posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:02 AM
i can strongly say IMO those are simply not lanterns of any sort. i have a chinese hanging lantern of almost the same size as the one pictured only
mine is a bit round. good luck getting 3 to 4 of those things to fly in unison let alone stay that high in the air and,
lol i say AND to stay lit while being jerked around at that altitude is a feat i dont think anyone could get to work. plus they werent being
"jerked"around they moved with accuracy and silently(of course you would not be able to probably hear a chinese lantern that high up lol)
just imagine people did release 4 chinese lanterns that were lit with either a candle or a battery long before it malfunctioned, dropped to
the ground, went out, got broke up from the rest of the lanterns.....
remember people, and i quote
"Others, however, claimed the speed and agility of the objects was unlike any known aircraft and said the odd movement, lack of noise and the length
of time in the air discounted any man-made explanation."
"They came over our heads in formation but then manouvered into different positions."
and lastly one more quote
"Chef Kern Griffiths, 26, said: "I saw five lights, we all thought they were hot air balloons at first because the glowing spheres looked like a
burst of flames. But I couldn't see any outline of the balloon itself and they were travelling far too fast."
hey anyone know what the winds were like in the area that night?
i have a friend in the uk who lives near where this happened and i cant wait to hear from him and tell me what people are saying over there.