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Has anyone here on ATS ever actually seen a UFO?

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posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:01 PM
I saw a UFO over Alamogordo NM, in 1994. It was silver, and jointed in the middle. It moved like a fishing lure moves in the water, zig zagging very rapidly. I saw it clearly, it was approximately 1500 ft. above the ground. It was in a gradual climb, and then it accelerated at an absurd rate, and went almost strait up, completely out of sight. This encounter lasted less than 1 second, and it was gone before I could even talk.

I was with my Dad, driving between Alamogordo and Cloudcroft NM. I was 14 years old. I saw it, it was not any kind of conventional plane, and the g-force that it pulled would have caused any human to black out, or even die.

I am an aviation buff, and have loved planes since a very young age, when a f-15 buzzed me at our ranch (right next to Holloman AFB) at less than 100 ft. It scared me so bad, because it was really loud, I jumped 3 ft in the air when it happened. HAHAHAHAHA, anyway I'm not saying that the UFO was space aliens, because I think our military has some insane tech that they haven't yet revealed to the public.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:11 PM
I did saw UFOs at least twice. They were pretty obviously UFOs because of their strange brightness/flashing, and due to the fact that they just disappeared in mid-air, in cloudless skies.

There was even a third one, but I'm not entirely sure if it falls into the UFO category.

Since I made these observations, I have no more doubts about the UFO phenomenon... as to what these things are, if they are all related in some way, that is a completely different question, that I still can't answer.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:55 PM
I've seen three for sure, always with my wife. (I think she's the alien they're hunting for,
and that's why she's always with me when I see them.) I'm overdue to see another as the first three were about five years apart, and it's been seven since the last time.

Nothing really too spectacular about two of them. The first one was at a lake down in Texas, just lights dancing around in and through the clouds one afternoon. They didn't behave in any way that could have had a human inside, unless the pilot was made out of rubber. I would guess they were about 10,000 feet up and the size of a dime at arms length. Everyone camped around the lake was watching them.

The last one was just an orange light that my wife and I saw on a back road in Arkansas. It was night and the light was very noticeable, about 400 to 800 feet off the ground. We both noticed it when we turned a corner on the rural road we were traveling. The light just hung there, giving off a lot of dazzle, considering it was about a half mile away across a field and some trees. Before we got even with it, it just went out. I can't say what it was.

The second one, back in '95 was pretty spectacular. At the time we lived in the mountains of eastern Oklahoma. One night my wife woke me up because a light was shining in the bedroom window. Considering that our nearest neighbor lived a half mile through the woods in the other direction, this was odd.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the yard. The light was coming from a nearby mountain that has no roads at all. The whole mountain is a wilderness area where motorized vehicles of any kind are not allowed. I was very familiar with that mountain face, as it was about two miles from our house and we saw it every day.

There's no way to hardly get up that part of it even on foot, yet something was shining a light off of their so bright you could have read a newspaper in our front yard. There wasn't a bit of sound, and it was a clear calm night, and in that part of the area you could have heard a VW idling at a mile away. Then it went off just like a switch being thrown.

The next day, and for a lot of days afterward, the place on that mountain where that light came from, as I had sighted it through the limbs of a tree. (It was so bright , part of the reason I used the tree was to shade my eyes to try and get a better look at it.) The light came from a slide area that was all loose shale. I'm convinced that nobody could have been there in the dark without breaking their neck, those shale slides are very treacherous footing anytime. This was a slide of about 50 acres and on a 45 degree slope. I have no idea how a silent light could have come from there. And considering that it was as bright as the headlight on a train, it would have required a lot of power.

So, since I'm due another one soon, hope, I'm going to be better prepared. I started another thread here about that subject, and hope to get some good ideas on how to be ready when the next one comes along. If anyone has useful tips, stop by there and sound off. (I'm not trolling so I won't tell you the name of the thread,
but this is a bright bunch here at ATS, so you'll figure it out.)

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:44 AM
My event was ectra ordinary. Back to 1984 in Illinois. 13 years old. Looking out my window of my room at around 9pm I saw a huge red rectagle shaped object hovering. Cannot tell the size or distance from me. 'All I can say is that it was huge. Saw this for about 3 minutes then 3 white diamond shaped objects came out of it and did a bunch of circular movement for about 1 minute. I yelled to my sister to come see this, and I mean I yelled loud! She came in and saw the 3 diamonds go back to the red triangle. Then slowly it start moving at about a 45 degree angle upward, slowly gainging speed and then....Bang! it was gone! Just typing this story still gives me chills on my arms 21 years later.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:42 AM
I saw a boomerang formation with roughly 12 lights whizz from one side of the horizon to the other in less than minute back in the 70s.
I later found out that this type of UFO formation was a pretty common type back then.

Anyway,I ran inside to get my brother to come outside and see but unfortunately it was gone by then. I was with my sister-in-law who said it was just a flock of bird or ducks. But who did seem a spooked by what she saw. Denial?

Anyways, my brother encouraged me to report it and we went to a local phone box (we didn't have the phone on at home in those days).
We found a UFO reporting/investigating firm in the phone book and rang them up and reported what we saw.
The guy who took the call wanted all the details.
He said that they also had another report similar to mine on the other side of Sydney and didn't quite know what to make of it.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:53 AM

Saucer shape - daytime - clear blue skies - self illuminating - yellow/white glow.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:08 AM
1979 - Fiery yellow/orange oval. Swerving & bobbing all over the sky.
Few unexplained flashes & dots over the years.
2003? white hockey puck flying fast in a straight line. Blue skies.
March 2004 Black manta type craft, bit bigger than a car, flashing pink/red light underneath. Daylight, blue skies. Could have hit it with a rock, that close. Highly detailed but I'm sure this one shape-shifted.
2005? Black undulating blob, daylight overcast skies.
Many more spectacular in my lucid dreams. Well, not quite as spectacular as the March 2004 sighitng.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:10 AM

Some Orange And some WithishBlue - proberly plasma thing soft nice light.

They fade in and out...Fly for a while before they fade out.
They never really fly out in the Horizon.. They just fade out.
Both night and daytime..

I also dreamt about this subject.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by Ram]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:23 AM
I've had at least four sightings of UFO's, two of which involved multiple craft.

My first sighting happened when I was around ten. I had been grounded by mum for doing something bad (can't remember what) so I was in my bedroom all day. As it got dark some of my friends were playing near my back garden so I went to the window to watch them. I saw something move above the roofs and saw a long triangular vessel spinning across the sky. It must have been huge, because it was sort of far away but I could make out a few lines of detail on it.
lol As soon as I saw it I screamed and ran into my bed and did the old covers over the head (why do children think that will protect them from anything?)

The second one occurred a month or so after that. Me and my mum (a big skeptic at the time) were returning home from my auntie's late at night. She only lives about five minutes from us and we were walked back. As we turned past a sort of mini-industrial area, I saw a light in the sky. It was perfectly still but was a bright blue. I thought it was a star and pointed it out to my mum. As she looked at it, three more lights appeared and sort of 'orbited' the stationary light. They zipped around it pretty quickly before the three lights zoomed off and the stationary one faded.

The third one wasn't as interesting as the others. I returned home late alone and saw a light moving in a weird way. I was too tired to bother with it though after a hard day at college and then the gym.

The most recent one was amazing. It was on Bonfire Night (and before anyones say's they weren't fireworks!).
We had just had our annual firework show before retreating indoors to eat. I came to my room to watch TV and my mum suddenly told me to look out my window. High up in the sky, four orange lights were moving slowly overhead, and at first I told her they were just planes... until a plane actually broke through some cloud about the same height as the 'lights' and zoomed past them!
They took about ten minutes to get over my roof, which was considerable because any planes overhead usually cross the sky in a matter of seconds. But I dismissed it and returned to my hotdog. Then she shouted again and there were more orbs outside. This time there were a number of small ones, followed by a slightly larger one. The smaller ones moved across the sky at about the same speed as a plane would, but the large one seemed to move slowly, then stop, then move on.

I don't know what the last three actually were, but the pyramid I saw as a ten year old was definitely not human. I remember it clearly, down to what curtains I had, the layout of my room, and what it looked like. It was terrifying... but mainly because I was a child who had seen one too many sci-fi movies in which a ship lands and offloads some form of alien killers. A more appropriate word would be awe inspiring really.

[edit on 11/5/07 by JackofBlades]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:37 AM
I have no idea what it was, but looking out my window one night when I couldn't sleep (about 2:30am), I saw a bright light move out across the bay, stop and "hover" for about 5 minutes then move off rapidly (and I mean rapidly) back in the direction it came from. It was a very clear still night and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a helicopter, because it had no running lights, made no sound and because of the speed it moved off at - it covered what I estimate to be about 5 miles in about 3 seconds.(you can estimate distance by landmarks like headlands very easily here)
Helicopters can always be heard when crossing the bay, but no sound at all from this.
It also didn't look like a search light - not bright enough.
The only possible thing I could think of was that maybe it was a Harrier, but I have never known them excercise over the bay, and again, no noise.
It left me pretty puzzled.
When I spoke to friends about it I was told that the area is part of a triangle famous for paranormal activity and UFO sightings.
I'm not prepared to say it was an alien craft, but then again, I'm not prepared to say it wasn't.

This is the area where I live

[edit on 11-5-2007 by budski]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:42 AM
hi, there.
yes, i have seen the ufos and they are for real, for those people here, that still cant believe in it!
you can look up my sightings here:

the last sighting changed my life.
because now i am certain about it!
still people laugh about me, when i start talking about it.
but the one who is really laughing now, that is me.

to me it seems most people just cant deal with it.
their way of thinking doesnt allow a world view (including maybe alien civilizations), it would drive them nuts. i can understand, that.

many strange things happened to me and i was on the edge of going crazy, but i did not. its hard to get along with it.

but who knows, maybe its only military stuff from usa/china/russia/etc..

peace, cometa out.

ps: i know you wont believe me, but i tell you. yesterday i took a piss at night behind a house, there were some trees and stuff. and i saw a ghost or i dont know what it was. it just looked like the ufo from the new b2-spirit-bomber-video. it hovered in front of me (4 meters ahead) and it moved to the left and to the right and i could clearly look at it for some minutes. i know it was actually there! haha... incredible.

pss: i also talked to a guy from kurdistan yesterday, he was 49 years old. and he told me when he was a kid, he and some other kids saw a ufo landing at night and they approached it. some other people wanted to call the military and the police, but then it took off just the ufo-style.

[edit on 11/5/07 by cometa]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:06 AM
I've seen two: One when I was about 14 (1984), and the other when I was about 35 (2005). The later was witnessed by several people. The official explanation that stood for some time was they were balloons. Until other interested parties wanted a demonstration of this fantastic array of balloons. Now, no comment is given concerning the last sighting.

As far as encounters of another kind, those are played off as jokes of hoaxes. While no recreation is offered. They will cease commenting on those, also.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:10 AM
These are all great replies. I am enjoying all of your stories and sightings. Maybe one day I will have the experience of seeing a like craft in the sky.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:23 AM
Two times, when I was 17. In West Virginia. 1976.

First one was in a neighbors back yard. Next to a tree. It was about 7 feet tall. Kinda like a tear drop. Dark grey in color. Floating about 5 feet off the ground. I tried to walk up to it to get a closer look. It went around the tree then shot straight up. Made no sound. No lights. Three other people saw it. Two of them were my cousins. About ten years later I asked one of them if they remembered seeing something in the S*****n’s back yard. She said “yeah, you talking about that UFO?”

About three weeks later I was driving home with some friends, about 11:30 pm. We were on an unlighted mountain road. We saw a bright light ahead of us to the left. It went right, behind a tree line. A moment later, the guy driving said “it’s right over us.” I was looking out the back window. This thing was Hugh. Dark grey. I kept telling the guy driving to stop and let me out so I can see it better. He never did. I remembered about 25 years later that the whole area was bathed in a very bright light. At the time I hadn’t remembered that. This time there were also four of us that saw this.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:43 AM
A few.

1978, in my home town of Crewe, witnessed by an awful lot of people, a single pulsating silent white light passed over the town at about 500ft with no noise. I remember it clearly despite only being 8 at the time because I was walking home from my grandmothers house with my family and there was no wind, no clouds and no noise at all. Stands out even more in my mind because its one of the few times I've ever seen my father scared.

Then again, in 1982, in the same town I saw an object flying over at night that could have been an F-117, judging by the angles and shape, but it was unusual because it flashed silver and I doubt that the early model F-117 birds were deployed in the UK at that time.

Lastly, 1996, travelling back from a concert in Manchester with 4 people in a car on an unlit road, we saw what we initially believed to be a meteor, complete with tail dropping out of the sky which grabbed all our attentions because it was so clear. What we weren't prepared for was when it stopped, stayed still for a few seconds and then moved off at a right angles. Scared the crap out of the driver.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:43 AM
i've had several sightings of 'lights',
and only two actual, solid craft i can call UFOs

Hershey Pa, a 'flying-wing' craft droned by, really close to the ground=
maybe 15 stories up, and the wingspan was twice as long as the school building ?estimate 300ft

Orlando(Apopka) Fla, after the daily 20 minute rain shower that passes over the area between 1 or 2 PM, i seen an airborne sillouette shaped like an AMC Gremlin auto, as it quickly darted between the clouds that seemed only 500' above, and maybe 300' in line of sight from my position,
[a mr Dick Hippensteel was also present, a couple weeks before Laborday 1972]
the shape was only visible for maybe 1/2 second, but absolutely certain it wasn't an illusion or mirage
makes me wonder~ ?? did this tale eventually become the seed for the DeLorian car in Back-to-the-Future movies??

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:07 AM
I have seen things which I could not and still cannot explain. Nothing spectacular, rather mundane events really. A light zipping across the sky here, a plane being followed at night there, two lights at high alt. in formation disappearing here, my grandfather freaking out over a light there (causing the rest of us to freak out). No alien abductions or channelling ET thoughts or craft landing at my feet or anything near as exotic as a lot of the experiences one can find here in the hallowed halls of ATS.

To me though this doesnt mean I have seen anything from another world. There are very very credible witness testimonies out there that shows that there is indeed something being seen by a very large number of very credible people but that has yet to bridge the gap between alien and terrestial in origin yet.

Yes, my imagination wanders and wants to explain these things but my imagination isnt proof of anything nor is anybody elses. Until there is some convincing proof otherwise, I will tend to think that what I have seen is that its more likely than not these are objects of a very terrestrial nature. Is it possible that some of these are alien in origin? Hell yeah! Anything is possible but possible isnt evidence. Is it probable? Based on what evidence I've seen so far, IN MY MIND, no or not yet.

Humans are extremely capable of creating some of the most bizarre and exotic items all on thier own (that doesnt mean I eliminate they might not have had a little help
) Just go and look through the solicitations at DARPA. I DO think that there is something going on on our world but there hasnt been anything strong enough to convince me YET that it is alien in nature.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:43 AM
I have seen lights in the sky. Once when my parents were driving a girl home we saw a sort of yellowish orb (it could have been any shape but due to it's brightness it appeared as an orb.) Stationary for about 30 sec (long enough for her to freak out) The weirdest part was just before it vanished a blue bolt of lightning struck it but it appeared to come from the ground. She made my parents drive the car off the drive way till the passenger door was 2m from her front door. Then she bolted inside. Whenever I mentioned it again she would shake and tell me not to talk about it. We split 6 months later coz I wouldn't leave it alone. My parents say that they saw something odd but tried to explain it as a search light or some such that changed color and was bouncing off the clouds. BTW, it was over a national park. Don't know what it was, but it sure made the rear end pucker.....

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:34 AM
Both times there were no abnormal feelings. Just "what the hell is that" .
I know what you mean though, some people get intuition or strong mental feelings when they see ufo's. I did not.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:08 AM
I`m from the UK years ago I had a strange experience not actually a sighting , but I was in my bedroom at home when I heard a very low rumbling sound from outside I looked out of the window to see what was going on but couldnt see anything.What I did notice was that the clouds were very low they didnt look much higher than the houses and they just didnt look like clouds usually do ,so I went down and outside and could hear this loud rumbling sound in the clouds it seemed to be everywhere but I could tell it was moving slowly I stayed there untill it moved out of earshot and wondering what the hell it was. all I can say is it wasnt a plane or helicopter and still cant explain it ...

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