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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by GhostRaven

I am well aware of the personal battles, hoaxes, and accurate information that has appeared here over the years. I know what ATS has gotten wrong and right.

Ghostraven, what kind of accurate information has appeared on this site? Can you please give us some more examples?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:51 PM
I did read through the whole thread before posting a couple of pages ago about my take on this and i've expressed that already so i won't go over old ground.

I know we all want something tangible to see and feel but as others have said he isn't actually saying anything particularly outlandish, it seems like he has given us what he knows and we take from it what we want, that's the real beauty of these threads in the first place, we get him in the bull Ring and try everything we can to draw him closer to us so we can see the whites of his eyes, here-in lies the truth so to speak. Unfortunately a lot of people are throwing spikes into him and he's showing anger now, just so we can get a quick result and all cheer when the shows over............. let's leave the guy to graze for a while and maybe he will come to us on his own accord with more.

Thirst for knowledge can make people look stupid, if he has something substantial he'll do it in his own time.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Glaring Error

Can someone write A PAPER on something and get a major fact just plain WRONG about the event?

Here's the part that's in error, the OP states that "'War of the Worlds broadcast coincided with a massive blackout in New Jersey. The reason so many people panicked was because they connected the blackout to the story on the radio." This is FALSE. The coincident BLACKOUT never occurred in New Jersey, other events happened in that state that were significant, but no BLACKOUT.

Fantastic try my good man; however, there was an actual power problem in New Jersey the night before the now infamous broadcast. I quote from the New York Times

A flickering of electric lights in Bergen County(New Jersey) from about 6:15 to 6:30 last evening provided a build-up for the terror that was to ensue when the radio broadcast started.

Without going out entirely, the lights dimmed and brightened alternately and radio reception was also affected. The Public Service Gas and Electric Company was mystified by the behavior of the lights, declaring there was nothing wrong at their power plants or in their distributing system. A spokesman for the service department said a call was made to Newark and the same situation was reported. He believed, he said, that the condition was general throughout the State.
source - The New York Times

So you see his research was spot-on. The electrical power in New Jersey as was quite unstable the night before. You see, flickering lights would be even more alarming than the lights going out all together. Imagine waking up and remarking to your spouse about the odd power fluctuations the night before only to hear about an ongoing alien invasion on the radio. You would no doubt tie the two events together in your mind. "The aliens must have been affecting the power."

greatlakes has made the best attempt at debunking this so-far, but as you can see it's not so easily done. I suppose we'll just have to wait until the end of next month to know for sure.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:56 PM
well ghostraven should know what to expect from posters, since he claims to have been monitoring this site for over 5 years. Him showing anger just proves more that this thread is nothing but a hoax and this this is all a well prepared act.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Octoberhe isn't actually saying anything particularly outlandish

How about: I saw an Alien Body, I saw a UFO. Those rank kind of high on my outlandish meter, and thats just the backstory!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:59 PM
Schuylar et al, I don't think the staff will hand you the OPs IP. Nor should they. If, and I do say if, this guy is telling the truth, then you would be making the "finders" job easier, just to satisfy your own curiosity.

And as to his personal statements. If I were doing this, I would throw out a few red herrings. I would try to make myself out to be someone I'm not, just in case the watchers were watching. So I wouldn't read too much into that either.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Captain Obvious

A flickering of electric lights in Bergen County(New Jersey) from about 6:15 to 6:30 last evening provided a build-up for the terror that was to ensue when the radio broadcast started.

So you see his research was spot-on. The electrical power in New Jersey as was quite unstable the night before. You see, flickering lights would be even more alarming than the lights going out all together. Imagine waking up and remarking to your spouse about the odd power fluctuations the night before only to hear about an ongoing alien invasion on the radio. You would no doubt tie the two events together in your mind. "The aliens must have been affecting the power."

Nice find, but not a blackout. Not coincident either. If the OP wrote a paper on the subject (the war of the worlds) and he wrote about a blackout happening coincidently with the radio broadcast, he would have written about the true blackout that occurred, not the flickering lights in NJ. Or if he wanted to be COMPREHENSIVE in the paper, he would have written on both of the events. As WE HAVE here on ATS in two or three quick posts! I would think 'a paper' would be fairly more comprehensive and factual.

[edit on 6/25/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:00 PM
The problem I have is this:

I don't care if I or anyone else ends up wrong, simple and plain, I don't want to look a muppet, but I can live with having Jim Henson's hand up my crack. If he is doing an experiment, well, best place for it really, we've got some of the best prejudices, ideologies, etc in the world as 'UFO/conspiracy theorists', fair play to him, and if it were me, I'd rather have it seem real so I get real emotion, but that is somewhat unfair on those involved in that they were not asked to submit to it, and that IMO is exploitation in some small effect, since he is gaining from our input and we have no say in the matter, but what the hell.

If its real, holy # on a hotplate in hell! We're doomed and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. We're already looked down upon by most people, and how exactly do we provide proof, or even go about saying it to anyone. I was ashamed for years as a Christian because I thought I HAD to convert people and I was dysmal at it. We'd be sectioned in seconds.

In my case, I'm trying to show errors or ask questions so that we can determine if it is genuine because of the serious nature of the whole thing. If we find alarming glaring holes in his story enough to prove it false, then I'll do so, because if he is for real, he might get mad, but if it were me, I wouldn't give up and go away if I saved at least one other person.

If its a hoax and we get some egg on our faces, so be it. If its real and we did nothing to stop it, that's gonna make ME feel terrible, I don't know about you.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:04 PM
ejsaunders, WELL SAID! If we had a chance to learn something important, and threw it away because our poor little egos couldn't handle another hoax, it would be a damn shame.

Good Post.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:09 PM
Ya, good post.
No bias there ... we just have to wait for GR to come back and try to get down to actually showing he isnt some random hoaxer rather than talking about his affairs (which by the way, if his superiors were reading, they would know who he is right away and would put a stop to him outing this info)

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
Schuylar et al, I don't think the staff will hand you the OPs IP. Nor should they. If, and I do say if, this guy is telling the truth, then you would be making the "finders" job easier, just to satisfy your own curiosity.

I don't speak for the staff. I do not assume their answers, and I don't tell them what they SHOULD do. I don't believe any 'finder' is looking for him. If its true, he's doing this with permission and knowledge on purpose. I think it's worth asking. I am of the opinion that it is not invading Ghost Raven's privacy by knowing which library he's posting from. If the IP is for the Georgetown Public Library, that says a lot more to me than if it is for Seattle Public Library. It would be worthwile information to have. In fact, for me, it could be definitive. If he's posting from, say, Missoula, Montana, I'm done. This could be the smoking gun for the entire thread, and it is information that is available. To post it is denying ignorance. To withhold it is furthering ignorance. Which one is the motto of ATS?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:11 PM
The problem I have is this is on the scale of predicting a nuclear bomb going off in New York.
And do you think the gov. would let some guy just spill everything on ATS without cramming a sock in his mouth by now. I dont think so.

[edit on 25-6-2007 by earth2]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:15 PM
The OP is either telling the truth or lying, if the former, then he has knowledge of the most important impending event in human history and is withholding it for the sake of his PENSION. If the information is true he could make 1000x his pension in public disclosure so it cant be about the money. It cant be a fear to get caught given the details about himself already released. So his reasoning for half-hiding the truth make no sense. Unless there is no truth to it.

Why is he "disclosing" this on ATS and not blasting it from every hilltop? ATS people eat this stuff up like candy. Thread in point. Where else can a guy just say, yeah, aliens exist, I have seen the ships and have that just be accepted, so the story can even move on to the conspiracy part!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:15 PM
schuyler: sorry to ask this, but what do you mean you're done if he is actually posting from Montanna? sorry, but I dont follow and remember this stuff as a hobby of mine, care to explain quickly?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:18 PM
Well, feel free to U2U the staff, but I think it is not part of the culture of privacy that we expect here at ATS. If the guy wanted to tell you where he's posting from, and have it confirmed by staff, that's one thing, but to try and even partially track him down is something else entirely.

I don't suppose you would feel like that if you were the poster.

And while I too feel there's BS in the wind on this story, I'll be patient and see. But on the chance that his story is true, I think it would play right into whoever might be looking for him.

I would rather wait, and maintain an honorable stance, than know quickly and soil myself in the process.

There's already a plethora of new posters trying to get him labeled a hoaxer, and the thread shut down. Adding even a single step in finding him is way beyond their actions. Your idea=

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:19 PM
I am a new member here, i have been just reading what people post on here for many months and decided to join up.

Ghostraven surely could have more than one user name on here and just use another on here just to play games with us. And surely other govt agencies monitor this site and know our ip adresses and then realise their plan was leaked and not carry the op out

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:20 PM
As someone said earlier, they could be so busy with it, and think he is of so little value (oh well he warned the 'nutjobs' as his colleagues/wife called us, they [the handlers] would find that really funny) or more importantly the INFORMATION is of no value. Who'd we tell? Will you go to CNN and say you've just read we're all going to die, and would they believe you? C'mon, the most recent nutjob I've seen get reasonable coverage was Prophet Yahweh and he wasn't taken that seriously was he, and he had 'proof' on camera. What do we have? A date.

If it is by those in the 'real' power, then they delight in tormenting others who are probably just as in the know as they are, but are not inherently 'illuminated'. If you look back at most of history there is a very dsturbing trend of plotting out in the open, just enough that people don't believe it when it does happen. I don't know whether you believe in the Illuminati and their nefarious plots, or if you believe in HaSatan and/or his ties to them, but this would be the most sensible method of his handlers allowing the information out to me - he tells people who are generally not believed anyway, knowing full well we can't do anything with the information anyway, perhaps but save ourselves and friends who WILL listen and not think us mad.

[edit on 25-6-2007 by ejsaunders]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by astra
I am a new member here, i have been just reading what people post on here for many months and decided to join up.

Ghostraven surely could have more than one user name on here and just use another on here just to play games with us. And surely other govt agencies monitor this site and know our ip adresses and then realise their plan was leaked and not carry the op out

I dont think gov't agencies need to bother themselves with some forums to monitor for no reason.
GR's reason was to see how the public would react, which kind of makes sense.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by isitmagic
schuyler: sorry to ask this, but what do you mean you're done if he is actually posting from Montanna? sorry, but I dont follow and remember this stuff as a hobby of mine, care to explain quickly?

If GhostRaven is an analyst with some governmental department, he has to live and work somewhere where there are a significant number of government offices. While Washington, D.C. is certainly not the only center of government offices, posting from near this area would lend credence, or at least not oppose, GhostRaven's story. Posting from a remote corner of the country, known NOT to have any significant government presence, would tend to oppose his story.

I realize the alphabet agencies can have a presence anywhere and that this is not definitive, but I get the impression from his posts that the place where he works is of significant size, i.e.: Not a field office, where there are various groups or teams all together. I suppose it's not impossible that the guy tele-commutes, but I think it unlikely. Therefore I think the origin of the posts is important to analyzing the story.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:25 PM
I think the origin of the posts would be a big factor as well.. i just wasn't sure as to where you were going with Montanna, thats all, good to clear that up though.

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