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War With Iran Has Begun 5/21/07

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posted on May, 23 2007 @ 08:23 AM
A secret is not secret once is out on the public, we all know that the take over of the Middle East by the present administration and his greedy partners is not over.

Given the disastrous result of the war on terror and Iraq, this attacks on the government of Iran will only bring a more unified country against any invader of their lands.

People forget that Iran is ruled first by a theocracy and that their faith will keep them united.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 08:30 AM
It is my belief that if anyone is at fault here, it's the US government putting lives in danger because they can't keep a secret.

That is of course if you believe that this is a real unintended leak.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by CaptainLazy
That is of course if you believe that this is a real unintended leak.

In that I agree with you, but also a leak like this if is to be true is just to warn our nation and us that another disaster will be heading our way economically with an attack to another sovereign country.

In my mind this has nothing to do with helping the enemy but rather prepare us the American people that are the ones losing everyday with our government deals done in our name.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 08:47 AM
It's highly probable that this info was "leaked" intentionaly.

Iran and USA has a meeting on Iraq in a couple days. We need some cards to bring to the table.

We also made a show of moving a large floatilla of war ships into the gulf.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I think the CIA has been trying to destabilize the Iranian theocratic regime for decades, so this isn't that earthshattering news.... *yawn*

Agreed. Operation Ajax made certain that the 1953 coup provided the foundations for the mess we have presently. The CIA's objective has always been to disrupt just about anything that better suites the US so naturally this shouldn't be any different.

Originally posted by djohnsto77
But I do agree with the posters that news organizations shouldn't report stuff like this. They have the right to, but it's damn irresponsible, especially if sensitive information that would jeopardize the mission is revealed.

I honestly don't believe that information at this level could possibly be leaked at least not in its truest form. If so its as others have suggested to bolster yet another knee jerk reaction from Iran. The media is just being the whore that it naturally is.....posting speculative rantings and portraying the worst case scenario. Its the only thing they do well.


posted on May, 23 2007 @ 09:08 AM
Just thought I would add this link for you all to take a look at.

Nine U.S. warships enter Gulf for training

Looks like were Gearing Up.

I wonder what FAKE stories and propaganda the Admin. is going to conjure up this time.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 09:14 AM
The point about posting this information is that if you do, you are as good as a news organization. Both you and the news are guilty of fanning flames that you have no idea where they are headed.

Maybe they'll be flames used to help cook your campfire meal. Maybe they'll be flames that will rage out of control and burn your house down.

In either event, the news agencies operate under the professional umbrella, right or wrong, of objectivity and neutrality. The mere act of posting or re-posting info on this board puts you in a class (as viewed by the government) of actors to be considered on their intent.

Don't shoot the messenger for the message, but if the messenger is also driving a tank and hands you the note with a weapon pointed at you (which legally is assault) then that's a different situation altogether.

Not sure if that's what's happened in this thread, but I've seen it elsewhere.

[edit on 23-5-2007 by newtron25]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:00 AM
Heaven help us.... Bush shouldn't start this new operation in Iran. What is he doing, he's crazy. This nut will be the death of me...That is if he dosen't drive me to a stroke or heartattack first.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by osram
I dont care about "National Security". That word doesn't make sense. And whistleblowers should be given a friggin medal for their civil courage... because it's those who call them traitors, who've got no clue.. and are treasonous themselves.

Was there supposed to be a "/sarcasm" at the end of that because you can't possibly be serious.

If you were being serious, could you please expound further? What do you mean by this statement?

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Huh?? War??

And I thought a U.S. defense contractor was selling Iran nuclear technologies??

Halliburton Secretly Doing Business with Key Member of Iran’s Nuclear Team

What a love-hate relationship...

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

The problem, of course, is what is really "need to know" information, and when does it cross into the area of jeopardizing national security?

Need to know...I need to know when government is going to perform covert operations in our name. That way when Iran starts suicide bombing us I don't sit here going "What did we do to deserve this?!"

We should be informed of who our government is attacking because it is just that, OUR GOVERNMENT. If we don't agree with doing this to Iran, OUR GOVERNMENT shouldn't be doing it. I don't agree with going into Iran, so I am against this. How would I be able to say "I am against this" if the government is trying to do it without our knowing? This is wrong, whichever way you try to cut it.

Take the example of the US tracking members of al Qaeda via their cell and satellite phones. It was working quite well, until somebody leaked this information to the world. That took away one of our effective surveillance tools.

Was the person that leaked that info a "hero"?

I feel this was crossing the line as we knew who they were going after, and why they were going after them, we don't need the methods that they are currently using, unless it's an abuse of human rights.

Who they are monitering and why they are monitering is important. That information in that case was uncalled for. It wasn't an abuse of human rights and it wasn't some new group we had never monitered before. We are aware that we are at war with them, and so long as they aren't abusing human rights, I don't think it should be disclosed as to HOW they are doing it and when.

When they are torturing, then it's time to blow the whistle. When we attack Iran, without telling the public, then it's time to blow the whistle.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
And I thought a U.S. defense contractor was selling Iran nuclear technologies??

How are we supposed to start a war over "nukes" to control their oil if they can't build nukes? Thus we must make sure they get nukes, so we have an excuse to bomb them and put control of their oil in friendly hands. It makes perfect sense

As for the original report - the person who exposed this is a hero, not a "traitor" - the President is secretly starting wars behind the backs of the American people. Anyone exposing such a plot ought to be thanked, not tried...

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Take the example of the US tracking members of al Qaeda via their cell and satellite phones. It was working quite well, until somebody leaked this information to the world. That took away one of our effective surveillance tools.

Was the person that leaked that info a "hero"?

Please, anyone that's watched "The Wire" knows it would be easy to track someone using their cell activity. I seriously doubt that one of the most well armed, organized and successful militias in the world wasn't already completely aware of the fact.
The same goes with this CIA "leak". Everyone knows what we've done in El Salvadore, Venezuela, Guatemala, Lebanon, and already at least once in Iran.
The CIA is ALWAYS trying to destabilize and mis-inform foreign citizens about their governments that we don't like. The Iranians probably have expected this from day one, it will come as no surprise.
The best thing a leak like this does, is bring the actions of the CIA to the awareness of us, the American People.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:58 AM
Nazi GWB and the Neo Reich are at it again.

I did find it funny however, that all the posts under the story on abcnews have terribly ignorant people raving about how we should trust our government, and they can't even spell! That's comedy worth mentioning.

O, hey, can we just get to the end of the story. I'm so excited to see Bush's Empire in 2008 or 2009. Will it be bigger, will it be drawn into a higher power? hmm... God knows that people like us won't be calling the shots. And I'm guessing it won't be a secular government. *gasp*

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 11:19 AM
This makes me wonder if an outside country has had more success playing with the us economy.... its not exactly stable atm at all.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Iran has been at war with the USA since the hostage situation in Jimmy Carter's term in office. Nothing has changed, the USA is full of infidels and they (Iran) know the way of the truth. Sounds like the Church of Christ demonination if you ask me.

Iran was and is behind the bombing of many sites around the world. That being said, I don't want to make war with these people. However, if we must go to war, use nukes and wipe out the entire country instead of trying to occupy it and bring it in to the demcratic way of mainstream life.

Islam has no room for democracy anymore than it has room for the truth. They say they are mighty and beat their plows into weapons. I wonder who will be the first to strike these crazies: Russia or the USA. Russia would want the area for the vast oil deposits that Europe so desparately needs coming out of the middle East.

If it is Russia, don't expect them to stop at the Iranian border. They will continue until they have all the vast rich oil in their Empire. Then they will come after Alaska. Can't fight a war very long without oil. Ask the Germans and the battle of the bulge. It was not the allied forces that stopped the charge. The Germans ran out of fuel, thank God. It could have been an entirely different history if they had another six months to develope some of their toys of war.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by newtron25
Although I agree that we have absolutely no right being in Iraq and even less right to engage Iran, the people we send (and please recognize that they are people, not requisitions or digital representations within a larger fictional virtual simulation) to fight for us, are doing so as part of their job.

I don't get the point.

Are you saying that this information will jeopardize the soldiers being sent to fight Iran? I think if anything it will hopefully deter yet another unwise and unjust action on behalf of our current administration. The point is they shouldn't be sent at all. We all know the function of the military and the soldiers that fight for America, but that doesn't excuse the behavior of those that are responsible for sending them into an unjust war.

Speaking of numbers/digital representations some of the latest figures around the civilian deaths in Iraq are 64,133 min to 70,243 max. Now to say "oops we had erroneous info, my bad" isn't good enough.

Those are lives we're talking about here, yet most people don't even bat an eye. If those figures represented American civilian casualties it would suddenly come closer to reality for us. It seems most people have an inability to empathize with anyone that isn't remotely in their social vacuum, and step outside of themselves to recognize the atrocities that happen to others. That includes are officials that send our soldiers to fight over a lie.

We will always just be numbers.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Huh?? War??

And I thought a U.S. defense contractor was selling Iran nuclear technologies??

Halliburton Secretly Doing Business with Key Member of Iran’s Nuclear Team

What a love-hate relationship...

Dont forget, thats what they did with Saddam, sell him the arms and then wage a phony war on him a few years later because he had such arms.

They also were on the Talibans side and armed them when it suited them and then invaded when they were no longer fighting the Russians.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 12:19 PM
Perhaps this secret ...((which as stated above ... has been going on for a long time.. )) was released for a reason. What better way to get our spy satelites in position over Iran to pick up troop movements and resourse allocation to sensitive yet possibly unknown locations.. By giving false signals of action we will be able to see where if any new area of interest present themselves.

Otherwise I think our nation needs a few classes on patriotism and nationalism. You may not like the government but when you stop believing in your country you definitely become a traitor.

[edit on 5/23/2007 by MikeAtlas]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 12:21 PM
Let the Neo Crusade begin !
Woe to him that follows Muhamed !
America Akbar !

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