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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:43 PM
She looks like she's just seen Isaac.

Or Shirley maybe.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:28 PM
Double She Does!!! and a pleasure to see the rest of you indeed..
I see the Christmas and Thanksgiving Turkeys are out in force .ready for plucking.. That is a good one OR what kind of stuffing is appropriate for that..I think they come pre=stuffed..just make plenty of gravy..
Nev that was so delightful to post that thing on 11 11 ..I did not lose sight of that..and your Meiers report was most excellent..

and Sid they left the Pandoras box open too long and if my mythology is correct.. the last thing did come out for them..In this case for sure..Hoplessness.. Not even a good PI Bar room joke can keep the crap alive..or lets say..credible..

Any news how many people attended that swank conference Mufon and their Associates Linda and company in this business racket threw last week? were they all talking past each other..Yes Mufon which has yet to respond to any questions posed over a month ago regarding Byrnes/OPUS/Mufon and the PI/Raj Pole and Los Gatos connection...

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:33 PM
By page 433 here I've came to the conclusion that this thread is immortal and as such we should investigate it for dna extraction possibilties. One day we'll be telling our grandsons and daughters about the day the Isaac thread was only 2 pages long lol.

on a sserious note though I dont think those behind this have any intention of just letting it fade away....I think caret related stuff will be turning up for some years to come.


posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:41 PM
its true Wayne things like this turn up just like bad jokes recycle themselves every so the overplayed pie in the face .or like OMFs Admin , a mental health worker himself, crazily replaying Reeds fiasco..and even etch asketch cartoon of LAP looking for some one of those horstradish (sic) tests, and he was the first at OMF with some of the photos too..but in essence whether one or many.. no matter how much you try to make it isn't anymore....
Makes one question not the humor..but the sanity of these people..

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

@Double Christmas Carol was must take family to see it ! Story line and 3D were superb!

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 05:23 PM
The sad thing is, Sys will never stop it.
He doesn't see any friend anywhere. Only suspects.

This is how our friendship died.

And this is, how everything dies.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 06:05 PM
I don't recall if I saw a number, but I got the impression there weren't very many people at the conference, and most of those who were there were older than me. Some fret about that, but it could be a sign of better sense among the younger folks interested in the topic. The lineup had some interesting people, and lot of people I would pay to not have to see speak. It was a good way for us to avoid a lot of... questionable researchers all at the same time.

The Thread That Would Not Die. We may be in for a long career here, given the recent attempts to retread the Billy Meier bald tire. If being a flying saucer guru is your bread and butter, then you do whatever you can to keep your schtick going. I think the PIs would feel right at home at Billy's house.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Do ya reckon that crankshaft came out Billy Bubbas Plymouth Belvedere?
Ya know them city folk fall for anything maybe even a ceiling fan..Heck lets put a suit n tie on old chester and give him a pipe n a picture of a fruitbowl.. i swear we kin pass 'm off as a ufo expert too.!.
Thems some darn real possibilies here..

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Hey, to anyone.

I'm looking for vectors for the Caret graphics. I have the .TTF font. I know all about the case as I researched it and was in on the MUFON presentations, so I don't need much of an education on this at all, but need the graphics for a project.

I got the Caret-type vector concentrics earlier in this thread (thanks for the connect).

I'm an illustrator-designer and saw the Alienware ads and sales campaign. Ive had an Alienware system for 3 years, so entered the contest to follow it. I also saw the letter from their marketing saying they did not know where it came from. So I know the vector graphics exists and the font.

Can anyone find and link me to such? The vector art linked earlier was close, but I need the real thing. For whoever finds this first I will send them a free portable smart phone stand. Seriously. We are manufacturing the design we just patent-pended and I am designing graphics for them and need the vectors to save me hours of work duplicating in Illustrator.

Any takers?

U2U me


[edit on 11/13/2009 by ZeroGhost]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:09 PM
Try and drop him a line at his website or at his myspace account..he used corel x at the time and seemed to have it down pat within just days of the event in Japan, of all places..You missed the AW correspondence that followed claiming intellectual rights and trademark for ultraviolet on this site the member who found the trademarks the IR email is close to that post as well.
Or try Dan Haberman at IHEA at deviant art no shortage of brushes there predating Isaacs...good luck

Would you be withat bemecollective group doing that phone design..Its been a while..Arit? HMM a phone stand? about a phone with the design on it on the stand....that would be nice..

Hadn't heard from Arit, good man, in a while and was looking foward to what happened..

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by the secret web

You are correct: this thread is - and should be - 'immortal' until the culprits are discovered and soundly rebuked by all.

I would rather have our ATS last bastion of sensible thought stay open and refreshed from time to time with updates and commentaries we can trust and respect.

If friendships are lost without weighing the total cost of said loss, then we all are diminished in my opinion.

Which begs the question:

Has anyone gone rogue here on this ATS thread that we all should know about?

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by klatunictobarata

Perhaps it’s because once lost and especially when the specifics of why it was lost are realised then it quickly becomes apparent that it couldn’t really qualify as a friendship in the first place, even in the most basic sense of the word.....

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by klatunictobarata
reply to post by the secret web

You are correct: this thread is - and should be - 'immortal' until the culprits are discovered and soundly rebuked by all.

I would rather have our ATS last bastion of sensible thought stay open and refreshed from time to time with updates and commentaries we can trust and respect.

If friendships are lost without weighing the total cost of said loss, then we all are diminished in my opinion.

Which begs the question:

Has anyone gone rogue here on this ATS thread that we all should know about?

Hi Klat..It always helps to have friends in a quest but often you must finish these alone. .Collaboration and agreement among those not even friends or acquaintances using scientific method verified independently was what earned this baby the tile Hoax..Everything about who was friend or hurt feelings is qualifies as just that hurt feelings. That certainly is not a good direction to go to because everyone has a differnet level of perception of what a friend is, including being above suspicion. These things have no place in an investigation or objective inquiry, and oft are use as a tool by those that understand the usefulness of using friendships as a tool.

So I don't go to a bunch of nice guy for an answer....I turn to analysys like Torvald..I dont know him from Adam or from an Atom..the work stands independently by itself..Everything can be said to be opinion..but some carry a lot more weight than others and are like his, in fact what turns the day

So old friend..lets not go there even though we may be passionate about friendships and others not. though makes good entertainment in someones story or happy or funny ending. Rogue, silly, shameless, armchair researchers, are all names or titles we were given, and earned too, and we wore them with smiles..and proudly even..Very predictable in any cause being fought and Very,to some , useful in steering public or away from something the issues,facts and culprits..its in fact the very essence of Spin Control.

You are correct.imo as well...this thread is The most on topic..and remaine true despite attempts to change the label of Hoax to something else.

Thankfully for beyond the call of duty efforts of yourself and others here and from afar, we few left in the discussion, steadfastly prevented it it turning into one of those wishing wells we see at parks department stores..where passerbyers pitch copper pennies, nickels and make their wish..

I've waded in some of those..and can say some wishes do come true, if we were to judge by my results, one could very well say..I found The Truth. and it steered me in my approach to the penny pitching in i look to see who else will wade in like me..will it be copper..or lots of silver..the threads and forums with lots of silver..are very rare so we treasure this one..

At the end of the day..Perhaps , despite the diffrences betwixt us all, we will earn the humble but personally satisfying title..Treasure Hunters..or how about just The Good Guys..

Regards always to all


[edit on 16-11-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:41 AM
I guess this thread has finally died out if the last post was over a month ago. It was the first thread I ever posted in and joined ATS because of it. Thanks to this thread I have become well educated from information on this site, and after several years have learned to disregard 95% of material on ATS as rubbish.

Hope all of you, including Sys and Klat, are doing well. Have a happy holiday season and a wonderful 2010.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by pjslug

Hi PJ!

I too first joined ATS due to the Drone photos being posted on C2C then strangely being booted over to LMH.

The quality of the posts and the adroit moderators here impressed me as well as Springer's logical approach to it all.

Right now we are in a hiatus of sorts, waiting for some real info on the hoaxters to dig in on.

To you and everyone else here on ATS I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a most Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Pax vobiscum Friends.


posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 12:28 PM
lastest news from Drone Team on 12/29/2009 RAJ LOCATION REVEALED !!!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by mixmix

Funny. You're a year late on that one. Maybe you mean the recent finding that the Alabama drone location that ended up being in Georgia.
Oh the irony.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Katterfelto

Hey Katt,

Goes to show that the DRT has got them coming and going.

Remember that decisive quote by Masker/Lev:

"The DRT has debunked the entire drone saga."


And a Happy New Year to us all!

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Katterfelto

Funny. You're a year late on that one. Maybe you mean the recent finding that the Alabama drone location that ended up being in Georgia. Oh the irony.

I just post a news from 12/29/2009.
What's the problem ?

And no, I don't read this 433 pages thread.

Happy New Year

[edit on 31-12-2009 by mixmix]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:56 AM
No problem, Mixmix,

but if you read the linked text, then you will find this sentence:
"The Raj location was discovered on December 29, 2008 and an in depth investigation of that area began. It culminated with a massive flier campaign saturating the entire area."

Happy New year to you, too! And to all you other guys'n'gals also.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:09 PM
...and to all fellow Earthlings and Droneites everywhere:

...Best wishes for 2010!

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