posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:55 PM
My family lived in the country, 7 miles from town. Returning home from a Boy Scout meeting in town at night, my father, brother and i were around a
mile from home, at the time i was six years old, my brother was the Scout, my father the Scout Master. It was a long stretch of road, very dark, and
farm houses far and few between. Suddenly my father noticed somthing over our car, possibly around 100 feet or so. My brother and i stick our heads
out the window and looked up, a huge circular shape with multitude of small lights rapidly going around on the outer edges, it was huge, quiet. I
remember my father yelling for us to get our heads back in. When we did, the instrumentation of the car dash board lights gave the appearence of my
father being white as a bleached sheet. When we looked forward, we saw the ship follow the road way beyond our house and it kept going. My father was
definetly shook up, my mother asked what had happen and was told by all three of us at once. Not long after the sighting, my father became deeply
inquisitive about UFO sightings, buying books, magazines and asking others about similar experiences they have had. I am 56 now, but remember the
moment very well, especially the effect it had on my father.