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Should The Poor Be Sterilized

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 02:56 PM

QUESTION: You are one of four people stranded in the middle of an ocean, in a life boat, for seven days. Your food supply is very low. One of you is dying - on the brink.

Do you continue feeding him/her?

Hell no, I kill them and eat them.

I agree with you completely on your points above, if you can hardly care for your self, you do not have the right to cause a child to go threw that same burden.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

QUESTION: You are one of four people stranded in the middle of an ocean, in a life boat, for seven days. Your food supply is very low. One of you is dying - on the brink.

Do you continue feeding him/her?

Hell no, I kill them and eat them.

I agree with you completely on your points above, if you can hardly care for your self, you do not have the right to cause a child to go threw that same burden.

Sorry to include you will the bleeding hearts Rockpuck. LOL!!!

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 05:33 PM
I would rather be a bleeding heart liberal than a cold blooded repitlian conservative.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by stompk
The rich are responsible for the poor.

No they aren't. Everyone is responsible for THEMSELVES.

The poor man sacrifices wealth for love, the rich man sacrifices love, for wealth.

Romanticised poetic bunk.

If there were no poor people, who would the rich mooch off of?

Oh please. Some rich people are born that way. Others are self made - WORKING hard to earn their money and being smart with it.

I could easily turn your statement to say ... if there were no rich people who would the welfare queens mooch off of?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:35 PM
Why stop at sterilising the poor? Why not take the opportunity to improve the human races (no mistake- races plural) and get rid of all undesirable traits?

For starters, let's sterilise out all the following;
Anyone with an IQ less than 125,
Anyone with a criminal record,
Anyone who carries a dangerous recessive gene,
Type 1 diabetics.

Why stop there?

Let's sterilise people with other undesirable traits;
People who watched Seinfeld,
SUV drivers,
Bullies (that includes most of Christianity and Islam),
Blondes (they are not evolved for a hot planet),
People over 5'6" (they need too much food),
Anyone who thinks Paris Hilton is pretty,
and the most racist, facist, dangerous people in the world,

Interestingly, I do not fit into any of those categories. That's the way of people who advocate such measures - they never include themselves.

At least the poor do not participate in the destruction of the planet by denuding its finite resources and in destroying its climate in the pursuit of luxuries. What are the rich going to do when the resources run out? They are going to be poor that's what. We have used 70% of the world's resources. Already we are seeing deposits of core minerals running out with no new fields being found. Global warming will not stop because capitalism and the rich will not give up their consumptive practices until the whole sphere collapses. The rich world could learn a lot from the poor world because, as tough as life is for them, they are surviving. Will you survive in a post-warming world?

In a rapidly depleting world, the desire for wealth is the ultimate obscenity.

For those who have read this far. Most poor people are poor because of corruption by their administrators or because their countries are being ripped off by the world bank, the international monetary fund, the G8 and capitalism in general. When you hop into your gas-guzzler in your brand-name shoes, flicking your unwanted, excess of food out the electric window, remember that part of your wealth has come at the expense of poor people. You should thank them for their wretchedness. You should respect them because they are better than you.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by hippichick
At least the poor do not participate in the destruction of the planet by denuding its finite resources and in destroying its climate ....

That's completely wrong.

The rainforests in South America are disappearing due to the poor cutting them down, burning them, and using the newly defoliated land for farms.

The deserts of North Africa used to be rich forests, but the poor there went through them, burning them and destroying them as they migrated through.

The poor of the world may not dump medical waste into the Gulf of Mexico, but they contribute to the defoliation of the planet and they DO use oxygen and food resources.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by hippichick
Why stop at sterilising the poor? Why not take the opportunity to improve the human races (no mistake- races plural) and get rid of all undesirable traits?

You should respect them because they are better than you.


Did you actually read the thread, or did you just read the title?

I believe in the rights of living children to have enough food on their plates.

We're talking about poor, hopeless, ravaged, raped, women living in abject poverty in Africa., with 3 - 4 starving children.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:23 PM
I have a solution! Don't send them condoms, send them chastity belts.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The rainforests in South America are disappearing due to the poor cutting them down, burning them, and using the newly defoliated land for farms.

The deserts of North Africa used to be rich forests, but the poor there went through them, burning them and destroying them as they migrated through.

The poor of the world may not dump medical waste into the Gulf of Mexico, but they contribute to the defoliation of the planet and they DO use oxygen and food resources.

Aside from anything else that has been posted in this thread, what you have said here, with all due respect, is utter nonsense. You need to take a look at some history and some economics because these statements are entirely wrong. I'm not gonna argue it with you...just look it up.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:42 PM
Wow, great thread. Now, this is debate. The rich and the poor. Who wins. No one. The poor are poor. It sucks to be poor, believe me, I know. The rich are rich. Happy folks? Satisfied with life. Never. Never have enough. Catch 22. Where is a good place to be. Poor, with nothing to lose. Rich, scared that you may be sacrificing your soul. Tough choice. Tough choices are made by tough people. I bet on the poor anyday.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:46 PM
Quote by hippichick
"In a rapidly depleting world, the desire for wealth is the ultimate obscenity."
Most true statement in this thread. Flyer, did you even read hippis post?
Sorry. You must've seen a chance to jump down someones throat.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:01 PM
No, i think rich people should be sterilized. Imagine how great the world would be if the Bush's, the Clinton's and the Murdochs couldn't breed. I say let the poor people breed, they are the ones that understand the simplicity of life. Something every day people have forgotten.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:11 PM
I think you guys stop reading at "poor". This is not an idea of punishing the poor, it is keeping the future children from certain pain, hunger, rape and suffering. The OP was not saying go do it to every poor person; just the ones whose children are going to go through those things.

[edit on 9/5/2007 by enjoies05]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:28 PM
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Seems like those who advocate this, do so with the best of intentions. But it is in these good intentions that innocent children will never receive the opportunity to take a single breath.

The amount of suffrage in their life is completely irrelevant. It is not your, nor mine, position to make this decision.

If a women wishes to be sterilized, by all means. But nobody has the right to tell someone they "must" be sterilized because he/she is not in a position to properly care for a child.

How many men and women in our own neighborhoods raise perfect children with little to no income? How many of these come from rough backgrounds, but turn out to be a real feel good story.

Honestly though. If there is one to speak of, it is all worth while. If one kid can come through the adversity, and make something of themselves, all of this pain and suffering is worth while.

We only need one to change the world.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by eyespy2
Look, I know this is thread is walking a very fine line, but I'm asking this question not to be mean-spirited, or racist.

No worries. I want the rich sterilized. Can we start with Paris Hilton?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:34 PM
Eyespy2, I just gotta ask...

What is with your focus on Africans? You keep bringing it back to that. You seem to be saying that everyone in Africa should be sterilized because they're poor. Newsflash: not EVERYONE in Africa is poor!

Sure, the Africans got screwed out of a LOT of their resources, but they're not all poor. I have African friends; I guess you'd want THEM sterilized, eh?

You subscribe to the "useless eaters" line of thought, no? You also would oppose industrializing the poor areas in Africa, no? Are you aware that this continent you're railing against had nearly ALL of the world's gold at some point? The king of ancient Ghana was so rich, he dropped the value of gold in Egypt when he visited. Yes, he was spending THAT MUCH gold on his visit.

Western countries weren't always the richest countries. People around the globe were literally wallowing in riches while Europe was still in its infancy. As it stands now, western nations are the rich ones, due mostly to them stealing wealth from the rest of the world.

Tell me, if the Moors didn't re-civilize Portugal and Spain, enabling Europe to colonize much of the world, would you STILL be arguing to sterilize the poor? Of course not, as YOU would likely be one of the poor you want sterilized.

Like phair said, practice what you preach and sterilize yourself first.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:24 PM

"Forced sterilization is not an answer."

"Unless the question is “what’s the most evil solution to poverty you can come up with?”

Well my answer to that question would be a very large nuclear warhead and imo that is the only other option other than mass sterilization, and don't give me any crap about people have rights and this is genocide bla bla bla. We all know full well that these people can't feed there kids and as long as they need to put adds on tv begging for money (and I don't care what anyone has to say, thats exactly what it is) then they have NO RIGHT WHAT SO EVER to have children. I have a lot more to say on this matter but I don't have time atm so I will comment again later, but well done to the OP for having the gut's to say what needed to be said.

[edit on 9/5/07 by SG-1-9er]

[edit on 9/5/07 by SG-1-9er]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by enjoies05
I think you guys stop reading at "poor". This is not an idea of punishing the poor, it is keeping the future children from certain pain, hunger, rape and suffering. The OP was not saying go do it to every poor person; just the ones whose children are going to go through those things.

[edit on 9/5/2007 by enjoies05]

Hollalulya! Hollaluya!! Enjoies,

It's so easy to read the title and make assumptions hey?

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Eyespy2, I just gotta ask...

What is with your focus on Africans? You keep bringing it back to that. You seem to be saying that everyone in Africa should be sterilized because they're poor. Newsflash: not EVERYONE in Africa is poor!

Everything you say beyond this, has no relevance to the original thread, which I don't think you read. And if you did, you didn't understand.

Never said everyone in Africa is poor... you know what, I'm not even going to bother responding to this one.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by chissler
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Seems like those who advocate this, do so with the best of intentions. But it is in these good intentions that innocent children will never receive the opportunity to take a single breath.

We only need one to change the world.

Get me a violin! The road to hell is paved with ignorance. It is ignorant to intentionally bare a child, just to watch it starve to death.

You keep talking about innocent children, as if. Please, I wonder if you feel the same way about all the actual babies that have been aborted - an estimated 1,570,672,965 since 1973.

These were actual living entities ripped from a mother's womb, not babies that were never there, because women didn't get pregnant for whatever reason.


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