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Alleged spacecraft/objects on moon

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posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:12 PM
I find these images very interesting. I believe that if you take the Apollo 20 videos of the city and compare to the one taken here, a few things pop out as seeming mighty similar.
I placed the images together for you.

In case you're new to the other videos I'm referring to, follow the link below and check them all out. Easy to cry fakes on some but at the same time a lot of interesting features lend these videos as being true.
"retiredafb" videos

Comments on the construction:
obviously both have tall spires as part of the construction technique.
The telescope shot shows the spires in the middle of a crater.. It would seem that the crater is an "outpost" type of postion.. the spires in the middle of the crater would be something like a "guard shack" or similar IMO.
The Apollo city is a bit more refined but that makes a bit of sense if this was a higher populated area. I'm sure some sense of aesthetics would be involved in a city creation and not as much for an "outpost.

Comments on the "ships"
Some see grays, some see mother ships, orbs and what not.. Overall, there seems to be a lot of organic nature to these ships and several look "dragon-ish" If these are real as i suspect then the age of this civilization is MUCH greater than ours and the dragon-ish ships would lend towards an explanation of the mythical dragon to begin with. Maybe someone has a better knowledge n this, but from what i understand the "dragon" hasn't a true origin other than being a prolific symbol throught visualized history.

About this dragon comment I'm making.. this is purely speculative of course but I'm tryign to think in terms of eons rather than what the next email says..

All in all, I do see a STRONG resemblance in the images of the towers in the "apollo 20" mission and these telescope shots.

Ship wise.. I'd like to get some better shots rather than rely on a video capture.

Does anyone know if you can plug these 14" in telescopes into a high def tv to get better shots ?


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:14 PM
OK, Great stuff here. Now, is the movie trailer an expose on objects that have been filmed orbiting earth or in "interstellar space," or is it just a CGI movie? In the first case, even if this guy Leonard did copy them from the trailer, there is definitely a fleet of ETs out there...

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Looks like a Corellian Corvette from Star Wars that's been really blurred.

actually it does...

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:47 PM
Ok, I just watched the trailer and have even less of an idea what they are. The posted pics do seem to be the same objects if not the same exact pictures but I could be wrong.

Perhaps it's some kind of reaction between solar radiation and the upper atmosphere. The objects don't really seem to have a solid structure, at least not a solid angular one. We would expect to some type of solid structural theme since a ship is really just a case to hold people in.

They seem to shine with an increase in intensity where different segments overlap which is what leads me to the Aurora Borealis concept.

The fact that they're so clearly visible before zooming would almost seem like they're not so very far away, at least closer than the moon.

Oh well, I'll just have to wait.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by j_kalin
OK, Great stuff here. Now, is the movie trailer an expose on objects that have been filmed orbiting earth or in "interstellar space," or is it just a CGI movie? In the first case, even if this guy Leonard did copy them from the trailer, there is definitely a fleet of ETs out there...

um, sorry, you lost me there...

This guys (claims) to simply be doing some lunar and astrovideography and photography and coming across these unknowns.

Not sure which movie trailer your talking about.

These (ships) are apparently in Earth or Lunar orbit... which means they're more intra-stellar than inter-stellar


Someone needs to give John Lear a bump about this stuff...

oohhhh, this trailer,
City video

Wasn't that one debunked?

fix ytube link and sp

[edit on 14-6-2007 by Stale Cracker]

[edit on 14-6-2007 by Stale Cracker]

[edit on 14-6-2007 by Stale Cracker]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:05 PM
If you look at the pictures with negative image in a paint tool, you get more and more the idea it is smudge/burn painted in negative.

This picture has many sharp cut-off edges.

[edit on 14/6/2007 by Cygnific]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by blobzilla
First post here, long time reader

This is interesting stuff, I'm not sure I can go totally along with it but interesting nonetheless

I found his email address on this pic for the member that was looking for contact details..

[edit on 14/6/2007 by blobzilla]

awesome, thanks!

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:15 PM
I don't believe the structures would have to be "solid". In fact, if these objects are traveling through space to reach destinations the only true way to reach a velocity that's plausible to allow them to travel is to transfer into pure energy.

If you're familiar with the tether incident (NASA footage) and have seen the long (I believe 3 hours if not longer) special on it, then, you'd see a SORT of resemblance in the consistency of the crafts. The only difference is, those are picked up using higher range cameras that have the ability to see UV light.

Some of the structures are very eerie and organic in nature. They truly remind me of the Zerg from StarCraft. Especially the orbs with 3 appendages hanging off. Those scream "overlord" to me. The other "craft" look like they're straight out of Star Wars. They also have a very "Terran" look to them.

I'm an amateur astronomer. I have a Meade ETX-60AT (it's a pain in the neck, but, gets the job done). The picture quality really depends on the camera you're using to snap the object you see in the telescope, and, obviously the filters you're using. I'd really like to know where that object on the moon is. Should be pretty easy for anyone to check it out.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:24 PM
Well, we'll just put this into the "interesting but unknown" file, and wait for any additional data that might appear. Even if it were "real," the resolution is so bad that we can't gather any reasonable information out of it at this time.

What more do you want us to do about it? Admit that it's a bona fide photo of an alien starship? There's just not enough information available for us to do that.

So into the file it goes.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Moserious

I've studied the ISS and I don't think so. No matter what is "docked to it" the body does not resemble the ISS IMO.
Here is a pic of the ISS at various stages from the NASA website:

Here's another from Wikipedia:

Sorry Mo, I meant A station not THE station

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:29 PM
Regarding the smudge tool theory..
It's not flying in my book. What's happening is a limitation of the software, telescope capability and the actual method of capture combined.
To consider these images in the same fashion as a photo is impossible.
Light and Dark contrasts are hyper accenuated to the point of "mass nothing areas" and "sharp edges. the mass nothing areas are a result of there being 0 light around... it's space. What light you have is what is on it or what is being emanated.

The sharp areas are a result of the sensitivity of the viewing method. A little light goes a LOONG way. This translates into sharp highlights..

Whatever they may be, viewing them from a telescope and anaylizng them in conventional form just doesn't translate with confidence.

the fact of construction similarities on the surface of the moon between two seemingly unrelated videos holds the most value of validity in these pics to me. i haven't seen a debunking of the Apollo videos that convince me yet but that's what this forum is about.

grab your digital Ginsu and show me a different plate to swallow..


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:35 PM
Those are called satellites, they orbit our planet.

I'm an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer and I take a ton of pictures of the moon. I've taken many pictures of the moon, and I've never seen anything like that on the moon.

I know a lot of astrophotographers who have problems with long exposures and satellites ruining their pictures with lines.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Proct0r
Those are called satellites, they orbit our planet.

I'm an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer and I take a ton of pictures of the moon. I've taken many pictures of the moon, and I've never seen anything like that on the moon.

I know a lot of astrophotographers who have problems with long exposures and satellites ruining their pictures with lines.

Exactly. That's my true stance on these pictures. I'd really love to get the location of that "object" on the moon surface though. It *looks* like it's sitting on the surface with a root hanging off, but, it could very well be a tricky shot.

The only issue I have with some of the images is that they have parts which don't belong on the satellites I've witnessed. Mainly the "orbs" with dangling pieces. Could be a focus issue, though.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:22 PM
This would seem like an easy challenge for a debunker..
Show me similar images of satellites taken from telescopes. I would say that there would be plenty to choose from given articles like this:

French Say 'Non' to U.S. Disclosure of Secret Satellites


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy

In case you're new to the other videos I'm referring to, follow the link below and check them all out. Easy to cry fakes on some but at the same time a lot of interesting features lend these videos as being true.
"retiredafb" videos

wow, that's some great footage. even if it's a hoax. Just reading the description of the movie here the guy says "Nasa and USAF will be forced to tell the whole story before september 2007."

we only have a few more months til september so I'm very excited to see if this is true... well I'll be excited when september comes around either way since halo 3 comes out then

[edit on 14-6-2007 by curiousbeliever]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:59 PM
This comes into play again:

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:09 PM
Those are some of the same things feature in Jose Escamilla's new film "Interstellar", and no they are not "Earth-orbiting satellites." The objects capture in the film are said to be in "deep space" and "in regular orbit." They are not "travelling" theyre just in orbit. I guess time will tell if this whole thing holds any weight.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Is it just me, or do those blob/orb/light things in the triangular formation look like jellyfish?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:13 PM
I saw this and it came to mind, I'm at work, so I can't do it on these pc's, someone should save these images in case they suddenly "disappear". Whether they are a hoax or not, someone, please save them some where.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:19 PM
Is there an invasion? Looks very much like this one:

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