posted on May, 13 2007 @ 05:25 AM
Yes, on more than one occasion. The most profound sighting was when I was either 12/13 years old. I remember the song, 'Calling Occupants' came out
sometime after, but in the same year as my sighting. I was born in 1963, so that should give you a more accurate time as to my age.
My friend, Barbara, only lived less than 30 feet away from my parents house. I lived at 23 Collins Street,Cabot,Arkansas and she lived at either 25,
or 27. There was only one house in between our two properties. It was more of an estate, as the houses (bungalows) were that close together.
Her mum told me it was time to leave at 6:25pm to be home by 6:30pm(less than a three minute walk). I stood outside the fence on the edge of the
property next door when it happened. I noticed that the birds stopped singing, and there were no crickets chirping. You know that feeling you get when
you feel you are being watched. I turned around expecting to see my friend at the fence. That is when I noticed this huge object just above my head.
It had four rings and was like a plate on it's side. The middle was a bright yellow colour. To say I was frightened is an underestimate of the terror
I felt when I saw this object above my head. I ran away from the object, or so I thought. When I looked behind me the second time, it was still there.
However, instead of being 6:25-6:30pm, it was either 9-10pm. The news was on telly. I just remember my parents telling me off and insisting on knowing
where I had been. To this day, my parents still remember the incident and me running in and shouting about a ufo and being too terrified to go back
out . I got grounded. *my dad was still in the military at the time.* He later told me that he felt that I was telling the truth. I have spoken to
him, since and he said that I had nightmares after it happened. Through regression though, it came to light that I was shown the events of 9/11. I
have just got to find where my husband has put the regression video which was carried out by Tony Dodd and a hypnotherapist, who worked for the local
police in Yorkshire.
I have grown up since then and no longer fear them, or their craft. Before, I had the regression therapy, I had a gap of time missing that was driving
me mad. Although, it had been several hours, I couldn't account for that time loss and I needed to know why.
Then a family in Kings Lynn here in Norfolk, where I was born and live, saw a similar object except it was flat and not on edge. That was when I
plucked up the courage to contact Quest International for help.
I don't regret going public with my experiences, as I know the pain and isolation I felt after my experiences. If I can help others so they don't
have to feel the pain and isolation of their experiences then going public is worth it.
I was offered £5,000 to turn my experiences into something perverted. I told them that my experiences were to be printed as they happened, and I
would not sell my story, especially for some twisted, perversion of it. No amount of money is worth twisting somebody's experiences into some
perverted twisted lie. You can guess what I told the reporter to do with the money.
The main reason I went public was it was my way of thanking Tony Dodd and Quest for their help in recovering my experiences. It turned out that I had
started being taken at the age of four. My mum and dad told me that I was an exceptional child. I was interested in encyclopedias and politics from
the age of seven. I was questioning everything and even now still do, but to a lesser degree. I still don't understand racism, racial hatred,
religious violence just to name a few. I live in this world, without feeling part of it. One of the things I always use to ask my parents was 'why do
people live on the earth and not in the earth?' I couldn't fathom why housing was on the surface destroying the natural beauty on top of the earth.
I use to have dreams of a domed city which went underground and where technology was not allowed to go outside the dome, and that one of three moons
was used to build spacecraft.
I also from the age of four to the age of 14 kept having dreams of falling to earth and getting microscopic in size and then I saw myself moving away
from earth and the earth getting microscopic in size. It was so bad and vivid that it woke me up in terror and sweats. That was before I knew
anything about our life in the womb. Even at four, I could describe earth from space and knew the atmosphere contained water (not just from the rain).
I had an unnatural fear of water apparently when I was born. I use to fear the water in the earths atmosphere for some bizarre reason. When I was
little, I thought the sky was the wrong colour.
What my experiences and these bizarre images as a child have to do with one another is any body's guess. All I know that the feelings and images were
so strong that I can remember them to this day and I am 44 in October.