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Are '9-11 by Muslim Extremists' racists?

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posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 01:39 PM
The WTC was not needed anymore because the new financial HQ of the world is in Dubai.

Dubai also happens to be the new HQ of Halliburton (Cheney is an ex-CEO) because they were under indictment in the US.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 02:14 PM
they are guilty, so are the insiders in america. its all a freemasonic ritual, which includes many different religions but islam actually had a huge factor in the design of the towers and the courtyard sphere that was there, freemasonry is very big in the upper circles of government people unfortunately, and is basicly just a way of subverting our power structure towards a religious lie or slef deception. So if you blame anyone, blame freemasons first because right now they follow evil and lies, as the stargate ritual seems to have solid connections to them via the first degree tracing board, the sychromystic connection of the towers to both the pyramids at giza (3 towers that fell) and mecca (rotating sphere in center) .. oh and by the way, 911 was a stargate ritual, part a a sequence to release satan into a man, due to the fact they are all following a lie started by the dark angel long a go.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 02:19 PM
No one has really answered any of these four original questions I started this thread with.

Why do so many people want to believe that terrorists within our own government and their associates around the world aren't responsible for the events of 9-11?

Why does the 'anti-truth' movement want Muslim extremists to be the guilty party so badly?

Why is it such a far-fetched idea that there were terrorists involved in the attacks of 9-11, but they are not part of the groups that are being blamed? (If those groups even exist as described. Defending your country from invaders does not make you a terrorist- the US fought the British off of our soil before.)

Why have we bought into so many lies that the United States government has given us for a war against Iraq that never had any truth behind them?

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
they are guilty, so are the insiders in america. its all a freemasonic ritual, which includes many different religions but islam actually had a huge factor in the design of the towers and the courtyard sphere that was there, freemasonry is very big in the upper circles of government people unfortunately, and is basicly just a way of subverting our power structure towards a religious lie or slef deception. So if you blame anyone, blame freemasons first because right now they follow evil and lies, as the stargate ritual seems to have solid connections to them via the first degree tracing board, the sychromystic connection of the towers to both the pyramids at giza (3 towers that fell) and mecca (rotating sphere in center) .. oh and by the way, 911 was a stargate ritual, part a a sequence to release satan into a man, due to the fact they are all following a lie started by the dark angel long a go.

I watched that video, it was a little out there but made sense and was well put together. Rituals have played a part in so many things in history it really wouldn't suprise me.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 03:18 PM

To answer your four questions with one simple answer.

Media brain washing.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by selfless

To answer your four questions with one simple answer.

Media brain washing.

You are correct.

Now I want to hear the answers from someone who is 'brainwashed'. I think they can't answer them because they don't know why. They are just following their leaders.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily

Originally posted by Ironside
People are in love with conspiracies and are willing to believe anything in order to follow one. It's just another way of showing how gullible people are.

You mean like the one that Muslim extremists were solely responsible for the 9-11 attacks and that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction? Those are absurd, I agree.

I agree with most of what you post, and I must say I like your style. However, I remember our buddies (sic) Honest Ollie and Ronnie RayGun got caught red handed stockpiling Iraq with WMD, and so I must disagree that the notion is absurd.

My best guess is that this is the one part of the story that is true: there were WMD in Iraq and they did get rid of them. We went in with poor intel because
a. we were going to anyway, the plan was already laid.
b. we figured we'd find what we knew they had.

to answer the question posed in the OP, disinformation is a powerful thing. Look at it this way if you will: Forget 911 and conspiracy theories just for a moment, put them aside. We agree that there are real people out there, both terrorists and citizens, who HATE the red white and blue. How much is this is a product of mis/dis-information? My guess is a good percentage.

Media (not 'the media') is assembled for a target audience. I noticed in both 'Loose Change' and "In Plane View" that they were allegedly doccumentaries, but played music. I thought to myself as I watched, "this makes your case almost laughable. It is obvious you are trying to invoke emotion into my thought process".
(note that i realize these productions were not designed to invoke hatred for muslims, but they infact employ the same sort of propaganda).

People find a point and use every bit of trickery know to man to make it appeal to as many people as possible. Racism is nothing new. It is easilly played upon. Hate mongering is apparently still rather easy in the 21st century.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
Why do so many people want to believe that terrorists within our own government and their associates around the world aren't responsible for the events of 9-11?

Why does the 'anti-truth' movement want Muslim extremists to be the guilty party so badly?

Why is it such a far-fetched idea that there were terrorists involved in the attacks of 9-11, but they are not part of the groups that are being blamed? (If those groups even exist as described. Defending your country from invaders does not make you a terrorist- the US fought the British off of our soil before.)

Why have we bought into so many lies that the United States government has given us for a war against Iraq that never had any truth behind them?

1st question... is it possible? SURE! Give me some proof that this happened on 911. Telling my about the Gulf of Tonkin or Pearl Harbor or Operation Northwoods will not cut it. You are providing the theory sir, I believe you will have to back it up with facts and evidence.

So far your thread does not consist of any facts, just your personal speculations.

2nd question: why do skeptics WANT to believe? WANT?? Would you like me to list the evidence that SHOWS they did it? Have you seen the terrorists going thorough the security checks? have you listened to the recordings of the phone calls from the flight attendants? Have you listened to the recordings that were left on loved ones voicemails?

I dont think so because like you said....its all garbage. your not interested in FACTS your posts prove that sir.

3rd question:
Its not that your theory is "far fetched", it's that you (and everyone else in here) have offered ZERO evidence to prove that this was created and carried out by the government.

4th question:
As i stated on a previous post. YES we were lied to for an excuse to go to war in Iraq. Our kids are dying every day over there...hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi's have been killed it is costing us billions of dollars... I am 100% against this war. BUT this war in no way implicates the United States Government for the terrorist attacks on 911.

Funny how when someone is presented with facts, they look the other way and call it garbage without even looking at it.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Assuming that there was nothing more involved in 9-11 than four hijacked planes and physical strikes against each twin tower and the pentagon, where is the proof that the hijackers were who they claimed they were?

In a scenario with no outlandish 'conspiracy theories', nothing more than a cut and dry terror plot, who is to say this was nothing more than a modern day Boston Tea Party (framing a group of people by assuming their identity and commiting a crime in their likeness)?

There is no background of who those hijackers were or who they were truly working for. No one really bothered to ask, we just accepted what we were told. They could have been pawns in the whole thing, but they met someone else's agenda well above that of 'radical Islam'. There was not much of an inquiry or criminal investigation as to who really commited these crimes. The war drums started pounding and the US people wanted retaliation against someone. They used our anger against us to blindly support a plan that benefited the true terrorists more than it did the American people.

There are more blurry frames of Atta walking through an airport terminal than of the supposed plane that hit the pentagon (they have yet to show us a video of a plane, there are cameras all over that area. I attended my grand-parents funeral at Arlington before and after 9-11 and asked the funeral director what he saw that day, he pointed away from the pentagon and said the plane clipped some power lines before passing over the cemetary, what report is that in? You could clearly see the hole in the pentagon from their plot.). We blindy took the scraps they handed us and ran into supporting a strategically laid out plan that we weren't fully aware of.

We bought into one scenario that ended up getting us sold another. The outcome and aftermath of 9-11 ran like clockwork with all the pieces conveniently falling into place for this 'new world order' to take shape.

[edit on 6/17/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 09:19 PM

If I were to offer you the background on these terrorist...actual proof of them. Quotes from their REAL families...interviews with their flight instructors...etc..Flight manifests, cockpit recordings of their voices, I DOUBT you would care. Your mind is made up that this is one huge conspiracy that went off without a glitch. Not one whistleblower.

You came to this conclusion without even LOOKING at the evidence. So, for me to continue talking about this issue is moot.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

You came to this conclusion without even LOOKING at the evidence.

Spare us captainobvious.

You're too obvious.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 09:24 PM
Selfless, you come on this thread after bailing out of our last thread and tell me im "obvious" .... please elaborate.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious


If I were to offer you the background on these terrorist...actual proof of them. Quotes from their REAL families...interviews with their flight instructors...etc..Flight manifests, cockpit recordings of their voices, I DOUBT you would care. Your mind is made up that this is one huge conspiracy that went off without a glitch. Not one whistleblower.

You came to this conclusion without even LOOKING at the evidence. So, for me to continue talking about this issue is moot.

I have no reason to believe the 'evidence' provided by terrorists covering their tracks. The recordings were fabricated, they never found the black boxes in the WTC. Everything that is supplied to you as 'evidence' was provided by the people involved.

I would love to see the background of the hijackers if you have it.

All you got was what they wanted you, and what you wanted, to hear. You accepted what was easily discovered, seen, or understood (that's the definition of obvious).

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
The recordings were fabricated, they never found the black boxes in the WTC. Everything that is supplied to you as 'evidence' was provided by the people involved.

I rest my case. Spoken like a real "TRUTHER" ...the new Slogan for ATS... "DENY EVIDENCE"

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 10:26 PM
you do realize that some of the phone calls have been 100% debunked right? if no one would have 'denied the evidence' then we would still be accepting lies as fact.

i guess im a 'truther' now because i want to know the truth.

the truth is the offical story is incomplete at very best.

whenever colleges start accepting incomplete let me know. im goin' to harvard law.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 10:35 PM
Please look into the politics involved and the backgrounds of the 'elected' officials and their associates from the past 60 years.

George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA, Vice President and President whose sons Jeb and George W. were both governors. George W. became president in a disputed election, just before 9-11-2001. His running mate was the CEO of a huge oil and military company. His opposition in the 2004 elections was someone who was in the same 15 person elite, senior (fourth year in college) fraternity. George Bush Sr. other son, Marvin P. Bush, was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines. These are no coincidences. This is just one example.

If George W. Bush wasn't elected president, would 9-11 have ever happened?

If you take the time to research my claims, hopefully you will see where I am coming from on this issue.

[edit on 6/17/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
you do realize that some of the phone calls have been 100% debunked right?

tell me what ones and please offer PROOF.

Thank you

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 12:26 AM
Is there anyone else that would like to try to answer my OP questions?

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily
Please look into the politics involved and the backgrounds of the 'elected' officials and their associates from the past 60 years.

George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA, Vice President and President whose sons Jeb and George W. were both governors. George W. became president in a disputed election, just before 9-11-2001. His running mate was the CEO of a huge oil and military company. His opposition in the 2004 elections was someone who was in the same 15 person elite, senior (fourth year in college) fraternity. George Bush Sr. other son, Marvin P. Bush, was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines. These are no coincidences. This is just one example.

If George W. Bush wasn't elected president, would 9-11 have ever happened?

If you take the time to research my claims, hopefully you will see where I am coming from on this issue.

[edit on 6/17/2007 by Spoodily]

Proof. Not sure if you saw this, CaptainObvious. Nothing scientific, no engineers involved, just connecting the dots.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Selfless, you come on this thread after bailing out of our last thread and tell me im "obvious" .... please elaborate.

Because you accuse Spoodily of not looking at any evidence just because his subjective opinion is different from your own. This kind of logic makes a person think that maybe the accusations fits the accuser more then the accused.

And so it makes things obvious just like your name.

It was merely a subliminal joke, although no longer subliminal anymore since
it's been explained.

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