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"The Black Man, Is Crazy!"

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posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 09:37 PM
The violence surrounding the past weeks Juneteenth festivities, I believe, speaks volumes about the state of the "Black" man's sanity. What is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth marks the day Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston in 1865 to share news of the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves two years earlier on Jan. 1, 1863.

Seeing that I was born, and raised as a colored child who lived through the struggle for Civil rights in America, my opinion on the mental state of the "Black" man is not something that I throw out with racist intent.

But I do ask that if you decide to post a response to this thread, you do so with a modicum of decorum. I mean, it would be easy to use this as an opportunity to get ignorant, lash out, and make a bunch of racist comments. I'm not trying to stifle free thought, because your opinions are important, but let's keep it on an intellectual level.

That said, you would think folks out to commemorate such an important moment in history would be on their best behavior. But the ugly came out, as it often does when "Black" youths gather in groups.

Fights mar Juneteenth celebration in Syracuse
Syracuse's Juneteenth celebration was ordered shut down by police three hours early after fights broke out among youths at the event.... Two people were stabbed near the square and there was an unconfirmed report of shots fired, Sgt. Tom Connellan, speaking for the Syracuse police, said.


Texas Crowd Kills Man After Car Hits Kid
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A crowd attacked and killed a passenger in a vehicle that had struck and injured a child... Police believe 2,000 to 3,000 people were in the area for a Juneteenth celebration when the attack occurred Tuesday night. The man who was killed had been trying to stop the group from attacking the vehicle's driver when the crowd turned on him, authorities said.


Police Release More Detail About Violence After Juneteenth Festival
By Jon Byman
Milwaukee Police say a 33-year-old man has a broken tooth and cuts all over his face after a group of teenagers pulled him from his car and beat him following Milwaukee's Juneteenth celebration.

Holy mackerel!!!!

Funny thing about "Black" people, man they sure do hate each other. But the root of this hatred, I believe, is inherent in the very words "Black" people use to describe themselves, and their culture. Now you may be asking yourselves right about now: "Hey Satansque, if you were raised a colored child, then why are you speaking about "Black" people as "they" and "themselves" as apposed to "We"?

Good question. The reason is simple; because back when colored people decided to become "Black", I took advantage of the education I had received and cracked open a dictionary to understand the meaning of this new (at the time) pride in being "Black".

Here's what I found: every time a person proclaims, "I am black" this is a small part of what that person is saying about his/herself,”

Black, an adjective: Thoroughly sinister or evil, wicked, indicative of condemnation or discredit, sad, gloomy, or calamitous. Marked by the occurrence of disaster. And the money shot: characterized by the absence of light.

So when I read it, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Why would I be proud to be black, based upon the actual definition of the word?"

Oh yeah, I wasn't very popular among my used to be colored, now "black" friends. Because I never referred to myself as black.

There is an old saying; “You are what you eat”. A few years ago, Morgan Spurlock proved the truth of this saying with his documentary titled, “Super Size Me”. In it, for 30 days, three times per day, he ate nothing but McDonald’s meals, and it almost killed him. Similarly, it can be said that you are what you call yourself. The fact that “Black” men call each other niggas, dogs, and their women bitches and whores aside, words have meaning, and the meanings of words are not subject to change based upon the whims or emotions of time and circumstance, especially a word like black.

The truly scary part is that the word black, is also a noun, which describes an alternative reality. It defines a reality based upon the absence of life, or in other words, death.

This isn't just semantics. The word black has to be one of the oldest expressions of reality, in that before there was anything manifested, there was only darkness - the black.

It's ironic, the violence on Juneteenth, when you consider that slaves were very religious people. The whole story about God, and Moses leading the Hebrew people out of slavery, really hit home with them. And they were determined to forge a relationship with God, so they too could be taken to the so-called Promised Land - the north. The Civil rights movement had its foundation in the southern Baptist churches.

Forgetting all the other negative definitions of black for a moment, and concentrating on the one I referred to as the "money shot" - The absence of Light... Whoa! Isn't God supposed to be the source of all light? When you really think about it, being proud to be "Black" seems at the least, counter productive to developing a relationship with God - proclaiming to being devoid of light.

So if we view the aforementioned Juneteenth violence in light of the definition of the word "Black" then clearly, the black people responsible were acting in perfect harmony with the definition of the word that defines them, and their culture.

Add to this, the fact that 95-97% of all the Black people murdered in America, are murdered by "Blacks" and everything begins to make perfect sense as to why "Black" people are so damn crazy - because they are "Black".

Now I hear you, "What about Oprah, Collin Powell, Denzell Washington, and other successful, violent free, so-called black folks?"

Well, the original intent of the Black Nationalist Movement had nothing to do with integration. It was in fact, a separatist movement. White people were the enemy.

On the contrary, Oprah, Powell, Condoleezza, Denzel, Tiger; have become is the very definition of what it means to be integrated into the American capitalist dream. They are by definition Americans, period the end. Not African Americans, or Black Americans - but Americans!

[edit on 21-6-2007 by SatansQue]

mod edit, format link

[edit on 22-6-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:48 PM
I see your point and raise another. The practice of calling one’s self Afro-American, Asian-American, Mexican-America, etc. . . acts more to separate individuals from an integrated society. The act of using labels to define one’s self as a member of a sub-group of a society promotes division from the overall society.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your race, heritage or ethnicity; but separating yourself from the integrated society only limits your opportunities and choices. A Them vs. Us attitude only serves to erode both societies. Integration is not selling out. It is the path to contributing to both the integrated society as well as the sub-societies.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:07 PM
Nice to know I'm crazy just because I'm black.
But then again, this is coming from another "crazy" black man, so I guess it doesn't mean

Not sure if you realize this, bruh, but English is not the only language on earth. Just because English has a remarkably white-supremacist duality between definitions for "white" and "black" doesn't mean that black people took the black from evil and death.

As a colored person from the CRE, I'd think you would know that the "I'm black" came into effect as "radical" black people decided to turn the white "we say black is ugly" mentality on its head and take pride in themselves. It was not because these people got together and said "yeah, black is evil like us, let's roll with it."

Yeah, the violence surrounding Juneteenth was not laudable, but don't pretend like black people are the only ones who get violent at times during celebrations.
Seriously, you sound like Langston Hughes' father, one of those self-hating black people, er, colored people.

And then you go on about God and religion, while you have Satan in your tag.:shk: To each his own, I guess.

And darkelf, the labels you mentioned are means to find an identity. You talk about integration as if white America only uses institutional racism against the non-assimilators. Please. No matter how fat your pockets or how high your social status is, when it all boils down to it, you're just a 'n-word' in a suit or an expensive car. Ask Oprah and Danny Glover about that....

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
I see your point and raise another. The practice of calling one’s self Afro-American, Asian-American, Mexican-America, etc. . . acts more to separate individuals from an integrated society. The act of using labels to define one’s self as a member of a sub-group of a society promotes division from the overall society.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your race, heritage or ethnicity; but separating yourself from the integrated society only limits your opportunities and choices. A Them vs. Us attitude only serves to erode both societies. Integration is not selling out. It is the path to contributing to both the integrated society as well as the sub-societies.

Thanks for your comments Darkelf,

I read an article the other day that fits in perfectly with what you're saying:

John Leo
Let the Segregation Commence
Separatist graduations proliferate at UCLA.
13 June 2007

Commencement weekend is hard to plan at the University of California, Los Angeles. The university now has so many separate identity-group graduations that scheduling them not to conflict with one another is a challenge. The women’s studies graduation and the Chicana/Chicano studies graduation are both set for 10 AM Saturday. The broader Hispanic graduation, “Raza,” is in near-conflict with the black graduation, which starts just an hour later.

It's amazing how rediculous it's gotten.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:21 PM
In a PC society where common sense is not so common, I am both appalled and saddened by the current trend. Poor MLK must be spinning in his grave. He fought and died for the cause of integration. Folks were already separated.

We will always have strife as long as people hold themselves separate from society. Our "do gooders" have only made the divide wider.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Nice to know I'm crazy just because I'm black.
But then again, this is coming from another "crazy" black man, so I guess it doesn't mean

I'm not black.

Originally posted by truthseeka
Not sure if you realize this, bruh, but English is not the only language on earth. Just because English has a remarkably white-supremacist duality between definitions for "white" and "black" doesn't mean that black people took the black from evil and death.

If you could remove every star from the sky, what would you have? So before there were white-supremists anywhere in the universe, before the manifestation of life and light there was the void.

John 1:

3) Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4) In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5) The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Hey, I'm the first one to say the Bible is not the "Word Of God" but, if you believe in it, does John chapter 1 make God a white-supremist because the black could not comprehend the light?

Originally posted by truthseeka
As a colored person from the CRE, I'd think you would know that the "I'm black" came into effect as "radical" black people decided to turn the white "we say black is ugly" mentality on its head and take pride in themselves. It was not because these people got together and said "yeah, black is evil like us, let's roll with it."

I am very familiar with the rational behind it. The same exact rational as turning the N-word around. But nigga, is still 'n-word'. The use of word black by whites, was always meant as an insult. Not just here, but around the world. But to say, we turned it around, and took pride... in what? Becoming the insult, as a F' you to the white man, is the same as saying, "The white man was pointing a gun at us, so we took the gun from him and pointed it at ourselves."

It was a regreatable moment, of tremendous ignorance, based on being proud of the one thing we couldn't change, as apposed to actually creating something, like a future, in spite of everything they did to stop us.

So black militants, like Stokely Carmichael who were too impatient after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and right to vote in 1965, allowed the white man to psyc them into accepting a whole ideology based of something we were not - black. And the black militants created nothing, and did nothing to help the growth of black people. In fact, they did more to destroy the progress that was made by folks like Martin Luther King, Abernathy, etc.

Originally posted by truthseeka
Yeah, the violence surrounding Juneteenth was not laudable, but don't pretend like black people are the only ones who get violent at times during celebrations.

Seriously, you sound like Langston Hughes' father, one of those self-hating black people, er, colored people.

Listen, I live in Baltimore. This is one of the most violent cities on the face of the earth. If 20 or more black youths gather here, for any reason, somebody is going to get stabbed or shot. "Blacks" kill blacks here for sport. A 14 year old pulled a gun on other 13-14 year olds, five feet from me the other day, and then had a good laugh when they scattered.

Me, self-hating? Please! I love anyone who doesn't carry a gun, call another human being a dog, or a nigga, doesn't sell crack, and is proud of what he/she has or is in the process of accomplishing in spite of incredible odds. Regardless of race.

Besides, when you consider that during the last 43 years, with all the emphasis on “Black” culture, “Black” history, and the millions, upon millions of dollars that have been poured into the building of African American museums, you would think that “Black” people would have learned to appreciate being “Black”. But a New York City high school student, Kiri Davis, working on a class project in 2006, demonstrated that even this is not the case.

Replicating a famous 1940s experiment conducted by Doctors Mamie, and Kenneth Clark that studied the psychological effects of segregation on black children, Kiri produced a film titled, “A Girl Like Me.” In it, she presented 21, 4 and 5 year-old black children from Harlem, with a white doll and a black doll, asking the same questions doctor Clark asked colored children 66 years earlier. In the film, Davis asks,

“Can you show me the doll that looks bad?” The girl immediately chooses the black doll. “Why does that look bad?” Davis asks. “Because it’s black,” the girl responds. Davis said that the children in the study did not hesitate when asked to choose the “good” or “bad” doll. “It was just, boom, which is the good doll.” And they said, “The white one is the good one, the black one is the bad one.”

To add insult to injury, when asked the question, which doll they most wanted to be like, 15 out of the 21 children chose the white doll. They choose the white doll because for all the hyperbol, black people still think being white is the ticket to success. Which means the white man is still master over you.

And the even more obvious reason the black children pick the white doll, is because in their neighborhoods, the greatest threat - the enemy, is the black man. Not the Klan, not the white establishment.

Originally posted by truthseeka
And then you go on about God and religion, while you have Satan in your tag.:shk: To each his own, I guess.

You have no clue.

Originally posted by truthseeka
And darkelf, the labels you mentioned are means to find an identity. You talk about integration as if white America only uses institutional racism against the non-assimilators. Please. No matter how fat your pockets or how high your social status is, when it all boils down to it, you're just a 'n-word' in a suit or an expensive car.

See, we're back to the 1960s again, because you're saying that no matter what you accomplish in life, you will always be less than. Because you're still letting someone else define who and what you are. I have never been, nor will I ever be a 'n-word'. Because I have looked up the word, and know it does not apply to me.

Crazy is as crazy does.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:13 AM
SatansQue, I commend you in your honesty and your candor. I fear for many things in this world today and one of them is for the people of color in our country.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:29 AM
I think education is a huge factor with the issues that you're addressing...and I believe it is a cultural aspect as well. The fact of the matter is that without making a proper education a priority, where the culture itself reflects this, it is unlikely that progress will be made.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Corbin Dalus
SatansQue, I commend you in your honesty and your candor. I fear for many things in this world today and one of them is for the people of color in our country.

Especially after witnessing what happened in Milwaukee. Please! One of my cousins sons was shot twice in the face last week, and killed. He hung around with the wrong crowd selling drugs.

Talked about getting his, no matter who had to suffer to get it.

Then you see crack dealers becoming wealthy rappers, promoting a culture based on criminality, bitches, and the degradation of women, sucking in a whole generation of youth who talk about getting theirs, ready to kill for it, knowing others will suffer from the drugs to sell.

Black culture looks more and more like a contruct designed to mimick white racist ideology, as it pertains to the hatred of Blacks.

Originally posted by laiguana
I think education is a huge factor with the issues that you're addressing...and I believe it is a cultural aspect as well. The fact of the matter is that without making a proper education a priority, where the culture itself reflects this, it is unlikely that progress will be made.

You're right. And the problem is deeper, because in this city Baltimore, there's pervassive attitude among inner city children that learning is a waste of time. I live a block away from an elementary school. Every day the children pass by my front door.

The conversations are always about who's gonna get their ass beat, sex, and that bitch this and that. And the language skills are horrendous. The only words these kids seem to be able to pronouce with a certain degree of skill, is the profanity.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
And darkelf, the labels you mentioned are means to find an identity. You talk about integration as if white America only uses institutional racism against the non-assimilators. Please. No matter how fat your pockets or how high your social status is, when it all boils down to it, you're just a 'n-word' in a suit or an expensive car. Ask Oprah and Danny Glover about that....

My pockets are not fat and I'm not even sure what social status is. I use labels to find my idenity. I am a wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, artist, and aircraft mechanic. My identity is defined (for me anyway) by who I am and what I do. I don't need a group to tell me who I am.

The easiest way to destroy racism is to stop identifying ourselves by race. When race becomes a non-issue, then racism will die. My skin color or ancestral makeup have nothing to do with the person I am.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:14 AM
My feeling is if John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy had never been killed this world would of been a much better place, but no the powers that be feared change and instead of at least listening to such they were all murdered, and even if you don't think it was a government conspiracy(i believe it was)they were still killed because of them wanting change.

So what happen??? well the Vietnam war drug on for about ten years too long and in the process killing thousands and thousands of more lives then necessary also race relations took a nose dive except in one aspect oh yea of course we all discovered drugs together, so i hope everyone was/is happy because we did get change but not the change we expected or wanted.

As far as the whole black/colored/african american title gos, bottom line were all human as a mater of fact when i hear african american or asian american, i think if a title like that is going to exist then it's across the board that's why i refer to white people(which i am)as european american because were all AMERICANS not some color or whatever.

The thing is white people hate white people just as much, look at the war in Ireland and all the civil wars there have been ditto with Asians and Hispanics, we all need to get our sh** together and stop hating not only ourselfs but each other, my own personal belief is that we need to have more diversity among ethnicity everybody should have the right to be themselfs and not programned by media or peer pressure to be something were not.

As far as hip hop gos, yes i do think in the very beginning of the roots of so called gangsta rape there were negative innuendos but rap evolved into something very informative from 93 to 96, go listen to some of the Wu Tangs earlier stuff even more so the Goodie Mobs first album...Cell Therapy alls i can say is wow, but sure some of it isn't the best influence out there, but lets not just single out music there's other mediums as well that could have a negative influence.

As far as the school system gos theres problems for everyone, my nephew is a good student he gets good grades and such and what does he get for it nothing but grief from his peers, they pick on him now hows this kid suppose to stay the course when this stuff happens, so that's not a racial issue it's a humanity issue.

truthseeka the fact you're on this website and your name clearly tells me that you geniunley care, not just about racial issues but about humanity as well, we can't have a us vs them attitude or the NWO and it's agenda has already won, we must stand together as a world to keep our rights and make sure every country and there people have the right to be.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by WhatIsWhat]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:30 AM

thank you so much for bringing up this's still a nasty one, for reasons unknown to me. North American blacks really don't handle crticism too well, even if their self-created problems are staring them in the face...too stuck in the rut to try a different strategy I guess.

I dunno, I'm colored, and I was lucky that I grew up in North America and in Europe, and so I see things a little from the outside, I guess. I am disgusted and fed up with blacks in North America. There are These ones have some serious issues...
I'm fed up with the willing ignorance and hypocrisy within the so-called "black community" which should be relabeled 'black-stabbing commmunity", because that's all they do to one another, all the way through all their relationships, even with their children. Their values have been seriously messed with by no one else but themselves, and they refuse to see this.

Critics like long-loved Bill Cosby are verbally shot down, instead of peole saying, hmm.
I have never seen other races sell themselves out on film, in music, in fashion or even in sports the way our race has. I have never seen any other race refer to themselves and their women in such derogatory ways as our race has - not even muslims. The way women are treated, and the motivations behind it are one thing, but with our 'race', it is appalling the way women are not just treated in many cases, but spoken of, viewed, and portrayed. I have never seen such willing ignorance, blind denial, and in many cases pure laziness. I, and many others (as I stumbled across a disgusted rant in a Jamiacan online (as soon as I find it, I'll post the link) were disgusted at the select ones, that once again chose to represent the many, and their actions during the Katrina aftermath of looting and plundering, and who knows what else.

Can't 'we' for once, make headlines, as a group, in a positive way??? Why must the positive headlines be made by an over-disciplined few and far between who always seem to be so unrelaxed due to the constant pressure and strain of carrying an entire people on their actions? Most blacks in the public eye could never allow themselves the excesses of their white counterparts, due to the excessive judgement of their own community (fanbase) which cannot uphold their own standards...

I'm tired of them undoing everything worthier people bled and died sounds dramtic, but seriously think about it. People, humans, have lost their lives just being the wrong color skin, and standing up for it. And these people now have more open to them than at any other time in history, and yet they choose to ignore it and focus on petty issues of the "white man" . When will they understand that the "white man" has no issues, the " white man" sleeps at night. Quite well.
When will they stop, through their words, actions, deeds, putting down what our forefathers bled and died for, labelling them through their words, actions, deeds as ineffective and weak, unable to make a change?? It is blatant disrespect for the people that fought for what we would never have had without them. DEBT goes both ways, if the white man has a debt to us, we have a debt to our forefathers to get it together, keep it together, and appreciate the massive steps that have been accomplished through their sacrifices.

We have no reason nowadays, none whatsoever, to present ourselves the way we do. None, it is inexcusable, intolerable, shameful, and I am fed up with it.

Another question, I wonder about is race and culture...why is it when one is 'black' that you automatically have to follow the 'black culture' over here...and I'm tired of people making excuses for lack of common sense with lack of education. Go to Africa, India, Balkan after the war, most of Asia, large parts of South America. In other words, the entire rest of the world. We are privileged. We are privileged. (alien experiment or

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 04:28 AM
Ofcourse the black man is crazy!

Look at their choice of clothing and big assed women!

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 04:50 AM
And what's with all your thunder-thigh, cheesecake women, lol...but seriously, please don't drag this thread down.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 05:40 AM
I , myself , not being racist , have come to believe that there are
2 types of " blacks " in this world . The stereotypical black , the crack
selling , white hating and 40 drink'in black . And the black that knows how
to act like modern man . I live amoung blacks and they are the one's who
have brought me to this thinking . From their own mouths , that's how they see it . Just m2c .

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 05:59 AM
Nice attempt at racial stereo typing. Did you know it's not cool anymore? How do you think their stereo types of you and yours are? Might never have thought about this because you are superior, you know whats best for everyone. Man I hate this bull 5hit, concentrate on being a man "who was created equal" not better, equal. How would you like it if I posted a thread attacking white people and trying to fit them into 3 distinct categories? Sheesh.

BTW Anglo and proud of myself, not the rest of us........

[edit on 22-6-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 06:15 AM
SatansQue, dial 666 for assistance, you need it. Oh i mean 911. Dude, you been through some crap, the fact that you're reaching out is a positive thing but your methods may be a little over the top. Lose the devil, lose the tough evil guy self image and be what you are - a fellow human being with the same needs and wants as a member of a club with billions of members. Dude, every one has a different image in their mind of god and satan, i can't picture god as a man, neither can i picture satan as a man. It will be ok.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 06:23 AM
How about stop putting people in groups and treat them as a individual, the problem gets worse when you put someone into a group. Instead we have silly people always putting people into groups, they do research and produce statistic's like "20% of Black's are failing in school". It only worsens the problem, the problem comes from the parents, kids treat other the same no matter where the other child is from. It's only when they grow up they begin to put people into groups. People judge whole races, religions from the actions of few because there labelled that, for example a "Muslim Terrorist" should be a "Terrorist", he isn't Muslim if he believes in killing innocents he is just simply a "Terrorist". In this country every stabbing, they always go on to say what a problem it is in the "Black" communities.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 06:28 AM
OK, interesting thread...
This shaping up to be another 'summer of the gun' in Toronto, I really dispair of what's happening in the black community here. And say what you like, I think the excesses of hip-hop culture are really corrosive towards the youth. I put a lot of blame on that.

(out here in the burbs where I am, I hear a bang, like I just did and I'm reasonably assured it wasn't a was just another squirrel that lost an argument with a transformer...luckily I still have power)

I exist in a really diverse world here and I like that. We talk of racial acceptance and tolerance, but my hope for the future lies in my kid...he is gifted with nonchalance...colour blindness based upon 'what's the big deal?' I really like that.

Maybe that's the key to breaking a thug culture creates respect thing, 'cuz if you don't feel disenfranchised...if you aren't disenfranchised, maybe you're more inclined to work within the system...go to school...learn a trade...become a professional...get a good job, do the societal thing.

Or maybe I'm just being pale and stale Comments are welcome.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by SatansQue
Funny thing about "Black" people, man they sure do hate each other.

Originally posted by darkelf
The easiest way to destroy racism is to stop identifying ourselves by race.


Too bad some folks on this planet shove their race into the faces of everyone else. 'Make sure you notice that I'm ____ (fill in race)' kind of attitude. :shk:

Originally posted by SatansQue
See, we're back to the 1960s again, ...

That happens alot around here. When race comes up some folks point back to the 1960s and/or Jim Crow ... living in the past and never the present.

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