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Are '9-11 by Muslim Extremists' racists?

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by ferretman2

[edit on 18-6-2007 by ferretman2]

I hope this is the post of someone who is having a moment of clarity.

If anyone cares to post please read through the entire thread and try not to waste anyone's time by covering old ground or detracting from the topic involved. Take a stab at the questions also please.

[edit on 6/19/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

There are links, tho I'm not sure it counts as proof:
According to World Independent News Group, the power was cut to the upper floors of Tower 2 (floors 48 and above) in an unprecedented “power-down” that left all the building's electrical functions inoperable. This was supposed to be for a cabling upgrade to increase the WTC’s computer bandwidth. Scott Forbes, a senior database administrator for Fiduciary Trust, Inc., told WING's Voctor Thorn:

So anyway, he didn't make this up.

Caustic, your threads always seem to have a lot of thought into them. Except for this one. Sorry...You need to look at this a little bit more objectivly.
First of all, to increase bandwith for a computer system does not require to increase electrical power. Quite the opposite actually. Typically newer equipment draw less current than older. Now, if they addded ADDITIONAL equipment, you could use the argument that yes in fact you would need addition electrical power.

Common sence though. Even if his story DOES hold water, he has no proof that any area but HIS was powered down. Even during a power down, a building like the WTC would HAVE to have a UPS system for all fire, life safety equipment, ie: battery backup and or generator. For a building that had full time bomb sniffing dogs on the premisis, i HIGHLY doubt they would allow security cameras to be turned off for 30 hours.

Lets take this one more step. Say the building was shut down. Is 30 hours enought to arm the building for a demolition? NO...but for argument sake, lets say it was....

Where were the power downs for the other tower? When was the power down for WTC7?

IMO the power down theory is not one of the better arguments for the truthers.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily
Please look into the politics involved and the backgrounds of the 'elected' officials and their associates from the past 60 years.

George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA, Vice President and President whose sons Jeb and George W. were both governors. George W. became president in a disputed election, just before 9-11-2001. His running mate was the CEO of a huge oil and military company. His opposition in the 2004 elections was someone who was in the same 15 person elite, senior (fourth year in college) fraternity. George Bush Sr. other son, Marvin P. Bush, was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines. These are no coincidences. This is just one example.

If George W. Bush wasn't elected president, would 9-11 have ever happened?

If you take the time to research my claims, hopefully you will see where I am coming from on this issue.

[edit on 6/17/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA, Vice President and President whose sons Jeb and George W. were both governors.

John F. Kennedy was president, His brother Robert was going to be president. Uncle Teddy is Senator (may have become president if he didn't kill Mary Jo) Daddy was a bootlegger ....anyway the family is of a powerful political dynasty.

Originally posted by Spoodily
George W. became president in a disputed election, just before 9-11-2001.

VERY disputed..and who knows if the ballots were counted the right way..maybe Gore would have won!

Originally posted by Spoodily
His running mate was the CEO of a huge oil and military company.

John Kerry's wife is heir to a LOT of katsup! Most politicians are multimillionaires. I'm still looking for the relivence here.

Originally posted by Spoodily
His opposition in the 2004 elections was someone who was in the same 15 person elite, senior (fourth year in college) fraternity.

Yup...and?? was this guy:

Originally posted by Spoodily
George Bush Sr. other son, Marvin P. Bush, was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines. These are no coincidences. This is just one example.

Bush Sr. was on the board of directors? I knew Marvin was...anywho... whats your point? Since you own stock in a company you can alter the security??

Originally posted by Spoodily
If George W. Bush wasn't elected president, would 9-11 have ever happened?

Would have it happened? That's an entire different debate. Perhaps a new thread can be started....This is however your BEST question.

Would Gore have heeded the warnings from Clinton and security advisors? Would Gore have reacted differently to the threats that were outlined? I don't know. What i DO know is that the terrorists were planning this for several years and were going to attempt it no matter who was president

Originally posted by Spoodily
If you take the time to research my claims, hopefully you will see where I am coming from on this issue.

Well, your claims are pure speculation with no facts that support that 911 was an inside job. What I do find a little rude is, you want people to take some time to do research on your speculative claims, yet you refuse to look at the actual FACTS of what happened that day. To you the facts are just "garbage" as you put it.

Edit to Add:

Marvin Bush was no longer listed as a shareholder of Stratesec by the end of 2000. The chairman of the board of Stratesec is Wirt Walker, who is unrelated.

Currently, Marvin Bush is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner at the investment firm Winston Capital Management, located in McLean, Virginia. Mr. Bush has portfolio manager duties at Winston.

[edit on 19-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Rumor has it that George Bush Sr. was in on the plot to kill Kennedy and was made head of the CIA so he would have to cover his tracks.

Halliburton has been awarded billions of dollars in military contracts for the war in Iraq. It is also an oil company. The HQ for Halliburton is now in Dubai because they are ducking indictment in the US. The United Arab Emirates may have also wanted a regime change in the Middle East and been involved with this plan.

No matter who won with Bush or Kerry in 2004, the outcome would have been the same. They are working together because they are Bonesmen. George Bush Sr. and his father, Prescott, were also in this fraternity.

Gore seems nice but he was affiliated with Clinton, and for as much as Clinton is a likable guy, he is shady too. Ever heard about his people running drugs through Arkansas and doing drug drops from planes? They killed two kids and laid their bodies on the train tracks because they saw one of these drops.

I really think this 'secret society' stuff is behind a lot of what goes on today. I don't know what their overall goals are, but they seem to be pretty easily connected to all the wrong things.

It is hard to put concrete proof to any of this but there is always some truth involved in rumor. I think an investigation should have taken place somewhere along the line, but it's hard to bust people when they are at the top, and all their friends are too.

I appologise if this all turns out to be nothing, but it is better to have at least looked into it than just going with the flow of something possibly very dangerous. Maybe they have the US's best interest in mind. I have never been a politician on the world scale, so I can not say who's really on whose side. It's politics and it's a shady business.

I just want to see more evidence that the bad guys are really the bad guys and not over-hyped propaganda from the US media. Suicide bombers are crazy and there are really dangerous crazy people in the world. It just worries that the powerful could do whatever they wanted and pin it on the fanatics.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:50 PM
I am start a post with .."rumor" and follow up with "I heard" ... Kerry is a nice guy.... Clinton is a likable guy....

Everything you post is rumor, speculation, or opinion.

you haven not backed up anything you have posted with one ounce of FACT that will lead to 911 being an inside job.

the facts you do post do not contribute to anything that deal with a conspiracy.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
There are links, tho I'm not sure it counts as proof:

So anyway, he didn't make this up.

Caustic, your threads always seem to have a lot of thought into them. Except for this one. Sorry...You need to look at this a little bit more objectivly.

Thanks Cap.

Really all I was aying is Spoodily didn't make this up. And maybe he shouldn't've used it as evidence at all. I probably wouldn't. Tho I did once, which is why I have the link. WINGTV are hardcore Pgon no-planers, which makes me doubt everything they say. And doubt is good.

As for reasons, yours are all good. I don't know enough to rule this story or its implications out, but most likely I'd guess a made up story to create a space for demo theories to make more sense. Also, I think it's pretty off-topic... so back to the OP oriented direction...

Spoodily: I think 9/11 may well have happened under Gore. Elites is elites. But that election was a farce as we all know. Does anybody really know the REASON the Supreme Court gave 5-4 to hand Bush the White House? Look into it... The script is the script. It was all pointing towards 9/11. Just thoughts.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
Rumor has it that George Bush Sr. was in on the plot to kill Kennedy and was made head of the CIA so he would have to cover his tracks.

Rumor. You have back up for this?

Originally posted by Spoodily
Halliburton has been awarded billions of dollars in military contracts for the war in Iraq. It is also an oil company. The HQ for Halliburton is now in Dubai because they are ducking indictment in the US. The United Arab Emirates may have also wanted a regime change in the Middle East and been involved with this plan.

I refuse to stick up for halliburton...but do you have back up to the indictments that the US are presenting to them...IF so, please forward them. (i could be wrong)

Originally posted by Spoodily
No matter who won with Bush or Kerry in 2004, the outcome would have been the same. They are working together because they are Bonesmen. George Bush Sr. and his father, Prescott, were also in this fraternity.

Bonesmen...are they still practicing? Bush and Kerry still go to the meetings? Did you know that picture I posted was that of an great actor named Paul Giamiati? His late dad was the commisioner for Major Leauge Baseball.

Originally posted by Spoodily
Gore seems nice but he was affiliated with Clinton, and for as much as Clinton is a likable guy, he is shady too. Ever heard about his people running drugs through Arkansas and doing drug drops from planes? They killed two kids and laid their bodies on the train tracks because they saw one of these drops.

Yes i heard the rumor it a fact?

Originally posted by SpoodilyI really think this 'secret society' stuff is behind a lot of what goes on today. I don't know what their overall goals are, but they seem to be pretty easily connected to all the wrong things.

Besides Kerry and Bush being former members...what is the connection, and can you prove it?

Originally posted by Spoodily
It is hard to put concrete proof to any of this but there is always some truth involved in rumor. I think an investigation should have taken place somewhere along the line, but it's hard to bust people when they are at the top, and all their friends are too.

Then why so quick to dismiss the concrete proof??!!

[edit on 19-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

So anyway, he didn't make this up.

Thanks Cap.

Really all I was aying is Spoodily didn't make this up. And maybe he shouldn't've used it as evidence at all. I probably wouldn't. Tho I did once, which is why I have the link. WINGTV are hardcore Pgon no-planers, which makes me doubt everything they say. And doubt is good.

Sorry Caustic...I thought you were saying that Mr. Forbes didnt make it up!! Yes...indeed Spoodily did not make this up.

I have done extensive research on this and yet to find anything but Scott Forbes interview on WingTv and an e-mail he sent. I should dig deeper though to see if anything else exists.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:12 PM
I have a friend that I was on the math team with in middle school that recently graduated from Yale. I will ask him what the current word around campus was about the Dekes and Skull and Bones. The building is still there so it must still serve its purpose.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
No matter who won with Bush or Kerry in 2004, the outcome would have been the same. They are working together because they are Bonesmen. George Bush Sr. and his father, Prescott, were also in this fraternity.

Their joint membership is certainly suspicious, but doesn't necessarily prove anything. Just remember, something being true doesn't mean it means what you think it means. And regarding whats true -

It is hard to put concrete proof to any of this but there is always some truth involved in rumor.

Is that really true? There are no entirely false rumors? C'mon, man. Rumors are rumors, they can help you set the tone, but they aren't good evidence. If it isn't worth tracking down it may not be worth mentioning.

At any rate, I like what you have to say tho when you stick to the big picture. I'd like to talk about the master script.

I appologise if this all turns out to be nothing, but it is better to have at least looked into it than just going with the flow of something possibly very dangerous. Maybe they have the US's best interest in mind. I have never been a politician on the world scale, so I can not say who's really on whose side. It's politics and it's a shady business.

I just want to see more evidence that the bad guys are really the bad guys and not over-hyped propaganda from the US media. Suicide bombers are crazy and there are really dangerous crazy people in the world. It just worries that the powerful could do whatever they wanted and pin it on the fanatics.

It's been a while since our last "two minutes hate" session! We want our Osama bin Goldstein video!

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Looks like this site specifically keeps up with Halliburton news.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I will dig through the internet and see what links I can find to back up some of the stuff I'm saying. I shouldn't assume that everyone has heard the same things that I have and that is an oversight on my part. Give me a little bit and I'll post what I can find.

Keep your eye on Dubai though. Something is fishy about that place. My parent's friend just recently took a business trip over there and I keep hearing it is the new financial center of the middle-east, possibly the world.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:27 AM
This is Paul Giamatti. Paul is the son of Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti who was the President of Yale University and the 7th commissioner of Major League Baseball. I can understand how Paul was a Skull and Bones Member with that type of relation. He is like George W. Bush to George H. W. Bush.

This is so easy Captain.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti was also a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. I talked about the 'Dekes' in this thread about a Popular Mechanics story 'debunking' 9-11.

[edit on 6/20/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:26 AM
Well, in any case, the Muslims in the middle east hate us now. It doesn't matter who really did it, we screwed ourselves and now a large chunk of the world wants to kill us. NICE ONE NWO!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily
This is Paul Giamatti. Paul is the son of Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti who was the President of Yale University and the 7th commissioner of Major League Baseball. I can understand how Paul was a Skull and Bones Member with that type of relation. He is like George W. Bush to George H. W. Bush.

This is so easy Captain.

What is so easy? That you figured out who Paul Giamatti is? It's not a secret, he's a great actor! He was nominated for an academy award a couple years ago.
I like your line though...."He is like George W. Bush to George H. W. Bush."

Yeah... exactly... Father and Son!

Your right this is easy!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:04 AM

You posted up a goofy picture of someone that people would say "Hey, isn't that pig vomit for Howard Stern's movie Private Parts? Wow, Skull & Bones must not be any big deal."

I countered your juvenile post by stating he was the son of the former PRESIDENT of Yale University who was also the former Commisioner of Major League Baseball. His father has a lot of clout and his son was in S&B because of his father's status.

Making the assumption that everyone that was a member of S&B is involved is ludicrous. The organizations and networks that are tied to that organization are real. S&B and Delta Kappa Epsilon are a launchpad, not the ship.

For as much as you try to cover the tracks of terrorists, I am beginning to think you are involved with them. Do as much research into the claims of the truth rather than the 'facts' supplied by terrorists and I will respect you. Right now you are simply a stick in the spokes of an investigation, impeding and belittling evidence that isn't 'proof' enough for you.

You ramble in threads simply to fill space between poster's actual good points and fill the thread with nothing, knowing full well that people will not read through every page and see what you bury under fluff. I am perfectly aware of what you are doing and it is a disrespectable tactic.

You will never stop the increasing awareness of the truth surrounding 9-11 or the revolution of the proverbial wheel of knowledge. When enough people are aware and pushing forward, the stick will be broken.



Enjoy the beach.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:15 AM
The beach was yesterday.. thanks it was great!

Yes! guilty as charged... I loved Pig Vomit in Private Parts and posted a goofy picture. I was pointing out that NOT all people that are involved in S&CB are stuffy powerful politicians...but yes...a LARGE amount are.

See, you put quite a spin on your last post. You accuse me of working with terrorists. First of all I find that insulting seeing that all I do post on here are FACTS. Facts that are backed up with physical evidence and or eyewitness statements.

I am not trying to change your mind, I am just trying to show you and whoever else is interested in looking... FACTS!

Please show me one post where I have lied, or actually made a mistake. If I am wrong, I will admit it!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:29 AM
many people say muslims are terrorists yes you get some but look at the us army who murdered many innocent muslims in iraq they would rape the women and then burn the whole family or shoot them to me bush is the terrorist this fake war of his has cost the lives of thousands of muslims and soldiers caught up in this mess g.w.b mess a fake war but wait isnt iran next on the us hit list wouldnt this further destabilize the mid east etc and many more people will hate the us and bush

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