the technical sense that she saw something she could not identify. That's all. But to attempt to turn that around as evidence: "She says she saw a UFO! She says she saw a UFO! What more evidence do you need?" is disingenuous at best.

Now, triangles? I've seen some darned good triangle photos! If they aren't fakes, then I think they are likely ours. But just because you see a triangle, once again, does not prove ET--even a little bit.

Lights in the sky do not prove aliens. Disclosure is no closer than it was in the fifties. Sorry.

by Unisol: STAND UR GROUND WARRIORS DISCLOSURE IS NOW! ITS A FACT now they telled to the people that aliens exist....

Wow! What was that? I think I just saw a UFO!

[edit on 8/6/2007 by schuyler]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Phil J. Fry

I mean, did everyone miss the fact that the CSETI coordinator admitted that Greer et al have MORE evidence than they've put online?

Maybe it's because you are one of the few members here, that can't get a hold on the concept of lieing.

But you simply ASSUME that they are lying, without making ANY actual effort at investigation, and that's where you and the rest of the Clique should be ashamed of yourselves....

Remember, in other Greer threads we had collected FOUR points of corroboration for the existence of the "Gulf Breeze" footage.

So if they have THAT video.... odds are, they have OTHER ones too!

[edit on 6-8-2007 by MrdDstrbr]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

But you simply ASSUME that they are lying

We know CSETI are dishonest because we all saw the photos they posted. They were everyday things and CSETI tried to pass them off as extraterrestrial - providing false information like they did is lying.

People who have been on the Ambassador training sessions have openly stated that Greer pretends that normal, prosaic things are extraterrestrial - that's deceit. Owl hoots, for example, Greer claims to be crop-circle noise - so what he says isn't true.

He stated in the recent video that a military jet fired a 'scalar' weapon at them which caused an explosion equivalent to a small nuclear detonation - I have no doubt that Greer is lying about that.

He says his friend Adamiak was killed by agents using a cancer causing beam weapon - I don't believe it at all.

Back to the recent video - one member of the circle states he regularly gets a high-pitched buzzing noise in his left ear. Tinitus a doctor may suggest, but Dr Greer says it is some sort of et communication - again, I believe he is lying.

The Gulf Breeze video will no doubt turn out to be as mundane as the triangle triangle video if it ever gets into the public domain. If it was spectacular, Greer would have show it on the day it was filmed in order to recruit.

Sadly, the best 'evidence' CSETI possesses is the 'big rod' (insect) video frame which Greer pretends is an alien communication anchor/probe. See him proudly wave the photo around to his bewildered little group.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
So if they have THAT video.... odds are, they have OTHER ones too!

No, not true.

The odds are that if Cult Greer assumes a name such as "The Disclosure Project", then any further videos would be disclosed, just as the name implies.

Cult Greer does not have any further video evidence, or it would be shown to the world. Imagine the recruitment and revenue, Leader Greer would attract if he showed one convincing video??? So, why doesn't he?

The odds are, he does not have anything else to show.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Disclosure could be close but for economic / strategic reasons. Let's say the price of oil goes to 120$ per barrel which means that the strategic (or long term) economic welfare of the US could be seriously threatened.

No amount of new car batteriers, solar panels, hydro power can replace oil, gas and coal the way some countries are growing today (India, China, Africa etc). So it is just a matter of time before we reach 120-150$ per barrel.

When we do I believe that some form of disclosure could take place. For example we will find out one day that some group of scientists developed a new revolutionary way of harnessing or creating energy that could change the way we live our daily lives. On the surface it will all look legit and most people will not think twice about it. But when you did deeper you will find out that the very same group of scientists had been employed at one time or another, or funded by the DOD, CIA or NSA.

That's how I see disclosure, slowly introducing technology and scientific concepts gained by cooperating with aliens to the general public under seemigly legit research projects.

This will happen only when it will be beneficial to the US, only when its economic interests are seriously threatened. Of course the Exxons and Mobil Oils will be well positioned by then to benefit as well.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by SurferXXX]

[edit on 6-8-2007 by SurferXXX]

[edit on 6-8-2007 by SurferXXX]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:32 PM
Are we back on topic now, i was lost inside the Greer Carnage....

what was this thread about.....Ahh Disclosure..

well i hope its close, i think we all know something is going on.


posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by 1234567
Are we back on topic now, i was lost inside the Greer Carnage....

what was this thread about.....Ahh Disclosure..

well i hope its close, i think we all know something is going on.

Greer's name will always be associated with Capital "D" Disclosure. Plan on it. Now, I'm not sure we 'all know something is going on.' What leads you to believe that is true? What recent events or facts are enough out of the ordinary that point to Disclosure happening soon? I realize this is a common theme on several threads, but I'm interested in why now is seen as the time for Disclosure, this idea that it is imminent.

[edit on 8/6/2007 by schuyler]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:43 PM
I can't believe this. Here we have video's of people saying, including a news reporter, that there's a triangle up in the sky, plus we ourselves are also seeing some lights up there in it and yet, even this bit of evidence is being trashed by those who have 'issues' with Greer for any number of reasons.
And everyone knows how difficult it is to film UFOs and get a clear enough image or movie where we can say with absolute certainty that it's a UFO and not something mundane -- as no matter how convincing one of these images are, it's very easy to assume that it's a balloon or a bird or lord knows what else... No wonder Greer wants to keep his really good stuff to himself because if I had some really good images like he claims to have, I would never want to subject it to the harsh and unfair scrutiny that some of you are demonstrating right here in this thread.
I myself have some really remarkable ITC images that are so incredible, I would never show them on this board because I already know people will be saying that they are too good to be true where they will trash them and say that they are photoshopped. I hold these images near and dear to my heart and would never subject them to such negativity because they mean too much to me.
But having said this, I think in Greer's case, especially after posting that mothra on his webpages, I think this one is the straw that broke the camel's back where if he wants to make any attempt to salvage his reputation, he should simply cough up those 'good' images he claims to have and take it from there. Because the bottom line is, even his staunchest critics here are still, deep down, fair enough to at least admit that those good images are the real thing especially after they've been analysed by experts. I'm just saying that at this point, Greer's got nothing to lose by releasing those photo's for public viewing and grant his critics the benefit of the doubt that they will give them a fair appraisal.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
So I say: CSETI, put up or shut up. If you do, I'll take a look. If you don't, you're useless.

Who exactly are you talking to?

Having one-way conversations with people who aren't even listening or responding back could be taken as a sign of mental illness, you know....

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