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Putin says:" I'll Point My Missiles at Europe"

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posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 02:50 AM
Puntin's an idiot, he couldn't tell the difference between a missle and well...his

This is nothing new. Russia has a history of talking the talk per say, but never walking through with any of it.


posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 03:45 AM
I'm sure the European's are lovin this....They weren't to thrilled with the last volly of threats Putin threw at them over this shield but I still say that all this flame throwing over a purely defensive missile system does not make sense, I'll say it again...There must be more to this than were being told.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by SportyMB
Puntin's an idiot, he couldn't tell the difference between a missle and well...his

This is nothing new. Russia has a history of talking the talk per say, but never walking through with any of it.


Sporty that's a pretty ignorant claim. Russia's history starts at 1989 (or 1991, depends how you look at it). Befor that down to 1917 iit was the USSR. The USSR consisted of many states, and by far not all of it's leaders were Russian. So this would be almost the same as...I don't know...let's say California, getting ALL of the blame for all the stupid crap the Bush administration does.

Now what's this? - "Puntin's an idiot, he couldn't tell the difference between a missle and well...his"
~ Is this a poor attempt at trying to be a comedian or have you actually gone missile spotting with Mr.Putin?

This is a very sharp warning from Putin, purely on the defensive side however. We are nonetheless at a period of tension now. People should not ignor this. Very serious statements were made, all of wich were serious. Only thing I'm hopping for is that the next two presidents for both countries - who it looks like are going to inherit office with some bitterness towards each other, are not going to pursue the same paths.


[edit on 4-6-2007 by maestro46]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:37 AM
Ok, check this out:

Here is the part I really don't get in all of this, EVERYBODY SHOULD TAKE A NOTE OF THIS:

Topol' M - known to NATO as the SS-27 missile, which was brought into service in 2005, has the exact same capabilities as the missile Russia just tested. Why test a new similar missile when you already have one which can do most of the sings the RS-24 can? Not to mention that currently Topol' M is considered the best ICBM out there and can penetrate any missile shield in the world. What's all this about?

Now the info above does make me tink of the same thing as you, sentinal, but at the same time I can't help but feel that Putin is simply tired of Bush's foriegn policies. Placing a missile shield not just on foreign territory but also half the world away from your own - and right under Russia's doorstep. I wouldn't like this if I was Putin. ...To sum it up I think Putin is standing up for his country's interests more then anything BUT I still feel there might be something else involved so I'm gonna start on the research.


posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
I'm just waiting for the nukes to go off so we can move on with the next era of Humanity. I don't think we can avoid it, as many have said "it's out of our control"... and I really think it is. The peace full hard working citizen has no say in the use of nukes and political selfishness. The egotistical will bring about their own world demise and in doing so a new type of world leader will replace them

strangely i could say i agree in some ways, i too feel the world is doomed.

though im not quite sure why or how.. i feel like im here to witness it and be a part of it, but at the same time i'm like thinking.. and i hate to admit this but i will.. "if the nukes go off i hope they land on the right motherf#%*ers".

which is crazy talk b/c i live in the nuclear missile bullseye of America; Virginia.

the CIA HQ is supposedly here, theres a CIA training base called Camp Perry here, theres the biggest Navy port on the East coast, Norfolk. Theres also multiple army and air force bases.. ahh lets see here, Langley, Fort Eustis, Quantico or w/e its called, and much, much more. 2 hours north is the capital of the country, DC. If I was the Russians, I dont see a better target to disable much of America's logistic ability in a nuclear missile war than Virginia, in it's entirety, if Russia had enough nukes pointed hereto just smother this entire state, province to you European fellars. and i bet they do.. its crazy. right now, theres a nuclear bullseye on me. I can rest easy knowing that when the nukes begin to fly, my death is certain. and all my loved ones, and everyone I know.

there'd almost be a peacefulness to it.. if it happened.

but its not going to happen if i have anything to say about it!

or if it does, ill have already moved outta this b#tch, lol.

but i've had my eye on Putin as my "anti-christ candidate" for years now.. its looking like its coming to fruition.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:35 AM
Sadly, Europe has always been a target for russian nukes.
Every european country with its own nuke program is natually a target, but a lot of people forget that even Germany and Italy, as well as Turkey have US Bases with nuke stores.
Those are targets as well and have always been.
More Infos on Nukes in Europa

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by maestro46
Sporty that's a pretty ignorant claim. Russia's history starts at 1989 (or 1991, depends how you look at it). Befor that down to 1917 iit was the USSR.

Putin has made quit a few threats in recent years (ie: Georgia, NATO, issues over Iraq) and has not held up to many of them. Do a simple google search and I'm sure you'll find enough. Boris Yeltsin made many threats especially when it came to Kosovo and all that peace keeping stuff going on at the time.

As for the 'missle' joke. Take it for what's it worth...a joke. You can't take everything at face value man. It's pretty obvious that anyone can tell the difference between a missle and whatever else....even Putin.

On a side note, I think Russia started in 1989 or maybe 1990. The USSR was over in 1991.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
Putin says:" I'll Point My Missiles at Europe"

What a freak'n moron. The world has enough stress and he adds this .. FOR NO REASON. It's not like any European country is going to invade Russia or send in terrorists or anything. :shk:

Same old KGB ...

Edited to add -

Originally posted by runetang
i too feel the world is doomed.

me too.

[edit on 6/4/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:41 AM

I'm just waiting for the nukes to go off so we can move on with the next era of Humanity. I don't think we can avoid it, as many have said "it's out of our control"... and I really think it is. The peace full hard working citizen has no say in the use of nukes and political selfishness. The egotistical will bring about their own world demise and in doing so a new type of world leader will replace them

LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal, that is very negative thinking. Mankind has been to the brink before especially in the Cold War and each time sanity prevailed, it brought out the best in humanity and that is the change you talk of.

If the nuclear slaughter begins that will not be the dawn of a new humanity but exactly the opposite.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by maestro46
Why test a new similar missile when you already have one which can do most of the sings the RS-24 can?

Good point. It could just be an upgrade, according to wikipedia the SS-19 began it's service in 1982. Maybe Russia just thought it's time for a newer missile. Also, there's no telling what condition the internal components were in. I would imiagine that 25 years would have it's toll on them.

I doubt this is the case, but maybe there's no new missle to test at all.

Alexander Golts, a respected military analyst with the Yezhenedelny Zhurnal online publication, expressed surprise at the announcement.

"It seems to be a brand new missile. It's either a decoy or something that has been developed in complete secrecy," he told The Associated Press.

Whatever that means

[edit on 4/6/2007 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:57 AM
Just a friendly remeinder about the reasons behind this situation. Russia is currently under a military siege by Nato troops and USA is oppenly supporting regimes hostile to Russia (Moldova and Georgia).
Russia Has Suspended the CFE Treaty

And besides this doesn't change the time it takes to launch from Russia to Europe. They can basically feed the codes as the missiles are either readied or fuelled, right?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:39 AM
My opinion is that this dumb defense system will be like a border and it separates the world. Russia is the only country that has the courage to go against the U.S.

The U.S. is trying to control the whole world and we should not allow this.
They want to ability for a massive attack everywhere in a very short reaction time. But why? The Iran and Korea are not a threat to europe. What the heck
is the real reason for that defense shield? It is part of a bigger plan, i´m sure.

Now we have russia pointing their weapons on europe. The U.S. strategy is so provocating. They should finally stop their rise for the 4th Reich.

It´s hard to say that, but it seems they want to gain control of everything and to
improve their military capabilities to an absolute crazy maximum.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:18 AM

Just a friendly remeinder about the reasons behind this situation. Russia is currently under a military siege by Nato troops

northwolf, I am really sad it is perceived that way. I don't think that any of the troops in NATO much less the public of NATO countries have any wish to attack, invade, or control Russia.

If any US president at the present moment tried to order a war with Russia the millitary would just tell him to get stuffed and he would be impeached by congress. NATO will only fight when there is political support for the reasons.

Nobody in the west has a specific agenda. It is a good thing to see Russia's economy recovering. It is not a good thing to see Russia arming Iran. That is the source of tension for us in the west.

The west wants trade with Russia. I personally feel that USA has put roadblocks in the path of Russia selling some of it's fine aviation products to the west, so I agree USA has been a bully in terms of trade. You don't have to set the whole world on fire to deal with that problem however.

Europe does not need nor want a hostile Russia on it's eastern borders. there is no advantage to that.

[edit on 4-6-2007 by sy.gunson]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:35 AM
Well considering he is in Finland I am sure his perspective is bound to be different.

One of the many dumbass things this administration has ever done was to withdraw from the Anti Ballistic Missile treaty in order to deploy a system that doesn't even work when you tell it where to go.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:36 AM
I know how the "west" thinks about this (being from a western democrasy myself)
But Russians feel that NATO is getting a stranglehold over their military with it's presence in eastern europe and central asia. But Russians do have a point that USA is treating them very unfairly in it's disputes with Georgia and Moldova... Georgian government in a state of war against ethnic Russians in Abkhazia, but USA still supplies Georgia with weapons and training...

PS. And i'm by no means defending Russian, smack 'em all you want. I would love to see them go down (militarily), but i'm just bringing out their vieqpoint.

[edit on 4-6-2007 by northwolf]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Gee, thanks alot! Now because of your stupid missile "defence" Russia is aiming their missiles at us! When will Bush & Co. stop messing up everything for every bloody country he gets involved with? You say these missiles are to protect NATO allies from Iran and North Korea, but neither of them have the range to hit Europe, and we never asked for any protection from you flippin' maniacs in the first place!!

Go home! Stop building your bases in every country on this planet, claiming it's for protection when we all know it's for control! Stop trying to bring on another arms race!

I completely understand Russia in their response. How would the US react if North Korea made a deal with Canada and started building missile silos over there? I'm so sick of the US trying to rule the world!

Oh and for the record: NATO was supposed to be a defence force, not some army that can be sendt around invading countries for the hell of it...

[edit on 4-6-2007 by DrLeary]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:33 AM
I'm noting a very familiar pattern here in regards to Putin. As we have done with just about EVERY foreign leader in the last 60-some years when they don't agree with us, we have chosen to demonize them and characterize them as "crazy" and "stupid." It happens EVERY time. Next, we'll be calling Putin the "next Hitler." Its almost procedural.

Instead of taking these threats seriously, we continue to only foster the very attitudes that created the dangerous era known as the Cold War. It may not even be a Cold War this time. It may be Hot War.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:55 AM
The_sentinal we are living difficult times in which nations has become divided, is not a cold war anymore but a war of control and imperialism, a cold war on oil.

Nations had the right to preserve and defend their sovereignty. Especially when other nations seem to be moving around securing land and resources.

If the Russian government sees their soverigneity in jeopardy by the US and its plans for northen Europe I guess we may see more strong language and messages back and forward.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 10:11 AM
well from a political viewpoint.. I support Putins response. If Bush wanted to protect his nato allies. then why do bush place missile defense base in poland and tjekkia?... why not put missile defense base in turkey for defense against Iran and such.. to place a missile defense in poland is obvious.. and that is Russia.

And Russia don't like it for very good reason.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
The_sentinal we are living difficult times in which nations has become divided, is not a cold war anymore but a war of control and imperialism, a cold war on oil.

Nations had the right to preserve and defend their sovereignty. Especially when other nations seem to be moving around securing land and resources.

If the Russian government sees their soverigneity in jeopardy by the US and its plans for northen Europe I guess we may see more strong language and messages back and forward.

This touches on part of what I am talking about. If people who do away with the absurd "Crazy Man" notion of a supposed tyrant trying to stir up trouble, the situation would become a lot more clear and the reasons for why exactly they have responded the way they have.

In fact, I would say that a man with something to defend is more dangerous than a crazy man with nothing to defend.

I say this because the "What if they were doing the same to us" rhetoric clearly doesn't work in America.

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