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Need help with these photos please of Bush on 911

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posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 08:48 AM
I'm no Bush supporter but jumping up in a frenzy and running out like a chicken with his head cut off would have served the country worse. When things like 9/11 happen people look to the leaders and how they react, if Bush panics then all the sheep starts to panic. Only thing I would have liked would have been to calmly get up and put down the book and say - I apologize kids but there has been an event that I must attend to, and go to the situation room.

One thing I just thought of though, what if they had targeted the school with one of the planes? It was publicly known he would be there, he would have been a sitting duck.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Valhall, previously on the 9/11 forum Swampfox46_1999 and CameronFox kept popping up in the same threads towing nothing but the party line.

You mean, two people, showing up on the same website talking about the truth? OMG thats the smoking gun right now, someone call Geraldo....

I found their methods to be rude and their humor sickening.

Amazingly, I feel the same about conspiracy theorists that are willing to blame anyone and everyone OTHER than the terrorists who carried out the attack.

The only topics they participate in deal with 9/11. They take vacations at the same time. Niether of them posted on ATS from 4/2/07 through 5/7/07.

Vacation? What is that? WOW, i didnt post for a couple weeks, now thats serious evidence of conspiracy.

Call it what you will, but I personally no longer believe in coincidences.

Call it whatever you want, but its only name is coincidence.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Why no shoot down order issued from the President, its only legit source, until 10:18? This is an hour and 12 minutes after the whisper. What was really said in the privacy of Bush'ss ear? Possibly what we were told... maybe not. We'll never know and so I don't care. He just sat there, afraid to "upset the kids." It's 9/11 dude, everyone's traumatized anyway, get off yer ass!

This is the big question, was there a shoot down order or not? Caustic you are truely a searcher of truth and while we may disagree sometimes you have my respect.


posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by SoundFX
I'm no Bush supporter but jumping up in a frenzy and running out like a chicken with his head cut off would have served the country worse. When things like 9/11 happen people look to the leaders and how they react, if Bush panics then all the sheep starts to panic. Only thing I would have liked would have been to calmly get up and put down the book and say - I apologize kids but there has been an event that I must attend to, and go to the situation room.

One thing I just thought of though, what if they had targeted the school with one of the planes? It was publicly known he would be there, he would have been a sitting duck.

He didn't need to panic, just get up and do his job, you know being President in an obvious crisis situation.

It's seem kinda staged that he stay there in front of the cameras and look like a deer in the headlights or as some of my military friends say shellshocked.

It fits the personal thats been carefully cultivated by his handlers that he just a regular guy in an extrordinary position of power. It's why he was elected in the first place, this idea he's a guy you can sit down and have a beer with.

Just for the record his father was born in Massachusettes and he was born in Conneticut, quite a long way from Texas don't you think?

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:44 PM

This is the big question, was there a shoot down order or not? Caustic you are truely a searcher of truth and while we may disagree sometimes you have my respect.


Yes, there are many references to a shoot down order, but it was given by Cheney not Bush, even the Whitehouse acknowledges it. Of course we don't know who gave Cheney permission to order the shoot down.

After the planes struck the twin towers, a third took a chunk out of the Pentagon. Cheney then heard a report that a plane over Pennsylvania was heading for Washington.

A military assistant asked Cheney twice for authority to shoot it down.

"The vice president said yes again," remembered Josh Bolton, deputy White House chief of staff. "And the aide then asked a third time. He said, 'Just confirming, sir, authority to engage?' And the vice president -- his voice got a little annoyed then -- said, 'I said yes.'"

It was a rare flash of anger from a man who knew he was setting the tone at a White House in crisis.

"I think there was an undertone of anger there. But it's more a matter of determination. You don't want to let your anger overwhelm your judgment in a moment like this," Cheney said.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:41 PM

You mean, two people, showing up on the same website talking about the truth? OMG thats the smoking gun right now, someone call Geraldo....

No, that's not it at all. I'm talking about one individual - you - pretending to be two people - Swampfox46_1999 and CameronFox. Same (lame) writing stlye, always posting on the same topics, both took a MONTH hiatus from ATS (not two weeks) at the same time. Funny you would refer to Geraldo, another FOX idiot.

Let's examine some posting patterns shall we? This phenomenon is continuous when comparing their histories, but the examples below are very telling:

On 3/15/07, CameronFox made posts at 7:22,:38,:41,:41,:41 and lastly 7:46PM. Then Swampfox46_1999 takes over and makes his first post at 8:18PM and last post at 11:37PM.

3/16/07 was a very busy day for you here at ATS. CameronFox starts early at 10:06AM and makes 37 posts, the last one coming at 10:16PM. Then Swampfox46_1999 again takes over at 10:20PM and makes 16 post between that time and 11:37PM. Virtually all of these posts were devoted to the exact same threads, no doubt.

As I say, these patterns repeat and are easily recognized for anyone taking the time to do so. If we can just get a moderator to compare I.P. addresses, I'm sure this can all be verified.

Busted, disgusted and not to be trusted! By the way... how was the Daytona trip with the Giuliani camp Carl?

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Thats some interesting research you've done there HS4M, I can see how someone might draw that conclusion.

I've kinda wondered how smampfox new some things but would not elaberate when questioned about where he/she got there info, just a take my word for it kind of thing.

I now think I'm on a watch list because of some of my posts.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:20 PM

No, that's not it at all. I'm talking about one individual - you - pretending to be two people - Swampfox46_1999 and CameronFox. Same (lame) writing stlye, always posting on the same topics, both took a MONTH hiatus from ATS (not two weeks) at the same time. Funny you would refer to Geraldo, another FOX idiot.

Sigh...I cannot help the ignorance of some. However, I CAN dispose of this rude allegation.

Created just for HaveSeen4Myself......

As I say, these patterns repeat and are easily recognized for anyone taking the time to do so. If we can just get a moderator to compare I.P. addresses, I'm sure this can all be verified.

OH please do....someone check our I.P. numbers...of course I hope it is someone LESS inept than that last guy who told the world that I lived in Midland, Texas (actually West Des Moines, Iowa).

Busted, disgusted and not to be trusted! By the way... how was the Daytona trip with the Giuliani camp Carl?

Wouldnt know, I havent been to Daytona since 1989.

I've kinda wondered how smampfox new some things but would not elaberate when questioned about where he/she got there info, just a take my word for it kind of thing.

Definitely a he. How do I know some things? Let's see, friends who were at the Pentagon that day (and were close enough that they had to spend time at Bethesda for their injuries), 20 years of service in aviation in one form or another dealing with maintenance, accident investigation etc...., current service in a ACC fighter wing (that did scramble for duty on 9/11) what else......

Of this, what can I offer proof? Very little, I dont have hospital records for my friends, and really dont think posting my personal records on here is EVER going to happen.

I now think I'm on a watch list because of some of my posts.

Join the crowd...although personally, its CTers on here that watch my posts......

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by hikix

The presidents reaction for one is strange because he is almost like unmoved by any of the info. I dont remember exactly in the official story but didnt the secret service guy say "the country is under attack". Well, if he said that then i think the appropriate response would be to get up and leave the room instead of finishing his story about the pet goat.

The man is talking to school kids and maybe just maybe when he was told what was going down he didn’t want to create a stir and scare the children and those in the room to death. Come on nothing here even if the pics were on the same day.

I see the same tie and shirt so maybe he changed jackets and pants for different photo ops or what not.

Who cares??????

Let us stick to finding real concrete proof the government staged 911 and not worry about any wardrobe conspiracies for crying out loud.

Just My Opinion

[edit on 22-7-2007 by geemony]

[edit on 22-7-2007 by geemony]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Definitely a he. How do I know some things? Let's see, friends who were at the Pentagon that day (and were close enough that they had to spend time at Bethesda for their injuries), 20 years of service in aviation in one form or another dealing with maintenance, accident investigation etc...., current service in a ACC fighter wing (that did scramble for duty on 9/11) what else......

Of this, what can I offer proof? Very little, I dont have hospital records for my friends, and really dont think posting my personal records on here is EVER going to happen.

Just a question, have any of your friends accounts entered into public domain so I might be able to reveiw them, thankyou

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 12:10 PM

Just a question, have any of your friends accounts entered into public domain so I might be able to reveiw them, thankyou

Since they hate reporters more than I do, I seriously doubt that they have talked to anyone other than friends and family.

No comment from HaveSeen? hmmmmmmmm

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 01:04 PM
i remember having this party, a LONG time ago, and this one girl changed her clothes no less than FIVE TIMES throughout course of the evening. everyone thought, 'WHAT AN IDIOT!'.

so, now bush is not just afraid of scaring the children, but also the colour consultants? seconds are precious, and this guy is reading kindergarten level, and worrying about his wardrobe?

either the photos are staged, because he really was just doing lines in the 'situation room', or he really was there and took the time, and devoted his mind, to change his jacket? TWICE!?

great find. well spotted. another elephant in the 'situation' room.

as an aside, what's worse for those twenty or so kids? to be 'scared to death', or to be crashed into by an airliner(a very real potential danger, especially since as many as 20 odd hijacked aircraft were showing up on monitors as "operation enduring hoodwink" continued, and the people watching the monitors were confused as to which were real, and which were a part of the drills that simulated a mass, simultaneous hijacking of commercial aircraft by terrorists)? why are the FEELINGS of a handful of children seen as the single most important thing while the country is under a vicious attack, and THOUSANDS ARE DYING, with unknown potential for THOUSANDS MORE to die.

bushy should have been removed from office and thrown in the brig for vast incompetence on september frickin' 12th.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by HighDefinitionFilms
The "commander-in-chief" photos of him talking and dealing
with this crisis- in short- his purported reaction...
well, they were STAGED at a later date,
in response to the perception of many
that his classroom-reading initial reaction-
a blank stare, silence, and then,
inexplicably, more reading to the kids,
was incompetent and cowardly.

So they took the photos later and released
them as propaganda.

But they made one big mistake with the wardrobe
for the shoot...

Another reason for these photos, after the fact, is that Bush, on TWO separate occasions said he saw the FIRST crash on TV (it was not broadcast until WAY later in the day) in the hall way of Booker Elementary. He said he though to himself "That is a horrible accident, that must be on bad pilot" then went into the classroom.

The principal says there were no TVs in the hallway.

Notice the prominent TV, tuned into the news...

I think they are mudding the waters a bit.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Id be the last person to stick up for Bush. So this was a good observation!
However I think your looking to deep into something like a suit jacket.
He didnt change the whole suit, just the jacket..
Strange yes, but some people change clothes often. And sertinly isnt that hard to belive that its possible he just changed his Jacket. The blue shirt was the same, aswell as the tie.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 05:54 PM

One thing I just thought of though, what if they had targeted the school with one of the planes? It was publicly known he would be there, he would have been a sitting duck.

Hence why he should at least be charged with reckless endangerment to those children. Then, to have the "situation room" in the school? Damn the kids, they needed the PR.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

Since they hate reporters more than I do, I seriously doubt that they have talked to anyone other than friends and family.

No comment from HaveSeen? hmmmmmmmm

My request has nothing to do with reporters and everything to do with the official report of the days events. If your friends could tell you what happened then I assume they told thier superiors and there would be documentation of thier experience.

Is this part of the 911's Commissions report?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by infinityoreilly
Is this part of the 911's Commissions report?

If not, I'd really have to say that the report has omissions in it. If these people were close enough to get injured, then their story SHOULD be told. I would consider them to be un-patriotic if they did not relay their stories. Just my opinion of course.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 10:02 PM
Ok, so we know Bush started out wearing a dark blue suit

"On his return to the Colony, the President showered, changed
into a lightweight, dark blue suit, and, still glowing from the
morning's exertion, sat down for the first routine intelligence briefing
of the day. It was 8am.

One thing I just thought of though, what if they had targeted the school with one of the planes? It was publicly known he would be there, he would have been a sitting duck.

Yes, it was public knowledge that Bush was going to be attending the school that morning, there are also the reports of the so called attempt at intercepting Bush at The Colony Resort at 6:00 a.m

"A van occupied by Middle Eastern men pulls up to The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida. They state they have an interview with Bush. They are turned away for not having an appointment"

That goes in the DUH file, but raises the question of putting the Secret Service on alert status.

The school was very close to the flight path to Sarasota airport so after the "attempt" on Bush then the "attacks"on the WTC...... Yes the Secret Service should have closed ranks and whisked Bush away just as they did with Cheney.

By the way, Bush was originally scheduled, after the school reading to be at the Pentagon at Noon for a meeting with Rummy.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
What would you have rather seen? The President jumping to his feet and sprinting from the room?

He's the leader of the free world, and a major incident had just occured that could potentially lead to a major nuclear confrontation
( being no one knew EXACTLY What had just happened )

I would of expected him to excuse him self, and immediately concentrated on mounting a defense, co-ordinating the airforce to monitor the skies and ensure all heads of staff/state and other officials were aware of the scenario and in touch with the Air-traffic controllers to find out exactly what was being expected..

Him being in that room put all those kids at risk, he said he learnt of the first attack before he went in.
It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that intellegence warnings suggested a multi-staged attack was coming.

Again, It was in the governments best interests to ensure that this attack was as devastating as possible, too many middle eastern concepts were in the loop for this attack to be thawrted in its early stages.

The President did exactly what any traitor to the American constitution would do... he sat there, and allowed his country to be attacked.

Hang the traitors!

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 11:45 PM
Just an observation, but I don't ever remember being able to watch actual TV channels on any of the TVs in school. They're always on those black carts and hooked up to a VCR.

There appears to be some manilla/yellow looking thing positioned quite nicely to block out the display on the VCR. Maybe it says "Play"?

Also, in both of the photos of Bush in the empty classroom he is not looking at the TV. The shots are positioned so that we might see Bush's face and the television.

The television is displaying a clear shot of the Towers burning with no banner displaying the station and title of the story (none that I can see anyhow). The addition of graphics seems to be business as usual for tv news.

In the photo of bush on the phone there is something conveniently placed to block what he's writting/reading.

I really wish someone had better versions of these pics so we could zoom in on the clock in the background. I don't have any good graphics programs on this computer but to me it almost looks like we could figure out what time it says.

Just a few things I noticed, what do you guys think?

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