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Loose change on the view , was blocked by the president

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posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:31 PM
out of everyone here that is against reopening the 9/11 investigation - im interested to know your thoughts on the warren commission. Was that one sufficient as well?

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:33 PM
As I recall ABC is under no obligation to show a Presidential news confrence. If this episode of The View is so important they could always preempt All My Children to show it. If you want the real answer as to why the press confrence was held at 11:00 AM there are two simple reasons. Number one is that they wanted the confrence be held before the noon news broadcasts. Number two is so that the networks don't have to bump their soaps. You want to see a politician in hot water, just let them preempt the soaps. Talk about political suicide. There were complaints because the 9-11 coverage interrupted the soaps. Kind of gives you a perspective on people's priorities.

That Bush held a press confrence just to bump The View is about the stupidest thing I've heard yet. If there was any "truth" to Loose Change the best thing Bush could have done would be to let The View run. Let Rosie comment on it. I just hope they get a chance to run An Inconvient Truth before Rosie leaves.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by JIMC5499]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I'm not a Republican. With each passing day I find the conspiracy theories associated with 9/11 and the people presenting them to be more and more foolish and this thread is proof of that.

I will play along again but I need my memory refreshed.

9/11 was an inside job.

What were the reasons again for the evil Bush to carry out such a dastardly plan?

He must have had a reason for it. What was it?

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Classified Info
I'm not a Republican. With each passing day I find the conspiracy theories associated with 9/11 and the people presenting them to be more and more foolish and this thread is proof of that.

I will play along again but I need my memory refreshed.

9/11 was an inside job.

What were the reasons again for the evil Bush to carry out such a dastardly plan?

He must have had a reason for it. What was it?

The traditional reasons. Oil, money...ermmmm.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Classified Info
I'm not a Republican. With each passing day I find the conspiracy theories associated with 9/11 and the people presenting them to be more and more foolish and this thread is proof of that.

I will play along again but I need my memory refreshed.

9/11 was an inside job.

What were the reasons again for the evil Bush to carry out such a dastardly plan?

He must have had a reason for it. What was it?

Ill try and give a quick cliff note version....

1.Patriot Act 1 & 2
3.Money(look at SIlverstien's settlement)
4.Getting rid of the towers due to the upkeep and expense
5.A never ending "war on terror"
6.Warrantless wiretapping
8.Attempted control of the middle east(read the PNAC document)
Theres more to it,but its your job to do research,if you really wanna know.

If you think the U.S is above pulling of false flag operations,look up Gulf of Tonkin and what happened to the USS Liberty.
Here watch this
Terror Storm

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox

Originally posted by Classified Info
I'm not a Republican. With each passing day I find the conspiracy theories associated with 9/11 and the people presenting them to be more and more foolish and this thread is proof of that.

I will play along again but I need my memory refreshed.

9/11 was an inside job.

What were the reasons again for the evil Bush to carry out such a dastardly plan?

He must have had a reason for it. What was it?

Ill try and give a quick cliff note version....

1.Patriot Act 1 & 2
3.Money(look at SIlverstien's settlement)
4.Getting rid of the towers due to the upkeep and expense
5.A never ending "war on terror"
6.Warrantless wiretapping
8.Attempted control of the middle east(read the PNAC document)

sorry, what was that? I was busy watching sports center.

within the context of conspiracy - and under the assumption 9/11 WAS an inside job - how could you NOT see any reasons for it? That's like saying what was the reason for Hitler to burn the Reichstag?


posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:46 PM

And I came to think that If you keep asking question dear mini-presidents - you might end up paranoid Conspiracy nuts yourself..

good luck with the research.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox

Originally posted by Classified Info

What were the reasons again for the evil Bush to carry out such a dastardly plan?

He must have had a reason for it. What was it?

Ill try and give a quick cliff note version....

1.Patriot Act 1 & 2
3.Money(look at SIlverstien's settlement)
4.Getting rid of the towers due to the upkeep and expense
5.A never ending "war on terror"
6.Warrantless wiretapping
8.Attempted control of the middle east(read the PNAC document)

Edit: Didn't see the PNAC reference.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by yuefo]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:52 PM
You left a couple:

1. The suspension of the 2004 elections.

Whatever happened to that one? I haven't forgotten about that one. But wait, Bush found a way to rig the elections through the electronic voting machines so he didn't have to suspend the elections after all. Granted, that is a serious issue but when the Democrats did nicely in the 2006 elections not much was said about the manipulation of voting machines. Where is the consistency?

2. Bush is going to declare an emergency an make himself a dictator.

Then why hasn't he done it yet? He still has 606 days left in office but I would think that he would have done it by now.


posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:55 PM
This happend 9 maj 07

President George W. Bush has sparked much alarm by openly declaring himself to be a dictator in the event of a national emergency under new provisions that will effectively nullify the U.S. constitution, but such an infrastructure has been in place for over 70 years and this merely represents a re-authorization of the infrastructure of martial law.

Thats what I found..

cu - somwhere else.
Not my problem.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by Ram]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Classified Info
You left a couple:

1. The suspension of the 2004 elections.

Whatever happened to that one? I haven't forgotten about that one. But wait, Bush found a way to rig the elections through the electronic voting machines so he didn't have to suspend the elections after all. Granted, that is a serious issue but when the Democrats did nicely in the 2006 elections not much was said about the manipulation of voting machines. Where is the consistency?

2. Bush is going to declare an emergency an make himself a dictator.

Then why hasn't he done it yet? He still has 606 days left in office but I would think that he would have done it by now.

I recall hearing the same thing when Clinton was in office. Something about how a national emergency was going to let him call out FEMA and then he could invoke some law that allowed him to remain in office for the duration of the emergency. Then he would just refuse to lift the emergency and then remain in office forever.

Come on. This crap is getting old.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:04 PM
I have researched this thing for over 5 years now. It doesn't matter how many theories get debunked, people will just think up of a new one.

Back in 2002 one of my favorites was that the Israelis had a hand in 9/11 because their was information that they warned their citizens to clear out of the WTC because an attack was imminent. I fell for that one for a while, the evidence against them seemed pretty damning at the time. But what the producers of these various films intentionally chose not to disclose was that the Israeli government made repeated warnings to to the Bush administration in the weeks leading up to 9/11. Why would these conspiracy theorist and so called truth seekers choose to intentionally leave that out? The answer is obvious.

It shows a high level of incompetence within the Bush administration but it doesn't make it an inside job. In fact, it suggests just the opposite.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Classified Info
I have researched this thing for over 5 years now. It doesn't matter how many theories get debunked, people will just think up of a new one.

Back in 2002 one of my favorites was that the Israelis had a hand in 9/11 because their was information that they warned their citizens to clear out of the WTC because an attack was imminent. I fell for that one for a while, the evidence against them seemed pretty damning at the time. But what the producers of these various films intentionally chose not to disclose was that the Israeli government made repeated warnings to to the Bush administration in the weeks leading up to 9/11. Why would these conspiracy theorist and so called truth seekers choose to intentionally leave that out? The answer is obvious.

It shows a high level of incompetence within the Bush administration but it doesn't make it an inside job. In fact, it suggests just the opposite.

Can you list the theories that were "debunked"?
Can you provide the proof of said debunking?
Can you debunk the Gulf of Tonkin?
Can you debunk the USS liberty?
Can you debunk Operation Northwoods?
Can you debunk the fact fire dosent melt steel?
Can you debunk the "drills" of having planes hitting the pentagon and WTC?Even though it was said that the idea of having planes used as weapons was "unimaginable"?

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Can you debunk the fact fire dosent melt steel?

This is the same bogus claim that Rosie made. Here are photos of what happened to steel framed buildings in fires. Note that the steel doesn't have to melt for the structure to fail.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox

Can you list the theories that were "debunked"?
Can you provide the proof of said debunking?

I have listed a couple of them but it shouldn't be surprising that you ignored them so what point is there for me to list other ones? Just so they can be ignored again? I'm not playing that game with you.

Nothing changes.

Can you debunk the Gulf of Tonkin?
Can you debunk the USS liberty?
Can you debunk Operation Northwoods?

No, but I thought this was about 9/11? I believe the JFK assassination was an "inside job" but does this mean that the assassination attempts on Ford and Reagan were also "inside jobs?' No.

Can you debunk the fact fire dosent melt steel?

Who is suggesting that it does? No one that I know of. But it can compromise the structural integrity of steel.

Can you debunk the "drills" of having planes hitting the pentagon and WTC?Even though it was said that the idea of having planes used as weapons was "unimaginable"?

So that is proof that it was an inside job?

[edit on 5/24/2007 by Classified Info]

[edit on 5/24/2007 by Classified Info]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
You guys need to find a better spokesperson than Rosie. She's mentally unstable and it shows on a daily basis. I think the fact that you guys actually cling to a personality like Rosie to spread the "truth movement" shows just how ridiculous it is.

I agree. Having Rosie as the 9/11 Conspiracy spokesperson does nothing but hurt the entire movement, or what little movement there is.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:55 PM
Actually the exercise of the plane hitting the Pentagon was of an ACCIDENTAL crash of a plane trying to land at Reagan National Airport. The flight path to one runway goes just about directly over the Pentagon. They talked about having it be an exercise of an intentional crash, but decided it was unrealistic. All of the exercises using planes as weapons were planes coming from overseas, not from inside the US.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
I say hooray for President Bush! He found a good way to prevent a one-sided propoganda viewpoint with no rebuttal from being broadcast to the millions of idiots sitting on their butts in the middle of the day while the rest of us worked for a living.

OK, so, he found a good way to prevent one sided propaganda with one sided propaganda? Got it.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by tha stillz]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:00 PM
I wonder what kind of conspiracies I would be thought to be a part of if I were the president...purposefully dumbing down of America so I could take over by removing government tuition payments to colleges and universities forcing them to compete for students by lowering their tuition rates so more could afford higher education and the side effect of forcing businesses to hire non degreed people into positions that do not really require a degree that would lower unemployement and strengthen the ecconomy?

Yep, all a master plot to take over the world by cutting federal expenses by a few billion. Of course forcing the congress to take back the power to coin money would be a plot to destroy the ecconomy. Sets my self up for the savior of humanity by eliminating the IRS and direct tax on income. Of course that would mean that charging duty tariffs on American companies that choose to not manufacture domestically would be a plot to kill Chinesee, I guess. Not sure I have the paranoid thought to figure that one out.

More on topic...didn't the college students that did Loose Change admit to having misinformation in the content or is that a different film? Maybe ABC begged W to have a press conference so they would not have to show Rosie gloating during the film, since they are ridding themselves of her at the end of her contract? One lame duck upstaging another one.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:07 PM
Just another coincidence I am sure.

The department of Ignorance Denial has also noticed the "debunker rhetoric" level is ELEVATED today ESPECIALLY regarding this topic.


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