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Has anyone here on ATS ever actually seen a UFO?

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posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:23 AM
About 10 years ago i was in the south suburbs of Chicago driving towards a decent-sized forest preserve - this was about 10pm at night. I turned out of a taco bell parking lot and noticed this REALLY bright, white light in the sky dead ahead. I thought to myself, "that's too bright for a star." I drove closer to it coincidentally got stopped at a red light right underneath the thing.

This is the best way I can describe it - it was huge, and darker than the night sky; all black. it was shaped like a 3d rectangle , standing upright. it had one light shining down (the really bright one i mentioned), it was moving SLOWly south and made no sound. why i didn't pull over and look at this thing?? who knows... I think i was completely dumbfounded by what i was seeing.

A curious note, this happened near the area of Bachelor's Grove (notoriously haunted abandoned cemetary).

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by VType
Im in my early 40's and have seen quite a few UFO's but sadly nothing rock solid to confirm it was Alien but very odd none the less.

Same thing here, VType. In June of 2006 my wife and I saw a hovering metallic pill shaped object above our grocery store from the car as we we're parking. We both got out of the car and I stayed to watch it for awhile. It would hover and then it would break through the clouds at what appeared to me to be a very high altitude . No wings, no bumps, just a metallic pill shaped body. It was definately weird an unordinairy.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:59 AM
yup. Whole family. Central PA, USA. 10:30-11:00PM early-mid 1980s.

Several seemingly seperate objects with pulsing lights blue/red/yellow waaaayyyyy up directly overhead. Stayed there for about 15 minutes doing a "square dance".... I ran in to get a camera. When I came back out, as usual, they were gone. even if I got a shot off the crappy camera my parents had probably wouldn't have resolved anything except maybe a few dots.
A few cluster/floatilla sightings too.

A few potential sightings since then, but nothing nearly as impressive.

Weird thing about those days, there were seemingly ALWAYS military jets flying around pretty low in those days. I was told they "practice for bombing runs" by somebody and never thought twice about it.

We lived in a small town "Elysburg" and had NO air bases what I would consider "close" to our area... Being that all of Pennsylvania has a rolling hilly terrain I don't think we lived in a unique topographical local.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by Stale Cracker]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:28 PM

I've seen a few things, here's my post on another thread:

I still look at the sky all the time, I now know there's something out there!

Here's the thread, there are a lot of good stories on it:

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:52 PM
I saw what I believe was probably an experimental military aircraft of some sort - a UFO (since it was flying and I couldn't identify it), but not necessarily alien or anything like that. Pre-Apologies for missing some of the details below.

Side note: I am an amateur astronomer and a licensed pilot and someone who has worked around aircraft (and the night sky) for decades. This was nothing like I've ever seen. Thus:

A couple of summers ago I was at a campground (Serrano) with family on the north shore of Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino mountains of Southern California.

In the middle of the night, about 1-2am, my two dogs started whimpering. Thinking they just needed 'relief', I grudgingly opened my tent and walked out into a clearing with them. Acting kind of strange they both looked up and to the East. When I looked up to see what they were staring at, all I saw was a beautiful star-filled sky (no moon).

Quite suddenly and unexpectedly a dark, triangular shaped object appeared from the northeast and traveled at incredible speed from east to west. It made not even the slightest sound - absolutely silent - both approaching and receding. It had no lights of any sort, certainly none of the typical aircraft lights I'm accustomed to. I also distinctly remember that it seemed to be wrapped in a sort of shimmering envelope - kind of like the wavy, transparent mirage you see above hot pavement in the desert. What I thought especially perplexing was that this wavy envelope was even IN FRONT of the craft - something that seemed illogical to me (as opposed to say sound waves or disturbed air behind the craft). There was no contrail/vapor trail, exhaust, or any other trace of it's passing. I saw no burners or engine. I'm not even sure of it's shape - I only say triangular because in the few seconds I saw it that was the only shape that I related with at the time.

Since I was already standing at about 6,500' elev, I estimate the craft was flying at somewhere between 10-15,000' and perhaps a few miles north of my position. It seemed to be about the size of a typical aircraft (not especially large), though my visual judgment may be substantially in error in this regard.

My guess is that this was some type of LMT 'black project' craft out of Edwards AFB which is about 50 miles to the northwest. - though, of course, I have no way to substantiate any of that. My assumption is based only on snippets I get from the aviation trade journals and such. Anyway;

As I stood there in my underwear shaking and stunned, My mind raced to compare what I saw to anything in my experience and, well, you've heard the rest. No running or nav lights of any sort, pitch black, surrounded by a weird shimmering envelope, absolutely silent, and by far the fastest moving object I've ever seen - I can't imagine anything moving that quickly from horizon to horizon - and I've seen a lot of airplanes - from strike fighters to commercial and a few odd ones at e.g., the EAA, etc. This was definitely different, and certainly NOT following a whole bunch of the 'rules' I was used to regarding aircraft operations.

Me and the dogs went back to bed in the tent, and the next morning, still shaken, I relayed the encounter to a few folks. The reply was collectively strange looks, rolling eyes, sighing and a bunch of "whatever"s. I pretty much kept silent about it after that...

But I know what I saw...

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:12 PM
About 10 or 11 years ago. It was around 10:30 - 11:00 at night, and I was doing something out side - taking garbage out or something - and I just looked up for some reason and in between two trees I saw a black triangle flying over. It was going about the same speed as an airplane usually flies.
It was a black triangle, and at each corner was a white light. No noise at all, and it just flew by.
The area where I lived at the time I saw it was a known hotspot for UFO's at the time, and mostly for triangular crafts. So who knows what it was...

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:39 PM
I could say without a doubt that I saw UFOs on two occasions last summer.

The first sighting was around early June, I was at the beach late at night with some friends. Then we saw two ball of light appearing in the sky out of no where. It was a clear night outside and no stars were seen they just move really fast from point A to point B and disappeared.

The second sighting was around later August, I spending the last night on a camping/canoing trip somewhere out in Virgina (I don't remember the name of the Park). All I remember was that during that night everyone from our camping trip decided to layout on this open field. It was such a great view, the sky was clear and this time actually saw the whole constellation, something only seen in T.V., it was beautiful.

I guess my friends and I were pretty much restless, so we stared at the stars and chatted, unfortunately I doze to sleep for a bit, and while I did, everyone saw a shooting star. I guess they were excited, woke me up and told me about it. I was disappointed that I didn't get to see one, so I pretty much stayed up for like 4 hours looking at the sky. Not only did I see a shooting star, I also notice this object moving in loops and back and fourth.

I told my one of my friend, but he didn't take much interest to it, I guess he was really tired. But that was a great experience, both trips was a great experience.

I know two of my close friends, saw one pretty up close, during their road trip. They say they saw a bright object swoop down from the skies, and at that moment, everyone on the road, stopped or slowed down and viewed the UFO for about 5 minutes from their cars. They said it was pretty spectacular, all I know was they told me it was a cylinder object, and had streaming lights on the side.

Also I heard most UFO cloak themselves, and can only be seen with an infrared camera.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by wigit
1979 - Fiery yellow/orange oval. Swerving & bobbing all over the sky.
Few unexplained flashes & dots over the years.
2003? white hockey puck flying fast in a straight line. Blue skies.
March 2004 Black manta type craft, bit bigger than a car, flashing pink/red light underneath. Daylight, blue skies. Could have hit it with a rock, that close. Highly detailed but I'm sure this one shape-shifted.
2005? Black undulating blob, daylight overcast skies.
Many more spectacular in my lucid dreams. Well, not quite as spectacular as the March 2004 sighitng.
I forgot to mention a big watery blue ball that rolled up a hill towards me at a local UFO hot spot. Haven't thought about it in ages. Wierd, how could I forget that? 1995 or 1996. It was terrifying and I made a big scene.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:50 PM
I've seen two. One was actual "lights" in the sky, and the other was where I was able
to see the actual exterior structure/features of the object as it flew over my head
one early moring in Northern Cal.
The later really changed the way I thought about UFOs. Untill then it was just stuff that
I saw in the movies or on TV, and in a sense you feel separated. But when you see
something strange and relatively up-close, it really make you think/feel different about
the world and our cosmic neighborhood.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:02 PM
I have. It was a while back, when I was still in the army. Sorry, no aliens or revelations of cosmic harmony were produced, just a really weird bright object in the night sky.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:16 PM
I have, about 12 years ago. My friend and I watched what appeared to be a disk shap at a very high altitude. It was hard to judge the size or height it was hovering at because it was night. We watched it for a few min before it seemed to drop suddenly in altitude, stop and fade away. Wish I would have had a scope to veiw it through. I cant say this was an alien object, just an unidentified flying object.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 02:16 AM
Thursday August 19th, 2004 I was outside in the parking lot of my apartment building, I'd just gotten home and looked up into the sky, it was around 1:00 AM. Bright as daylight there was this object. It was so bright, and it was big. It was round on the top, and conical on the bottom. It was this bright blue and white light.

It was there for about a half hour, then moved off at a fairly quick pace.

The same thing was seen by thousands in Minneapolis, and made the papers of the Star Tribune.

Page B-4 of the August 20th Star Tribune has a big article on it.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:45 AM
I have seen a few ufos in my lifetime.
The first one was when i was on holiday in tenerife. I was only about ten but i wasnt the only one to see it.
It was a bright light in the sky. It wasnt flashing but moving about very rapidly and changing directions very suddenly.
Another sighting was about two years ago. We live in the countryside, in england, i was walking in a field at night with a few other people. I looked up and saw three lights in a triangle formation. Im pretty sure it was just one craft with lights at each point. It was moving silently and was very low.

The last sighting was last summer. It was in the daytime, i was outside in the garden. I was looking up when i spotted two round UFOs flying below the clouds following each other. They werent flashing so it wasnt aircraft, plus there was no sound. They were glistening in the sun, i watched for about 30 seconds, then they just flew into the clouds and out of view.
I have seen other things but these sightings are the best sightings, others could have easily been mistakes

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Yep, Yep, Yep, Yep and yep-yep.

They don't like one liners so all I can do is say yup, yup and yup yup

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:47 AM
Yes I have seen one aswell along with two of my friends, very bright super fast white light which came from the horizon and stopped for five minutes motionless above us back in september 10th 1995. It was what I saw shortly after in the woods which proved to me that it was alien. Over the years you realize the advantage you have knowing the truth that ufos are real, and that they dont come from here. Ill tell you a little secret, thier nanotechnology is much more advanced than ours, just like we use landrovers on mars they also study our planet with miniature equipment. How long this has been going on is another question, but when you see the real thing you got a lot to think about. If you ever see something, a piece of advice, dont let anyone know what they can do, besides nobody will believe you anyways, study all the white light sightings on nuforc, in my opinion, those are the real sightngs, to me seeing the truth changed my life, and I sympathize all those witnesses that have seen the truth aswell, its a great piece of knowledge to hang on to, use it well.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:01 AM
I was riding with 3 buds in a Beretta, doing illegal activites in our teens (16) and it was late in the night (1-3am??) on a Rustic Road in Cedarburg, WI. It was a craft that I did not see coming, but apparently flew above us because we got flashed. I thought it was a helicopter or cops or something man-made because that's always a normal person's first rationalization, but man-made or alien, we bolted after being flashed, and the light took off/turned off. My friend driving says to this day 7 years later that he remembers it very well, and recalls feeling "violated" when we got flashed haha. I don't recall if it made sound or not it happened to quick and I was so inebriated at the time, I just remember feeling like a helicopter was over us spotlighting us which spooked me, because I didn't want to talk to no federales, but it was on back roads around nothing. Still could've been agents messing with hoodlums at late night with their secret air-tech.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:28 AM
I've seen a few strange objects in the sky, but I can't say that they are from another world, planet, time or space. I saw the International Space Station before I new what it was and swar it was an Alien ship. But I asked questions and went to the International Space Staion sight and found out that it went over my area at the exact same time I saw it. I've seen plenty of satellite's orbiting the earth and three stealth fighters in formation in the sky one night. I guess if the stealth sightings happened 10 to 20 years ago I would of freaked out like everyone else who saw the test flights. So I guess I'm one of those that keeps looking in the skies day and night and seeing the same old sky. The moon is still there and moving so slowly away. Venus is brighter than ever this year, but it's just her cycle I think. I can name all the other planets and stars to see but who wants to hear that here. I want to see a flying saucer, cigar, worm, triangle, humaniod, flapping, zigzagging, crashing, skipping, glowing, spinning, transparent, disappearing, reappearing, standing still, flashing, diamond, cross, shape shifting craft that others have seen. But until I do, I'll just keep my mind open and my eyes ready. That's my penny's worth.

[edit on 5/13/2007 by Solarskye]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 02:21 AM
I've never seen anything that I can believe to be a UFO. Who knows, maybe I've seen them and discounted them as airplanes or other things.

Dreams, on the other hand, are very vivid. They're the only dreams I wake from and remember clearly.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047

Originally posted by VType
Im in my early 40's and have seen quite a few UFO's but sadly nothing rock solid to confirm it was Alien but very odd none the less.

Same thing here, VType. In June of 2006 my wife and I saw a hovering metallic pill shaped object above our grocery store from the car as we we're parking. We both got out of the car and I stayed to watch it for awhile. It would hover and then it would break through the clouds at what appeared to me to be a very high altitude . No wings, no bumps, just a metallic pill shaped body. It was definately weird an unordinairy.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

I hear you. Some sightings Ive had were as simple and harmless as looking at the stars in the wilderness and seeing what seemed to be stars moving in orbit which Im told are satelites or other orbiting equipment while others were plain as day balls of bright glowing plasma/light about the size of an Suv zipping around at low levels and in one instance near state land and chased by both military Copters and fighter aircraft only to disappear into the ground. We watched the Military search the area from air and then by troops(Near Camp Grayling,Mi.). Wild to say the least and quite stunning.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 05:25 AM
Yes, on more than one occasion. The most profound sighting was when I was either 12/13 years old. I remember the song, 'Calling Occupants' came out sometime after, but in the same year as my sighting. I was born in 1963, so that should give you a more accurate time as to my age.

My friend, Barbara, only lived less than 30 feet away from my parents house. I lived at 23 Collins Street,Cabot,Arkansas and she lived at either 25, or 27. There was only one house in between our two properties. It was more of an estate, as the houses (bungalows) were that close together.

Her mum told me it was time to leave at 6:25pm to be home by 6:30pm(less than a three minute walk). I stood outside the fence on the edge of the property next door when it happened. I noticed that the birds stopped singing, and there were no crickets chirping. You know that feeling you get when you feel you are being watched. I turned around expecting to see my friend at the fence. That is when I noticed this huge object just above my head. It had four rings and was like a plate on it's side. The middle was a bright yellow colour. To say I was frightened is an underestimate of the terror I felt when I saw this object above my head. I ran away from the object, or so I thought. When I looked behind me the second time, it was still there.

However, instead of being 6:25-6:30pm, it was either 9-10pm. The news was on telly. I just remember my parents telling me off and insisting on knowing where I had been. To this day, my parents still remember the incident and me running in and shouting about a ufo and being too terrified to go back out . I got grounded. *my dad was still in the military at the time.* He later told me that he felt that I was telling the truth. I have spoken to him, since and he said that I had nightmares after it happened. Through regression though, it came to light that I was shown the events of 9/11. I have just got to find where my husband has put the regression video which was carried out by Tony Dodd and a hypnotherapist, who worked for the local police in Yorkshire.

I have grown up since then and no longer fear them, or their craft. Before, I had the regression therapy, I had a gap of time missing that was driving me mad. Although, it had been several hours, I couldn't account for that time loss and I needed to know why.

Then a family in Kings Lynn here in Norfolk, where I was born and live, saw a similar object except it was flat and not on edge. That was when I plucked up the courage to contact Quest International for help.

I don't regret going public with my experiences, as I know the pain and isolation I felt after my experiences. If I can help others so they don't have to feel the pain and isolation of their experiences then going public is worth it.

I was offered £5,000 to turn my experiences into something perverted. I told them that my experiences were to be printed as they happened, and I would not sell my story, especially for some twisted, perversion of it. No amount of money is worth twisting somebody's experiences into some perverted twisted lie. You can guess what I told the reporter to do with the money.

The main reason I went public was it was my way of thanking Tony Dodd and Quest for their help in recovering my experiences. It turned out that I had started being taken at the age of four. My mum and dad told me that I was an exceptional child. I was interested in encyclopedias and politics from the age of seven. I was questioning everything and even now still do, but to a lesser degree. I still don't understand racism, racial hatred, religious violence just to name a few. I live in this world, without feeling part of it. One of the things I always use to ask my parents was 'why do people live on the earth and not in the earth?' I couldn't fathom why housing was on the surface destroying the natural beauty on top of the earth.

I use to have dreams of a domed city which went underground and where technology was not allowed to go outside the dome, and that one of three moons was used to build spacecraft.

I also from the age of four to the age of 14 kept having dreams of falling to earth and getting microscopic in size and then I saw myself moving away from earth and the earth getting microscopic in size. It was so bad and vivid that it woke me up in terror and sweats. That was before I knew anything about our life in the womb. Even at four, I could describe earth from space and knew the atmosphere contained water (not just from the rain). I had an unnatural fear of water apparently when I was born. I use to fear the water in the earths atmosphere for some bizarre reason. When I was little, I thought the sky was the wrong colour.

What my experiences and these bizarre images as a child have to do with one another is any body's guess. All I know that the feelings and images were so strong that I can remember them to this day and I am 44 in October.

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