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Alleged spacecraft/objects on moon

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posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Ok, I was doing some research and I think I found something. We need to keep an eye out for a man by the name of Jose Escamilla. He runs a company called

Jose Escamilla Media Works LLC

also known as Jem Works.

His name and his company keep appearing in videos that document this exact same phenomenon. It seems that he has a movie coming out called "Interstellar" that's premiering on The Borderlands Network, which is apparently a Pay per View site.

He also seems to support the "Rods" theory too. Here is an interview with him and his wife.

I believe he may have a financial interest in posting these pictures. The "rods" are just motion blurred objects like birds or bugs, these pictures are apparently the same thing. He may be hoping to generate hype for his upcoming movie.

Just Google his name Jose Escamilla

What do you guys think? Should I investigate further or am I posting old news?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:57 PM
There's a link to the trailer of "Interstellar" on the first page of this thread. I'm beginning to think that these images were "planted" on as an attempt at viral marketing for the DVD. However, it may just be that I've become that cynical. I've also found a few references to John Lenard on a couple of other forums. Namely, and FIGU
. No one seems to be very interested.

The fact that these images seem to be supported by a proponent of the "Rods" theory doesn't bode well IMO.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 12:12 AM
There are a lot of threads on ATS about him. You should read the interview, this is my favorite part:

2. Do they only show up in photos and video, or can they be seen with the naked eye?

J.E.: They can be seen with the naked eye. If you have ever seen something zip by in your eye peripheral - and most all of us immediately assume it was a close flyby of an insect or bird - but then you turn and look and there are no birds or insects anywhere in sight, then you have witnessed a rod with the naked eye. People have come up to me at lectures after seeing the footage of what these things look like, and they tell me that they too have seen them with the naked eye. They are extremely fast, but they can be seen.

Good one Joe

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Donoso

Exactly why I requested for the coordinates. It should be visible with standard binoculars. It's amazing to think that he's the first to spot this vast tower while there are hundreds of thousands of amateur astronomers, moon watchers, even sky watchers looking at the moon right now who can't see it.

Yeah! That's the point. No coordinates? Where exactly is this huge construct on the Moon? No details have been given. So I think its phony to the hilt.

And if it's true, then the scientific community would have been in a tizzy and every media channel would have gone to town with this 'discovery'! Imagine incontrovertible photographic evidence showing alien constructions on the Moon!! That would have been the greatest discovery in the history of mankind!


posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Ok, I was doing some research and I think I found something. We need to keep an eye out for a man by the name of Jose Escamilla. He runs a company called...

He also seems to support the "Rods" theory too. I believe he may have a financial interest in posting these pictures. The "rods" are just motion blurred objects like birds or bugs, these pictures are apparently the same thing. He may be hoping to generate hype for his upcoming movie.

Yes his material for the most part takes advantage of anomalous but explainable video and images for monetary gain.

The trailer of Interstellar is obviously of the same sort, satellites, and manmade objects orbiting Earth. Its possible that Escamilla is responsible for the images, or that John Lenard contacted Escamilla with his photos...or some other similar scenario.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 01:04 AM
wow - if these are real then just wow.

not quite sure what to think. but it certainly makes the mind boggle

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by Implosion
The fact that these images seem to be supported by a proponent of the "Rods" theory doesn't bode well IMO.

Just because he may be wrong in one area doesnt mean the rest of his work is. His last documentary was very well done for the most part and presented lots of solid info.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 04:23 AM
If these are what Mr Lenard and Mr Escamilla claim, objects in deep space. Then the obvious question is, where are all the rest of the astronomers? Hundreds of thousands including amatuers, maybe more, all over the world, all strangly oblivious where Mr lenard has captured several.

A meade mount can be used to track satellites as a little googling reveals, my inexperienced guess is that the streaking you see in the images and video is a result of the tracking, perhaps it also distorting the image? The ISS and satellites do move pretty quickly arcross the sky so I presume we'll only see less than a minute of footage.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:41 AM
OK, I received an email response from Mr. Lenard... I havn't replied to him yet but will shortly as soon as I get caught up this morning (work puts such a cramp on posting sometimes

Here it is in its entirety, hope he doesn't mind:

hi thanks

am getting all the data in the correct place for all the world to see every
person will be able to see these space craft soon
i do not claim there anything but only there in space there for people to see.

like coordinates, yes it was very strange some one has post the coordinates on
above top secret allready i see but i do not want to
be linked to his idea what he thinks they are, i do not want to get involved in
claims what these are until i know but this man dose know
were some of these space craft are in that space area.

please make clear i do not want to get involved in what he thinks these craft
are, i do not claim this....

this his link that show things near the big dipper, remember this is not my
claim its his but he has got the place area correct, there are many
space objects in perfect line with vega too, all what you need to find these
space craft will be online soon.

no eyepiece is used just a very good cam that has its ccd only exposed to the
scope back no lens on the cam, so its not any lens effect.
i use other high grade web cams and other cams.

all date and film is film live on to tape and DVD and hard drive at the same
time so there are 3 back ups at the same time and other scopes are used.

remember i do not want to be link to what this man think these craft are but he
has the area right in space important no person can claim what these space craft

i do not know what they are i just film them.

the mans link is this

transit time (if any), time/date of capture, apparent magnification/eyepiece
used on his Mead 'scope, camera settings, etc.

did you post this below

Stale Cracker

posted on 14-6-2007 @ 08:34 AM

crazy stuff.... Very interesting if these are legit. A bit more data about the
"spaceship" pics would be nice... like coordinates, transit time (if any),
time/date of capture, apparent magnification/eyepiece used on his Mead 'scope,
camera settings, etc.

If he claims these are trackable with a predictable frequency then I'm breaking
out th eCelestron and taking a gander.

Maybe this is some of the wares for the NWO 2012 false flag alien invasion... or
the secret space fleet where some US Non-Terrestrial Officers are stationed according to Gary McKinnon ?

So it seems John has been following our thread to some extent. I think we should all do our best to make him feel welcome.


posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:42 AM
Has anyone noticed something about the name of the guy who posted the pictures? His name is John Lenard. If you remove the letter N and D from the last name, you are left with John Lear. Is that idea too much of a stretch? I may be spending too much time on conspiracy sites
. Has Lear made any comments on the pics? These pictures are definitely something he would be interested in seeing.

Hey Mr. Lear are you the guy behind these pictures? If not, what do you think of them?

-and by the way, I read that John Lear's dad invented the 8 Track tape player! Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to say that your dad invented the 8 Track!
I want to sit down and have a beer with that guy!

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:53 AM
I would do the following before I went into this too deeply, and make a fool of myself.
Contact John Lenard, make an appointment with him to spend time looking at what he has as equipment, settle down for an evining or 2 or 3 or 4 and observe through his equipment the observations he has made, and maybe see if there is more to it than meets the eye, then report back to the thread on what you have yourself seen.
My 5c/5p's worth

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:50 AM
Email reply sent to John:

Hi John!

Thanks for the prompt reply. I was worried you got scared-off by a mountain of e-mails from your initial pics on Glad to see that's not the case

I understand your desire for neutrality regarding the identity of these objects. You are submitting these unusual objects for others to evaluate and not making any specific claims as to their identity, function, etc.

It is also understood YOU ARE NOT associated in any way with the prior ATS thread you mention in your email. However, myself and others interested in this will more than likely research the thread you mention.

Those of us on ATS pursuing this thread are anxiously awaiting your release of data. In order for me to keep emails to a minimum please include the following in your data release:

*Make and Model of telescope
*Date and Time of image aquisition
*Imaging source used for capture (video or camera, please include make and model as well as settings)
*Raw, unedited images straight from capture device (

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:02 AM
I checked the site John referenced... no wonder he wants to keep his distance from it's claims. Let's just look for the objects and leave the "UFO security portal" stuff out of it...

btw, I'M ASSUMING these are the coordinates John used to find these objects... as per the site above.

For AUTO Tracking Telescopes:

Top Star


SAO 100944

GSC 1472:1436, HIP 69673, PPM 130442, HD 124897, B+19 2777

Flamsteed-Bayer: 16-Alpha Bootis

Bottom Right Star


SAO 100766

GSC 1470:1157, HIP 67927, PPM 130166, HD 121370, B+19 2725

Flamsteed-Bayer: 8-Eta Bootis

Bottom Left Location

RA: 14h 08m 37.5s Dec: +13?32'47"

RA: 14h 08m 28.5s Dec: +13?33'42" (Epoch 2000)

Azm: 281?40'53" Alt: +07?09'47"

Rise: 06:46 Transit: 13:34 Set: 20:22

From Muphrid:

Angular separation: 05?51'44"

Position angle: +145?05'

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:05 AM
In response to the Lenard e-mail:

I'll agree that he uses video, because it appears to be the case in the preview on Escamilla's "Interstellar". I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Escamilla is using Lenard's footage in the movie.

However, Lenard seems very concerned with reminding us that he's not making any claims as to what these anomalies are. He admits he has no idea what they are but makes no comment like "These are not satellites."

As much as I'd like to say that these are real I'm going ot have to rule that it's not. Maybe it's not a hoax so much as really bad astronomy but you never know. I wouldn't trust anything Escamilla says and it seems odd that a legitimate UFO researcher would choose Escamilla as an outlet for his discoveries.

The fact that we have photos that look EXACTLY the same as Lenard's "spacecraft" photos is pretty damning, especially since we know those are pictures of the ISS.

We've also never had any report of anything like this before and apparently these ships aren't hard to see. If you watch the video the "spacecraft" is clearly visible without magnification. Not that you can tell what it is with the naked eye but you can certainly see that something is there

Lenard obviously is fluent in web usage and checks message boards, including ATS, with some regularity yet hasn't come forward to provide more information or even to comment in a thread. John Lear makes the the most outrageous claims yet will still actively participate in a discussion and will defend his beliefs if he has to. He also provides coordinates for his photographic evidence. Lenard has done none of this.

It is my opinion that these photos are fake. They are most likely photos of the ISS and a result of either bad astronomy or outright ill intentions. The the posting of these photos is meant to create hype for Escamilla's upcoming movie. It is also my opinion that Lenard's silence on the message boards may be indicative of the fact that he knows these photos are not of alien ships. I feel as though Escamilla is making Lenard (if they are seperate people) stay quiet lest he ruin the premier of the movie.

I'm gonna call this one DEBUNKED!

Now, we should all go back to trying to see a "rod" with our naked eye. Remember, it probably wasn't a bug flying by your face, it was an alien ghost rod flying high up in the air!

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Good job on the emails to the OP (JLenard) and the subsequent posts. I was going to do a photo comparison side by side of images from JL to images of ISS and the related structure evident in some of the images, but decided really this isn't warranted, its pretty obvious.

But if someone wants to put that time in, it would make it abundantly clear for all to see that its the ISS/MIR/satellites in the JL images.

Another route is to send these images off to some independent astronomer, either an advanced amateur or some other private astronomer or institution on their take of the images, I'm sure that a reply would be - ISS

BTW: any mention on the lunar anomaly by Jlenard? I didnt see any in the email from him, this is the only one that so far hasn't had an explanation, would be nice to get a location, moon phase etc for this particular image...

[edit on 6/15/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
In response to the Lenard e-mail:

I'll agree that he uses video, because it appears to be the case in the preview on Escamilla's "Interstellar". I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Escamilla is using Lenard's footage in the movie.

However, Lenard seems very concerned with reminding us that he's not making any claims as to what these anomalies are. He admits he has no idea what they are but makes no comment like "These are not satellites."

As much as I'd like to say that these are real I'm going ot have to rule that it's not. Maybe it's not a hoax so much as really bad astronomy but you never know. I wouldn't trust anything Escamilla says and it seems odd that a legitimate UFO researcher would choose Escamilla as an outlet for his discoveries.

The fact that we have photos that look EXACTLY the same as Lenard's "spacecraft" photos is pretty damning, especially since we know those are pictures of the ISS.

We've also never had any report of anything like this before and apparently these ships aren't hard to see. If you watch the video the "spacecraft" is clearly visible without magnification. Not that you can tell what it is with the naked eye but you can certainly see that something is there

Lenard obviously is fluent in web usage and checks message boards, including ATS, with some regularity yet hasn't come forward to provide more information or even to comment in a thread. John Lear makes the the most outrageous claims yet will still actively participate in a discussion and will defend his beliefs if he has to. He also provides coordinates for his photographic evidence. Lenard has done none of this.

It is my opinion that these photos are fake. They are most likely photos of the ISS and a result of either bad astronomy or outright ill intentions. The the posting of these photos is meant to create hype for Escamilla's upcoming movie. It is also my opinion that Lenard's silence on the message boards may be indicative of the fact that he knows these photos are not of alien ships. I feel as though Escamilla is making Lenard (if they are seperate people) stay quiet lest he ruin the premier of the movie.

I'm gonna call this one DEBUNKED!

Now, we should all go back to trying to see a "rod" with our naked eye. Remember, it probably wasn't a bug flying by your face, it was an alien ghost rod flying high up in the air!

I respect your opinion. But I'm going to wait until we have all the data, like time, date and coordinates when these objects were filmed. Once we have that info. we can conclusively say weather or not it was the ISS or a sat.

As for Escamilla, that's your opinion. I think his intentions are good, but one can be easily fooled or mislead in this field unfortunately. As for Leonard's footage being used by Escamilla, How about I ask him?

Hi John, quick question. Have you released, allowed, or granted UFO researcher Jose' Escamilla rights or privelage to use ANY of the footage or pictures you've taken or posted?

Thanks Again!!!

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:16 AM
I wonder why he replied so promptly to your e-mail Stale Cracker, yet he didn't reply to to the one I sent him when I initially started this thread. I guess you must be more eloquent. Also, in light of the similar pictures of the ISS posted earlier, and the fact that these images seem to be in the latest Escamilla production, I'm inclined to to agree with Shadowflux on this one. Best case bad astronomy, worst case, more BS hype designed to harvest cash from the believers.

If something looks too good to be true, it usually is. I hope I am proven incorrect.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:22 AM
From the clips that i've seen you can make out Orions belts. That area is known to have little stars activity and if memory serves me right the hubble did a 10 hour static capture some years ago that showed the most galaxies in one part of space ever. I just find it interesting that they appear in a area that means it is hard to confuse with ther stars?

I think this could startoffa new wave of videos and pictures.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Implosion
I wonder why he replied so promptly to your e-mail Stale Cracker, yet he didn't reply to to the one I sent him when I initially started this thread. I guess you must be more eloquent. Also, in light of the similar pictures of the ISS posted earlier, and the fact that these images seem to be in the latest Escamilla production, I'm inclined to to agree with Shadowflux on this one. Best case bad astronomy, worst case, more BS hype designed to harvest cash from the believers.

If something looks too good to be true, it usually is. I hope I am proven incorrect.

I'm trying to keep an open mind until all the data is available, but I agree stuff like this is usually too good to be true.

My main goal is to just try and follow this through to a sound resolution, weather these orbiting objects are satellites, the ISS, or true unknowns.

Hopefully John is kind enough to continue correspondence and reply to my last email regarding his potential relationship to Jose' Escamilla.

I'm currently mining the site John mentioned (albeit somewhat fantastic in nature). quote from site :

Because they are so small, you have to take your time and just watch, soon you will start seeing them move, they are @ 500KM above Earth. They are only lined up with Arcturus and Muphrid Stars

Don't know how this fella got his ranging data if he's working alone (assumption)... you'd need 2 observers (further separated the better) to triangulate and calc. distance.

.....which, if unknowns are detected (by those of us with working scopes
) would be the next best test of the "spaceship" hypothesis.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 10:05 AM
Did some digging, found a couple of forum posts by a john lenard using over at the NASA forums.

Now when the search engine (google) spit out a link, it gave me this page: which has NO references to lenard or his posts. Hmmm, that always gets me wondering...It comes up in the search, but the search query yields no results when I nav to the link....soooo...

I did a google CACHE search, which basically is a search for stores of old page archives on the internet... and DID find his posts, 13 of them so far within the forum, heres a screenshot

...and heres the cache link:
google cache link NASA forums

Interesting that his posts have been DELETED
for some reason. Also note the post following Lenards is referencing Lenards posts, and comments on his images (the images, which I cannot find a valid link nor a cache version of these images - sorry).

Comments like:

"Amazing images John, especially the first one that clearly shows Discovery docked. "

"Appears to be something like the Pirs + Soyuz/Progress sticking out down below. "

"Ok, locking this thread now as it's going off track."

Now Lenard is posting in a forum that has a USER captured ISS image next to the shuttle after undock, this image is in the header of the the page of the forum. This image is the related one showing the ISS and all pertinent data, clearly that its an image of the ISS and not some unknown anomaly:

So should John Lenard have at least an INKLING that his anomlous images would perhaps be the ISS, the MIR, other misc satellites or the Space shuttle?

And in fact Lenard states in his posts:

Interesting iss and photo my name is john and have some photos and film of the iss and shuttle that i would like some professional
opinons on hope you can help thanks regards john my email is [email protected]

my film is of the bag that was near the shuttle that made a bit of stir in the nasa camp and on the shuttle.

So clearly HE STATES that the images HE HAS are of the ISS and shuttle, *insert smoking gun here*
Now we dont have the actual images here due to the posts being deleted, but have a look at the image filename as posted by Lenard, its named: ISS AND SHUTTLE FRAME A.jpg....Hmmmm. I smell flowers, like I'm on a garden path.

He does state in many of his other image postings there that he doesnt kow what some are, and is asking what some of the images could be, its noted as well. Thats the extent of what I could find using the limited amount of information I had on the OP... Any more info please u2u me thx. and BTW:If anyone has a way to get these images referenced in the forum, let me know, or post em please.

This in conjunction with my previous post HERE... *C-R-E-E-A-A-A-K* shall we shut the door on this one then? Also, John Lenard may not have an opinion of what these anomalys are, but, well, I think I can venture an opinion *cough* ISS *cough* The case is pretty clear. Still awaiting the location and information on the anomalous lunar image taken by Lenard NOTED....

[edit on 6/15/2007 by greatlakes]

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