Hi all,
Im from Leamington which is approx 8 miles away from Stratford. Found this really interesting as I tend to go to Stratford once a month shopping with
my better half
Any way, I have to debunk the Rugby Club theory as with the Chinese Laterns and catagorically state that this was not the source of the sighting.
My proof?
Well, I know the area very well. Heres some facts for you to ponder over.
To start with, for the proof Im using two objects (furthest ones apart and discounting the others for now).
Firstly the distance from the Rugby Club to the Elm Inn is just shy of 1 mile (0.91miles).
Its clear to see that the object furthest left in comparison to the object furthest right (at its furtherst distance viewable) is infact at a greater
distance eastwards compared to the location of the Inn. Therfore indicating that the distance between object left and object right is > than 1
We know the length of the Rugby pitch, 100mtrs.
For an object to be lifted from one side of the pitch to the other, it would require wind direction to be opposing within 100mtr. Thus pushing 1
object East, 1 object West. In a space of 100mtrs to have opposing wind (sustained for the duration of flight at equal opposing force) is
The wind would need to carry object left due south as would object right. Object right at its first view would be seen over the main road A422,
whilst object left, would be visable from the main road A4390.
Wind speed and direction must then stop at the furthest left object entirely. Object right would see the wind speed and direction shift again from
North West this time to South East and increase in speed before again stopping. For the remaining duration of the video there is no wind at all!
We have 4 complete opposite wind directions. E,W,NW,SW. Finally no wind at all. Thats one very strange evening weather wise in 30mins.
Location of Rugby club,N. Location of sighting, S of Elm In.
Wind speed and direction on evening of event was 10mph SW wind. The wind speed plus/minus 10% was the same up until Monday, before changing to a W
wind 12mph on Tuesday. (Source BBC weather).
For object right to travel even the 0.91 miles, it should have taken approx 7 minutes. The video shows the object gain the same distance in approx 30
seconds, giving it a speed of between 70 and 90mph. I can assure you, there were no wind speeds of that magnitude anywhere in the UK during July!
Thats hurrican force and would of produced damage to housing, as well as being naturally reported on.
Again, the Rugby Club (green on map) is situated south west of the Elm Inn (red on map). The view of the objects were far NW & NE of the location.
Its clearly not possible for wind to change speed, direction (360'), stop entirely and reach hurrican force levels within 30 minutes. Do you notice
that no one in the video or picture were being battered by strong wind? It was a generally calm evening which should be expected during the summer,
thus giving more credibility to the fact, nature had no part to play.
Next, they both show star constellations, which I find eerie.
Unfortuantly before the video was recorded the objects were starting to reform, however, you can clearly see the shape of the Star Constellation
UrsaMinor, the 2nd an unknown star constellation. All within the same area of sky.