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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Well that seems real!
A real crack on a car windshield as the update states, while the drones still remain imaginary.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 04:01 AM
We don't..No Brainer..Cracked windshield..I wonder if dent on a bumper will make it one day like the autparts on mars we hear tooted about once in a while.
Kudos to Radi or CFandM here at ATS..


Tang Soo!

[edit on 5-9-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:17 AM
What up my mellow fellows.

Did I miss this on here (i admit i only looked back a few pages)? Just caught it tonight (this morning).

And isn't it just a bore now????

"....The witness originally did not want to be identified...."

Well good golly and shucks....imagine my shock.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by fortwynt

Please see previous posts just above here dealing with 'crack in car window.'


posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:24 AM

Furthermore, Just wanted to post this because I thought it reminded me of something, though I can't quite put my *cough* finger on it.

A sculpture by a fellow from NY, with a 900,000 dollar price tag, being erected a couple of blocks over from here at the "Clay Center".

Nothing really, just found it reminded me of something or could check out the link underneath and check out the rest of the pics.

Link To Newspaper Arcticle and More Pics of the Sculpture

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:39 AM
hm, did I miss the big CARET fake disclosure? are there any CGI designers or groups who definetley did come out and said " we did it? "

thanx for any info about this.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:43 AM
registered since feb 2007 , 1100 posts and you missed the discussions and analysis on Caret..?
Hm..can't help you. By now you should know based on the studies of other consppiratorial threads here at ATS that you participate in and I assume some knowledge of marketing, that its not always hoaxers from Gov..try Capitalists, Marxists, religious types, tree huggers, and..for anyone in control or seeking market share and or maintaining it, Deception, its a tool and in warfare a weapon.. ..AW and Fox and company will not step foward..never will..unless you have the secret memos between them. Thats what they call NDA ..and there are financial and career penalties attached..But we have the memos where AW lied..
I know the hackneyed cliche of military industrial complex is ubiquitous since Eisenhower..try the Hollywood Movie Radio and Commercial Internet Complex..
And as in games..even alliances between latter and former are not uncommon.
LMH Streiber providers of news and even witnesses from their own forums., not to mention their own past movie and program deals, .to bolster late in the game this hoax..should tell you something. If trademarks on letters, same letters in Warners Serenity , Josh Whedon, the latters creator as well as SCC are, notorious for asian scripting, Warner foxes Josh friedmans use of Isacc script in SCC chronicles don't tell you , nay, ..Scream at you! ..well
I can't help you.
What I like about Caret..its a key that may undo the whole apparatus..that generates these The Apollo Rutledge hoax with Thierry Speth, who site was hosted by sane people I know hosting content material for antigravity free energy and other pseudo science based on their severs, and other websites in collusion. The goal is not truth ..The goal is Traffic..
Take a hard look at the current icons..especially those that say they are working for us..

Ufology is tainted..the well is poisoned..even if we enjoy the entertainment..
We die with a smile on our face. But dead is dead.
Im not swallowing the pill.
I am enjoying watching the cockroaches scurrying to revive and race to salvage maintain the hoax..same people then..same people faces with old stories..or old stories with new faces..
Fox outdid itself..gave same old storie same old face..
amazing how they do when when you turn on the lights..

But good luck in your search..
If you come up with something let us know.


[edit on 15-9-2009 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Sys_Config

nope. please read more exactly. I didnt write I didnt follow the discussions or the analysis (which are really good), here or at OMF, there are many of them.
but there seems no clear confirmation that it is a hoax.

the best is the clip


[edit on 15-9-2009 by anti72]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by anti72]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 02:42 PM
I read correctly..How can you say you read analysis at both forums. especially zen anarchists .of documents here and at OM that were written using fonts from illustartor post 1987 1990s..and claimed to be from earlier period..who are you kidding? No way you can say you read those and say that..Those are not just speculation its very very educated analysis and opinion..
If you clicked on my profile you would see that posted there

Tell it to the Hand..Its all crapped out...
Not to sound rude..No stirrin upthat marketing Buzz $hit at this thread on a comment like .go to UCB or OMF they like comments like that that go on and sound just like them Wanna call it a rose..go ahead.blame it on 911 blame it on illumanati. maybe even the tooth fairy...the facts of illustrator alone proved fake isaac document...its still a fake flower arrangement like them on your table by all means..they look almost real..

If this is to get me to say what I have..forget it..when you read about it you'll know..Waiting for some to add its real..take a number..
Have a nice day

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by anti72

Yo anti72!

It depends on what you believe is a "clear confirmation."

As the official ARC ombudsman, I hereby direct you to the dronehoax dot com site which Sys_Config lists in his posts as a signature link.

Here it is again if anyone needs a thorough hoax going-over:

Thanks again Sys for all your efforts!

ARC Ombudsman

[edit on 16-9-2009 by klatunictobarata]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 09:05 AM
yeah, good summary, really. it seems that its enough proof.

ecspecially the rendering-/ light-, angle-,shadow- and Illustrator/font aspects.

I´m a graphic designer, too, and most convincing is that the hoaxer used the standart dropdown menu defaults in Illustrator. Its one smoking gun, because people dont completely change when they work, psychologically..
So there are faults, of course.

one good shot also is the with the antigrav piece, the mirroring default bottom piece..

so LMH and Strieber also play an interesting part!


[edit on 16-9-2009 by anti72]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 06:13 AM
“so LMH and Strieber also play an interesting part!”

Just don’t know if there was complacency/opportunism or direct involvement????

Either way contemptible and we will never know which but you would think credibility would be of some concern, but I guess not when you have a devoted cliental.

Too much

[edit on 18-9-2009 by gorgo]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:26 PM
New Alienware computers are out with the Caret drawings playing very heavily in the advertisements and even printed on the insides of the machines.

Be sure to check out the 3d movie that introduces the machines. The Caret motif is plays heavily there.

The Aurora machine has the designs on the inside.

I don't know why Alienware/Dell thinks it would be appropriate to 'use' the Caret intellectual properties, unless they actually are the creators and owners of the designs.

To me, the 3d video resembled the rendering on the Caret machine designs.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau
New Alienware computers are out with the Caret drawings playing very heavily in the advertisements and even printed on the insides of the machines.

Be sure to check out the 3d movie that introduces the machines. The Caret motif is plays heavily there.

The Aurora machine has the designs on the inside.

I don't know why Alienware/Dell thinks it would be appropriate to 'use' the Caret intellectual properties, unless they actually are the creators and owners of the designs.

To me, the 3d video resembled the rendering on the Caret machine designs.

Hey Doc - long time - no hear! Howzit?!

To me, the 3d video resembled the rendering on the Caret machine designs. by Doc

"Resembled"? You're kidding, right Doc? More like an exact match, down to the pixel, wouldn't you say?

The new video is very cool - love the eerie music. All part of the meme, though *sigh*.

I just wish these AW guys would come clean, already. If it's theirs (likely), well, what the hey, they ran (and continue to run) a good campaign. If instead they, um, "lifted it", from the net-ether, well then they sure are getting a TON of marketing mileage off the sweat of someone else's back!

Carry-on weary truth-soldiers...

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 06:16 AM
Doc!!!! Outrageo!!
haha this is too much..but..its just like their agents at who setup the , Aws site to launch these new models this spring and now said, and by the way, I wrote these PIs Frank Wood , excuse if I got the first name incorrect..or whatever and he never responded to trademark infringement issue, simply because it was AWs intellectual property to begin with, whether as outright owner or licensee like Fox/warner..
Why would a PC manufacturer do that , the same reason they have about every UFO youtube video evermade , from Santilli to The Russian Autopsy..on display by clicking and entering their site..they know the history and know by know that Mexican hats and cracked windshields sell well in the UFO community..Bogus sells good any time of year. The script was bogus , the design was bogus, everything lifted from prior works from the same, repeat, same family Tree..
The same family Tree like in Fox tree..that could give a hoot what we think..or even know..

That site said quite clearly..


Its in our face..
They are saying..figure it out stupid..

Doc don't stay a stranger I wanted to pass on some writing for you to look at in the styles we talked previously and see if you can distinguish something..thanx..
Boy we missed you hope all is well..

[edit on 4-10-2009 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 4-10-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by DocMoreau

Hey Doc,

You said: "The Aurora machine has the designs on the inside."

Yeah, I noticed that too...

Just like Isaac said that the LAP was found on a curved surface on the INSIDE of the ET's craft!

Any connection do you think?

Why would AW put stuff on the inside anyway that wouldn't be readily or frequently viewed by the computer's proud owner?

A clue perhaps?

Or merely taking the meme too far in detail for it's own good?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:31 PM
Im afraid I can't say anything further..

[edit on 5-10-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Sys_Config
Im afraid I can't say anything further..

[edit on 5-10-2009 by Sys_Config]

Whaaaa???? Sys is speechless? I don't believe it!

Not sure who you were replying to (Klat?), but um, what is it exactly that you can't say anything further about, Sys?

Q2: How long will you be unable to say anything further about it (whatever "it" is)?

Q3: Does this mean the end of the Hoax, er, I mean "Drone" CSI?

Simplified Drone propulsion visualization (if it were genuine, that is...):

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by klatunictobarata
reply to post by DocMoreau

Why would AW put stuff on the inside anyway that wouldn't be readily or frequently viewed by the computer's proud owner?

A clue perhaps?

Not likely.

I think Alienware allows you to choose an optional "case with a window" so that you can see the inside of the computer. Windowed cases are becoming really popular with computer enthusiast because they want to show off their cool SLI graphics cards, and cooling systems, and stuff. Most people go so far as to put neon lights inside their case, and use neon IDE and SATA cables and power supply cables, to add the extra coolness.

However, I don't think it is a clue, I'm sure they thought about the connection.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Well, I thought of that ALLisONE, but the clear window on these large tower cases overlooks the motherboard and installed accessory cards on the backplane and hard drives and power supply..

I don't believe the window as shown in the AW flash movie link Doc provides shows all of the inner LAP but your eyes might be better than mine.

Still. I don't know any computer with a clear case sidepanel that shows off inner decorations, decals, or imprints.

And how would AW even think to put the LAP on the INSIDE unless they read and followed ISAAC's written tome/manifesto/narrative?

It could be a clue the more I think about it but, as Tomi often points out, your mileage may vary.

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